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Thread: What will the Liberal Whites say about this one ?

  1. #1
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    What will the Liberal Whites say about this one ?

    I saw a post yesterday...and thought it was interesting.

    Some kid made an observation about how the media is demonizing Whites...and posters refused to address the issue and labeled him a racist.

    What will those same Whites say about this?

    “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality”.
    ~Atlas Shrugged

  2. #2
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    because racism is a racy topic.

  3. #3
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    when you say "liberal" do you mean liberal social policy, social economic policy....?

  4. #4
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    I wonder what the motivation is for media to 'hide' these types of incidents?? Is it an effort to minimize racism and the ensuring backlash from a social and/or economic standpoint or becuase the majority of media is left-winged and don't want to 'support' any stories that may be the catapult for things like more hate crimes, race wars or retaliatory violence in the communities.. either way, it's a big ugly machine and it sucks.

  5. #5
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    I think there is a huge double standard but its not worth fighting for in my opinion, i'm Very conservative in my beliefs. I think minorities get what they want a lot of times because of their race. But hey the worlds not fair i'm just doing my best to make it threw

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    I think there is a huge double standard but its not worth fighting for in my opinion, i'm Very conservative in my beliefs. I think minorities get what they want a lot of times because of their race. But hey the worlds not fair i'm just doing my best to make it threw
    You are in the Army now my friend, welcome to double standard hell.

  7. #7
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    I saw a post yesterday...and thought it was interesting.

    Some kid made an observation about how the media is demonizing Whites...and posters refused to address the issue and labeled him a racist.

    What will those same Whites say about this?

    “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality”.
    ~Atlas Shrugged
    unsure of which thread your referring to (there are a lot that fit this lol), but i have to wounder if your talking about is as dramatic as hiding news ... like whites do crimes all the time, but we dont see each one in the news or covered in a story with in the paper... they are just listed in the police log section, so I dont see why a minority color group should get full press for doing the same stupid cr!p lol

  8. #8
    This is because if there is any crime committed by blacks no matter whom it is towards, black-on-white, black-on-black, black-on-anybody else, is the nature of black people and is to be expected. Society projects blacks as criminals (not all but then again there are some people who believe there are exceptions) or that criminal behavior is a racial trait and not a societal/cultural one. That's why when the news is reported they don't stress the racial aspect because it has already been taken for granted. It's the the perception of some people that the non-reporting or that the lack of emphasis of race in these news reporting is actually racist.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    when you say "liberal" do you mean liberal social policy, social economic policy....?

    Well...since the subject is not economic, nor social economic...i guess we can narrow it down to "Liberals AND their Hypocrisy!"

    So that would be Social Liberalism....which in theory is a good...but like many theories...they remain Text Book Concepts that when applied never reach fruition.

    Those who Lambasted Junior for speaking his mind would be known as "bullies."

    You don't blast someone for noting Objective Reality...unless you are in Denile of it?

    Doing that proves you are not only a Hypocrite...but also a Bully.

    So yes...i think that narrows it down. "Liberal Whites and their Hypocrisy!"

  10. #10
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    LOL.....I get a kick out of all this feel-good bullshit, while I don't promote stirring the pot as being the answer....ignoring the problem sure as hell won't help either. I have a question for all of you to answer, you don't have to answer here in public just answer it in your own mind, you know the truth. Do you treat people differently because of there skin color or race? Oh we all know the obvious possibilities to that question but I'm more interested in those of you who feel like you are on the cutting edge of good race you treat other races a little better than you would treat someone of your own race, does it make you all warm and fuzzy to purposely treat other races really well?

    Racism is racism.....there is no such thing as reverse racism, if you judge and treat other races differently for ANY reason, be it positive(in your mind) or negative.....that's racism. I would contend that many of you have very little actual interaction with other races other than in passing throughout the day.

    Here's the point........we have no other way to come to a conclusion about others except to JUDGE them on what we see in the immediate, later we can JUDGE them by what we get to know about them personally......we MUST judge people, that will never change, if you don't judge people you're an idiot! But if we somehow admit or acknowledge a persons ethnicity....HOLY SHIT!!!!! I ain't buying that happy horseshit, we are what we are and people will always judge us by those things and whatever it is we're trying to do in life.

