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  1. #1
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    Who else thinks they can read body language

    I feel like a lot of girls are too intimidated to open up to me or to act on their attraction. I see a lot of signs but always wonder if what im seeing is right.

    It makes me think that as a consequence of the intimidation it would make circumstantial sense for me to be the aggressor more times than not. Every so often ill get one that will just go straight for the kill but those are rare.

    Anyone else have similar experiences?

  2. #2
    rasc170 is offline Banned
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    im not sure what the second part of your post means but it sounds to me like you're overthinking things. I get the feeling that you keep looking at the chick in search of signs and she might feel awkward being stared at so much. Stop thinking and just do it. That's all I can say. Forget about all these signs and indicators that she's interested. Pretend like every chick in the room wants you and you'll be suprised more often than not it'll become true. Serious.

  3. #3
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    There are obvious body language signs, and some females develop habits where they are projecting signs due to a natural defense mechanism from perhaps being overexposed to people who have abused them, or hit on them in the past. I would do what rasc170 said and don't hone in on body language like it's the only thing that matters. Psychology related to conversation is probably a better subject to focus on, and there's a ton of sources for how assist with PA (pick-up artist) skill enhancement. If you do focus on body attention, look for the positive signs! If a chick is showing a closed off sign, there's always a way around this, but it's not the end all be all to understanding what the chick is thinking.

  4. #4
    Noles12's Avatar
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    If you are talking about chicks not approaching you but seeming attracted then you are going about it wrong. If she is giving you signs then you should act on them. Most women I talk to I approach. I may have noticed them looking at me or I simply saw them and found them attractive.

    They expect you to come up to them

  5. #5
    rasc170 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post

    They expect you to come up to them
    dont mean to derail the thread, but what would you guys think of a woman who approaches you? Me and an attractive female friend had a pretty good talk about this a few days ago and it was interesting getting a females opinion

  6. #6
    PowerHouse1900 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm terrible at reading the subtleties of human attraction. It hasn't handicapped me though. When I see a girl I like im confident enough to pursue her even at the risk that she totally not interested. I really don't need to reassurance of a flirty glance to make a move.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170 View Post
    dont mean to derail the thread, but what would you guys think of a woman who approaches you? Me and an attractive female friend had a pretty good talk about this a few days ago and it was interesting getting a females opinion

    I have found they tend to be the crazier ones.

    I have always noticed a correlation between women that approach me and them having issues that come out eventually

  8. #8
    PowerHouse1900 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post

    I have found they tend to be the crazier ones.

    I have always noticed a correlation between women that approach me and them having issues that come out eventually

    2nd that !

  9. #9
    Kenlie is offline Junior Member
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    I can't read any bodylanguages, so I just ignore the chicks... and ignoring really works for me...

  10. #10
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Always smile and look happy .... Women don't like miserable cvnts!

  11. #11
    gearbox's Avatar
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    The ones that are surprisingly forward are usually making up for other short comings. I agree with noles, woman expect us to approach them. Yes often enough they may give a smile etc..
    Not all woman are the same. I have dated some which were insanely attracted to me physically and some that were attracted to my personality rather then my looks

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    OK. It's test time, so get in here and see how you do!

    Question #1.
    When you see this body language from an attractive female, and you are in her bedroom, what is her body language suggesting?

  13. #13
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Question #2

    You go into a bar, and start flirting with an attractive lady. She begins to do this. What does her body language suggest about your flirting with her?

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i love how its always the girls are intimated. Please get over yourself
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Question #1.
    When you see this body language from an attractive female, and you are in her bedroom, what is her body language suggesting?

    she is saying to put the money on the dresser
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  16. #16
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Sage Advice...

    Now mates, the trick is to avoid the type of women that will put you in a scenerio as in Q#2, and seek out those that will put you in a scenerio as in Q#1.

    Pretty simple.

