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Thread: What really inspired congress to make steroids Class III?

  1. #1

    What really inspired congress to make steroids Class III?

    Money? Almost certainly.

    But who was pulling the strings planning on benefiting from the restriction?

    It would seem to me that the drug companies would have wanted them to be easily prescribed so they could increase their sales volumes.

    Just wondering if anyone has a good POV on this question.

  2. #2
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    It was the illuminati's orders

  3. #3
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    Think it was more for public appeal..

    In Bigger, Stronger, Faster they show a clip of the Supreme Court hearing.. Seems it had to do with a combination of them affecting sports, namely baseball (which ppl actually cared about in the late 80's - early 90's) n social pressure.

    That's my take atleast

  4. #4
    Isn't that the same group that kept the metric system down and rigs every Oscar night?

  5. #5
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    post proelia praemia
    I find it funny that they more interested in steroids and prohormones and ban prohormones quicker then all the amphetamine etc precusors ''legal highs''

    a ph is basically a steroid precusor, a ''legal high'' i.e r.c amphetamine etc precusor and often stronger

    yet they more interested in the ph? go figure

  6. #6
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    It's congress job to pass laws to protect us from ourselves. Take for instance gun laws. They passed laws protecting the American public from folks buying guns that might be mentally unstable in order to keep some stray kids from just walking into a late night movie house and shooting it all up. So you see Congress goes out of it's way to protect us. Now you can sleep at night knowing they are doing their job. By the way got any extra sleeping pills? jk

  7. #7
    Ridiculous. Wish I could vote the lot into unemployment.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Think it was more for public appeal..

    In Bigger, Stronger, Faster they show a clip of the Supreme Court hearing.. Seems it had to do with a combination of them affecting sports, namely baseball (which ppl actually cared about in the late 80's - early 90's) n social pressure.

    That's my take atleast
    Pretty scary trying to crawl inside the mind of a politician?

  9. #9
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    OP do you know xelenga?

    I think you do

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    It's congress job to pass laws to protect us from ourselves. Take for instance gun laws. They passed laws protecting the American public from folks buying guns that might be mentally unstable in order to keep some stray kids from just walking into a late night movie house and shooting it all up. So you see Congress goes out of it's way to protect us. Now you can sleep at night knowing they are doing their job. By the way got any extra sleeping pills? jk
    Hey Shol'va, in all fairness, that was The Joker who shot up that movie theatre. You got to love our government though. They have problems with grown men willfully using gear responsibly to be better at their sport, but they have no problem with a doctor giving a 7-year-old amphetamines because that kid's parents don't want know how to deal with a child being a child.

  11. #11
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Simple answer...because a Canadian beat the US in the Olympics.

  12. #12
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    Baseball. Like I needed another reason to hate that pathetic sport...

  13. #13
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    I have add pretty bad. I think its from being in sales my whole life. It just takes a toll on my brain. My friend is the same way and he started taking adderall.

    He gets it fomr his dr who has upped his dose as he has built a tolerance. Fast forward two years he is having a hard time falling alseep so now he is prescribed a strong sleeping aid. Fast forward a year his addreal is now causing anxiety so he is on xanax if it gets the best of him

    He wakes up to one drug, falls asleep on another and if it all becomes to overwhelming he has something to help him cope and this is all under a dr who is supposed to look out for his well being.

    Only in america

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Simple answer...because a Canadian beat the US in the Olympics.
    Ben Johnson should just allow us to kick his ass for what he did. He couldn't have been that stupid to think he wouldn't fail the drug test. It's like way to go, you ended up making steroids illegal AND you didn't get to keep the win. ^5, asshole!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambolputty View Post
    Money? Almost certainly.

    But who was pulling the strings planning on benefiting from the restriction?

    It would seem to me that the drug companies would have wanted them to be easily prescribed so they could increase their sales volumes.

    Just wondering if anyone has a good POV on this question.
    Blindfolded fear and emotional hysteria, that's what led steroids to be labeled as Schedule III controlled substances. That may sound simple, but it's the truth.

    Rick Collins once said the issue of steroids or rather their perception is much like looking at a fun-house. In this case, we have countless people looking into that mirror and they are told what they see is the true reflection. When so many people begin to believe this through the power of persuasion, what we have is for all intense purposes a modern day witch hunt.