    As an employer I have taken a stance that I will no longer be NICER to the hispanics that work for me, they all have papers but I know damn well most are fake so I'm paying illegals the same and some times more than the I pay the white guy working next to him....oh yes, I can tell the difference between the color of there skin, am I a racist? I've let a lot of shit slide over the years because of the language barrier and the fact that they are fast more.....I started chewin some ass and explained, through an interpreter, that I wasn't cuttin there brown asses any more slack because they no habla, I explained that I didn't know what was expected of them south of the border but on my jobsite I have some high expectations and if they aren't met you'll be sent down the road with a bad reputation that will likely follow you through the local job market JUST LIKE THE WHITE GUY NEXT TO YOU.

    I also explained the importance of learning some English if they wanted to earn more than what they currently were, and why it was unacceptable to do certain things and act certain ways blah blah I a're gawdamned right I am....I acknowledge that not everyone is the same no matter how warm and fuzzy it makes liberal idiots feel, different races are DIFFERENT, WOW, what a shocker! I didn't say I was better!! I said different, which is in stark contrast to what I hear being parroted by uninformed people who want to feel warm and fuzzy who are constantly purporting that "we are all the same" No we're not. Most of you are totally clueless about how the other races live yet you want to cuddle up and be good buddies so you can post warm fuzzies all over the social media sites and forums as to impress all the other idiots who buy into that shit.

    Because I took the time to STOP being a warm and fuzzy racist I can lay claim to helping one of my little brown buddies (he isn't in the least bit offended by that phrase, are you?) register with the state and start his own business, he's quite successful and employs about 10 people, all of them Hispanic, maybe I should ask him why he's so racist?

    TCW....I don't have a problem with threads like this but I will say this, I think it's wise to be careful how we approach this subject, what I mean is we don't want to be like two bratty kids in the back seat of the car arguing about who did what and who poked who first. We know that the media will never report a black hate crime yet if Zimmerman is found guilty of being a hater he will spend life in prison mainly because he is almost white. There are many hate crimes being committed against whites right now that we will never hear about, most are caused by the race mongers who lead the ignorant masses and backed up by the ignorant warm and fuzzy white people.

    Politcal correctness is a sick disease that suppresses the awful reality that we should be focusing on repairing.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by most_desired
    This is because if there is any crime committed by blacks no matter whom it is towards, black-on-white, black-on-black, black-on-anybody else, is the nature of black people and is to be expected. Society projects blacks as criminals (not all but then again there are some people who believe there are exceptions) or that criminal behavior is a racial trait and not a societal/cultural one. That's why when the news is reported they don't stress the racial aspect because it has already been taken for granted. It's the the perception of some people that the non-reporting or that the lack of emphasis of race in these news reporting is actually racist.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Here's the point........we have no other way to come to a conclusion about others except to JUDGE them on what we see in the immediate, later we can JUDGE them by what we get to know about them personally......we MUST judge people, that will never change, if you don't judge people you're an idiot! But if we somehow admit or acknowledge a persons ethnicity....HOLY SHIT!!!!! I ain't buying that happy horseshit, we are what we are and people will always judge us by those things and whatever it is we're trying to do in life.

    TCW....I don't have a problem with threads like this but I will say this, I think it's wise to be careful how we approach this subject, what I mean is we don't want to be like two bratty kids in the back seat of the car arguing about who did what and who poked who first. We know that the media will never report a black hate crime yet if Zimmerman is found guilty of being a hater he will spend life in prison mainly because he is almost white. There are many hate crimes being committed against whites right now that we will never hear about, most are caused by the race mongers who lead the ignorant masses and backed up by the ignorant warm and fuzzy white people.

    Politcal correctness is a sick disease that suppresses the awful reality that we should be focusing on repairing.

    I agree with much of what you said...BUT...HERE'S THE THING!

    LIBERAL socialist...don't want you to figure it out.

    LIBERAL socialist...WILL try to convince you that YOU ARE are defective in your reasoning...and you are UNWILLING or UNABLE to comprehend the "Higher Philosophy" of life and its "Ethereal Aims."

    They, who have never seen War...will tell you all effects of War on its victims (but never the victors).

