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Thread: Chik Fil A - Man Gets Fired After Posting Drive Thru Video

  1. #1
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    Chik Fil A - Man Gets Fired After Posting Drive Thru Video

    IMO, this guy is just an idiot with trying to strong arm the cashier. He got fired for thinking he's such a tough guy with an employee on the clock. Now, the same thing should be done IMO with a few select mayors in the US, who feel they can make or break a corporation simply because a CEO has a different viewpoint than them.

    And just for the record, I'm 100% good with gay marriage, it makes no difference to me. If your soul mate is the same gender, excellent, IMO you should have the same rights as any other married couple. However, I don't agree AT ALL that Government, in any shape or form, should have the ability to hinder or provoke a collapse of any private business, sole proprietorship or corporation, simply because an executive, or even a board for that matter, has differing opinions than the Government on their personal views. As long as they do not incorporate the practice of racism & stereotyping within the veil of their organizations, then their personal opinions are GTG, and the court of public can decide their fate ... But not the Government!!

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  3. #3
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    I don't even need the title "marriage." Call it civil unions for all I care but I want the same rights. I have my partner covered under my work benefits but because he has a c0ck I still have to pay a portion. If he was female it would be covered 100%, now that's BS. If someone has a legal binding civil union they should be treated like any other married couple.

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    That guy didn't do anyone any favors - including himself. If anything, he helped the anti-equality people by adding to their feelings of persecution.

    Kudos to that young girl for keeping her act together. So far it is polite-worker-girl:1 and belligerent guy: 0.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I have my partner covered under my work benefits but because he has a c0ck I still have to pay a portion. If he was female it would be covered 100%, now that's BS. If someone has a legal binding civil union they should be treated like any other married couple.

    I do have to say I agree with this, you pay taxes and all other shit like the rest. Why does gender make a fvcking difference?

    Marriage in today's world should be treated more like a contract. Which should be available to anyone meeting certain qualifications, but what do I know.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I don't even need the title "marriage." Call it civil unions for all I care but I want the same rights. I have my partner covered under my work benefits but because he has a c0ck I still have to pay a portion. If he was female it would be covered 100%, now that's BS. If someone has a legal binding civil union they should be treated like any other married couple.
    really ??? where the hell do you work???? i've always for the last 35 yrs paid for my family to be covered under my insurance, my employer pays for single coverage, any additional coverage is paid by the employee...

    and i've worked for fortune 100 companies.. .. it's still cheaper for me to buy my own..
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  7. #7
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    that was some swift douchebag removal.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I don't even need the title "marriage." Call it civil unions for all I care but I want the same rights. I have my partner covered under my work benefits but because he has a c0ck I still have to pay a portion. If he was female it would be covered 100%, now that's BS. If someone has a legal binding civil union they should be treated like any other married couple.
    DSM, I fully agree with you on this. If a company pays the premiums for my wife and myself, then my coworker should have the same privilege if he/she is married, or is in a civil union with a same sex partner.

    However, if a company's CEO publicly states that he believes marriage is between a man and woman, then I believe he has the right to that opinion, even though it differs from what you and I believe. If you and I feel the guy is a tool, we can show how we feel by not patronizing the business, or hell, we can even demonstrate with protests. Regardless of our sentiments, what we don't need is Government intervening and compromising our 1st Amendment.

  9. #9
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    I'm not sure how bullying an entry level employee is going to change the culture of the corporation?

    I don't think this really had to do anything with politics and everything to do with him just plain and simple being a bully.

    You know, i was on the receiving end of asssholes like him bullying all through school, and I'd like to stomp him hard just for his stupid stunt.

  10. #10
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    What a ****ing douche bag, I would thrown that water all over his dumb ass
    That girl was being a gem, and he was being a asshat
    Last edited by Razor; 08-03-2012 at 02:23 PM.

  11. #11
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    I cant believe the nerve of some people man! I feel better knowing he got fired for his stupid and uncalled for antics.

