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Thread: How do you feel about cops?

  1. #41
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    oly wa
    they took an oath to uphold the law we hold them to a higher standard so by engaging in recreational steroid use that is here a class 3 controled substance hes a hypocrite as many of us may or may not be but hes payed to be held to a higher standard than the public and you and me so whats the conflict when the juiced cop arrests me for steroids when chems maybe from the same batch as my own flow in his veins? im a lil biased having been incarcerated for a 3rd of my life but IMO i feel we are held accountable for our transgressions as they should be they cant have it both ways... do i hate em ? no im over that, do i trust them? thats a no they beat me so bad they damaged my right eye giving me a serious impairment so no love loss here but a nessary evil i guess

  2. #42
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    oly wa
    theres good & bad everywhere i use to train MMA with a cop who also worked at mcisland as a CO when i did time there he seemed to be a cool guard never talked to him inside but i started training in the gym n there he was n he said he rembered me n dident feel comfortable training with the guys he dident know n asked if we could pair on the 1 on 1s n after that we always did & i gotta say he was cool so nothings in stone

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    In America we have a love, hate relationship with them. Right now we love to hate them. I feel your pain TR as I have been falsely ticketed in the past. I was driving down the the 3 lane highway going through an underpass tunnel and another vehicle was coming up beside me at a high rate of speed. It was on a curve and when we both got around it he was side by side with me. There was a cop with radar right on the other side of the curve. since we both were side by side the cop picked me out as the offender even though I was doing the proper speed. Then I go to court to fight the ticket and the cop gets up on the stand under oath and swears I was the only one on the road at that time. This is just one example that's happened to me with our wonderful police force. Yeah we need them at times but at others I can do without the mofo's..

    I had almost the exact same thing happen to me except there was a group of 3 of us + the one car speeding 20+ mph over on the freeway. As we rounded the curve we saw 3 cop cars but just then the speeding car took the exit right before the cops. All 3 of us got pulled over one in front of the other but since we all told the same story the cops let us off...

    I also had the whole airplane speeding thing happen once on my way to a hydroplane race that was in another town 80+ miles away. I had been warned about the county speed trap by a state trooper who stopped me for no front license plate but did not ticket me since we got BSing about my car and it's recent custom paint with airbrush work also being the reason for no front plate. I was NOT speeding especially since I knew of the speed trap well before getting to it. When I got to the area with 15+ county cop cars flagging everyone down I figured I would just cruise through. I thought wrong, cop walked out in front of me and flagged me over to the side telling me an airplane had me clocked doing 70+ in a 55 mph zone. I of course told him it was BS and showed him the warning from the state trooper who also told me about the speed trap. He said sorry but the airplane told him it was a black Camaro speeding. I said good, then go find the black Camaro, mine is a blue Trans Am. Of course he still wrote me up. Total BS, lies.

    My 1st ticket cop wrote me up for Street racing and reckless driving. All I did was step to hard on the power brakes at a red light in the car (1970 4 door Thunderbird) I had driven for 2 minutes because my friend was tired and the car stopped fast/hard. I was not use to power brakes. I was only 16. Right after I stopped the light turned green and a 1965 Mustang took of squealing it's tires and doing a smoke show. Cop pulled ME over, not him since he was gone and tried accusing me of racing. I said WTF? No way that would be stupid and I would have no chance in hell. Cop said in court that he asked me who won the race and I said the other guy did. BS...

    They are a necessary evil but I dont trust them one bit.

  4. #44
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    1.) The majority of people bitching about cops taking away their civil rights and abusing their power don't even know wtf their civil rights are to begin with, until after the matter. I would suggest educating yourselves and being prepared for cops that try to be "bullies" or guys on power trips. You can make an officer aware that you are knowledgeable and know the law, without being a smart ass.

    2.) As generations go on, cops usually CAN'T let people get away with minor offenses (Speeding, running a stop sign, other minuscule traffic violations). Within the past couple years, EVERY NJ state police vehicle has a video camera in at that automatically starts recording sound and video for every stop made. At this point, a cop is risking his ass by saying "okay man, I'll give you a break this time, but try to slow it down", simply because it is all documented. Then, his superior would question him asking why he let that one guy go and wrote another guy a ticket. "Was it because he was black?" Now, we have a bunch of race shit to deal with.all because you gave one guy a break...

