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Thread: Gyno Flare Up from Super Cissus (need some quick opinions)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ

    Gyno Flare Up from Super Cissus (need some quick opinions)

    I haven't posted in awhile, but I want to inform the board of my situation and ask for some advice as well.

    Let me give you a history of my supplement use:

    2006 - AX Suprdrol cycle - OTC PCT - Nice gains with no sides and no gyno

    2009 - IDS Bulk Tabs & Mass Tabs Stacked Cycle - Myogenix & Cyogenix PCT - Slight Gyno early in PCT - Went away by the end of PCT.

    Current Supplements:

    Rotate: Jack3d, 1MR, MusclePharm Assault for preworkout
    Orange Triad (multi)
    ON Glutamine
    ON Flax Oil
    Dymatize Joint Tech (Glucosomine - Chondroiten - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid)
    USP Labs Super Cissus - 4 caps daily (for about 1 year) - recently tapered down to 2 caps daily.

    Say about 4-5 weeks ago I noticed both my nipples were getting hard a little more often then I was used to. No pain - no swelling. As I havn't touched a prohoromone in years I thought nothing of it. About 2-3 weeks ago I noticed some slight tenderness in my right nipple & no change in the left. Again not touching a pro-horomone or any AAS gyno entered my head as a possibility but from what?

    Fast forward to the last week and pain has persisted and the swelling has become a little worse. Visually I have been blessed with a well developed chest and you can not see any difference in the mirror. However I can feel the difference with my hand. I can feel a flat soft-ish mass in the outside half of my right nipple. There are no sharp edges and it moves around. All signs point to gyno! (barring any other wacky health issue)

    The only thing I can think of causing this would be the Super Cissus. After searching the web I found some claims that it could act as a natural test booster and possibly have estrogenic properties.

    I have Letro and Tamox on hand but would hate to hammer in a nail with a sledgehammer like Letro and risk hairloss and experience all the other sides with it if its not necessary. On the way to me via USPS is Clomid and A-Dex.

    My question is, do I run a traditional PCT first to see how that works? Should I skip the PCT and move right to Bino's gyno reversal? Can I replace Bino's gyno reversal with A-dex vs Letro to soften the sides?

    All opinions and questions are welcome and appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Just take the tamox at 20mg for about a week, 2 tops and you will be fine....

    I have gyno so I know whats up......Gotta catch it within the first couple weeks or that mass you feel is permanent

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    I appreciate the quick response. What the hell is the deal with getting this from Cissus? Have you heard of that before? I stopped taking the Cissus as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You probably already had it, the cissus just upper the test a bit and then more converted to estrogen.

    What sucks about gyno is once you have the actual tissue, there is no way to get rid of it without a knife...

    If you ever cycle again or do anything hormonal now you know to take nova ed on cycle and pct or risk it growing.

    Mine only took 2 weeks to get because I was in hawaii on vacation and waited till I got back to order some. Ever since then Ive had it. Tried everything I can think of to get rid of it with no luck. Keeping body fat low makes it not so noticeable but it still bugs me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Is it still painful, sore, and tender Or do you just have a little extra tissue behind the scenes? Do you think a .125mg dose of a-dex will benefit me? Should I stick with the tamox for now and re-evaluate a week in?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hard to believe that Cissus (which doesn't work in my experience) gave you Gyno....but whatever.

    Gyno is a negative feedback loop from excess Test.

    Get some Letrozole well.
    Last edited by tcw; 05-17-2012 at 06:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    You can get that operation...and its covered by Insurance. Its a Hormone malfunction....and your doctor will write it up that way. Get it done...never a problem again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    You probably already had it, the cissus just upper the test a bit and then more converted to estrogen.

    What sucks about gyno is once you have the actual tissue, there is no way to get rid of it without a knife...

    If you ever cycle again or do anything hormonal now you know to take nova ed on cycle and pct or risk it growing.

    Mine only took 2 weeks to get because I was in hawaii on vacation and waited till I got back to order some. Ever since then Ive had it. Tried everything I can think of to get rid of it with no luck. Keeping body fat low makes it not so noticeable but it still bugs me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    The idea was that the cissus may have raised natural test levels enough to make some old gunk flare up again. It's the last thing I expected but I have no other explanation.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    F~n weird...

    Oh well...this is life.

    No biggy...i think the above will help.

    Quote Originally Posted by -DedicateD- View Post
    The idea was that the cissus may have raised natural test levels enough to make some old gunk flare up again. It's the last thing I expected but I have no other explanation.

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