if people would just live and let live, instead of trying to force opinions to others...
Everyone would be so much happier.
if people would just live and let live, instead of trying to force opinions to others...
Everyone would be so much happier.
It might not be right to superimpose the behavior of fanatics and terrorists onto the general population of mainstream muslims. Most people love peace and prosperity if they can get any.
As for Roman's examples of stolen groceries, that is still a long way from people slitting your throats in your sleep.
Whatever hatred there is in the real world, why not we leave it in the real world and lets have some imaginary love and peace in this imaginary world of cyberspace?
Sorry mate. I went there with an open mind, having lived in other countries before (korea, germany,etc.).
The people that worked for me were not poor. my assistant was very well screaned by me from a population of 30 candidates. his family was wealthy and were not hurting for money. he chose to steal from me not because he was poor, but because of his belief system.
In fact, almost all 12 of my staff were pretty well off comparitively speaking. dressed well, most had cars. but i also had serious issues with almost all of them. there was a time (to be fair) that the cleaning lady found some money in my jeans and gave it back to me.
so my position isn't based on one or two "poor muslims". I went there with an open mind, and after many many incidents with my staff, and with other muslims, I started noticing patterns. These patterns seemed to make sense. for example, we had a slight security issue, and the supervisor (a local) concocted a story that seemed to shift the blame on others. But i knew the facts before approaching. I caught him in a lie. When confronted, he denied and insisted he was truthful. When presented with a witness that was contrary to his story, he finally recanted and came clean. Didn't fire him as it would be a simple replacement from someone from the general population (local). And here's the funny part. I KNEW he would lie ahead of time. This is part of the predictible pattern I was talking about.
So please do not dismiss my observations and conclusions by playing the racism card. Sometimes, it is what it is!
But to repeat myself, Muslims living in the USA are probably different than those living in thier native countries.
now a good question from you regarding my post in #44 above, would be how would i be able to seperate the religion from the local culture, which is probably a very good question. the answer is I cannot. So you could then ask how i would know the above observation is driven by religion and not local culture? again, i would have to say I have no way of knowing.
I am only speaking of those that live in afghanistan. I suspect the religion drives the local culture. There is also a correlation between poverty and fanaticism. We all know there has/is a lot of poverty and hardship in Afghanistan.
I think that this comment and that in #44 is abouut as non biased as I can get.
this one...
Anyone who thinks that Islam is a harmless Religion...is ignorant and dumb.
How can you worship a Created Being---a Fictitious God...that expouses a belief system of "Hate and Demon-ionization"----all from a book written by some wing-nut who claims to be enlighten by God Himself....???
And its followers GLANCE OVER the fact that this Religion preaches violence and MURDER of non-believers ? ?
THAT'S some good dope...and that's fcvked Up ! ! !
Last edited by tcw; 06-15-2012 at 04:24 PM.
wmaousley is a good bloke and no issues with him or his position.
I think he may not have been exposed to what really goes on in the middle east? how they think/act? I believe he is there in Iraq right now, correct me if I am wrong, but the soldiers are typically not allowed to interact with the locals the way us Expats do. I believe because of this, the Expats have a better sense of the "norms" of the local culture/religion.
If I am wrong, I will apologize.
With religions today being so diverse, controversial and destructive; is there a place for it in a post-modern world? What is the benefit of integrating religion, (any religion) into society?
Only the controllers at the TOP knew the game.
Organized Religion is a means to control the minds of men. They will never be happy until man is crawling on his belly without a pot to piss in...and the controllers have their foots on their necks. "Where the mind goes...the body FOLLOWS!"
Religions are born from Poverty and Sickness.
Poverty and sickness are the "fertile ground" that gives rise to Mosques, Temples, Churches and Cult groups who DO DANCES for rain...and Pray ON THEIR hand-and-knees for the death of their enemies.
Radical Organized Religious Organizations prey on weak and ignorant YOUNG MEN with low self-esteem, little opportunity, little education...BUT with a Hugh Social Drive to BELONG. They offer them HOPE of the future...but NOT HERE ON EARTH...but the after-life....where everything is better. What kinda of life...they don't know...but whatever it is...its better than here (so they want their subject to believe).