    3.) If you have a problem with some of the laws being issued, blame the law makers, not the guys enforcing them. It's comparable to a teacher writing a kid a detention for saying "fvck" in class. He/She probably has the mouth of a trucker, and couldn't care less, but her ass is on the line if she doesn't take action...

    4.)As far as the DUI thing, I don't care what your excuse is, if you have been drinking, you shouldn't be driving. Who cares if the cops stakes out across the empty parking lot of the bar and waits for you to start your engine up. It's YOU to blame for YOUR actions. No one can take responsibility any more, it's always someone else's fault...

    5.) I have had more positive experiences with Law Enforcement than negative ones. Mainly because I let the officers know right off the bat that I am educated on the U.S. Constitution and that I am well aware of what an officer can and cannot do (that could be a whole other thread) and I am ALWAYS polite to police officers. Why? Because being a dickhead is going to get you nowhere. If the cop is a real jerk, you giving him an attitude is going to turn him into a super jerk. Common sense.

    6.) I fvcking hate female cops. The majority are completely useless. There are two types of female cops. 1.) The prissy ones who are just there to collect a pay check and won't do a god damn thing when it comes to their career and 2.) The over achievers who feel that they have something to prove to everyone (co-workers, public, etc..) and will write you a ticket for going 3MPH over the speed limit OR will get right in your face and take their physical power to the next level to show they are just as "tough" as men..
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 06-20-2012 at 02:53 AM.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Like I said, just because they're doing their job doesn't mean they're on a power trip, there are rules to follow everywhere you go, in schools the teachers enforce them, in society the cops enforce them. I believe the only reason so many people hate cops is because the rules they enforce often impead on your personal desires (like doing drugs, or driving how fast you want, or wearing a seatbelt or helmet, etc...........)
    Rules.....we have rules around here..........First rule, follow all Rules.

  6. #46
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    [QUOTBecause they lie on the police reports because the stop was without prob cause. This way the charges stick. I'm a two time champion of this! Let's take a mechanic for example. There is a hand full of honest mechanics but mostly they are crooks and liie around here honest and mechanic can VERY VERY rarely be used in the same sentence moraly wrong but they are mechanics and i will use the one honest mechanic around. When the popo is dealing with me i cant ask for the ONE honest cop to please come and handle this because this cop is dishonest! How about preachers, do tou say they are people and People do bad things? No we dont we say he did that?hes a preacher! Certain
    Ppl are held at higher integrity when in certain positions. How about politicians, they're just ppl so I'll accept the fact they are crooks and it's all ok. Lie, cheat the system and steeling ppls dope on a traffick stop and taking it home to use or give to a stripper or girlfriend on the side sounds bery acceptable to me. The Bear 79;6046631]OK, so its very clear how you all feel about the "standard issue" street cop & his apparent hidden agenda to "get you"....................but just out of curiosity, hypothetically speaking, what if there were a federal agent with international jurisdiction here among you everyday, interacting with you with absolutely no intention of busting anyone. What if that agent were here just because he / she shares the same interest in steroids & fitness as you...................& what if many of you had already befriended him / her.................would you now hate him / her for no other reason the fact that they are law enforcement? Would that same person you befriended all of a sudden be a bad person that you hate just because of their career choice? My point is, LEO's are just normal people with a job to do just like you, with personal lives & hobbies just like you, legal or not, nobody gets mad at the carpenter for building a house or the grocery store stock boy for stocking the shelves, so why hate the cops for doing their job..................[/QUOTE]

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    6.) I fvcking hate female cops. The majority are completely useless. There are two types of female cops. 1.) The prissy ones who are just there to collect a pay check and won't do a god damn thing when it comes to their career and 2.) The over achievers who feel that they have something to prove to everyone (co-workers, public, etc..) and will write you a ticket for going 3MPH over the speed limit OR will get right in your face and take their physical power to the next level to show they are just as "tough" as men..