  12. #12
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    It’s just sad that sometimes people feel things are so unfair, that they feel the need to do something/ anything to try and make it rite... this guy is not happy that other Americans are not treated as equals, and he took action in his own way. He def. could have handled it better, without getting himself fired or badgering a middle person that for he knows may agree with his ideas... his end intention was too help and I give him props for that

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    It’s just sad that sometimes people feel things are so unfair, that they feel the need to do something/ anything to try and make it rite... this guy is not happy that other Americans are not treated as equals, and he took action in his own way. He def. could have handled it better, without getting himself fired or badgering a middle person that for he knows may agree with his ideas... his end intention was too help and I give him props for that
    He was just there to start trouble, nothing good could come from what he did or his behavior.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    It’s just sad that sometimes people feel things are so unfair, that they feel the need to do something/ anything to try and make it rite... this guy is not happy that other Americans are not treated as equals, and he took action in his own way. He def. could have handled it better, without getting himself fired or badgering a middle person that for he knows may agree with his ideas... his end intention was too help and I give him props for that

    I've been around too many bullies, and to me, it was just yet another excuse to ply his trade. I really doubt that he personally felt his stupid stunt would help anyone other than himself. He was so arrogant about it, he recorded it, AND put it on Youtube??


    (but I'm not ranting!)

  15. #15
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    agree he was provoking the cashier, he was def a jerk to her and he maybe a bully of a person 24/7,could have handled it better but his message was that he didn’t agree with the company spending money to further the unequal treatment of a select group of Americans ... so he made a video to bring awareness and vent his feelings.

    if he made the same vid with a narration before getting his drink and politely stated why he got the free water and then thanked her for her time ~ he would have made his point without involving the middle man an looking like a jerk/getting fired so maybe he is just a bully IDK but i would like to think he sincerely had a good intention of bring awareness and showing that some Americans are sick, frustrated and taking a stand against inequality and his passion on the subject came off wrong

  16. #16
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    What a douchbag, he was soooo smug that he's better,
    “I will. I just did something really good. I feel purposeful.”
    "I don’t know how you sleep at night,”
    Do you think youre a big man now? almost/or making a young girl cry? Guess what douche she's got a job in a tough economical times (she will prob get kind of kudos for keeping her composure).............and now you dont

  17. #17
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    Why/how can you bring more awareness to something that is in the media every ten minutes? Im taking something for free because thier opion differs from mine, dumb.

    and to make clear, I dont care if people get married, let them, who really cares? it doesnt effect ANYBODIES daily life if they do.

  18. #18
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    That girl is a star. I don't care what her personal beliefs are; as an employer I can appreciate a young employee who can handle confrontation with a smile.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    agree he was provoking the cashier, he was def a jerk to her and he maybe a bully of a person 24/7,could have handled it better but his message was that he didn’t agree with the company spending money to further the unequal treatment of a select group of Americans ... so he made a video to bring awareness and vent his feelings.

    if he made the same vid with a narration before getting his drink and politely stated why he got the free water and then thanked her for her time ~ he would have made his point without involving the middle man an looking like a jerk/getting fired so maybe he is just a bully IDK but i would like to think he sincerely had a good intention of bring awareness and showing that some Americans are sick, frustrated and taking a stand against inequality and his passion on the subject came off wrong
    I don't know, you could be right. It's just that i've had waay too many bullies invent shiit to justify stealing my lunch money in grade school, or whatever. It just sounded to me like an excuse to be a bully. But, once again, i really HATE bullies, so maybe I'm just seeing them everywhere?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    That girl is a star. I don't care what her personal beliefs are; as an employer I can appreciate a young employee who can handle confrontation with a smile.
    That girl is aces in my book. on as side note, she knew she was being recorded, and this usually changes one's behaivor somewhat as opposed to when not being recorded.

  20. #20
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    What hate groups does chick filet support? If any...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    What hate groups does chick filet support? If any...
    Well rumor has it that the owner is donating millions to anti gay groups as well as a group he supports to turn gays back to straight. I don't know the validity of this but that is the story going around. So it isn't just that he has his opinion of marriage to one man and one woman but that he is using his influence of wealth to influence others as well. Hey I firmly believe that he has every right to his opinions but it seems to cross the line when he or anyone else uses the money or power to influence the rest of us. This will probably get uglier before it gets better and that I hate because now more people will be polarized for or against gay people and I'll have to watch my back even more in my life. Some folks have no idea what it's like to live in fear of being beaten or worse just because of who you are. But with that said it still doesn't give some of these guys a green like to act an idiot. IMO

