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Thread: Stupid American Laws

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ac guy View Post
    It’s illegal for women to wear pants in Tucson Az
    It’s illegal to have less then one missing teeth showing when you smile after your 18th birthday in Tombstone Az
    It’s illegal to ride a horse up the stairs of the county court house Yavapai county Az
    It’s illegal for more then 6 girls to live in a house
    Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs
    It is illegal to eat grass from any area where sheep or cows are grazing. Tempe, Az
    It is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.
    Those all sound like good laws to ne

  2. #82
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    Rockefella laws in NY. 3 felonies and you go to jail for life

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    Rockefella laws in NY. 3 felonies and you go to jail for life
    I agree with this law. Pretty simple don't get 3 felonies

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox

    I agree with this law. Pretty simple don't get 3 felonies
    I try to live by the code don't get one felony!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #85
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    I have never been in trouble with the law by any means.

    Good code to live by

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox
    I have never been in trouble with the law by any means.

    Good code to live by
    Me either. I did throw a cat in the air one time and a passerby saw it and called the cops on me for animal cruelty, lol. I was 16, my buddies dad (cop) showed up and said ummmmmmmm.........Why am I here??

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Js

    Me either. I did throw a cat in the air one time and a passerby saw it and called the cops on me for animal cruelty, lol. I was 16, my buddies dad (cop) showed up and said ummmmmmmm.........Why am I here??
    Depending on how high you threw it I might call them too. Lol

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadWolf

    Depending on how high you threw it I might call them too. Lol
    18ft. Is that high??? Kidding, idk it was some crazy cat lady. I'm not like that with dogs don't worry, lol.

    My favorite dog is the "spud" dog, you know where I might can get one? :wink:

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Js

    18ft. Is that high??? Kidding, idk it was some crazy cat lady. I'm not like that with dogs don't worry, lol.

    My favorite dog is the "spud" dog, you know where I might can get one? :wink:
    I know a guy that knows a guy that's me.

  10. #90
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadWolf
    Need a pup?lol
    Sorry I have derailed this thread. But that is a kickass dog. WOW.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I agree with this law. Pretty simple don't get 3 felonies
    I have never been arrested but the law is ****ing backwards. People who sell drugs go to jail for life while child molesters get 10 years.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I have never been arrested but the law is ****ing backwards. People who sell drugs go to jail for life while child molesters get 10 years.
    Where the hell do you live that ppl who sell drugs go away for life? Christ I live in the middle of Amethica and I have seen cookers and dealers getting nothing more than probation, small amounts of Co. jail or maybe 5-10 that usaully results in 6 months -2 years.

  14. #94
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    you can get 3 different felonies on one bust. I know guys who were 21 years old got caught selling something (once again I dont agree with this) and thats it they are done for life.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post

    you can get 3 different felonies on one bust. I know guys who were 21 years old got caught selling something (once again I dont agree with this) and thats it they are done for life.
    Hmm. They should have hired Shov's attrny's lol.

  16. #96
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    They are supposedly getting re worked. Their are a lot of people in jail for life who shouldnt be

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    They are supposedly getting re worked. Their are a lot of people in jail for life who shouldnt be
    and alot of ppl who should be in jail for life are walking free. The holes in our justice system can be seen from both sides of the wall.

    I love the idea of a 3 strikes law but it should def. be reserved for serious and violant criminals. There are worse things I suppose than being a drug dealer as the only person he is DIRECTLY hurting is the user and there will always be those wanting to use. As long as there is demand there will be supply.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I have never been arrested but the law is ****ing backwards. People who sell drugs go to jail for life while child molesters get 10 years.
    I agree. my fiancee and I were just talking about that...I know a guy who's daughter (9 years old) was raped and he went to the guys house and shot and killed him. the man who raped the girl got convicted and was going to serve only 5 years for the crime.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I agree. my fiancee and I were just talking about that...I know a guy who's daughter (9 years old) was raped and he went to the guys house and shot and killed him. the man who raped the girl got convicted and was going to serve only 5 years for the crime.
    reminds me of Law Abiding Citizen, awesome flick.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox

    I agree. my fiancee and I were just talking about that...I know a guy who's daughter (9 years old) was raped and he went to the guys house and shot and killed him. the man who raped the girl got convicted and was going to serve only 5 years for the crime.
    Good for him!!!

  21. #101
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    Gearbox- what happened to the father?

    I thought you cant kill someone in the heat of the moment anymore. You have to wait years for that type of revenge

  22. #102
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    stupid law... a woman can kill my son before he is breathing air, but i don't get that choice...

    I say i should get like 1 week when he's 13 that i can terminate the little bastard..
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  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    Gearbox- what happened to the father?

    I thought you cant kill someone in the heat of the moment anymore. You have to wait years for that type of revenge
    The father that shot the guy is in jail. I believe he got like 35 years. He has a chance at parole

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox

    The father that shot the guy is in jail. I believe he got like 35 years. He has a chance at parole
    Honestly, this guy did the world a favor. Someone who rapes a 9 year old is a serious threat to society. These people have no benefit to the world and need to be cleansed of the land. He took a threat off the streets and they thanked him by locking him up for 35 years and we are paying for it.

    I understand murder is illegal, but they only gave the guy 5 years???

  25. #105
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    I believe that's what sent him over the edge with anger. Guy would of been out when his daughter starts high school.

    5 years Because he had no criminal record whatsoever for prior offenses.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    stupid law... a woman can kill my son before he is breathing air, but i don't get that choice...

    I say i should get like 1 week when he's 13 that i can terminate the little bastard..
    Hahaha, you know that is a bullshit law. They should allow us to opt out of the responsibility. IE within the first trimester or two if we request that she has an abortion and she refuses, since we can't physically make her have one, we can opt out of the child's life with no financial responsibility. It's the only fair thing we can do.

  27. #107
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    But still, that psychopath responsible for the colorado batman shootings also had no previous record. Just because they dont have a record, doesn't mean these people aren't capable of horrifying things. Thats what makes them a psychopath, they go long times without an episode but are ticking time bombs and eventually snap. Why our justice system uses that as a basis to cut them slack is beyond me....

    But how did he manage to kill this guy at his house if he was convicted and given 5 years. Last I checked you dont get recess in prison to go home.

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