  17. #17
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    I study body language but unless you have studied body language, it may lead to the wrong conclusion. I appreciate a guy (and gal) who is physically fit...but it is an admiration of dedication to working out and of denial to poor nutrition - not that I am interested. I will talk to just about anyone (except creepy stalkers) and sometimes guys get confused, but they quickly realize that I am not interested cuz don't take a nibble at their bait.

    Every gal is different and for me, I take in the whole package, not one just one attribute. Confidence, attitude, language, etc. and there is a certain look that catches my eye.

  18. #18
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    let me clarify....I do not approach people....they seek me out and I think it has more to do with my smile and my attitude...I am mostly upbeat...

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    I study body language but unless you have studied body language, it may lead to the wrong conclusion. I appreciate a guy (and gal) who is physically fit...but it is an admiration of dedication to working out and of denial to poor nutrition - not that I am interested. I will talk to just about anyone (except creepy stalkers) and sometimes guys get confused, but they quickly realize that I am not interested cuz don't take a nibble at their bait.

    Every gal is different and for me, I take in the whole package, not one just one attribute. Confidence, attitude, language, etc. and there is a certain look that catches my eye.
    So why do you want to single me out? =)

  20. #20
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900
    I'm terrible at reading the subtleties of human attraction. It hasn't handicapped me though. When I see a girl I like im confident enough to pursue her even at the risk that she totally not interested. I really don't need to reassurance of a flirty glance to make a move.
    Lol i'm the same way

  21. #21
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So why do you want to single me out? =)
    : ))))) cuz I have had several not so nice experiences with creepy stalkers.....

  22. #22
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    let me clarify....I do not approach people....they seek me out and I think it has more to do with my smile and my attitude...I am mostly upbeat...
    I'm with you 100% on this. I get more hits from women than men though.

  23. #23
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I'm with you 100% on this. I get more hits from women than men though. sexual tension between straight gals and gay guys : ))))

  24. #24
    numero_uno's Avatar
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    I've never been very good at approaching women but you just have to suck it up and go for it. I figure if I catch her making eye contact more than once that she is at lease semi-interested. If she smiles when caught, it's an even better sign. Once I'm there, if she touches my forearm I figure I am doing well. If she touches my stomach, I figure I am doing very well (or she is loose).

    Even at my age I still chicken out on occasion, though. Mostly when she is in a large group of girls (that can be pretty intimidating) or with a mixed group of friends (it's not always clear if she is taken or not.)

    When a girl approaches me, I am always very flattered. I've had that happen a few times when it was just a girl who was looking for someone to talk to but clearly wasn't interested in anything else. I've also had that happen a few times where the girl was looking to be taken home immediately.

    You just never know what's going to happen out there so dress sharp and keep an open mind and a casual attitude.

  25. #25
    PowerHouse1900 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post sexual tension between straight gals and gay guys : ))))
    Good point.

  26. #26
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Usually girls twirling and playing with their hair while you area talking to them is a good sign

  27. #27
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    : ))))) cuz I have had several not so nice experiences with creepy stalkers.....
    just kidding girlie G

    I've had girl "friends" (not GF) that have asked me to help them deal with ex's that don't know how to go away after a break up. I've literally had to threaten physical harm to get the creeps to get the hint.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    just kidding girlie G

    I've had girl "friends" (not GF) that have asked me to help them deal with ex's that don't know how to go away after a break up. I've literally had to threaten physical harm to get the creeps to get the hint.
    i mean really creepy!
    one guy was waiting for me when I came home from work. first sitting in the car...and I went to the police and they did go ask the guy why he was parked there. then he came on foot and then he peeped in my window. police couldnt do a thing since I couldn't identify in line up and he hadn't really "hurt" me.

    made a wrong turn in a city. dozen or so guys started towards my car when i approached the intersection and stop sign. i jumped on gas cuz I really thought I was gonna be repeatedly hurt and left for dead.

    had a van follow me for about mile or so when I was running outside. he looped around several times and lastly block my path at the cross walk. i was wishing I had a cell phone, pepper spray, knife/gun, big nasty dog with me...

    most recently, had a man approach me in a parking lot. thankfully two other men showed up just in the nick of time!

