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Thread: Considering buying a assault rifle. Help from people who know plz :O

  1. #1
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    Considering buying a assault rifle. Help from people who know plz :)

    So ive been debating on buying a assault rifle, A) for fun and B) for some deer hunting.

    I am lookin for a .308 caliber mainly because if i go with a .223 i have a large chance to have to do tracking, which i dont really want to lol. I want to stay pretty cheap, i dont have much money so spend so Im lookin for the best for the money type of thing. What im wanting is something that can have 2 clip sizes ( a 5, and a 20+.. One for hunting, other for fun)

    Ive ran across the DPMS models, a Siaga 308, and recently found this "REMINGTON R25 308 MODULAR SEMI AUTO RIFLE/20" FLUTED/MOSSY OAK TREESTAND", and ive found a FN FAL 308 also

    Im not the greatest person of knowledge of rifles, ive delt with shotguns most of my life. But since i want to start deer hunting (after eating a buddys venison, Damn it was good...) I have a few questions just in general about the gun info.

    A) Which Brand would you go with for a .308 rifle? My roommate (who knows more about guns than i do) said to avoid the AR10's.
    Ive read good things about the DPMS brand which is where i am leaning towards but that puts me to my close to my budget limit when i add the things i want on there.
    The siaga, ive also read good things about and they are cheaper but i dont know much about the accuracy at, say 100yds ( wont be shooting a deer farther than that... ) But i have heard that it will work forever, due to being on the modified AK gun frame. Other than that, i havent read much on them, and going off my roommate, he says due to being a modified AK, they arent very accurate at longer distances, which is a key issue for me.
    The Remington i actually just found today, i know they are a good gun company (shotgun at least), and it has the benefit of having camo on it already ( not that big of an issue, but pretty cool anyways)
    The FN FAL ive heard is a heavy gun, which it would wear me down which im shooting it and trying to maintain accuracy over distance. ( dont really know exactly what that means but it made sense... )

    B) What does the barrel length have to do with accuracy? Ive gathered that the longer the barrel the more accurate it is over distance? SO would going with a 16in make a large enough difference than a 20in barrel?

    C) i want to put a grip on the gun. I found a grip that i am wanting because it can convert to a bi-pod. "GRIP POD GPA Original" is the name, and from the demonstration in the video, it is exactly what i am lookin for. Are there any other grips similar to this that could be an option?

    D) I also want to put a scope on it, i found a perfect one, then i saw the price tag and, well made me gasp on how much it was. "Trijicon 3-9X40 Scope w/Illuminated Mil-Dot Reticle & Matte" but from the reviews ive read, say its a really good scope. Are there other scopes that are good alternatives ( and cheaper lol) Im lookin for something with the magnification roughly from 2x-10x. I dont want to have a pure sniper scope on it yet i dont want a less magnified scope when shooting a longer distance. This scope goes from 3x-9x, which put its right in range of what im looking for.

    E) what other things do i need to include in my budget to make sure that the gun is what im looking for. Rails is all i know, is there anything else?

    F) Is there a possibility that i could "slide' my scope to the side and use the iron sights for close range? Kinda like the "Hybrid sight' in MW3.
    (say the deer is closer than i'd like, and i cant use the 3x mag) or am i just overthinking it and it shouldnt make that much of a difference?

    G) I found this gun, which is already kinda all done already and has many things on it already. What do yall think about it? Predator, from duck creek armory

    H) Also, is there a specific bullet grain, or frame i should use while hunting? Along with the cheapo ammo to use when just out with some friends shooting? As long as i keep the gun relatively clean, i shouldnt have any problems right?

    I) Is there a big difference in quality, and dependabilty between the different bolt mechanisms? or trigger mechanisms?

    J) are there any other additions i need to consider? I will buy a hard, lockable case for the gun along with a cleaning kit. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance to those who can help increase my knowledge
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 05-09-2012 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    well, i was going to say a 458 socom rockriver..

    they also make a very good ar platform in the 308
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  3. #3
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    do u want a assault rifle or a rifle for hunting in my state if its not bolt action u cant hunt with it as fare as an assault rifle go i always been a big fan of the ak47 wasr 10 romanian or whatever u can get your hands on they are fun as shit to shoot and are cheep as shit as fare as a hunting rifle gos any 308 will do kimber,winchester,springfield u dont have to go crazy deer r not that hard to kill

  4. #4
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    First off.....whatever you think you know about Remington....forget it and understand that Remingtons quality has gone from shitty to absolutely unacceptable....I don't care how many people say they own one and it seems just fine........those people have never run a bore scope through a Remington barrel.

