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Thread: Bathsalt drug

  1. #1
    Twin is offline Associate Member
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    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Lol they tell us here in ait we can't have bath salts because people have been sniffing them to get high.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Lol they tell us here in ait we can't have bath salts because people have been sniffing them to get high.
    Are you serious? Are they that stupid? It's only a name given to synthetic LSD mixed with a Meth type speed high. BAD stuff. Turning people into face eating zombies.

  4. #4
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    It's not actual bath salt... It's a nickname for MDPV, a research chemical, cocaine type analog. It's like synthetic pot you buy at headshops.. I've done bath salts and it doesn't make you hallucinate like that article, in my experience. It's like snorting Adderall, Coke, or any other stimulant. Hell, Clen is similar in a sense.

    All this hype about "bath salts" is stupid, it's been around for a while just like Spice.

  5. #5
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Are you serious? Are they that stupid? It's only a name given to synthetic LSD mixed with a Meth type speed high. BAD stuff. Turning people into face eating zombies.
    Yeah, except it's not a hallucinogenic in my experience. Maybe the article claims so, but I've done my fair share of the shit, intravenously, and the only thing I've experience was a coked out high. Ive been around a lot of people who have used it too, and some turn into carpet farmers etc... like Meth addicts... Not saying hallucinating isn't possible, especially is someone is combining it with something, or already has mental issues... but generally MDPV isn't a hallucinogen... That's LSA which is an LSD analog substitute... Fake kinda LSD.. I could see if the guy was on LSA and all the new designer drugs that he could go crazy.. but not just MDPV alone.

  6. #6
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    My nephew just told me he smoked some last year, he said it was the worst feeling ever, however he doesn't smoke pot but a few times a year. He said he was scared during the high. I'm not a pot smoker, but they should just legalize it, would save so many lives/money, plus they can tax it.

  7. #7
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    Well maybe someone is making something new and mixing the two? I'm sure there are many manufactures and you never know how someone is making one compared to another. Just like in the good old days (60) the people go go/used LSD it was considered pure and made in a real lab but turned bad/worse when people started cooking it up at home.

    FYI we ARENT supposed to be talking about recreational drugs or at least the use of them. I personally have never tried any of that shit, I will stick to real life for my experiences. No need for altered reality.

  8. #8
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Never know what the analogs are, thats being pumped out ya. Shit sucks actually. Wouldn't ever do it again, no desire. Just dont think drugs are all to blame for this dudes actions.

    He was probably a bit psychotic to begin with.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Never know what the analogs are, thats being pumped out ya. Shit sucks actually. Wouldn't ever do it again, no desire. Just dont think drugs are all to blame for this dudes actions.

    He was probably a bit psychotic to begin with.
    I dont think so in this case. Everyone they have interviewed said he was a nice/normal guy. Only has some minor issues like getting busted for pot a couple of times so he was not a stranger to experimenting with substances. I think he just got a hold of something that tweaked him the wrong way. I have seen a few friends who used meth and over time you saw a definite personality change and unfortunately it has been permanent. My child hood best friend up until I was mid 20s, early 30s after using meth for a couple years I cut off all ties with him and now I see him 1 or 2x a year but he is still very much different than he use to be. Paranoid, sketchy, not 100% trust worthy. sad.

    I fully believe that especially some of the new stuff on the streets is making people crazy. Hopefully we dont have a full blown zombie epidemic's apocalyptic effects on society like in Dawn of the Dead. lol

    It could turn into a virus or infect the people smoking/injecting it and then they infect others when the bite them just like the movies.

  10. #10
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Highly doubt Zombie Apocalypse for many scientific reasons.

    To be honest I thought I remember reading something where this dude was arrested on previous battery charges. Which makes me presume he's got issues to begin with.

  11. #11
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    Yeah his wife said he was abusive.

  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Geez, bath salts? Spice?

    What's wrong with people?

    What happened to good ol' fashioned PCP? LMFAO

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    guys there is no rec drug discussion
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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