    These happened over period of years as I move about too and fro.... but really, more recently I feel like target practice..

  29. #29
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    i mean really creepy!
    one guy was waiting for me when I came home from work. first sitting in the car...and I went to the police and they did go ask the guy why he was parked there. then he came on foot and then he peeped in my window. police couldnt do a thing since I couldn't identify in line up and he hadn't really "hurt" me.

    made a wrong turn in a city. dozen or so guys started towards my car when i approached the intersection and stop sign. i jumped on gas cuz I really thought I was gonna be repeatedly hurt and left for dead.

    had a van follow me for about mile or so when I was running outside. he looped around several times and lastly block my path at the cross walk. i was wishing I had a cell phone, pepper spray, knife/gun, big nasty dog with me...

    most recently, had a man approach me in a parking lot. thankfully two other men showed up just in the nick of time!

    These happened over period of years as I move about too and fro.... but really, more recently I feel like target practice..
    having said all that, have you figured out yet which one was me? =)
    (just kidding, don't bbeat me up)

    yeah, you gals have it tough in this area.

    the last time i had to "help out" was a lady at work. she was going to leave, but her ex was in the parking lot. she came back in and asked if i could tell him to go away. so I went out there, and told him to take off. he referred to her as his GF (present tense). I told him she broke up with him over a month ago.... he said she was confused and it was a simple misunderstanding???? I hate getting in the middle of these things, and i resented him for putting me in the middle. He was beginning to piss me off, and i called him an assshole, and if i ever saw him around here again he'd regret it. he split, and she ended up leaving about 20 mintues later.

    but here's one aspect of the probblem. the average guy probably outweights the average lady by at least 50lbs, maybe more. Plus considerably stronger. So when push comes to shove, it's almost always the lady that comes up bruised and bloody. So I am protective of women in general. Call me sexist, but I think most women appreciate it when they get in a jam.

  30. #30
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the average guy probably outweights the average lady by at least 50lbs, maybe more. Plus considerably stronger. So when push comes to shove, it's almost always the lady that comes up bruised and bloody. So I am protective of women in general. Call me sexist, but I think most women appreciate it when they get in a jam.

    Gosh I would hope so

    I call it Mr Right and Mr Left

    I call it honorable

    I have taken some classes (not self defense) but "ground" defense if u get my "hint". There are techniques but unfortunately proximity and strenght out weight what I can offer. For me, I vow to give it my best shot of not being moved from the original location and will inflict pain on anyone trying to hurt me, but only if i can hurt them enough to get to safe haven. my instructors realized that I was a little stronger then most, physically and mentally. people just need to be alert at all times and thankful when angels arrive

  31. #31
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Gosh I would hope so

    I call it Mr Right and Mr Left

    I call it honorable

    I have taken some classes (not self defense) but "ground" defense if u get my "hint". There are techniques but unfortunately proximity and strenght out weight what I can offer. For me, I vow to give it my best shot of not being moved from the original location and will inflict pain on anyone trying to hurt me, but only if i can hurt them enough to get to safe haven. my instructors realized that I was a little stronger then most, physically and mentally. people just need to be alert at all times and thankful when angels arrive
    and having some pepper spray handy isn't a bbad idea either

  32. #32
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    my pepper spray was confiscated at foreign airport.some nations treat it as a gun!

  33. #33
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I'll second the ones that approach you can be a bit crazy. Not always though, but definitely don't want to hit before you know you can quit it. Had one girl approach me and tell me how hot I am and crap, I didn't hit it, but she was constantly trying to get in my pants, had her gf call me one time and try to talk dirty to me and get her to let the other one come over. She also moved in an apartment across from me and would text me like she was always watching the light in my bedroom. really creepy weird chick. I could have used her for bj's but knew I had to stay away from her, especially since I found out during that time she got an std and I would have been screwed.

    There's my one bad experience with girls that do the approaching, its not the only, just the worst.

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