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Thread: Diablo3 anyone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    West Australia

    Diablo3 anyone?

    Anyone here into their computer games, and just bought diablo3.? What do you reckon of it? I'm contemplating wether or not to buy it....

    Or should I act my age, and accept the fact it's a waste of precious time.

    Ex-wow player (well sort of ex play a tiny bit still)
    But have never played any of the previous diablos.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i think i might have played diablo1, ages ago. haven't kept up since.

    was it launched only last wk? bro, you're fast!

    so is it good?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Nothing wrong with playing a little videogame. Except those pointless games like World of Warcraft.

  4. #4
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    Well look at it this way. It's a bunch of 30-40 year old programmers making the game and spending their lives dedicated to gaming. I don't think games are just for the youth. Apparently it's a must have for anyone that enjoys gaming. A few years ago I was into online Quake. Was pretty damn good if I can say so myself. But I hardly get time for it anymore

    I heard the server crashed because of abnormal load. The guys did not anticipate so many log in requests within the first day. Also interesting to know that it's the most pre-ordered PC game of all time. So I guess there must be something good about it?

  5. #5
    its the same as 1 and 2 , its fun for awwhile , go through the chapters, have some fun for a couple of weeks and then just play casually when u are bored. it doessnt have teh addiction like wow or other mmorpg.

  6. #6
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    West Australia
    hmm yeah i heard about their server overload, apparently nobodys been able to log..i think i might buy it tomorow, i used to be a wow addict. but for the last couple of years it wasnt like it used to be and im bored with it, but might buy a months subscription once every 3-4 months just to have aplay, or when a xpansion is released. I'm kinda due a repla***ent game and one that isnt overly addictive could be a step in the right direction. Hopefully not playing the previous diablos wont effect my experience of d3

  7. #7
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    i personally like racing games, like F1 2010 and 2011. got a wheel hooked up to my pc, and a reclining chair to simulate the sitting position. its fast paced with adrenaline pumping immediately, and the good thing is, you can also turn it off quickly, after finishing the race or lap. you won't be frustrated about not finishing a quest or not reaching the next level, and get too hooked.

  8. #8
    no game will be addictiing for me like UO 1997-2000 was some god awful give up on life and game 24/7 addiction, im surprised im not dead

  9. #9
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    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Personally I find any of those games where your guy levels up and gets more equipment and shit to be addictive to a degree. It taps into that part of the brain that thinks you accomplished something which is good if you can control it but its not like lifting or making money where it transfers into real world benefits (I have to tell myself that otherwise I would be on those things all the time lol)

  10. #10
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    Here is a game I am playing, Path of Exile. currently in beta, but its not hard to get in anymore. It is a ton of fun, and being able to make whatever type of character you like is fun. Game looks great, developers are on the ball, and have quality updates. It is a small independent company from New Zealand, however I think it is a good thing.

    It is superior to diablo 3 imo. I thought diablo 3 was cheesy and the developers have dropped the ball on the franchise. I used to play diablo 1, diablo 2 was decent, but lost a lot of the feel of the first, although I was crazy excited about d2 because of my obsession with the first. Diablo 3 however has been a disappointment from the beginning. Never had the insane desire to play it have had with other game releases. I played beta and it confirmed my fears. You can tell a lot of money has gone into the game with some of the neat features, but all that fluff won't fix it.

  11. #11
    gw2 might be the last savior for a ggood mmo

  12. #12
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    i played asheron's call back in 99/00......played ww2ol (battlegroundeurope now) off and on over the last 8 years or so...gave conan a try and tabula rasa...they were ok and wow i tried but never really could get into it..didn't really like the graphics/physics or the 3d engine it used..never played everquest

  13. #13
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    I was thinking to buy it but lately I have been pre-occupied with *****. I used to play diablo 2 like crazy, had a level 97 Palladin.

  14. #14
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    I prebought the digital copy of the game, played a bit last night too.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro View Post
    I prebought the digital copy of the game, played a bit last night too.
    And it must suck ass if you aren't like I love this game, and going off about whatever. Not to mention you didn't say its awesome and to definitely get it.

  16. #16
    I played D2 and D1, I thought they were great. I saw D3 and it looked even better. Is there multiplayer for it?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro
    I prebought the digital copy of the game, played a bit last night too.
    So you were able to log on? The server overload rumor is not really true?

  18. #18
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Does it have the Gothic feel of D1? I loved the animations and how nasty and dark it was.

  19. #19

  20. #20
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    if you liked d2 you will like this. i just love the story of it more than anything we'll see how the irl shop for virtual items thing goes tho maybe we can make some money for food playing diablo :s

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Does it have the Gothic feel of D1? I loved the animations and how nasty and dark it was.
    Nothing has the feel of D1 anymore. This is a screenshot of P.O.E they released today, pretty cool atmosphere, especially the breastfeeding in the background, never noticed it before.

  22. #22
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    if i never played previous diablos will it be hard for me to get into the new one? as far as story and feel for what is going on ? anyone played the new one enough to answer this question.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    if i never played previous diablos will it be hard for me to get into the new one? as far as story and feel for what is going on ? anyone played the new one enough to answer this question.
    It's been dumbed down so much anyone can play it. You won't get the nostalgia when fighting bosses that were in the other games that have returned. And they are targeting a huge audience, most of which never touched the other diablo games, not to mention it has been kiddified as well, and carebeared up.

  24. #24
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    hmm thanks i think ill stay clear, sounds like the same direction blizzard have gone down with wow. mite go buy a fps for my xbox instead.

  25. #25
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    Well if you like mindless hack and slash with set character development paths than by all means play D3, but yes it took the same turn wow did.

    If you like ARPG games, and like character customization and freedom, as well as a pretty cool crafting and item system then try out POE. I play it on hardcore mode, and it is an awesome challenge. can friend Seoinage if you check it out.

  26. #26
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I played Diablo 1 and 2.

    In fact, I set my personal record for playing while playing D2...24 hours straight. Didn't mean to, I just kept going and going.

    I don't have a PC any more, so I would need to buy it for the Mac since it isn't available for the consoles. The problem is my Macs are set up for design, so they don't have mondo video cards for games.

    Gaming isn't just for kids any more. I have read the average gamer is in their early 30s. I am in my 40s and still enjoy it.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I played Diablo 1 and 2.

    In fact, I set my personal record for playing while playing D2...24 hours straight. Didn't mean to, I just kept going and going.

    I don't have a PC any more, so I would need to buy it for the Mac since it isn't available for the consoles. The problem is my Macs are set up for design, so they don't have mondo video cards for games.

    Gaming isn't just for kids any more. I have read the average gamer is in their early 30s. I am in my 40s and still enjoy it.
    There is still a large group of people that think you are immature if you play video games and look down upon you for it. Yet they waste just as much time doing their own thing be it TV or whatever else they enjoy.

  28. #28
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    There is still a large group of people that think you are immature if you play video games and look down upon you for it. Yet they waste just as much time doing their own thing be it TV or whatever else they enjoy.
    Yup, totally agree. They think games are stupid but spend their time watching the Apprentice, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Idiots.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Yup, totally agree. They think games are stupid but spend their time watching the Apprentice, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Idiots.
    My poor brother in law who is 15 can't even play for a half hour without his dad making fun of him and giving him a guilt trip. I think the most he ever played was 2 hours on a weekend and that was like once in a month and his dad flipped out.

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