    A. DPMS will be fine although I would build a custom on a RRA lower and put a Lother Walther barrel on it.....DPMS will be fine

    B. Barrel length will affect velocity......short barrels don't allow all the powder to burn before the bullet exits the muzzle. My custom AR coyote rifle is an 18 inch barrel for ease of handling but I do sacrifice velocity and effective range.

    C. I own one of those grips, it has it's uses but they are usually only useful in the prone position because of their length, or lack thereof

    D. A 3x9 scope with 50 ml objective will serve any purpose you will need.......I like the large objectives but you could go smaller I suppose.

    E. A good sling, clips, many attachments available for ARs just gotta decide what's needed.

    F. Forget iron sights altogether, leave your scope on a lower setting and only turn it higher when you need to.

    G. Get a DPMS

    H. You'll need to experiment with a few but for deer "core lokt" will work well......Remington still makes decent ammo.

    I. If you go with DPMS you won't have any worry

    J. I found that a custom soft case with storage for several boxes of shells and extra magazines (clips...not playboys) worked well for me but a hardshell would be good too.

    Keep it clean and shoot the shit out of it.......I have a closet full of guns and my "go to" favorite is built on an AR platform, they kinda grow on you.

  5. #5
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    After seeing Spywizards post I gotta add that I own and am a big fan of Rock River won't go wrong with their guns or parts. I was advising on the choices you listed, DPMS is still fine but I'm partial to RRA.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2009
    The Saiga 308 is a good rifle, but IMO you should checkout a milled receiver from Arsenal, like the SA M7 (my personal favorite)

    Not sure what your budget is, but a little more $$ will go along way with Arsenal ...

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    Well the guy who bought Remington also bought DPMS and Bushmaster.I like the DPMS but the trigger I dont care for.Now Rock River has a great rifle also.But I talked to a gunsmith when I was looking into it.He could put one togeather best upper and lower plus the trigger I wanted.And really they werent much more.But its all wat you want to spend bro.Good luck.

  8. #8
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    Sometimes I think it would be so nice to live in the States for this very reason. Owning a gun in Canada (unless it starts with BB) is very tricky; especially for something with a little bam to it.

  9. #9
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    [QUOTE=JD250;6004944]First off.....whatever you think you know about Remington....forget it and understand that Remingtons quality has gone from shitty to absolutely unacceptable....I don't care how many people say they own one and it seems just fine........those people have never run a bore scope through a Remington barrel.

    A. DPMS will be fine although I would build a custom on a RRA lower and put a Lother Walther barrel on it.....DPMS will be fine

    B. Barrel length will affect velocity......short barrels don't allow all the powder to burn before the bullet exits the muzzle. My custom AR coyote rifle is an 18 inch barrel for ease of handling but I do sacrifice velocity and effective range.

    C. I own one of those grips, it has it's uses but they are usually only useful in the prone position because of their length, or lack thereof

    D. A 3x9 scope with 50 ml objective will serve any purpose you will need.......I like the large objectives but you could go smaller I suppose.

    E. A good sling, clips, many attachments available for ARs just gotta decide what's needed.

    F. Forget iron sights altogether, leave your scope on a lower setting and only turn it higher when you need to.

    G. Get a DPMS

    H. You'll need to experiment with a few but for deer "core lokt" will work well......Remington still makes decent ammo.

    I. If you go with DPMS you won't have any worry

    J. I found that a custom soft case with storage for several boxes of shells and extra magazines (clips...not playboys) worked well for me but a hardshell would be good too.

    Keep it clean and shoot the shit out of it.......I have a closet full of guns and my "go to" favorite is built on an AR platform, they kinda grow on you.[/QUOTe

    This is some great advice. I have a custom built 5.56mm it has a rock river arms lower receiver and a 18" chrome lined colt barrel. Build your own. That way you can add anything you want. It's cheaper and you can pay as you go that way you don't have to sacrifice what you want for lack of money.

