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  1. #1
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Sort of pointless, but I'm curious

    Like I said, this is kind of trivial and I'm not sure anyone will know what the hell I'm talking about, but here it goes.

    All right, when I lay down to take a nap or for the night etc. sometimes I hear this noise that doesn't really bother me, but it's just weird. It sounds/sorta feels (I can't really feel it) but I know somehow that it originates from behind my throat, somewhere in my neck. Anyway, it sort of sounds like a sandbag spilling sand onto a wet floor. But it's really subtle, like a fluid or something is draining/settling. But it's not in my throat per se. I know it's internal. It's just odd. I doubt it's anything unnatural, but it had me wondering.

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Wow, I got no clue myself. Has this been happening for a long time now? Or is this something new and recent?

  3. #3
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's pretty new to me as far as I know of. But it's one of those things I imagine happens to everyone. So, in that sense, it's just something I figure has always gone on; I just never thought of it. But I was laying on my back in bed about an hour ago, reading and it happened so I got to wondering. It seems to be directly correlated with my stomach growling too, cause right after my stomach growled, my throat did the sandbag thing.
    Weird, huh?

  4. #4
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    I think the freakiest for me is when I am lying down in bed and it's really quiet and I am experiencing high blood pressure (like when you start to take Dbol , or your kid is driving you crazy!) I can actually HEAR the blood flow in my ears!

    Thats pretty freaky


  5. #5
    BLOOD is offline Associate Member
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    once I heard something crawling around above the ceiling and I thought I was going insane and hearing shit and it turned out to be a squirrel.

  6. #6
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Whoa, Red Ketchup. I can't wait!

  7. #7
    chevy44's Avatar
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    when i lay down i can poke the tear duct in my eye and make a noise that sounds sort of like a cricket!!!!!

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
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    I think what you are hearing is what Red and many of us hear. Your blood beating through your body. When you are on high blood pressure causes this and is very common.

  9. #9
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    oddly, it's not an effect of steroids ... I have yet to do my first cycle. But I do have a lot of side effects of steroids , naturally, though. So, maybe you're right. But my blood pressure is normal.

  10. #10
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Originally posted by novicemarine
    oddly, it's not an effect of steroids... I have yet to do my first cycle. But I do have a lot of side effects of steroids, naturally, though. So, maybe you're right. But my blood pressure is normal.
    What do you mean "side effects" naturally?

    The noise you are referring to could be a variety of insignificant things.. It could be your BP as mentioned, sinus drainage, salivary glands, etc..If you are not experiencing any discomfort, I wouldn't worry about it..

    Or..You could be displaying signs of Schizophrenia or Psychosis..

    Just Kidding!!

    Doc M

  11. #11
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    I know exactly what your talking about...its more in the bottom, back lower section of your head right? Like a sandpaper type sound...

  12. #12
    mammoth's Avatar
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    Ever since I was abducted by aliens I seem to have the urge to rip my brain out of my head, cut it open and examine the martian who is pulling all the switches and levers that drives me daily. It speaks to me and tells me to feed it peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but I fight the urge for peanut butter and banana sandwiches do not fit in my diet plan. I tried to snort drano to flush the little bugger out but it only gave me a slight headache and an occasional nose bleed. So maybe the little sound from within might actually be a little alien inside that is truly pouring a bag full of sand onto a wet floor. Maybe you had an internal oil spill or something.

  13. #13
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Hey bro, it also could be inner ear or sinus related. I have major allergies and sometimes the preasure in my sinuses get so bad i can hear them sqealing like when u pinch a ballon and u let the air out. Maybe u should go to an ENT? Good luck!


  14. #14
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Natural side effects meaning I had gyno when I was a kid... Mad back acne (still), naturally irritable, all kinds of stuff. An enlarged penis Well, not that many natural side effects. "Natural side effects" is an oxymoron, huh? Really, I guess the only one too out of the ordinary is gyno. But I've been accused a lot because of the back acne and how my knee bruised one time. Plus I've got a naturally broad jaw. The way I got the idea to use steroids while I'm in the corps is because everyone thought I was on for a while. So, if they already suspected it and didn't do anything about it, why would they next time?
    I figure, you being a doctor, (right?) knew what I meant by "natural side effects" meaning gyno and would remind me that it makes me more likely to get it worse from gear.

