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so i got bored and went and had a look at some other forums....
thank fk im on this one, just about sums up my search.
eg, this one guy was telling this 20 yo for a first cycle, to use test e and front-load it, etc...
so, thank you for those on here that provide us newbies with quality information, advice, and guidance,
if it wasn't for you guys i'd still be taking my dbol only cycle thinking wtf.
i've learnt alot over the past few months, and can only imagine how much more knowledge i'll poses in the next few years, as long as i keep researching (hint to all other newbies, do your research and you won't have to ask stupid questions).
also, i've noticed that in the past few months that i've been on here, my body has made some quite noticeable improvements, coincidence?...