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Thread: How do you feel about cops?
06-19-2012, 10:56 AM #1
How do you feel about cops?
Up for discussion....
Personally, I feel that the police corp and the citizens are in an antoginistic relationship. The days of the citizen getting the benefit of the doubt in a minor situation appear to be over, and instead, minor offenses are now turned into major crimes.
Think about this....
On a lonely country road, with no one else around, I roll through a stop sign (less than one mile an hour). I make a left then another left onto a state highway. Five miles up the road, i get pulled over for the stop sign. The cop was no where around to witness personally. Some one in a spotter plane from 5 miles away with a telescope saw it so I got a ticket.
A few years ago, I was on my harley following a highway patrol officer in his vehicle. He quickly pulls over to the right and I continue in the same lane. He immediately pulls behind me and pulls me over for speeding. I get a ticket.
People in my city are going to a bar on a 10 speed so that they will not get pulled over for a dui. Doesn't matter. The cop stops them on the ten speed seeing them come out of the bar. they get a dui anyways.
Not too long ago, these and other "slights" would have been a non issue. But now our aggressive police force are taking every opportunity to exercise their authority against the citizens.
I believe we all have "horror" stories.
No wonder cops are fearful of citizens that legally obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
06-19-2012, 11:17 AM #2
In America we have a love, hate relationship with them. Right now we love to hate them. I feel your pain TR as I have been falsely ticketed in the past. I was driving down the the 3 lane highway going through an underpass tunnel and another vehicle was coming up beside me at a high rate of speed. It was on a curve and when we both got around it he was side by side with me. There was a cop with radar right on the other side of the curve. since we both were side by side the cop picked me out as the offender even though I was doing the proper speed. Then I go to court to fight the ticket and the cop gets up on the stand under oath and swears I was the only one on the road at that time. This is just one example that's happened to me with our wonderful police force. Yeah we need them at times but at others I can do without the mofo's..
06-19-2012, 11:23 AM #3
If a portion of their budgets weren't based upon revenue from tickets those bs tickets would be gone. I'd love to see the ticket revenue going to something to better the community.
06-19-2012, 11:42 AM #4
i hate them, i've had more bad experiences then i can count.
Most of them are glorified meter maids. they are just there to write tickets.If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
06-19-2012, 11:46 AM #5
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06-19-2012, 12:42 PM #6
none of my cop pics will load so..
Last edited by jasc; 06-19-2012 at 12:59 PM.
06-19-2012, 01:40 PM #7
F[u]ck the police. They're never there when you need them and always there to give you some bullshit ticket. If they made their ticket revenue go to something like the public schools, they'd stop writing tickets altogether. They're all crooked as shit too. How many times do you see them speeding on the road? Or not using their turn signals? I've had a couple break-ins at my apartments before. The soonest a cop ever came was 6 hours after to take a report. Then 2 days later they sent a detective to dust for prints (who by then said it'd be too late to get any real prints) since those areas get a lot of household traffic. I'd rather we get rid of cops and just take law in to our own hands.
06-19-2012, 01:49 PM #8
Just like any other job out there, theres good & bad, the majority of the cops I have talked to dont give a crap about the small shit but are forced (in one way or the other) to do them. You got the stupid f'n lawmakers who make up these stupid laws, tie the cops hands, and make it impossible for them to do some things. Its not like cops work with the best society has to offer either, these people are scumbags and after awhile of that I can see how they can get jaded, I understand I'm not one of them and hate to be treated that way but I can see where/why. The power trip that some get on, especially newbies, is crazy. Who are dicks are CHP!!
Well, I look at pigs like a bee. It serves a purpose, yet you turn your back and bam you get stung. Yet, you did nothing to the damn thing.
It took me long time to come to the point of where I'm at. I considered joining a LE agency quite a few times for the true job stability. But, it finaly came to me. "What side of the law am I on"?
Sad to say, just about everything I do is illegal in some way. So, that is that. I am my own law, yet there is a entity that can over rule my law if it sees my law in place.
06-19-2012, 02:22 PM #10
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I had a personality conflict with a cop many years back, stemming from getting a serious ticket thrown out of court. One day I was driving home from work and notice a cop had someone pulled over up ahead. As I go drove by the cop doing the stop make eye contact with me ( it was the one I had history with). He immediately jumped in his car and pulled me over. I was put in handcuffs at gun point and driven to the station. The cop claimed that I almost hit him when I drove by at 10mph and then that I tried to out run the cops in my ford escort.
