How's your quest for a source check. Times a
How's your quest for a source check. Times a
time to move this to the lounge
luckily i have 60 lbs to drop before my next cycle so ive got time to waste.
Surely he's not a cop, they have to be smarter than that. Right?
I bet a large percentage of guys on here are cops. Not looking to bust anyone necessarily... just meatheads themselves.
I agree. Ronnie Coleman is a cop! Im not. Anyways what I really meant was that I wanted someone experienced to take me under their wing. And now I have to deal with this nonsense and have a permanent fed stigma on my handle. Its pretty BS for a place that is supposed to be a supportive community.
you ever drink with irish people before? because if this is getting to you then.........
relax your fine just stick around and get to know people, of course people will be suspicious of you with a post like that, think of it from their shoes
it kinda sounds like the story of the cops that told everybody with warrants to go collect their prize then arrested them all,
if that wasnt your intention the just forget about it and lighten up a little
Dude just ask questions, and you will get your answers, but if your looking for friends, or for someone to give you a source, this ain't a source board. And I can be sure no one is going to go fishing with you, and sell you roids either. Hell I don't know one guy that has ever met other dudes off the internet. Ha Ha Ha
who says "handle".
Hey!!! This is where I'm from!!Originally Posted by spywizard
A fed getting head by another fed! That is just wrongOriginally Posted by castiron
5 - 0: Slang for police officers and/or a warning that police are approaching. Derived from the television show Hawaii 5-0.
Babylon: Jamaican English term for corrupt establishment systems, often applied to the police.
Bacon: Derived from Pigs: often used in the structure "I smell bacon" to warn of the approaching presence of an officer.
Barney: Term coined after Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show.
Bear: Short for "Smokey the Bear" in reference to the hats worn by some U.S. state police being similar to that of "Smokey the Bear". "Bear bait" is a reference to speeders, who may draw the attention of the police and allow slightly slower traffic to exceed the speed limit in their wake. "Bear in the Air" is a reference to a police chopper.
Berry: Originating from blueberry, referring to the blue uniform most officers wear.
Bizzies: Common Liverpool slang term for the police, it was invented as the police were always too "busy" to help.
Blue Heelers: This is a term used in Australian and is after a breed of dog, the Australian Cattle Dog. This term is use because it accurately describes the personality and appearance (blue uniform) of a police officer. This term became used more frequently as it was used for the Australian police drama series Blue Heelers.
Blue Meanies: This is a 190s hippy slang term for the police, it was used in the Beatles film the Yellow Submarine, although many viewers may not have realised its significance.
Bluebottle: A British term for policeman that may have derived from Cockney rhyming slang. 'Bottle' is an abbreviation of 'bottle and glass', which is rhyming slang for 'arse'. (See also Bottles).
Bobby: This is not now widely used in Britain (except by the police, who still commonly use it to refer to themselves), though it can occur with a mixture of affection and slight irony in the phrase "village bobby", referring to the local community police officer. It is derived from Robert Peel (Bobby being the usual nickname for Robert), the founder of the Metropolitan Police.
Bottles: Cockney rhyming slang for Coppers (see below), from Bottles and Stoppers.
Boys in blue: A reference to the blue uniform worn by some officers.
Bronze: A term used for police officers in the 1979 Mel Gibson movie Mad Max
Bulls: An American term usually used to refer to railroad police but may also indicate regular police officers.
Cherry Toppers: Often used in reference to police cars which in most nations bear red lights on the top of the car.
Cop or Copper: While commonly believed to be an acronym for Constable On Patrol, the term refers to "one who captures or snatches". This word first appeared in the early 18th century, and can be matched with the word "cap", which has the same meaning and whose etymology can be traced to the Latin word 'capere'. (The word retains this meaning in other contexts: teenagers "cop a feel" on a date, and they have also been known to "cop an attitude".) Variation: Copper. It is also believed that the term Copper was the original, unshortened word, popularly believed to represent the copper badges American officers used to wear at the time of origin, but in fact probably used in Britain to mean "someone who cops" long before this.
Crusher: Of unknown origin but may have come from the nickname used for the Royal Navy Regulating Branch.
Dibble or The Dibble: Arises from the police officer in the Hanna-Barbera animated programme Top Cat. Most commonly used in Manchester.
Do-do nutters or The Do-dos: Arises from the stereotype of police officers eating donuts.
DRC or The DRC: Dirty Rotten Cop(per).
Feds: Usually used in the United States to refer to higher federal law enforcement agencies, especially the F.B.I. The term has gained widespread use around the West Midlands area in the UK, especially Birmingham. Derogatory slang, possibly due to influence of imported US television programmes.
Filth: a widespread term used in several countries.
(Name of city)'s Finest: Used in either admiration, or slightly derisive irony, in the United States. In New York City, the term has been adapted to other civil servants, such as "New York's Bravest" (the Fire Department) and "New York's Boldest" (the Department of Correction).
First Bunch of Idiots: Referring to the F.B.I., the federal law enforcement arm of the United States
Flatfoot: A term that refers to the large amount of walking that a police officer would do, thus causing flat feet.