  10. #10
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    Here you go
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-1309439959.jpg 
Views:	205 
Size:	473.0 KB 
ID:	122840  

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Tampa, FL
    I just got a rock river .308 AR 10. It's bad ass. It's called eliete operator it was around 1500 online. Good luck you will be happy with any of them all of he .308 are good I picked RR because I liked the look and my cousin is on swat and he said they use RR and all the swat loves them

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Quote Originally Posted by antrio1 View Post
    Here you go
    Yup. Mine is really close to that. Full rail to the end. Flip up front and rear sites. Aimpoint sight. Gangster grip.

  13. #13
    Too many questions...made my head hurt. Let's just call what you want a semi-automatic rifle and dispense with the "assault rifle" crap.

    Consider 6.8SPC or 300 Blackout as choices, although factory ammo is still expensive. Would be fine for hunting deer and fits inside the normal AR-15 platform.

    Accuracy and barrel length have little to do with one another.

    Lower power rifle scopes will be more likely to be a better "fit" than something higher power in terms of optical magnification on your AR-type rifle. I have a 1-4X on my 6.8SPC. Very functional.

  14. #14
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    A) Forget SAIGA and FN rifles. They are too expensive because they are imported and then converted. The AK platform was cool when it was dirt cheap, but now that they cost the same as AR based rifles it's a waste of money. FN rifles are just expensive because the name and they are imported. They don't offer anything over US built AR rifles. AR is the way to go as the platform is modular, it's a Barbie Doll for can build it to do anything, and then swap out the parts very quickly and have it do something else. .308 is a good choice for hunting, might get a little expensive if you're wanting to have fun at the range. Stay away from the new trendy calibers such as 6.8 SPC and .300 AAC Blackout...sure they sound great until there's a shortage for one reason or another.

    B) 18" is fine. A lot of people like to talk about accuracy and this and that, but 99% cannot shoot beyond the ability of their rifles. So don't get too caught up in this.

    C) The bi-pod grip is pretty big, you have to consider that. I sent one to my friend in Afghanistan to put on his SCAR Heavy and noticed how huge it was. Seeing as how you're going to be shooting .308 with an 18" barrel, I think you'd be fine with just a bi-pod. I promise you won't be doing anything with that rifle freehand (standing while holding the rifle with nothing but your arms to support it), thus negating the need for a forward grip. If you DO get a forward grip, research the proper way to use it. The grip is not meant to be grasped with your hand, it's purpose is to help hold your hand at the front of the rifle, with your hand infront of it grasping the heat shield and your pinky up against the grip.

    D) Optics are tricky...they can get very expensive very quick. I'd say go to a gun show or a gun shop and check some out to really get a feel for what you want.

    E) Not that I can think of. The rifle will work fine with nothing on it, the rest is just your preference.

    F) There are options for this such as an EOtech with a flip-away 3x magnifier, but thats over kill. If you are so close to the deer that 3x is too much, then just cut it's throat. Surefire does make a set of iron-sights that afix to the rifle slightly off to the side, for people who are using large optics on their rifles. So if you can't/don't want to use the optic, tilt the rifle slightly to the side. Pretty cool. not sure how well it works in practice.

    G) Never heard anything about/of Duck Creek Armory. I'd stick with DPMS and RRA as suggested, they are reasonably affordable with recommendable quality. Bushmaster is another brand similar with a good price:quality ratio. Not sure if they offer a .308 variant, though.

    H) Can't comment on this.

    I) Stock GI type trigger and bolt is fine.

    J) I have a Pelican case that I got on sale when a store here was going out of's pretty sweet. I probably would not have bought it if I had to pay full price for it.

    K) The obligatory "check out my rifle" pic

    L) Good luck!

    Last edited by Nooomoto; 05-11-2012 at 01:03 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    If by chance you are interested in an EOTech sight simlair to the pic above, I will have a few military surplus EOTechs available in a few weeks, they have the NV mode also which is useless to the average Joe unless you own NV goggles but it's a cool thing to show your buddies and the holographic sight works just the same as any EOTech.......anyway, If your interested give me a shout and I'll get some pics and info to you. don't do anything freehand? I shoot a truckload of coyotes each year freehanding my AR with an 18inch barrel....I don't understand what your saying maybe.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    i like bushmaster

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 don't do anything freehand? I shoot a truckload of coyotes each year freehanding my AR with an 18inch barrel....I don't understand what your saying maybe.
    Yeah of course I do but I have a 16" barrel shooting 5.56...I'd probably be less inclined to shoot freehand if I had an 18" barrel shooting .308, I'd probably be doing more bench shooting.

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