The cop flat out refused to let the prosecutor offer me a plea bargain. The whole ordeal cost me 5 grand in tickets, impound fee's, and lawyer fees. I did learn a lesson... that cops are not special. They are as good, bad, and/or indifferent as the rest of us. I now have a healthy distrust for the police.
06-19-2012, 02:32 PM #11
I have no respect for people who blindly enforce laws just because they are laws, without recognizing that perhaps the laws they are enforcing are UNJUST LAWS or BAD LAWS. Just because a law is made a law doesn't mean it is automatically a proper or ethical law. There are many unethical laws that exist, as we all know without a doubt.
In any case, some might say things like "well, not ALL cops are bad" or some such nonsense. I used to think it was like this. But if you're a cop, you're either ignorant or you're genuinely a bad person, because when you choose to become a LEO in this day and age, you are blatantly agreeing to enforce unethical laws. You can't pick and choose the laws you enforce (not in theory anyhow), you must enforce the laws you swear to enforce when you chose to become a police officer (or any type of law enforcement officer).
If more LEOs spoke out against enforcing unethical laws (as many already do) to the politicians who legislate them, I think we would have a much better world and country to live in. Unfortunately, most cops don't give a flying fvck, they just care about their secure government job and pension. That's why most people become police officers today.
06-19-2012, 02:39 PM #12
The cops are always there to bust you, but when you need them they won't help you!
In response to OP I think that financial times are tuff so the government is going to take advantage of any means to get more money back from the tax payers!
06-19-2012, 02:44 PM #13
06-19-2012, 03:58 PM #14
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Im surprised I thought this was going to be run of the mill some people hate cops some ok with them but this is a little different. My take on cops is they are like anything else. I mean look at white people. Some are white trash, proud of that worthless bullshit and some are affluent productive members of society. Same with blacks, some are ghetto trash proud of that worthless bullshit and some are affluent productive members of society. People are just people.
Negative experiences:
I've gotten a ticket for rolling through a stop sign. Its bullshit and just to make money.
I've gotten a ticket for a U-turn. Its bullshit and just to make money.
I passed out drunk outside a bar. A guy took my wallet out of my pocket. When I called the cops and he got there, he said it was my own fault for being that drunk and offered no help.
Positive experiences:
I've been let out of some nasty speeding tickets by saying I was late to class at college.
I've had cops intervene in domestic violence type situations on my behalf (girl has a knife to her throat bullshit)
06-19-2012, 04:00 PM #15
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OK, so its very clear how you all feel about the "standard issue" street cop & his apparent hidden agenda to "get you"....................but just out of curiosity, hypothetically speaking, what if there were a federal agent with international jurisdiction here among you everyday, interacting with you with absolutely no intention of busting anyone. What if that agent were here just because he / she shares the same interest in steroids & fitness as you...................& what if many of you had already befriended him / her.................would you now hate him / her for no other reason the fact that they are law enforcement? Would that same person you befriended all of a sudden be a bad person that you hate just because of their career choice? My point is, LEO's are just normal people with a job to do just like you, with personal lives & hobbies just like you, legal or not, nobody gets mad at the carpenter for building a house or the grocery store stock boy for stocking the shelves, so why hate the cops for doing their job..................
Last edited by The Bear 79; 06-19-2012 at 04:06 PM.
06-19-2012, 04:46 PM #16
06-19-2012, 04:56 PM #17
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Like I said, just because they're doing their job doesn't mean they're on a power trip, there are rules to follow everywhere you go, in schools the teachers enforce them, in society the cops enforce them. I believe the only reason so many people hate cops is because the rules they enforce often impead on your personal desires (like doing drugs, or driving how fast you want, or wearing a seatbelt or helmet, etc...........)
06-19-2012, 04:59 PM #18
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And I know there are bad officers & agents out there, that's undeniable, but judging all based on the actions of a few is irrational & immature.
06-19-2012, 05:08 PM #19
East Perth watchhouse, been here a few times my self:
10 to 1..... serious? 10 cops cant restrain 1 guy without
id love to take on all of them 1 at a timesee how tough they really are..
06-19-2012, 05:11 PM #20
I remember hearing a rumor that police officers have a quota of fines they must give out, I personally don't believe this but they way they fire fines out nowadays I don't know!?! anyone know anything about this?
