now let me start off by saying, that probably 60% of my friends are 'minorities", so this is not some neo-nazi rant or anything like that..
you dont have to have a phd or have a 160 iq to see that whites are being demonized by the media, culture and overall society everyday. and its progressing. whether its the rejection of whites by universities to be more "multicultural", or the treyvon martin incident (where zimmerman isnt even white, hes half jewish and hispanic) yet the recent stories like the two white reporters who got beaten half to death on the east coast by a mob of black youths, or the kid in the kansas i believe who was set on fire before being called a "white boy" by two black youths (how come the media doesnt make a huge hysteria out of that) and the list goes on and on of stories or institutional standings on race.
i believe in having a multicultural society, however you have to really break down what multicultural means, this term admits to the fact that one culture dominates and created this society (ie whites). so to add to that culture we must add more cultures (ie multi) so to be multicultural is a good thing, but it seems our state owned whore media seems to think that the only way to have a multicultural society is to have one at the expense of the white race.. you can see the proof of this from the certain percentage of minorities that must be admitted to universities, law enfor***ent, military and the workplace. isnt that racism in itself?
there are thousands of examples of how whites cannot be proud of their race or congregate in any way, but i will tell you one that stood out the most. i was looking at my college "clubs list"
and there are hundreds of clubs and alot of them are clubs to do with ethnicity or culture, there was a black club, an african history club, a persian club, a hispanic club, an asian club, but now white club. and ill end here because i could go on and on about this but im just sick and tired of not being able to be proud to be white and of my peoples accomplishments
i mean whether you like it or not whites started this nation and now were treated like filthy scum by the media and the old and new generation of minorities, it makes me sick