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Thread: Chik Fil A - Man Gets Fired After Posting Drive Thru Video

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    That slogan can't be real hahahaha
    Yes it absolutely is! The name of the restuarant is Strouds or Strouds Oak Ridge Manor in Kansas City Missouri and are famous for their pan fried chicken and that is their slogan..We Choke Our Own Chickens..

    And here is the story on Strouds and seen on man verses food show

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Speaking from a business stand point why would you even have a view point? You sell chicken, so sell chicken! Why would you want to turn business away because of your personal view point? If I was a businessman i wouldn't have an public opinions on anything.
    Speaking from an American standpoint you have the right to an opinion. Church/State are supposed to be separated that is it. Last I checked anyone can have an opinion on anything, but there is nothing wrong with criticizing that opinion. Who are you to tell a business owner he can't have an opinion? Since when are you able to decide who thinks what?

  3. #83
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    NY, Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Same here. I was expecting him to toss the water at the drive in girl or cuss her out or something really derogatory, but nope nothing exciting. Just a barrage of why he thinks the owner is homophobic and hateful. I didn't see the need for his boss to fire him over such a trivial matter. But he did right IMO by posting an apology to the girl. Better still he needs to drive thru again and hand her a dozen red long stem roses with an apology note. That would go a long way and show a little class on his part to make up for his earlier behavior towards her. We don't have a chick filet near me but I go to a place called Strouds...
    If the matter had been the other way around you would have been outraged and calling for him to be fired. Or in other words if he was there saying woooo I love this place because it is an gay free restaurant and no one did anything about it, I am pretty sure it would erk you. Maybe you think him being fired was overboard because he was doing something that stood up for gays and since you are gay you are more lenient of his actions? Who knows. What I do know is a CFO does not get to act like an outright piece of shlt towards a 7.50 an hour girl and not have repercussions for it.

  4. #84
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Speaking from an American standpoint you have the right to an opinion. Church/State are supposed to be separated that is it. Last I checked anyone can have an opinion on anything, but there is nothing wrong with criticizing that opinion. Who are you to tell a business owner he can't have an opinion? Since when are you able to decide who thinks what?
    Of course the CEO is aloud an opinion. I dont think anyone is saying he cant. But when you go on the radio and express it you have to express some blow back.

    Hell the religious right wanted to boycott JcPenny's because the hired ellen degeneres as a spokes person and she is gay. She wasnt preaching anything. She was just in commercials. Now the religious people are all up in arms when people stand up against them
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #85
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    DSM said he sells chicken go sell chicken and why does he have a viewpoint? My response is because he can. Also if you read what I said, I did mention that there is nothing wrong with criticizing his opinion. The guy said something a lot of people didn't like and got slammed for it which is fine. I tend to stand by the principal of "Your rights end where my nose starts." I don't care what anyone does as long as it isn't harmful. MY problem with the situation is people who fight for rights saying this guy has no right to express his view or why is he expressing it as a business owner. Simple answer is because he can! If you don't like what he said SLAM THAT. Trying to decide who can or can't express personal beliefs is hypocritical.
    Last edited by Renesis; 08-07-2012 at 02:08 PM.

  6. #86
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    DSM said he sells chicken go sell chicken and why does he have a viewpoint? My response is because he can. Also if you read what I said, I did mention that there is nothing wrong with criticizing his opinion. The guy said something a lot of people didn't like and got slammed for it which is fine. I tend to stand by the principal of "Your rights end where my nose starts." I don't care what anyone does as long as it isn't harmful. MY problem with the situation is people who fight for rights saying this guy has no right to express his view or why is he expressing it as a business owner. Simple answer is because he can! If you don't like what he said SLAM THAT. Don't dare try to decide who can or can't express personal beliefs, that is hypocritical.
    i took DSM's statement different. Meaning if asked about your viewpoint i wouldnt comment. Thats why he said if he had a business he wouldnt have a public opinion on anything.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    gotcha, maybe you read it right idk lol

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