  15. #15
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    I figure, you being a doctor, (right?) knew what I meant by "natural side effects" meaning gyno and would remind me that it makes me more likely to get it worse from gear. [/B]
    I'm not quite sure why you think being a Doctor would give me any indication of what your "Natural Side Effects" are ..If you already have gyno and excessive acne, then yes, gear is very likely to increase your gyno and acne..You can try to take precautions but it is going to be at a risk of making things worse for you..

    As far as you using AS while in the Corps, well it is a pretty stupid risk if you ask me..No flame intended, but why risk getting a Dishonorable or OTH discharge to juice..You are pretty young and could stand to wait until you are out, so why risk it?? Have you been to see any of the base Doc's to talk to them about your acne and gyno problems?? I am very curious..And don't fool yourself into thinking that just because you have not been tested before, that you are in the clear to use AS..It only takes one NCO or officer to push the issue and you will be straight away to the base hospital to get tested..

    Doc M

  16. #16
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    I know; I've considered the risks at hand. I just don't see why there are Staff Sergeants, Gunnies, and Cheifs on it and I can't get away with it. There are a few that I KNOW are using gear. And, being a suspect already, a few of them give me the eye like, yeah you know that I know that you know... and visa versa, if you follow. It's just understood. The only people that know what they're doing in the field are usually using it.

    I just figured you would be more aware than the average guy that gyno is more common than is thought and naturally. But I guess not many on the board are less than above average. There's some smart bros here, docs or not. Anyway, I appreciate your input, doc. People have no idea how much of an effect their opinions hold from this board, as what is now a partial plethora of knowledge started here less than a month ago, aside from books here and there.

  17. #17
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    I wanted to address to of your comments in the above reply. First, the term "Gyno" is used a little to loosely. People think that if there chest is not chiseled and they show some minor indications of fatty tissue in the breast area that they have "Gyno". Not the case. Yes, there are some very smart members on this board and there are varying opinions of many topics. This is a great resource for people to use.

    As far as why there are Staff Sgt.'s and Gunnies using and getting away with it..Well, that is the way of the military..The staff NCO's are generally the one's that have the most contact with their platoon's so they are going to notice what's going on a little more than your Company Commander. I am going to presume you are still very young in your career in the Corps. Take the advice from someone who has also served..It is not worth the risk!! If you get a Dishonorable or OTH discharge, getting a job at McDonald's could be a challenge..Try to look beyond the right now and see what you want for your future..A few years of waiting will only help you gain more knowledge and get your body in the shape it needs to be to get the most out of a cycle..ANd if you are think AS is going to cure your "Gyno" issues, it won't!!

    Doc M

  18. #18
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    No way! I'm not stupid. I know AS won't cure gyno! I've been told by a doctor that I had gyno and that it was perfectly natural for young males. I didn't even mean to lead into the topic, honestly. The part where I mentioned my "natural side effects" was mainly humorous. I'm a pretty well-read, rational guy, regardless of age. I don't think I'm going to use gear for a few years. I never really intended to as long as I'm in.

    What branch where you anyway?

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Enlisted or commissioned? What was your MOS? It's rare that docs come out of the corps as they're navy.

  21. #21
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    Novice..I was enlisted not commissioned..And glad of it!!

    My primary MOS was 0311(By choice) and my secondary was 0321..Don't know if they still use 0321 anymore since the Corps always wants to change things that aren't broken..And yes I am not the first GRUNT to make it out and go on to be a Medical Doctor..The discipline I learned while in definitely guided me through Med School..

    And when I left the Corps I was not a Doctor..I just used my GI Bill to finish a Bachelor's in Biology and Chemistry, took the MCAT and then applied to Med School..Got in my first try..Don't know how, but I think my high MCAT had something to do with it.. Joining the Marines was the best move I ever made because if I would have stayed in college right after highschool, it's hard telling what the hell I would be doing!!

    Doc M
    Last edited by Doc M; 05-07-2003 at 12:27 PM.

  22. #22
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    wow... good success story. Kinda makes me think about success/odds. you know? Like are prior Marines more likely to succeed? or should I look at it as, you've taken up one of the more successful odds? heh. I know I'll do good whereever I go after these 5 years. But I'm pretty set on leaving as there's less room for growth.
    I want to go 03. But I don't know what 0321 is. I've heard so many 03's the only ones I know are 0311 and 0341. I wouldn't mind going Force Recon.

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