Bronser is right (for a change).
Cops see some powder in a baggie...and its not easily recognizable....he can say he suspected illegal substance. All the trick books on avoiding getting hassled by the cops tell you ---point blank---KEEP A CLEAN CAR---PERIOD.
Even if its a junker...keep the inside clean and Neat.
AND NEVER keep powder in the back in open view. Keep it in a container until ready for use.
BTW...i hate tailgaters...and i always fvck with them. Guy creeps up on me going 80 (i'm at 65)...i look in my rear view and slam on the brakes. They have swerve to avoid hitting me. IF I'm in the city...and some idiot tailgates me...i gradually slow down....and try to block him from passing. MUTHA-FVKCERS!
Some guy was tailgating me a few weeks ago in the parking lot of a food store. I purposely slowed and blocked his arse. He was pissing and swearing--- i just laughed. When i parked...i got out and timed it so i would see his arse at the front door. He got a little skittish when he saw that i was carrying a gun and pepper spray. I pointed in his face and told him he was an arsehole for tail-gating. Guy cussed at me---then i snatched his shades from his face and crushed them on the ground....LOL. Boy was his pissed! I just walked inside and order my lunch....he didn't do chit.