Folks, Tha Folks: Southern Louisiana, rarely used.
Fuzz: This North American term first appeared in the 1920s and gained popularity in the 1930s. This slang term may be in reference to the sound of the field radios that police commonly use. It surfaced in Britain in the 1960s.
The Heat: American; putting the heat on someone. (Example: in the line What a field day for the heat (Stephen Stills, "For What It's Worth" from Buffalo Springfield, 1967), Stills is referring to the police.)
The Gaver: Cockney slang for the police - unknown origin - London.
The Guards: Irish term for the Garda SÃochána
Heavy or Heavies: Cockney rhyming slang for the Flying Squad, from the Heavy Mob, (see also Sweeney).
Horseman: A Canadian term referring to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Variation: Mounties.
Jake: A common term used and created in New York City, New York
John Law or Johnny Law: Used across the United States. Mostly an older term.
Mama (Maman in South): Hindi (Malayalam in South) word which means uncle. Sarcastic reference to a policeman.
The Man: A derisive term popular during the 1960s and 1970s during the anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian movements. Implies that police are a tool of the powerful "man" that is trying to keep others down.
Member: Used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to refer to fellow Mounties in place of the usual "officer" or "constable" (or equivalent) in other police forces.
Mr. Plod, P.C. Plod or Plodder: a British term that arose from the Noddy books by Enid Blyton, in which Mr. Plod was the village policeman. "Plod" has also commonly been used by the British police themselves, as has its (generally disparaging) female equivalent "plonk".
Laws: A term originated in Houston, Texas.
One Time: A term where its meaning is derived from where if arrested all it takes is "one time" to be put away (convicted).
Old Bill: A term in use in London among other areas, inspiring the television series The Bill. The origin of this nickname is obscure; according to the Metropolitan Police themselves, there are at least 13 different explanations.
Pandu Hawaldar: Indian constabulary (and not officers) were recruited mostly from village areas. Pandu Ram was a common name in the villages. Hawaldar is a police sergeant.
Peeler: This also comes from Robert Peel (see 'Bobby'); it has largely disappeared in Britain, but is sometimes used in Northern Ireland.
Pigs: This term was widespread during the 19th century, disappeared for a while, but reappeared during the 20th century. It became especially popular during the 1960s and 1970s in the underground hippie and anti-establishment culture. It has also been used in anti-authoritarian punk and gangsta rap circles. Oz magazine showed a picture of a pig dressed as a policeman on a front cover.
Po-po or Po: A term used commonly by North American youth and rap artists.
Po-9: A term originating from "po-po", used mostly in the southern US.
Penelope's: A slang word for the police term coined by the SF Bay Area rap artist E-40
Rashers: British slang derived from pigs.
Rozzers: A British term. To Rozz was slang for to roast in the East End of London.
Rollers: An American term believed to have originated in the San Francisco Bay Area
Scuffers: An old British term.
Scum: Used across Britain, as an insult to say that the police are lower than the criminals.
Snippers: An African-American term used mostly in North America.
Soggies: Australian term for officers of the Special Operations Group.
Sweeney: Cockney rhyming slang for the Flying Squad, from Sweeney Todd, inspiring the television series The Sweeney, (see also Heavy).
Smokey: A term from the CB Radio fad of the 1970s. See "Bear" above.
The Thin Blue Line: Used to describe the role of the police in being the barrier between civilized society and anarchy, inspiring a TV series and a documentary of the same name. This has led to policemen involved in entrapping gays being ironically described as "The Thin Blue Jeans".
Tyre Biters: A term typically used for country police officers because of their habit of being involved with frequent car chases.
Wallopers: Mostly Commonwealth usage, from "wallop" meaning to hit or beat.
Woodentops: British term for uniformed police. Believed to be a reference to the 1950s children's TV series The Woodentops, very rarely in use.
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
We are going to change your Handle (username) to Bottles..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
hahaha, funny thread. Relax castiron everyone is just having some fun with you. If these guys were trying to be mean, you would know it, lol
Wow spywizard, most generally the only people that know all that are ones that have some sort if LE training. More specifically gang related LE training. You a member of the "G Unit"? ...............j/k
Oh Jesus. . . . . Enough said.
This guy is just what we need around here.. He can befriend Doxmaster and snap some pics of the battlecat for us. Then befriend AnabolicBoy and teach him how to make more than $23 with his worm.
He has a boat so he must be pullin more $$ than the gay stripper.
im going to change my name to special agent castiron.
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
all joking aside, what you are looking for you can obtain on this site, takes time and then several questions that show you have been reading the stickies and are trying..
If that still isn't enough for you guys like Nark here do it for a living, and can help you out for a consulting fee.. after all, depends on how serious you are and how far you want to take it..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
The Real Deal is always rightOriginally Posted by BG
That should be your first lesson.
Time to power up this thread
Dude you get the power like this! 33 seconds in
Fine dude heres your ****in sandwich
Oh thats great, I wish it was not blurry
LOL you guys are out of control
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