    This was taken here in Canada, in the Niagra region lol.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	551815_10150979013762200_1258639737_n.jpg 
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  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    If you have a problem with some of the laws being issued, blame the law makers, not the guys enforcing them.

    As far as the DUI thing, I don't care what your excuse is, if you have been drinking, you shouldn't be driving. Who cares if the cops stakes out across the empty parking lot of the bar and waits for you to start your engine up. It's YOU to blame for YOUR actions. No one can take responsibility any more, it's always someone else's fault..
    Outstanding post bronzer, well said.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 06-20-2012 at 05:48 AM.

  9. #49
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    This was taken here in Canada, in the Niagra region lol.
    Shes kinda cute

  10. #50
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    Fvck cops. I have no use for them. I don't need them to protect me or my house, I can take care of that myself. For the most part they are hypocritical assholes who think they are above the law. Are there good ones? Maybe, but I have not run across them.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Fvck cops. I have no use for them. I don't need them to protect me or my house, I can take care of that myself. For the most part they are hypocritical assholes who think they are above the law. Are there good ones? Maybe, but I have not run across them.
    Sounds like someone got busted breaking a law or laws, & now he hates the cops for doing their job...............that seems to be the common denominator in all these "fvck the cops" posts.............

  12. #52
    kelkel's Avatar
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    ^^^^Exactly. It's a blameless society. There are a-holes in EVERY profession unfortunately.

    agree with Bronzer. Well said!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Sounds like someone got busted breaking a law or laws, & now he hates the cops for doing their job...............that seems to be the common denominator in all these "fvck the cops" posts.............
    Actually I have only been arrested a couple of times and that was over 20 years ago. For the last 25 years I have had no issues besides a couple of traffic tickets. However I have know a few cops as friends and I have seen first hand the above the law attitude. Anything from drinking and driving to brandishing firearms in bars when they are drunk. These same MF'ers will give you a ticket for speeding at 7AM in the morning on a Sunday when there is no one else on the road. (Yes that was my last ticket 5 years ago)
    Last year my bike was stolen and the cops were zero help. They did nothing to try to find it and made me wait days to even take the report because they were sure it was towed even though it was legally parked. I can go into the 10 ways they pissed me off but I'm not big on writing books.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Sounds like someone got busted breaking a law or laws, & now he hates the cops for doing their job...............that seems to be the common denominator in all these "fvck the cops" posts.............
    To conclude that his attitude stems from past criminal activity is, as you say, irrational and immature. Is it not possible that his attitude towards cops is based on years of watching hypocritical cops or maybe having friends/family that have been negatively affected by unjust police officers? He stated his opinion, it does not need to be met with stereotypical accusations. The same way we can not judge all cops by the actions of a few, you can not judge all people and lump them in as criminals because they do not think highly of the police.

  15. #55
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    One time I told a detective friend of mine that I thought it was fvcked up that when we get stopped and he is drunk out of his mind he pulls the "On the job BS" and they let us go. At the time I worked for an airline and I had flight benefits. He tells me that basically getting off for drinking and driving is like me getting flight benefits. I have not been friends with this person for years but have seen similar activities with other cops.

  16. #56
    I never said everyone that hates cops are criminals. And just because you disagree or are upset about a ticket you or a friend got, doesn't mean the officer is unjust, you're just pissed that you got caught & your attempt at justification of your actions is a claim that the officer was unjust & an adult, stop making excuses & own up to your wrongs. And again, keep in mind the cops don't make the laws / rules, they just enforce them.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I never said everyone that hates cops are criminals. And just because you disagree or are upset about a ticket you or a friend got, doesn't mean the officer is unjust, you're just pissed that you got caught & your attempt at justification of your actions is a claim that the officer was unjust & an adult, stop making excuses & own up to your wrongs. And again, keep in mind the cops don't make the laws / rules, they just enforce them.
    Dude, what the hell do you know about what I have done. Don't tell me to be an adult and that I am making excuses. You have no idea what you are talking about. The thread is asking how we feel about cops and I gave my opinion. If you don't like it then too bad. Give your opinion on why you think they are so good then.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    I never said everyone that hates cops are criminals. And just because you disagree or are upset about a ticket you or a friend got, doesn't mean the officer is unjust, you're just pissed that you got caught & your attempt at justification of your actions is a claim that the officer was unjust & an adult, stop making excuses & own up to your wrongs. And again, keep in mind the cops don't make the laws / rules, they just enforce them.
    I'm not here to start arguing n getting in a pissing contest. I simply pointed out the fact that you are stereotyping and judging people based on their views. The same way you appreciated people seeing the other side of the coin when it comes to cops, you need to do it when it comes to civilians.