    They, who have never been to the ghetto...will write book on it (but never shake the hand of a Black man who's lived in the hood all his life).

    They, who have never picked up an Hammer...will preach to you the effective methods of Construction Management (but never pick up a Saw and cut a 2*4).

    That is the Modus Operandi of Liberal Socialism.

    Driven by Ego and Hubris...they have but one obtain POWER and CONTROL by the only means they know how...through sub-diffusion and ATTACKING the Mind and Rational Thinking.

    If its Black...they will tell you its Gray.

    Its subtle...and if you aren't experienced or educated to their will fall prey to their bag of trickery.

    They are Charlatans in every true sense of the word....

    I tell all of you reading this....have the COURAGE to call it is (not the way you wish it to be). If you can't do have no-self respect...and therefore have no respect for others.---You are doomed!
    Last edited by tcw; 05-16-2012 at 03:01 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post

    I agree with much of what you said...BUT...HERE'S THE THING!

    LIBERAL socialist...don't want you to figure it out.

    LIBERAL socialist...WILL try to convince you that YOU ARE are defective in your reasoning...and you are UNWILLING or UNABLE to comprehend the "Higher Philosophy" of life and its "Ethereal Aims."

    They, who have never seen War...will tell you all effects of War on its victims (but never the victors).

    They, who have never been to the ghetto...will write book on it (but never shake the hand of a Black man who's lived in the hood all his life).

    They, who have never picked up an Hammer...will preach to you the effective methods of Construction Management (but never pick up a Saw and cut a 2*4).

    That is the Modus Operandi of Liberal Socialism.

    Driven by Ego and Hubris...they have but one obtain POWER and CONTROL by the only means they know how...through sub-diffusion and ATTACKING the Mind and Rational Thinking.

    If its Black...they will tell you its Gray.

    Its subtle...and if you aren't experienced or educated to their will fall prey to their bag of trickery.

    They are Charlatans in every true sense of the word....

    I tell all of you reading this....have the COURAGE to call it is (not the way you wish it to be). If you can't do have no-self respect...and therefore have no respect for others.---You are doomed!

    liberal socialism is a disease which is propagated by the ultra rich to swindle millionaires and every level of the middle classes money out of their pockets into the hands of the international bankers. like the "buffet rule" lol like their are millions of warren buffets who approve of raising taxes on hardworking middle class people, its all a giant ponzi scheme, our whole system. i believe in the free market, the FREE market! not the international wall street market

    liberalism as a whole is a white hating group who forces whites into hating their own race and verbally attacking people of their own kind like my previous thread proved..

    im a young guy, ill admit that, but i study history. im not a credulous fool who watches fox news or cnn and just regurgitates what i listened too and demand people to believe me

    but to see people like "times roman" and a couple others criticize me because of my age call me racist for stating facts and that im proud to be white, and not even respond to my points, is unfortunately the result of liberal propaganda.

    its not their fault though, their parents probably sat them down as child in front of tv for 10 hours a day in their crappy diapers watching cnn and their brains didnt develop properly, well at least thats what i observed from their automated "racist" responses to a thread which did not have one word nor syllable of racist remarks.

    we must not get mad at these people. rather, we must wake up the more intelligent people that are better able to hear the truth

  14. #14
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    i say "international bankers" cautiously, because there is a more accurate term, but some people arent even ready for that yet, ill leave it up to you to figure out what the true translation of that means..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    I saw a post yesterday...and thought it was interesting.

    Some kid made an observation about how the media is demonizing Whites...and posters refused to address the issue and labeled him a racist.

    What will those same Whites say about this?

    “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality”.
    ~Atlas Shrugged
    You know we here on this forum as of late have been able to handle these hot button topics pretty well without it all going postal as it was in the past. Man there were some knock down drag outs on here over topics like this. We can all be far...

  16. #16
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    ^^^^ I agree 100%

  17. #17
    I already read this article. Love Thomas Sowell. Have several of his books. He's a true geinus on many subjects. I wish he'd run for office.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I wonder what the motivation is for media to 'hide' these types of incidents?? Is it an effort to minimize racism and the ensuring backlash from a social and/or economic standpoint or becuase the majority of media is left-winged and don't want to 'support' any stories that may be the catapult for things like more hate crimes, race wars or retaliatory violence in the communities.. either way, it's a big ugly machine and it sucks.
    Money. The media is paid to repeat things. They want to continue our war against nations to help establish a World Government, and it's not a matter of will it happen, but a matter of how, through conquest or consent.

