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Thread: 9/11/2012 attack on the USA

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by supersize me View Post
    I have to disagree. It's time we had a leader take a stand against travesties like this. Obama is out shaking his tin cup while even more of our embassies are being stormed.
    Quote Originally Posted by supersize me View Post
    As spywizard said in the original post, these are attacks against Americans, on American soil.
    i have no problem with saying something about the attacks
    Romney came out and criticized the statements released by the Obama administration. The socalled comment was made my a worker at the embassy before they were attacked. So that person who was probably scared out of their mind made a statement to try and calm people so they wouldnt be attacked
    So Romney in essence came out and criticized a comment a victim of the attack said.
    How is that be a leader? How is that showing support for our citizens? He is a fvcking asshole.. Who blames the victims?

    That comment had nothing to do with Obama. Romney had no clue on what was going on and jumped the gun and made ignorant comments
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  2. #42
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    Gaddafi, Hussein, Assad, Mubarak... They all ruled their countries like thugs because of the ****ed up extremists who are doing anything to install a Muslim government that will enact and enforce Sharia Law, amongst other things. They did the dirty work to keep us in the west happy, kept the oil flowing, and relative peace. Now we are overthrowing them?? Oh wait, they just woke up one day and decided to kill some people... yeah, I buy that LOL.

    We see Pakistan aiding and sheltering the Taliban and Al Quada, and we give them BILLIONS and call them allies. Assad takes care of the extremists in Syria, provides top notch education and healthcare, and we call him a ruthless dictator. Same with Gaddafi. Libya had no national debt, created the largest fresh water irrigation system for its people and farmers, provided education and healthcare to his people, prevented Al Quada and their friends from terrorizing their country, and we call him a ruthless dictator. They say Hussein gassed innocent people. No, he gassed the same people who are now raping and cutting off the heads of Americans.

    The instability we see in the Middle East today (not that they were ever stable to begin with) started with Bush Jr. and is continuing under Obama. The only difference is Bush used troops, while Obama is using drones.

    In the end, it's all about OOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, and as long as there is oil and the "Muslim Brotherhood" in the Middle East, get used to the rapes and beheadings.

  3. #43
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    ^^^ very true
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    Gaddafi, Hussein, Assad, Mubarak... They all ruled their countries like thugs because of the ****ed up extremists who are doing anything to install a Muslim government that will enact and enforce Sharia Law, amongst other things. They did the dirty work to keep us in the west happy, kept the oil flowing, and relative peace. Now we are overthrowing them?? Oh wait, they just woke up one day and decided to kill some people... yeah, I buy that LOL.

    We see Pakistan aiding and sheltering the Taliban and Al Quada, and we give them BILLIONS and call them allies. Assad takes care of the extremists in Syria, provides top notch education and healthcare, and we call him a ruthless dictator. Same with Gaddafi. Libya had no national debt, created the largest fresh water irrigation system for its people and farmers, provided education and healthcare to his people, prevented Al Quada and their friends from terrorizing their country, and we call him a ruthless dictator. They say Hussein gassed innocent people. No, he gassed the same people who are now raping and cutting off the heads of Americans.

    The instability we see in the Middle East today (not that they were ever stable to begin with) started with Bush Jr. and is continuing under Obama. The only difference is Bush used troops, while Obama is using drones.

    In the end, it's all about OOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, and as long as there is oil and the "Muslim Brotherhood" in the Middle East, get used to the rapes and beheadings.
    That is a very very very well put.I 100% agree with this.

    It such a good description I'm going to copy it and show my dad. We just had this discussion. Damn that was good.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i find that hard to believe. The embassy is considered us soil.
    That is why I posted who is putting it out there. Hannity and Limbaugh have some issues with truthful reporting. But I hope he is wrong on this. I'll try to research it.

  6. #46
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    I don't know Gixxer, it's looking more and more like that story is true! The info seems to be leaking directly from Marine blogs!

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I don't know Gixxer, it's looking more and more like that story is true! The info seems to be leaking directly from Marine blogs!
    i'm still doubtful on that. The say its on marine blogs but dont give any links or quote it at all.
    Also i dont think the ambassador would have any say over the marines there.
    It just seems strange
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  8. #48
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    News Flash guys, there are many people in Washington that LIKE how ****ed up and corrupt the Middle East is. They don't want stability. Arabs dont care about the common man. God forbid any sort of viable, democratic economy starts up in the Middle East outside of Israel.