    And to conclude that peoples views of cops being unjust or hypocritical are based on past offenses is flawed. Can we agree that not all cops are good, ethical, honest people? Maybe peoples views are based on observation or run-ins with some not so good cops?

  19. #59
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    It's just like anything, any group or most anyone or anything. It's always the bad that gets the most publicity and noticed. There may be 1000 good and 1 bad but it's always the 1 bad that gets all the attention.

    Same with most all product review from people. There are 1000s of satisfied customers you will never hear from because everything is working fine but when something goes wrong for someone they make sure everyone knows about it and write reviews. Its just how it works.

    I have never been arrested or in any serious trouble with the police but I have meet my share of bad, arrogant, a-hole cops and cops who have lied in court to make a ticket stick. I have had a couple of cops try to blame me for accidents even when the other party was clearly at fault just because I was young and had long hair and tried to force the issue until the other driver got in their face and said HEY whats the problem, I said I was at fault.

    I also had a cop try to intimidate me, not allow me to speak and trying to get me to hand over my 1yr old daughter to her mother who had been gone for over 3 weeks on a coke binge threatening me with jail. Luckily I didnt let him back me down and with a phone call to my attorney he decided to leave and butt out. He had no empathy to the situation and didnt care about my 1 yr old daughters safety in any way even after I told him if worse came to worse I would hold him PERSONALLY responsible for anything that happened to her.

    Still, I think we need cops and there are mostly good guys out there I would like to think. Like I said, you only hear complaints about bad ones, rarely does anyone say anything about the good ones because they dont bother you and you didnt get pulled over for doing 3, 5 or even 10 mph over although they did see you....
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-20-2012 at 09:36 AM.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Dude, what the hell do you know about what I have done. Don't tell me to be an adult and that I am making excuses. You have no idea what you are talking about. The thread is asking how we feel about cops and I gave my opinion. If you don't like it then too bad. Give your opinion on why you think they are so good then.
    I know more than you think I do Al. More than you want me to, that's for sure. My intention was never to anger you or anyone else here & due to your apparent aggravation I will just leave you alone for the rest of this thread. Keep your head up brother.

  21. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    I'm not here to start arguing n getting in a pissing contest. I simply pointed out the fact that you are stereotyping and judging people based on their views. The same way you appreciated people seeing the other side of the coin when it comes to cops, you need to do it when it comes to civilians.

    And to conclude that peoples views of cops being unjust or hypocritical are based on past offenses is flawed. Can we agree that not all cops are good, ethical, honest people? Maybe peoples views are based on observation or run-ins with some not so good cops?
    Nor was it my intention to argue, & I apologize for dreading out in that direction, again it wasn't my intention. But..................the truth is the truth & it often hurts, fact is 9 out of 10 cop haters justify their hatred with "that fvcking cock sucker gave me a ticket" or "the SOB arrested me, can you believe that sh!t.....?" Well.........yeah..........I can believe broke the fvcking law, you getting caught doesn't make the officer anything you claim he is, you just need to tell everyone he is an unjust, hypocritical piece of sh!t because lord knows you would never say, "yeah I was in the wrong, I got caught, he was just doing his job, I learned my lesson". Like I said, we don't hate the carpenter or the stock boy for doing their jobs, so why hate cops for doing theirs? Most likely because they busted you that's why. The truth is the truth.................

  22. #62
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    Learn the difference between Malum In Se, and Malum Prohibitum.

    Only about 1% of Federal laws, and 25% of State laws are cases of Malum In Se. In all other cases, they are Malum Prohibitum, just a vastness of meaningless drivel written on paper and paraded as 'legislation.' I.E. - killing certain types of fish carrying a 5 year/$250,000 fine. Legislators admit, that they currently cannot count how many Federal laws are in existence, because each year roughly 10,000 pieces of new legislation ("laws") get passed.