    I say boycott the media.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    You are in the Army now my friend, welcome to double standard hell.
    Exactly right, you aint shit in the army til you are atleast E-7.

  20. #20
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    The white man is the minority now. Plain and simple.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer
    The white man is the minority now. Plain and simple.
    I read in paper over here a few weeks ago that minority births have surpassed white births in America, is this true?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    I read in paper over here a few weeks ago that minority births have surpassed white births in America, is this true?
    wouldn't be suprised at all.. Every Arab family I see around here has 6+ kids.. ethnic Mexican familys are the same as well..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    wouldn't be suprised at all.. Every Arab family I see around here has 6+ kids.. ethnic Mexican familys are the same as well..
    Smart move on their parts. The more kids they have = the more money we give them. They'll have 5 or 6 kids, get free section 8 housing, free food stamps, and have all their utilities comped - it's amazing how you are rewarded for being an unproductive piece of shit

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Smart move on their parts. The more kids they have = the more money we give them. They'll have 5 or 6 kids, get free section 8 housing, free food stamps, and have all their utilities comped - it's amazing how you are rewarded for being an unproductive piece of shit
    amen brother.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    The white man is the minority now. Plain and simple.
    Plain but not so simple as I for one am wondering what it will be like with all the white men in America losing all their voting power and priviliges as the minorities now have the votes to vote in their choices and keep the white man completely out of politics, running the country as they see fit. Also now that the whites are a minority class status there seems to be no more money in the bank for minorities to use for their benefits as a minority groups. You see as a minority group there were benefits, grants and monies available to your group and now those monies have seemed to all but have disappeared. Hmmmm So it will be very interesting to see how our country is controlled and run from here on out as we all have front row seats. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Only time will tell. One thing for sure though is if we don't get our act together as a country and learn to solve and settle our differences between races, ethnic groups, voting affiliation, etc and solve our countries bigger problems like jobs education, crime, obesity rates and become and regain the edge as the competitive nation that we are, then things will only get worse and America will no longer be number 1 in anything except failure. And that is unacceptable!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    I read in paper over here a few weeks ago that minority births have surpassed white births in America, is this true?
    thats what the census was a slight percentage in that direction...i think it was actually hispanic ahead of white (birth rate) not all minority

    i wonder what the need for such data is

  27. #27
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    Congress and the Senate run this country. They are bought and paid for by special interest groups WHO control the media. The Media is controlled by their advertisers. The payoff is----brainwashing minorities to BUY INTO the system and become another American consumer.

    This mean either you produce and buy our products----or you go to jail. That's what ends up happening folks. The writing is on the wall. You either Produce and pay taxes---or you end up in the joint and become a SLAVE to the system (pay your parole officer, pay your probation officer, pay the court, take minimum wage job because your an x-con).

    The more they are able to segment the market...the more money they make. When i say "they" in this case, i mean companies like Wal-mart, etc.

    What's the New World Vision "C H I N A !"

    You got it...

    ....the powers that be want to turn all countries---into Manufacturing plants like China----No human rights----just work 12hr a day, 6 days a week and live in the barracks next door to the factory.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking88 View Post
    liberal socialism is a disease which is propagated by the ultra rich to swindle millionaires and every level of the middle classes money out of their pockets into the hands of the international bankers. like the "buffet rule" lol like their are millions of warren buffets who approve of raising taxes on hardworking middle class people, its all a giant ponzi scheme, our whole system. i believe in the free market, the FREE market! not the international wall street market

    liberalism as a whole is a white hating group who forces whites into hating their own race and verbally attacking people of their own kind like my previous thread proved..

    im a young guy, ill admit that, but i study history. im not a credulous fool who watches fox news or cnn and just regurgitates what i listened too and demand people to believe me

    but to see people like "times roman" and a couple others criticize me because of my age call me racist for stating facts and that im proud to be white, and not even respond to my points, is unfortunately the result of liberal propaganda.