Harken to their words...and you will receive a Mansion with servants, maids, live like a king, virgins, wealth, etc. EVERY ORGANIZED RELIGION preaches the same BULL-CHIT !
There is no excuse for this type of Ignorance from those LIVING IN THE MODERN WORLD. There are too many books, movies, documentaries, etc. that DISPROVE these stories for what they really are..."Myths, Mythology, and Mysticism."
This is the 21rst Century folks...like it or not....Mankind Marches on.
You don't need Organized Religion to be Moral Human Being...
WTF are you talking about. Muslims do not worship a created being, we only pray to god, Christians worship a created being called Jesus, and you read a bible that was written by these so called disciples of Jesus who never met him and came into the world 500 years after his death.
Look you can try to play this game with me if you want to. I was raised Catholic, went to catholic schools, went to mass every fvckin weekend. I know both sides of the table very well.
I think you were smoking good dope while writing your post
I am in Kuwait, i know exactly what goes on here seeing how I have been here for the better part of a decade. Yes soldiers are always in contact with locals, just the same as Expats are. My military days are long gone, I am an Executive for a IOC.
Guys, I am married to a Saudi, I know the religion, I know the cuture very well. And yes there is a divide between the religion and the culture, just takes some education to see it.
TR you were in Afghanistan which is one of the most oppressed countries on Earth due to the ruling of the Taliban for so long, but things are changing for the better.
Noting more dagerous than a fvckin convert!
You complain about going to Mass once a week, for under an hour probably, yet pray 35 times a week now!!
Rooty toot toot!!!
Surely if you have embraced both the major religions the conclusion should be that they are ALL bollox!!!
Yep...WITH reading skills like that....we should all stop and listen TO YOU !
Its obvious to everyone who reads your comments that you are UN-educated idiot with an identity crisis.
Yup...keep your head in that Koran and see where you wind up in 10 yrs.
Raised Catholic ? ? ?
LOL---You know LITTLE TO NOTHING about "Religion systems"
Who knows...maybe you are a brain-washed Rebellious Fanatic----When you making the big Jump ?
Actually, Christians believe that Jesus was not a created being but is God in the flesh, incarnate. And, according to the Bible the first disciples were all bros with Jesus living at the same time as him; and many of them wrote about their experiences (ie Matt, John, Peter, James, ...)
do catholics pray to mary? she was human.
Yes, and they also believe Mary is the mother of god, and she only gave birth to Jesus (a Human). they believe that the trinity (father , son, Holy Ghost) are one in the same,
These are all points that I never understood, and still to this day do not understand if they are one then why do they say three names for just one?
Mass confusion
Also I wondered why christians wore a cross around their neck, to me this was always a symbol of how jesus died and shouldnt be worn. Its also the pagan cross and not the cross of the time of Jesus.
SO to all the christians out there, if Jesus died in the electric chair would you wear a chair around your neck?
I am done with this thread.
Untrue .... I hate people who strive to force their beliefs on others and will even kill them to further their faith. The majority of this violence has been perpertrated by Muslims in the furtherance of Islam. A fact you cannot escape from.
The Muslims do not pay me. I am on a government to government contract and I am paid into a British bank by the British.
wearing a cross, is it more a catholic thing or a christian thing?
I have a question for WMaousley. not trying to throw gasoline on the fire, but obviously you are very defensive of the muslims. before we begin, I would like to state I am not identifying with any religion, never went to church, and have only read bits of the King James bible. I think i have read more on buddha than the bible, but I digress. I say this as I do not favor any particular religion, nor (I hope) am I biased against any particular religion.
Muslims (the people) have been taking alot of heat from the rest of the world. The public image/perception for many people is that the Muslim religion is a religion of hate for non Muslims. We see atrocious acts committed by Muslims on TV. Muslims blowing up themselves and children on bus'. Etc. The perception is that pretty much anything NOT Muslim couuld be a target.
1. If the rest of the world's perception is so wrong, how did it get to be that way?
2. If this perception is wrong, and these highly visible acts are the work of only a few, where are the rest of the "good" muslims? why are they not outraged? why are they not stepping up and policing their own? It is easy to say "we are not like those radicals", yet why do we not see moderate Muslims trying to quash the radicals?
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