06-19-2012, 05:15 PM #21
Originally Posted by kronik420
06-19-2012, 05:15 PM #22
06-19-2012, 05:40 PM #23
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The Bear 79 5-0 whoop whoop lol jk
Cops are one of the biggest consumers of steroids after rec gym users. The list probably goes like this to be honest with you:
#1 Joe blow gym hero
#2 Student athletes
#3 Cops
#4 Pro athletes
#5 Pro Bodybuilders
06-19-2012, 06:02 PM #24
theres a cop that goes to my gym, normal guy i guess, we joke and perv at girls etc.. but the amount of muscle mass hes got, im pretty sure hes on AAS, only because of hes age he would be close to 50 i think, if he was in his 20's i would assume he was natural, but hes not.
but everytime i get pulled over or somehow get stopped by police on the street, they're always fkn a$$holes,
so yeah i guess its just when they put on their badge and gun, they feel like their the boss. lol
06-19-2012, 06:09 PM #25
Oh, i've been at gyms where i've known cops there who used, and I openly spoke with them about it.
One even offered to get me stuff through his source if I ever needed something.
06-19-2012, 06:10 PM #26
I like cops and appreciate the job they do. Yeah, some of them are dicks but hopefully not a majority. Sometimes the dicks are the guys that will show up to save your butt when a group of guys is pummeling you or will help you when you have been in an accident.
I was around a lot of cops when I was a kid and learned they are hard *sses on the street because they need to keep things under control using intimidation...which offends those of us that don't like to be intimidated.
06-19-2012, 06:13 PM #27
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06-19-2012, 06:14 PM #28
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Last edited by Razor; 06-19-2012 at 06:17 PM.
06-19-2012, 06:15 PM #29
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06-19-2012, 06:43 PM #30
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Thank you gentlemen for being open minded enough to take a moment to have a look at things from the other end of the scope. That's all I wanted..................
06-19-2012, 06:45 PM #31
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And yes, street cops & federal agents alike are trained in detail to be intimidating, its a very effective tool, especially when dealing with crowds.
06-19-2012, 06:46 PM #32
Cops no matter where you go in the world have been experienced to some mad shit at least once in their carrer, they have seen stuff none of us want to see or even experience. But like everything there are the ones who want to try and catch as many people as the possibly can.
My buddy was puller over in San Diego at 4am for running a stop sign right next to our hotel we were staying in last year, there was no one on the road when went through the stop sign at 3mph but anyway he was pulled and to be honest I wouldn't fault the cop for pulling us. HE didn't us from anyone, so was just doing his job. He asked where we were coming from etc, my buddy doesn't drink so asked why he was up so late and just pointed at me locked in the passo seat. And ask for his details and that was it. Left us on our way it was cool to be honest he could have gave out but didn't but you have to remember cops esp in america they don't know who or what they are pulling over.
06-19-2012, 07:17 PM #33
06-19-2012, 07:39 PM #34
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I have noticed this also.
I would like to stereotype it as being physique related but I can't. I have a cousin who is a cop and has the physique of a boy. He is one of the worst power trippers ive ever seen and will openly talk about tasing/macing/baton beating people with joy and no repercussions. I have encountered cops that were muscular and most likely on juice and met the same mentality.
06-19-2012, 07:42 PM #35
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Hey I have a legit question.
How can you be a cop and not work out? Take myself for example. If I don't work out for say 6 months. I will revert back to a very low strength individual. The idea of shoving someone, wrestling someone to the ground, any athletic activity, throw that shit out the window it aint happening. On the other hand if you catch me when I have been hitting all my lifts and going up in weight regularly, I will f you up. I mean It wouldnt even be hard for me. If you have ever wrestled your brother before lifting and after you know what I'm talking about.
06-19-2012, 09:22 PM #36
I have always wondered this too. I think to some guys it is just a job. A friend of mine in the gun industry told me that some officers really care about their firearms/gear and some could care less. My guess is the guys that don't work out are probably the same guys that don't take care of their gear.
06-19-2012, 09:38 PM #37
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Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper
Last edited by Razor; 06-19-2012 at 09:43 PM.
If it came to a point where I sadly joined a LE agency, I would be juiced to the max.
Come on, I need to be in best shape to chase people down and kick their ass!
Would you even think of hitting RonnieHolly fvck he will literally knock your block off.
06-19-2012, 09:59 PM #39
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Originally Posted by samson_420
Pure beast mode
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