    The Middle East can be seen like this; a giant bank in a shitty part of town. The Arabs are the bank manager and make a ton of profit and capital out of the amount of money in the bank. The West is their best customer. However, more and more money is taken out of the ATM....none of the current money is reinvested in any way, shape or form. One day, it's all gone. I'm pretty sure I once read that Saudia Arabia want America to compensate them after their oil is gone. Corruption in the Middle East will persist as long as the corrupt paying customers of the West, China and Russia continue.

    There's a reason that Norway is per capita, the richest country in Europe. The same with the UAE. What are any of these places going to do when the oil runs out though?

    Extremists threatening the West will only be around for as long as the oil is, once that is gone, they'll go back to killing each other and forget about us and we'll forget about them.

    Brazil are going to lengths now to look for alternative forms of energy is the shape of biofuels and to become self-sustainable. When was the last time you heard of a Islamic terrorist attack there?

    EDIT: Watch the film SYRIANA, guys. It really opened my eyes up to a few things.
    Last edited by Flagg; 09-14-2012 at 04:51 AM.

  9. #49
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    Would someone like to explain to me what the USA's "war on terror" really is and the meaning of it striving for world peace, because it doesn't make sense to me and here's why.

    The USA is the largest arms dealer (still), making up 75% of all global sales in 2011 at $66.3 billion, which is the largest single year sales total in history.

    Russia came in a distant second at $4.8 billion.

    The total global armament sales were $85.3 billion.

    Something doesn't add up to me.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Would someone like to explain to me what the USA's "war on terror" really is and the meaning of it striving for world peace, because it doesn't make sense to me and here's why.

    The USA is the largest arms dealer (still), making up 75% of all global sales in 2011 at $66.3 billion, which is the largest single year sales total in history.

    Russia came in a distant second at $4.8 billion.

    The total global armament sales were $85.3 billion.

    Something doesn't add up to me.
    Because of system has either become corrupt or maybe its just on a larger scale than ever. Money fuels out government. Big business controls our politicians like puppets. Lobbyists wield more power than our congressmen or senators , or wield it over them. Its an outright disgrace. Its time we cleaned our own closet and minded out own business. Our country is an economic mess ....The US is like the fall of Rome condensed into, what I speculate will be approximately 400 years instead of what 3000 years (a guess) ...

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Would someone like to explain to me what the USA's "war on terror" really is and the meaning of it striving for world peace, because it doesn't make sense to me and here's why.

    The USA is the largest arms dealer (still), making up 75% of all global sales in 2011 at $66.3 billion, which is the largest single year sales total in history.

    Russia came in a distant second at $4.8 billion.

    The total global armament sales were $85.3 billion.

    Something doesn't add up to me.
    War generates money and money is power. We have to make a "war on terror" to go kill the boogie man so others can get mega rich on arming us. Believe me Im all about some guns but I not all about the powers that be telling us we are fighting a war on terror. When in fact we are fighting nothing, we are strong arming the little countires that have oil and making it look like we are cleaning the place up.

    We have stuck our nose in every countries business, and in that time have had tons of Americans killed.

  12. #52
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    Great news, both Hillary and Obama claim all this terror and unrest has nothing to do with Arabs hate for the West. They are just angry over a movie that was made over 6 months ago. Problem with that line of thinking is that in Yemen today Arabs burned both A German and British Embassy as well. Now if they are mad over one person making an anti muslim film in America, what then is the excuse for burning 2 separate countries Embassies that had nothing at all to do with the movie? This is indeed a war waged against the West and the only way it will end is either all of us will be murdered or all of them. They are still indoctrinating their youth to believe that by wearing explosive vest and killing Western people, they will be rewarded with 70 plus virgins. And these kids are buying the Bull squat as they continue blowing up like bottle rockets with reports. There is no appeasing them. For them there is only one outcome and it's not good for us. This sucks as I wish we all could get along. But it's that damned religion which is at the forefront of all wars it seems. But I never have seen such radical of a religion as the Koran brings out. Such vile hatred to the point of suicide to kill for this religion that was dreamed up by some arab in a tent on a bad sand storm night as they all huddled together smoking opium off the water bong and saw their visions which now become gospel to a masses as they believe every word to be THE WORD. Man talk about brain washed on a massive scale. And what is crazy is that most don't ever even follow the word of the Koran unless it fits their need to use as a cover for killing. Yep great book to follow. At least the Christians Bible doesn't have them all out killing in the name of Jesus! These people are nothing less than heathens and will never ever be able to learn to respect other peoples differences without killing them for being different. So we might as well pack it in and GTFO! And let them fall to their own devices. These same so called peace lovers of the koran are even at war with each other all the time. Even though they are of the same faith, they still kill for supremacy over each other. So if they wont even respect their own why would we expect anything less for us? I'm just tired of our Country wasting our great men and women of the military for NOTHING! And then stand and talk a eulogy over their dead bodies as they are returned, telling us that well they knew the dangers when they went over there. Whatever Hillary.......