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well rumor has it that the owner is donating millions to anti gay groups as well as a group he supports to turn gays back to straight. I don't know the validity of this but that is the story going around. So it isn't just that he has his opinion of marriage to one man and one woman but that he is using his influence of wealth to influence others as well. Hey I firmly believe that he has every right to his opinions but it seems to cross the line when he or anyone else uses the money or power to influence the rest of us. This will probably get uglier before it gets better and that I hate because now more people will be polarized for or against gay people and I'll have to watch my back even more in my life. Some folks have no idea what it's like to live in fear of being beaten or worse just because of who you are. But with that said it still doesn't give some of these guys a green like to act an idiot. IMO
    couldn't agree with you more my friend!

    It really pisses me off when people get all involved in what other consenting adults do in the privacyy of their own home!!

  23. #23
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    who does what he did?

    what an asshole lol

  24. #24
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    really ??? where the hell do you work???? i've always for the last 35 yrs paid for my family to be covered under my insurance, my employer pays for single coverage, any additional coverage is paid by the employee...

    and i've worked for fortune 100 companies.. .. it's still cheaper for me to buy my own..[/

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    really ??? where the hell do you work???? i've always for the last 35 yrs paid for my family to be covered under my insurance, my employer pays for single coverage, any additional coverage is paid by the employee...

    and i've worked for fortune 100 companies.. .. it's still cheaper for me to buy my own..
    except for the last couple years all my employers paid a part of family coverage. Now they dont.
    And i agree i get my wife on my own its cheaper then through the employer
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  26. #26
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    the guy was a douche, i was expecting worse though by everyones comments
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well rumor has it that the owner is donating millions to anti gay groups as well as a group he supports to turn gays back to straight. I don't know the validity of this but that is the story going around. So it isn't just that he has his opinion of marriage to one man and one woman but that he is using his influence of wealth to influence others as well. Hey I firmly believe that he has every right to his opinions but it seems to cross the line when he or anyone else uses the money or power to influence the rest of us. This will probably get uglier before it gets better and that I hate because now more people will be polarized for or against gay people and I'll have to watch my back even more in my life. Some folks have no idea what it's like to live in fear of being beaten or worse just because of who you are. But with that said it still doesn't give some of these guys a green like to act an idiot. IMO
    Yea sounds like fear mongering

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    And this is why I keep eating at Chik-Fil-A cuz they has the awesome chickens.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well rumor has it that the owner is donating millions to anti gay groups as well as a group he supports to turn gays back to straight. I don't know the validity of this but that is the story going around. So it isn't just that he has his opinion of marriage to one man and one woman but that he is using his influence of wealth to influence others as well. Hey I firmly believe that he has every right to his opinions but it seems to cross the line when he or anyone else uses the money or power to influence the rest of us. This will probably get uglier before it gets better and that I hate because now more people will be polarized for or against gay people and I'll have to watch my back even more in my life. Some folks have no idea what it's like to live in fear of being beaten or worse just because of who you are. But with that said it still doesn't give some of these guys a green like to act an idiot. IMO
    wealth and money to influence?? you mean like the media has and does for the past 20 yrs?? who owns them??

    or professors in colleges, when I was in school earlier and more recent, if the instructors sexual orientation was introduced into the class, or political views and opinions were introduced i'd always interrupt and ask if that information was on the final exam?? and if not why did I need to know?? I don't care, i'm not paying them for opinion, i'm paying to be there to learn what is required to achieve the degree i was pursuing..

    It's a 2 edged sword for sure..

    Opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one and they usually stink.. this thread is case in point.
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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I'm not sure how bullying an entry level employee is going to change the culture of the corporation?

    I don't think this really had to do anything with politics and everything to do with him just plain and simple being a bully.

    You know, i was on the receiving end of asssholes like him bullying all through school, and I'd like to stomp him hard just for his stupid stunt.
    I agree with you. As the video was running I was thinking this poor girl making min wage could careless about what you feel. Leave her out of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    really ??? where the hell do you work???? i've always for the last 35 yrs paid for my family to be covered under my insurance, my employer pays for single coverage, any additional coverage is paid by the employee...

    and i've worked for fortune 100 companies.. .. it's still cheaper for me to buy my own..
    This company (big company) covers employee and his spouse 100%. As long as the spouse is of difference sex. I am happy the company even allows me to cover a domestic partner which shows we (gay community) is making progress but we still have a ways to go.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I agree with you. As the video was running I was thinking this poor girl making min wage could careless about what you feel. Leave her out of it.

