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Thread: how to completely delete yourself from the internet, or how to "start over"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    how to completely delete yourself from the internet, or how to "start over"

    ok so im a young guy, and im close to getting a new job when semester is done next spring... i had myspace back in the day and facebook until recently

    now i was a little shit and said some pretty horrible and idiotic things on myspace whether it was talking about getting "f*cked up" that night for a party or whatever, saying racial terms in a sarcastic way, basically if an employer searched my "internet" history i would be fu*cked!!

    i hear about these companies that can delete all of your past history? when i mean history i dont mean like browsing history on the internet i mean all the myspace, facebook and email things i may or may not have said

    sorry if the terms i used seemed infantile i just dont know anything about computers or computer terminology

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    over here
    I'd be leery of any company claiming to erase all of your internet history. JMHO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You cannot delete what is stored on others servers (such as Myspace and/or FB). In fact, FB does not ever delete all your peronsal information, even if you ask them too. They store it in the development side of FB and people who often delete their accounts don't know the FB development side can still access their personal info.

    You cannot delete all your browsing history if you did not hide your IP using a VPN. The ISP will log all your browsing history. This isnt usually for long peroids though due to storage, 1-5 years I'd assume. But different countries have different policy on data retention laws. Thats if you're worried about LEA's.

    My advice is to change your ISP and then use a VPN. Your ISP will see that you have connected to the VPN provider, but will not see your browsing history. Make sure you get a VPN that is not located in the USA if your worried about USA laws. Again, don't use USA servers to connect to.

    Delete your social networking sites and start over, connecting to them with your VPN. Or don't have any at all.

    Change your laptop and if you have anything on it that you don't want ANYONE to read ever, put your HD in the microwave, then burn it.... Thats pretty extreme though. For everyday users DBAN will suffiice, then encrypt your HD using TrueCrypt.

    I have no idea what level you want to go to... law abiding or not...

  4. #4
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    Sep 2010
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    Yeah its really sad that of all the young people I have spoken to including some very high GPA college students, none of them could answer what facebook was. Most said a social networking website. It is a data mining center pure and simple and to think that a data mining center would ever give up their data is like thinking a bank would give out money.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Yeah its really sad that of all the young people I have spoken to including some very high GPA college students, none of them could answer what facebook was. Most said a social networking website. It is a data mining center pure and simple and to think that a data mining center would ever give up their data is like thinking a bank would give out money.

    Its also only going to get worse with laws such as SOPA and other movements around the world clamping down on online activity. The FBI also wants backdoors in FB/Twitter/MySpace. Apart from Twitter, I don't think that either FB or MS let you know your profle has been subpoenaed.

    FB was a genuis's invention, it was also the perfect program for the government (where ever you are) to snoop, profile and date mine.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2011
    swifto i apperciate the response but your speaking in a different language for all i know, i have no idea what all those terms mean.. i should have restated my question because i dont really care what my browsing history is on my current laptop because im about to get a new one..

    what im worried about most is my myspace account from high school, that still is up on the web and i said some pretty vile and immature things back in the day, i had a facebook but i deleted it, and am about to get a new one.

    so what you basically saying in terms of the myspace and facebook data is that im screwed and theres nothing i can do?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Montreal Canada
    delete your myspace account- get a gmail account- log on to google webmaster tools and get google to delete the search results from appearing when your name is searched for.

    its hard to find but do a google search for "webmaster webpage removal request"

    that way if anyone searches for you thos pages will not appear. BUT you must delete all links, posts, accounts you may have.

    edit your posts if you cant delete them, and then get them off google using the above.

    it will take months to a year but eventually google will rescan all those pages and your name will drop off
    good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You can't get the data off of Myspace or FB, but you delete both accounts with nasty stuff on. I'd also do a few things to throw them off your scent if you're really worried.

    I'd delete all photo's first, then put new one's up of someone else... Anyone, plenty of people have public available pics on their FB accounts.

    Register a new email using another IP... This can be done by hiding your original IP using TOR (FireFox) - google it, or using a proxy or VPN.

    Register that new email as the account log in...

    Then never sign into it again (account or email).