  13. #53
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    Well Shol'va, you know Obama and Hillary don't want to encourage some Redneck, Short-bus Freedom Fighter in to shooting up a mosque state-side. But at the same time, they look weak if they don't say the right thing.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Well Shol'va, you know Obama and Hillary don't want to encourage some Redneck, Short-bus Freedom Fighter in to shooting up a mosque state-side. But at the same time, they look weak if they don't say the right thing.
    Honkey I'm still waiting for them to say the right thing. Tell you what if this thing doesn't blow over real quick, I believe Obama can kiss his re-election goodbye. But stranger things have happened, I'm here. So there ya

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Honkey I'm still waiting for them to say the right thing. Tell you what if this thing doesn't blow over real quick, I believe Obama can kiss his re-election goodbye. But stranger things have happened, I'm here. So there ya
    We can only hope Obummer wont get re-elected. Problem is then we'd be stuck with Romney for 4 years.

  16. #56
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    Here is the trailer to the video that has Middle East Up In Flames. My only complaint would be for me to get my money back. This film sucks. But for anyone to kill over this stupid movie is just BS and an excuse to kill. Judge for yourselves.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Here is the trailer to the video that has Middle East Up In Flames. My only complaint would be for me to get my money back. This film sucks. But for anyone to kill over this stupid movie is just BS and an excuse to kill. Judge for yourselves.

    This is kind of funny.

  18. #58
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    Has anyone noticed that the muslims are protesting all over the world now! Even in Australia! But not one protest in the USA. Hmmm Are we the only country with some common sense? Hey let them burn down their own homes and countries. Riot in their streets. Kill each other Go nutz. Show their stupidity. Just never ask us for any help ever again. hey it was vent time. I feel better now..

  19. #59
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    i keep hearing the attack in Libya was retaliation for us killing the al queda #2 with a drone in June.
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va
    Has anyone noticed that the muslims are protesting all over the world now! Even in Australia! But not one protest in the USA. Hmmm Are we the only country with some common sense? Hey let them burn down their own homes and countries. Riot in their streets. Kill each other Go nutz. Show their stupidity. Just never ask us for any help ever again. hey it was vent time. I feel better now..

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i keep hearing the attack in Libya was retaliation for us killing the al queda #2 with a drone in June.
    Yes, that is one part of it, along with many other reasons that just simply boil down to them hating us. This Youtube film is just a patsy so that politicians or other organizations can feel good that none of this is really directed at the core of America.

    This so much reminds me of all the BS we were going through in Iran before the Carter/Reagan Election. However, now I don't think these places want hostages as much as they just want blood. The President needs to promise the crushing of ALL of their nuts if one more American is harmed!

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Honkey I'm still waiting for them to say the right thing. Tell you what if this thing doesn't blow over real quick, I believe Obama can kiss his re-election goodbye. But stranger things have happened, I'm here. So there ya
    Im still not 100% convinced Obummer will not get re-elected. I dont like either one of them this time. I a scary world when there is essentially no choice. Only R and D, I wish the R and D would respectfully fall off the ballot and we choose the person we like more vs who someone else chooses. Im a firm believer we really dont have a choice in the vote. just my opinion.

  23. #63
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    So what is the end all be all answer.

    Pull out of every country, come home and line our borders with troops and tell them to "come get some'?

    Keep fighting wars and silly small little $hit that we have no business doing?

    Blow them all to $hit and back?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by AXx View Post
    So what is the end all be all answer.

    Pull out of every country, come home and line our borders with troops and tell them to "come get some'?

    Keep fighting wars and silly small little $hit that we have no business doing?

    Blow them all to $hit and back?
    i saw we pull out troops, embassy everything we have out of the country. we give them no aid. We cut them off from everything. Let them survive on their own. They want to live in a religious 3rd world. Then let them survive on their own or change and get welcomed to the real world
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  25. #65
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    Don't worry gentlemen. Canada will support whatever you embark on to keep your US military men safe. We will send aid best we can with our top soldiers and gear to eliminate the towelhead enemies.

    You're welcome.
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  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i saw we pull out troops, embassy everything we have out of the country. we give them no aid. We cut them off from everything. Let them survive on their own. They want to live in a religious 3rd world. Then let them survive on their own or change and get welcomed to the real world
    ^^ This ^^ ... And another "Key" part of this is that we cut ourselves off from any oil dependency that we have over there, and make the Keystone Pipeline the start of many new self sufficient energy projects on our own continent.