    In one way, this is a trivial argument, because even if society were to be populated mostly by achievers with straight A's who committed no crimes, such a society would make getting an A-, and jaywalking, punishable by 25 years in prison, and other more 'serious' offenses punishable by death.

    During a motor vehicle stop, the only three phrases that should ever leave your mouth are-

    1) What is the nature of the stop?

    2) Am I being detained?

    3) Am I free to go?

    All other conversation is not germaine to a motor vehicle stop, and despite popular belief, refusing to answer questions or engage police in conversation does NOT constitute probable cause, or even the lesser criterion of reasonable suspicion, to perform a motor vehicle search, or to call a K-9. However, in any and all motor vehicle stops, it is permissible to perform a Terry search, i.e.- a pat down with a FLAT HAND of your persons to check for weapons, in order to maintain officer safety. This is usually also extended to the places in the vehicle within immediate reach of the driver (see Terry v. Ohio). The Terry search can also be abused in order to get things into 'plain sight' at which time, they would become admissible evidence in a court of law. Regardless of any goings on on the side of the road, please always remember, to argue your case in a court of a law, and not on the side of the road, thats what our courts are for, you will never talk your way out of a ticket or being arrested, you will most often destroy any chance you had at a defence.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    1.) The majority of people bitching about cops taking away their civil rights and abusing their power don't even know wtf their civil rights are to begin with, until after the matter. I would suggest educating yourselves and being prepared for cops that try to be "bullies" or guys on power trips. You can make an officer aware that you are knowledgeable and know the law, without being a smart ass.

    2.) As generations go on, cops usually CAN'T let people get away with minor offenses (Speeding, running a stop sign, other minuscule traffic violations). Within the past couple years, EVERY NJ state police vehicle has a video camera in at that automatically starts recording sound and video for every stop made. At this point, a cop is risking his ass by saying "okay man, I'll give you a break this time, but try to slow it down", simply because it is all documented. Then, his superior would question him asking why he let that one guy go and wrote another guy a ticket. "Was it because he was black?" Now, we have a bunch of race shit to deal with.all because you gave one guy a break...
    I'll take issue with those two things. 1) The choices of who to elect as law makers, is most often, the choice between two very very shitty picks, who pass relatively the same votes regardless. I.e.- we have little choice in electoral politics. Honestly, if you have done the amount of research into how Democrats and Republicans govern, you'll see you get about the same result, with minor differences on how to appropriate funds.

    2. Discretion in enforcing the law. You and I both know, those tapes dont see the light of day unless a complaint is filed with internal affairs, or there was a major safety violation/on the job shooting/etc.

  24. #64
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    everytime ive been pulled over, it was cus i broke the laws of the road. most of the time i get let go because i am respectful and yes sir the officer. most of the cops have been very cool.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    everytime ive been pulled over, it was cus i broke the laws of the road. most of the time i get let go because i am respectful and yes sir the officer. most of the cops have been very cool.
    Back off Warchild....seriously..

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Back off Warchild....seriously..
    get lost bohdi!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    get lost bohdi!
    Probably my all time favorite movie.

    "Special Agent Johnny Utah, I knew I could count on you.."

  28. #68
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    oly wa
    good thread bear , i like this discussion hits home

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Probably my all time favorite movie.

    "Special Agent Johnny Utah, I knew I could count on you.."
    yea its def a classic. My gf tried to watch it the other day and hated it. i personally grew up with that movie. the scene at the gas station is so good

  30. #70
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Worthless for the most part.

