I actually got some news for you all..so remember xelnaga? The guy I almost got banned for defending...yea well everyone was right about him. He ends up being a fcking scum bag scammer all along. He scammed me and a friend of mine.
We were facebook friends and talked about lotsa stuff besides steroids and stuff, just about life, I felt like I actually got to know him but . Then when it comes to helping me and a friend out with a favor, he scammed us. Blocked us both on fb and would not return any calls or txt. I finally got stung. Even strung me along since I been here all a lie. This all finally went down yesterday.
Apparently he was here before under another name and got banned, then came back as xelnaga got banned, now he is here under Breaking Face and up to the usual no good. I should have had a better judge of character but I mis judged how rottenly sick someone can be. I guess I see the best in people b4 the worst.
I think he even made a thread about getting evicted. Bad things tend to happen to this guy often cause he's a rotten human being. His family basically disowned because he like disowned them a while back,
So Admin, Gixx and Haz and everyone else, and anyone he scammed it was all true and you guys were right my apologies. There is a special place in hell for this guy, as I am sure I am not the first or the last to be scammed. He told me he goes to GNC uses all of the product then returns it, scum bag. I know he does a few other scams. Pro scammer if thats what you call it.
I want this to be a warning to everyone here, even the most legit deal you have coming from someone on here could be and probably is a scam. Don't get fooled even by someone be friending you for a long time. Stick to the rules on how to not to be scammed then it wont fail you. I figure you guys need to know this and know even the best of us can get scammed. So stay vigilant.
Semper Fi