Lol I hit 120 db press for 8 today.... Come at me bro lol and I weigh 167 5"9 all natty lol
Lol I hit 120 db press for 8 today.... Come at me bro lol and I weigh 167 5"9 all natty lol
excellent work keep it up
Yet my sholder press is 80lb it's actually quite sad...Originally Posted by DanB
i have problem with anterior delt that holds me back in that area aswell, you can still effectively work the 3 heads of the delt without any overhead pressing movments so it all good, i actually rarely flat bench due to it and decline/incline majority of time, or hammer press if its flat seems to be easier
What ur sholder workout looking like?Originally Posted by DanB
Nice, you sound like me lol strong DB press with weaker shoulders. Although 80lb press is not bad.
i just felt a tear in anterior delt one day when doing barbell roll outs and over stretching (shitty form) and dislocated it couple times aswell which hasnt helped, im not sure exactely what it is to be honest but i feel sharp kind of pressure building to pain if i try do and overhead press with decent weight
funny thing is that its far worse on overhead press than arnold pressi can just about do them if i keep form strict although i try avoid them, front raises etc is fine, the physio isnt exactely sure and just helps me restore ROM whenever I strain it
I just reread your post you said workout not injury haha
the rep ranges vary from sets 2-3 of 8, 5x5, HIT etc but generaly excerices are quite simple
lateral raises, mix up angles every couple weeks, standing, slightly leaning forward, on a inclined bench, lying down, behind back cable
front raises at same variation of angles or sometimes an arnold press
rear lateral raise or reverse flys, dumbell or cable
then either high cable rows or upright rows (usually incoporate static holds regardless of rep range)
and finish with heavy barbell shrugs (again static holds)
pretty basic exercises really
Last edited by DanB; 05-12-2012 at 12:49 AM.
Same sh!t happen to me I was doing hammers and I think is pulled a muscle and could've bench or do a sholder workout for bout 4 weeks it really sucked ... Lol shoulders are the only bodypart that I'm not motivated to do.... My sholder day is like everybody else leg day lol
i actually love shoulders, back, legs, it chest and arms i despise, im opposite to most people i think lol
I use to hate chest too I did chest 2ice a week because that's was my lagging muscle now it's one of my strongest ... Give it a try my split was upper an Lower Monday and Friday flat bench... Ull start to love chestOriginally Posted by DanB
id like more size in my chest but it aint too bad in porportion, i just have no pleasure from the exercises from some reason, it feels like im doing them rather then enjoying doing them if that makes sence, fvcking hate bi's aswell, triceps arent too bad but still not really enjoyable
how was your split when you did chest 2x a week so that tri's and shoulders had recovery time, or did you just throw it in regardless lol
I did upper and lower Monday with tris then did flat bench with sholder and traps FridayOriginally Posted by DanB
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