LOL... yes I was told in a meeting that all my case collaterals attended last week, that my agency will work with me in transitioning my case to another agency till 1/1/2013 and they are meeting with the 3 (yes ONLY 3 other agencies in the STATE) this week in efforts to explain the situation and ensure my ongoing employment...if that does not succed than 3 staff personal from my agency will remain in the
Concord office till 6/1/2013 to figure out a way for challenging cases to maintain stable and employed.... if I dont have something by than /after that Im screwed lol
They handled the information LEAK on company division closing and job loss poorly for sure, but they are attempting to assist in as many cases being transitioned without disturbance or unemployment as possible. *fingers crossed they can do this*
2 team members that I have work with on/off -on different cases and different job functions and in my home ... were in tears at the meeting ~ I will also seriously miss these girls

very very much