    The worst part of it all, if there has ever been a group of people that could change a misguided perception it would be steroid users. We all know the perception of steroid users isn't a good one, but this has by factual data been proven false time and time again. Stats show us steroid users in the U.S. alone represent one of the largest populations of educated individuals. One of the lowest high school dropout rates, one of the highest rates of a college education and an average income earning more than $20k the national average. We also know steroid users are one of the largest segments of law abiding in the country (excluding steroid related). These aren't harden criminals, low life's or anything related. Yet for some reason, most steroid users are content to hide in the shadows and do nothing regarding the injustice of this horrific law that is nothing short of a giant middle-finger to liberty.

  16. #16
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    oh and not for nothing baseball was best when they were all on steriods hitting home runs

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy2778 View Post
    oh and not for nothing baseball was best when they were all on steriods hitting home runs
    You mean like how football is currently better than ever before? They run faster, hit harder and are leaner and bigger than ever before. Anyone who believes the NFL isn't using steroids in massive amounts has lost their mind! I've never seen anything where steroid use is so blatant, so obvious and people tend to either be completely unaware or will to turn a blind eye and give the NFL a free pass.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Ben Johnson should just allow us to kick his ass for what he did. He couldn't have been that stupid to think he wouldn't fail the drug test. It's like way to go, you ended up making steroids illegal AND you didn't get to keep the win. ^5, asshole!
    Actually, if you read into it... you'll discover that Ben Johnson tested positive for a steroid he wasn't even taking. Someone ratted him out and rigged the test - that's how it happened.

    And lets not talk about the fact that Carl Lewis was on shit too. And got busted later on in his career.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Blindfolded fear and emotional hysteria, that's what led steroids to be labeled as Schedule III controlled substances. That may sound simple, but it's the truth.

    Rick Collins once said the issue of steroids or rather their perception is much like looking at a fun-house. In this case, we have countless people looking into that mirror and they are told what they see is the true reflection. When so many people begin to believe this through the power of persuasion, what we have is for all intense purposes a modern day witch hunt.

    The worst part of it all, if there has ever been a group of people that could change a misguided perception it would be steroid users. We all know the perception of steroid users isn't a good one, but this has by factual data been proven false time and time again. Stats show us steroid users in the U.S. alone represent one of the largest populations of educated individuals. One of the lowest high school dropout rates, one of the highest rates of a college education and an average income earning more than $20k the national average. We also know steroid users are one of the largest segments of law abiding in the country (excluding steroid related). These aren't harden criminals, low life's or anything related. Yet for some reason, most steroid users are content to hide in the shadows and do nothing regarding the injustice of this horrific law that is nothing short of a giant middle-finger to liberty.
    I love you, Metalject. This is exactly what I was going to say here but you said it already. I have no need to expound futher on this.

  19. #19
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Who do you think sponsors all these AAS busts? Your favorite greedy pharmaceutical companies. Sports are just an easy place to blame everything on. The power of the pharmaceutical companies most couldn't fathom. Politically and otherwise.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who do you think sponsors all these AAS busts? Your favorite greedy pharmaceutical companies. Sports are just an easy place to blame everything on. The power of the pharmaceutical companies most couldn't fathom. Politically and otherwise.
    Pharms and minerals rules the world not governments

  21. #21
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    Alot of it was based on the public and its perception of steroids. All they ever heard was it was bad and it will cause ALL out kids to use them and kill them.

    Its similar to how public demand caused laws to be passed on opiod drugs. The chinese whom were brought here to work use to spend their time after work smoking opium. The females of the time started using opiods to help with all sorts of things, so the husbands started saying that the chinese were going to rape and cause havic because of their opiod use. They did it because it passed time and they were away from their families. Goventment steps in and shuts down the opiate houses, starts making arrests, and then realizes they can make it by prescription only from dr's but that didnt slow it, so they came up with a bogist license one had to obtain to legally prescribe it. Government intervention because of public outcry that had nothing to do with why white women were using the drugs..

    And having more strengent gun control isnt the answer to keeping crazies from shooting ppl. It is easier to obtain a weapon off the street than to get it legally. Chicago and New York passed harsh gun control and their crimes with handguns are some of the worst in the United States. There were 4000 handguns taken off the streets last year inside the city limits of New York City.

  22. #22
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    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Do you know what else is referred to as a Congress? A group of Baboons.

    True story.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who do you think sponsors all these AAS busts? Your favorite greedy pharmaceutical companies. Sports are just an easy place to blame everything on. The power of the pharmaceutical companies most couldn't fathom. Politically and otherwise.
    Very true. The power of big pharma is unreal! Their relationship with the FDA is one that's ridiculously out of about an agency that needs to be scrapped or at least redone. Most of the FDA officials are former big pharma guys, then they go to the FDA and when they leave there they reenter the private sector back to big pharma. It's a never ending circle of insanity.

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