    I think you're being paranoid. If you have said some nasty stuff, don't give any reason to arouse suspiscion. Myspace and FB have hundreds of millions of accounts and the FBI or anyone else don't go sifting through peoples accounts, messages, PM's, posts to find and prosecute people. They will work on a tip off of some sort or "report feature".

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You can't get the data off of Myspace or FB, but you delete both accounts with nasty stuff on. I'd also do a few things to throw them off your scent if you're really worried.

    I'd delete all photo's first, then put new one's up of someone else... Anyone, plenty of people have public available pics on their FB accounts.

    Register a new email using another IP... This can be done by hiding your original IP using TOR (FireFox) - google it, or using a proxy or VPN.

    Register that new email as the account log in...

    Then never sign into it again (account or email).

    I think you're being paranoid. If you have said some nasty stuff, don't give any reason to arouse suspiscion. Myspace and FB have hundreds of millions of accounts and the FBI or anyone else don't go sifting through peoples accounts, messages, PM's, posts to find and prosecute people. They will work on a tip off of some sort or "report feature".
    Thank you for this entire post, I'm going to start getting rid of some crap I've written on some forums when I was a young teenager that I now 100% regret since I was stupid. There are no pictures or anything leading back to me, but if you do certain keywords with my name they come up. Does this only work for Google, or are there are things like this for yahoo, bing, etc.?

    Edit: Facebook isn't a problem since I never had one, and when I had a Myspace, I didn't put anything I didn't want up. Plus, that's long deleted (7 years or so).

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Kahnawake, Quebec
    I run tails. Everything is encrypted through tor.
    I had no HD so one flick and whatever it is I'm doing of have done is completely wiped clean.
    Myspace, facebook, etc. good luck. That stuff is the devil, hence why I don't have one

  11. #11
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    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    I run tails. Everything is encrypted through tor.
    I had no HD so one flick and whatever it is I'm doing of have done is completely wiped clean.
    Myspace, facebook, etc. good luck. That stuff is the devil, hence why I don't have one
    "Everything is encrypted through tor."

    Would you mind explaining what that means? I'm a little naive on the advance pc information.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Tor is a anonymous browser that runs through a proxy, essentially hiding you I.P address. Therefore whatever you browse cannot be traced to you by back channelling to you using your I.P
    Google Tor Browser and install if you are concerned, always start your Tor and use it as your default browser. Hope this helps ya !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I second 73mustang, Tor is pretty good. Been using it since release

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by viking88 View Post
    ok so im a young guy, and im close to getting a new job when semester is done next spring... i had myspace back in the day and facebook until recently

    now i was a little shit and said some pretty horrible and idiotic things on myspace whether it was talking about getting "f*cked up" that night for a party or whatever, saying racial terms in a sarcastic way, basically if an employer searched my "internet" history i would be fu*cked!!

    i hear about these companies that can delete all of your past history? when i mean history i dont mean like browsing history on the internet i mean all the myspace, facebook and email things i may or may not have said

    sorry if the terms i used seemed infantile i just dont know anything about computers or computer terminology
    It is a scam. They may delete some stuff you can visually see......Brother, you are still out not think for one second......You hire that company, then pay me twice the amount if I can dig some info up on you off the web....Just do not be would really be surprised, plus could tell you who your friends, and neighbors are too.......prob zoom in, and show you a pic of yourself in the back yard........all legal, and on the net. How LONG, AND much are you willing to pay? Because if the price is right for example an employer, can get the info (ANY). Yes it sucks, and I would not accept any money from you just using it as an example. There are some things you can do, best thing see if your local college has a class on it, go from there.......atleast you will learn some stuff, and not be scammed.
    Last edited by laser; 07-27-2013 at 12:08 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    never advertise what your doing, it contradicts the process, and kabamb the red flag pops up.....Computer 101

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    I run tails. Everything is encrypted through tor.
    I had no HD so one flick and whatever it is I'm doing of have done is completely wiped clean.
    Myspace, facebook, etc. good luck. That stuff is the devil, hence why I don't have one
    Unless your running through your own program, your advertising......think about it........if you want to catch a mouse, set a mouse trap......

    I do not do that anonymous surf crap, it is a trap.......The most obvious BS from long ago....I have nothing to hide, and surf normal.........think about it.

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