    This company (big company) covers employee and his spouse 100%. As long as the spouse is of difference sex. I am happy the company even allows me to cover a domestic partner which shows we (gay community) is making progress but we still have a ways to go.
    my brother in law's new company is a private company that larger that now covers him as a domestic spouse and i'm cool with that, not that how i feel about it matters..

    but for me to purchase family coverage 80/20 $5000 total copay with $20 visit is $5 per hour.. it's that simple.. it's worth $9600 per year costs.. $2 million each max lifetime payout (the way to get around that is start a new policy in the event of a significant loss) .. a no qualifying policy..

    My wife's compmany also covers domestic partners and is a hospital group... our cost is $545 per month for the family and they pay $545 per month for the cost both examples pay for 50% dental..

    that's cheaper than a Group plan that a large group/pool of people can purchase and i'm good with that.. but to an employer that's what it is.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard

    really ??? where the hell do you work???? i've always for the last 35 yrs paid for my family to be covered under my insurance, my employer pays for single coverage, any additional coverage is paid by the employee...

    and i've worked for fortune 100 companies.. .. it's still cheaper for me to buy my own..
    Agreed. I get ripped off if I want to add someone to my plan.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I agree with you. As the video was running I was thinking this poor girl making min wage could careless about what you feel. Leave her out of it.

    This company (big company) covers employee and his spouse 100%. As long as the spouse is of difference sex. I am happy the company even allows me to cover a domestic partner which shows we (gay community) is making progress but we still have a ways to go.
    Aren't they going to be required by law to cover your partner fully like as if he were a wife now that Obama's health care laws are going in to effect?

  34. #34
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    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  35. #35
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    LOL Gixxer ^^^

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    LOL!!!!! Too funny, Jon Stewart is the man.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Aren't they going to be required by law to cover your partner fully like as if he were a wife now that Obama's health care laws are going in to effect?
    Not sure but I will look into that.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well rumor has it that the owner is donating millions to anti gay groups as well as a group he supports to turn gays back to straight. I don't know the validity of this but that is the story going around. So it isn't just that he has his opinion of marriage to one man and one woman but that he is using his influence of wealth to influence others as well. Hey I firmly believe that he has every right to his opinions but it seems to cross the line when he or anyone else uses the money or power to influence the rest of us. This will probably get uglier before it gets better and that I hate because now more people will be polarized for or against gay people and I'll have to watch my back even more in my life. Some folks have no idea what it's like to live in fear of being beaten or worse just because of who you are. But with that said it still doesn't give some of these guys a green like to act an idiot. IMO
    It's not a rumor that Dan Cathy supports traditional marriage and it's not a rumor that he has given money to organizations that support the same. This is not a rumor because he's stated these facts. I do think it's important though to recognize a few things....

    First, we all use whatever position we have to influence the things that are important to us. Those who don't are not standing by their convictions, whatever those convictions might be.

    Secondly, supporting traditional marriage is not being anti-gay IMO. Most of those who support traditional marriage have no hate towards the gay community. Sure, there are those who do, but you'll find butt heads in every group from every walk of life. It's important to remember, those who support the traditional view of marriage are normally doing so on the basis or their religious convictions, and if you have such convictions and do not stand behind them what good are they? Even if you're not religious, all people have some level of convictions based on something.

  39. #39
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    ^^ and opinions
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  40. #40
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    Good points metalject. Many years ago, I was surrounded by religious mindsets, and I was quite active in the church. I knew people that believed various parts of religion to help improve their lives, and I knew others who firmly believed everything the book said; start to finish! I personally got away from that many years ago, as it just didn't agree with my life.

    If you believe strongly in something, as in a religion or philosophy, or as Spy has mentioned, have an opinion, then of course it's going to be the natural course to endorse that point of view with the means you have possible. Even gay and lesbian celebrities, athletes, and affluent individuals will financially support their cause (as they should). It's just when people use force, intimidation and other non consensual means to sway a person to comply to the structure of their beliefs, is when you find will find the system of democracy to be dysfunctional.

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