    its not their fault though, their parents probably sat them down as child in front of tv for 10 hours a day in their crappy diapers watching cnn and their brains didnt develop properly, well at least thats what i observed from their automated "racist" responses to a thread which did not have one word nor syllable of racist remarks.

    we must not get mad at these people. rather, we must wake up the more intelligent people that are better able to hear the truth
    like you, I too speak my mind. I look for people to take extremist positions that are inciteful, which i felt you did. Not once did i tell you to shut the fuk up, as I respect your right to express your view point. My viewpoint is my own, and definately NOT swayed by the liberal agenda. I was a strict conservative (republican) until about a decade or two ago, and then switched to the Libertarian party, sick of the crappy Evangelical's running the party, pontificating church dogma through the party.

    So let's dissect your position of "white pride" for a moment, since you say is not racist. What is "white" pride? It sure isn't any particular ethnicity, as it seems to simply be a lack of pigment that drives your "pride". So to have "white pride", anyone with any significant pigmentation would be placed outside your inner circle? Is that right?

    And to be totally fair, i'm not too excited about "black pride", or "asian pride" or "latino power" or any other such hog wash. But, for many, white pride is perceived as it has been in the past, as a type of nazism, or clansship, or other fascist group that has committed outrageous acts of genocide. "White pride" is a trigger phrase many in the world see as i have just described. And I nor anyone I know are "proud" of what the "whites" did to the jews, or the blacks, all those years ago.

    You are too young to have known anyone to have lived through the holocaust. To know that these individuals have lost whole families, wives, children, brothers and sisters, to those that are espousing your very words "white pride". I believe that if you were old enough to have known such an individual that has such horrendous losses, you wouldn't be so quick to say "white pride".

    I wasn't going to get involved in your rhetoric, but instead respond in it without all the back and forth one time. but you called me out, didn't you?

    So now I'll tell you how i feel about you. I think you are too young to have such harsh opinions. You are egotistical to think that your pigmentation is a preferred color, possibly superior to others. I also think that someone of influence in your family, possibbly your father, has influenced your thinking (as many fathers have). You say you are a history student, but seem to lack the empathy history is trying to teach. I think that you are very opinionated, and you think YOUR opinioin is superior to others, and are willing to fight/argue to have your valuable opinion heard.

    Honesty time. I too was like that a little bit when I was young like you. It takes a few years after leaving the dogmatic control of the home (and the father) to begin to really see the world as it is. Some escape this, others don't. I did, and I hope you do too.

    But until then, it is better to keep quiet so people are not sure, than to open your mouth and prove them right.

  29. #29
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    Yes, I treat people differently because of their skin color, but I was also raised with all upper middle class white people. I am always weary of black people, and I stay the hell away from any kind of middle eastern looking person. I hate my own race with a passion if they are not in anyway productive, cannot learn to speak freaking English, or are just plain old stupid (but I hate all stupid people anyway). I have always been outspoken about it in public and to my friends, who once I was in college became friends of multiple races. You know what though? They just thought of me as "The Asshole, who spoke the truth." I never cared if I was considered racist or a bigot because you know what, I would rather be a racist who stays alive than an idiot trusting fool who ends up shot. I don't go out of my way though to insult people because of their race and I definitely do not treat them any differently than I would any other human being. On the same note I really just in general judge everyone. If some punk looking white kid walks into the store I manage with big white sunglasses pants to his ankles with a wife-beater I am going to kick him out of the store for coming in with his pants down so far. My judgemental attitude applies to anyone at all times, and quite frankly I don't care.

  30. #30
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    The good book says "judge not least you be judged..." but that is a bunch of BS.

    Judging people comes from experience and wisdom.

    AND IF you DON'T make Judgements about will end up being DUPED more times than you will care to mention.

    Judgment comes from processing information and drawing conclusions based on experience and learned knowledge. Anyone who tells you not to judge is really saying..."i'm an should listen to me!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Yes, I treat people differently because of their skin color, but I was also raised with all upper middle class white people. I am always weary of black people, and I stay the hell away from any kind of middle eastern looking person. I hate my own race with a passion if they are not in anyway productive, cannot learn to speak freaking English, or are just plain old stupid (but I hate all stupid people anyway). I have always been outspoken about it in public and to my friends, who once I was in college became friends of multiple race...

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