  31. #71
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    most of my issues with cops have been with cops when they were off duty.
    one was drunk driving and almost hit me and my friends on our bikes. We called 911, the locals came said he wasnt drunk. didnt rest him. told the witness that didnt know us to leave. And threatened to arrest us.
    one pulled a gun on me in a bar when he was drunk and thought i was hitting on his wife.
    another harrassed me and my gf at the time. we were walking down the sidewalk, took our names was a complete d!ck. My girl saw him two weeks later. He stopped her again. He said he knew we did nothing wrong the previous week. he wanted to see who she was. He then asked her out. 2 weeks after that i beat the crap out of him and he threated to have me arrested. I said fine and we will the IA know what he did stopping us and asking her out while he was on duty
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    most of my issues with cops have been with cops when they were off duty.
    one was drunk driving and almost hit me and my friends on our bikes. We called 911, the locals came said he wasnt drunk. didnt rest him. told the witness that didnt know us to leave. And threatened to arrest us.
    one pulled a gun on me in a bar when he was drunk and thought i was hitting on his wife.
    another harrassed me and my gf at the time. we were walking down the sidewalk, took our names was a complete d!ck. My girl saw him two weeks later. He stopped her again. He said he knew we did nothing wrong the previous week. he wanted to see who she was. He then asked her out. 2 weeks after that i beat the crap out of him and he threated to have me arrested. I said fine and we will the IA know what he did stopping us and asking her out while he was on duty
    This I can agree to. From working nightclubs for the past 5 years, I've often seen a lot of off duty cops try to start fights, get free drinks, and do whatever the fvck they want - well it doesn't work that way - I've manhandled State Police, Local Cops, ICE officers, etc right on the dance floor. Unless they work for the town that the club is in, they have ZERO, I mean ZERO authority.

  33. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by rampaige77 View Post
    good thread bear , i like this discussion hits home
    Uuhhhhh.........ok............thanks, but this isn't my thread, its Roman's.

  34. #74
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    This thread stinks.............that is all.

  35. #75
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    During a motor vehicle stop, the only three phrases that should ever leave your mouth are-

    1) What is the nature of the stop?

    2) Am I being detained?

    3) Am I free to go?

    All other conversation is not germaine to a motor vehicle stop, and despite popular belief, refusing to answer questions or engage police in conversation does NOT constitute probable cause, or even the lesser criterion of reasonable suspicion, to perform a motor vehicle search, or to call a K-9.
    Interesting. As a guy that has been given more warnings than tickets I would think being honest about being late or just not paying attention to the speedometer would be better. Assuming it is just a minor speeding issue, of course.

    I have even been let go when driving on expired plates. I only tell the truth when stopped so maybe they believe me when I say, "no, I had no idea...this is my wife's car and we don't drive it often. My other car wouldn't start this morning and I jump in this one." The car didn't even have the most recent insurance card in it and I was honest about forgetting to pick it up off the counter that morning (it had just expired).

    I think it helps to be friendly. It may sound naive to say that, but I have followed that rule my entire life (I am in my 40s) and it has worked out for me.

  36. #76
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    Being polite no matter who or what you talking too makes bloodly sense. I'm a sales rep for a company and any customers of mine that are ignorant or just plain stupid I have very little time. But the people that treat you with respect and a bit of decency I have great time for. I will always sort them out for stock etc and anything they ask me if I can get I will. But you have to remember cops don't know you from Adam and therefore have to air on the side of caution esp in america ye lunatics all have guns Sure as shit if I was a cop over there I'd be def cagey about anyone.

    If you have nothing to hide or done anything illegal whats wrong with them pulling you over etc. I've met my fair share of idiots out there and to be honest the amount of sound cops certainly outweigh the idiots, the most recent one was I drove up to a check point slowly as a car was puling off this cop was an aul lad and just for some reason didn't like me or the car all the discs where correct in the window, tax insurance and over here we have a vehicle test to certify the car as road worthy these where all in date by a good few months. But for some reason to him he just dediced to scream into the window to me pull over to the left.

    So had the window open and just went back to him, No bother, I pulled over to the left and a yougish cop came over asked me a few Q's checked the discs and said, I dunno, why that ****ing idiot sent you over here, there's nothing wrong with the car or you and said go on safe home.

  37. #77
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    Oct 2010
    In a gym!
    just doing a job. i think they deal with the worst of the human population...and I never like to be caught do anything wrong.

    seems there is a huge difference between local and state...just my observation.

    and butt heads work in every field....not just in law enforcement!

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Dirty South, GA Coast
    I like respectable cops, I dislike disreputable cops.

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place

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