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  1. #1
    ozzie43 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    God's Country

    Medical Question

    No suprise here but it was verified today that I need knee surgery. The outer meniscus on left knee needs sutures or may be removed due to "chronic" tear and inner needs a replacement. Same pretty much applies to right knee. Doc said outer tear was severe in lieu of chronic. Not sure what this really means or the difference between the two.

    I kid you not, I was in the exam room for maybe 20 minutes trying to absorb, ask questions, listen and out the door I went to make a follow up appt. WTH?

    Has anyone had this procedure done? What can I expect post-op that the doc hasn't made me aware of?


  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from Afghanistan
    I had minor knee surgery back in march. apparently, when i was showing my kid how to do a proper squat with a pvssy amount of weights (a tad more than 100.lbs), i hurt my right knee. after reviewing the xray, it was determined I had a created a bone spur, which was creating a blister on the inner side of my knee cap. so they went in and cleaned things up. Now, I'm about 95%, although there is some residual pain after leg day at the gym (today) that clears up in about 48hours.

    Now, when you wake up, post op, your knee probably won't hurt too much. So don't be a jackass like i was and think just because it doesn't hurt you don't need crutches. Wiithin 15 minutes of waking, I walked, unassisted, to the john and took a leak. AND i declined crutches when i left. BIG FUKKEN MISTAKE!!! Take the crutches even if you don't feel you need them. Cause when the pain meds wear off, you'll feel it.

    BTW, I declined the standard pain meds (oxycodone) due to codeine sensitivity, and asked for a milder pain med instead. BIG FUKKEN MISTAKE!!! Take the vicodan!!!

    Dont' try to be manly. Instead, act as if you are a pvssy, and do all the shit they tell you. Take the crutches. Take the vicodan.

    You can thank me later.

  3. #3
    ozzie43 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    God's Country
    Thanks for the advice TR. Knowing myself well, I'll probably think I can go back to work the next day. It will be 3-6 months before I can afford this. 3 months if I lands these contracts I've been working on. What gets me is, without insurance, they get my cc each visit and rush me out the door. They don't have to wait for an insurance payment to come through. I'm sure my cc pays them much quicker.

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