    The only involvement we need in that region is to ensure our ******** with Israel. If we show any weakness on this, Israel is going to hammered by Iran, or some other extremist Government at some point. It's not even close as a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when."

    Channeling Mr. Reagan and Mr. JF Kennedy ... Please send us some help!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i saw we pull out troops, embassy everything we have out of the country. we give them no aid. We cut them off from everything. Let them survive on their own. They want to live in a religious 3rd world. Then let them survive on their own or change and get welcomed to the real world
    This is honestly the best thing, IMHO. I concur

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i keep hearing the attack in Libya was retaliation for us killing the al queda #2 with a drone in June.
    All this BS has absolutely nothing to do with the movie which by the way has been out for over 6 months, but just causes outrage on our 9-1-1 day of mourning? If Hillary and Obama truly believe that all this killing and burning and raping is over this movie, they truly are rebels without a clue! I have been a supporter of Obama for many issues but this one I totally disagree with strongly.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    All this BS has absolutely nothing to do with the movie which by the way has been out for over 6 months, but just causes outrage on our 9-1-1 day of mourning? If Hillary and Obama truly believe that all this killing and burning and raping is over this movie, they truly are rebels without a clue!
    I'm sure some of the protest are related to it. And im sure the actual attack wasnt and some of the protest arent either.
    There isnt 1 reason to any of this. They dont like us for alot of reasons
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  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I'm sure some of the protest are related to it. And im sure the actual attack wasnt and some of the protest arent either.
    There isnt 1 reason to any of this. They dont like us for alot of reasons
    And this is why no matter what we try to do we will fail. So like I think you said we need to pack it up and come on home and let them fail to their own devices. hey it's not like we didn't try to help them and be their friends. But friends don't go around killing each other and they do.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    And this is why no matter what we try to do we will fail. So like I think you said we need to pack it up and come on home and let them fail to their own devices. hey it's not like we didn't try to help them and be their friends. But friends don't go around killing each other and they do.
    You cant change people. If they decide to change on their own then fine.
    If we pulled all the money for aid for them and used it for better intelligence and security at home we would be better off and safer.
    And i really think if we left alot less of them would hate us.
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  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    You cant change people. If they decide to change on their own then fine.
    If we pulled all the money for aid for them and used it for better intelligence and security at home we would be better off and safer.
    And i really think if we left alot less of them would hate us.
    One thing was brought to my attention in all this mess. That is that these countries are mainly ruled by authoritarian leaders who control it all. So I would think they would be behind this mess since they are the ones who control what their people hear and see about us. So maybe just maybe we should blame it on their leaders who whip them into a fury and set back and let it all explode keeping their masses from thinking about the reality of what their own leaders are doing to them, ie keeping them poor and down and not allowing any of the foreign aid to trickle to them at all but instead used to keep their leaders in high style in their opulent mansions. So it is better to keep their people hating us instead of turning on them. And we are the ones who get the heat from it all. And unfortunately the people seem to only believe what they are told by their leaders instead of checking it out for themselves since they cant have unfettered access to the internet as most web site are prohibited to them. So the truth is the first casualty in their lives. But still it doesn't give them the right to kill us and burn everything.

  33. #73
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    Some of those countries are ruled like that. alot arent anymore. The "arab spring" changed alot of that. Libya, Egypt , Tunisia are the ones that i cant think of off the top of my head that over threw that style government.
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  34. #74
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    I am an American and proud of it; I am a US Combat Veteran and proud of it. I am also a Muslim and proud of it, although not a very good one because I drink, curse and do many other things not allowed in Islam.

    Most of the words some of you say are really disturbing, I never come here and bash anyone for being Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Middle Eastern, American, European, Asian, African, Latin, Straight, Gay, Bisexual or anything that may categorize and individual or group. I keep that shlt to myself as most of you should. But in this case all of you are getting it wrong. Arabs arent doint this shlt, Africans are....

    Its amazing when something terrible happens how fast everyone is so quick to jump on the "Fvck those people" train and ride it till there is no more gas. Guys be more professional and curtious of others.

    ******ADMIN..........I seen a few weeks ago where a good member here made a honest joke about another member being gay and he was suspended for it. Why is there a double standard here? Im not asking you to suspend or ban anyone as I like most of these people, just draw a line.

    Guys Muslims didnt kill the US Ambassador to Libiya, those claiming to be Muslim did. Lets differentiate between posers and reality. Try to view everything with an open mind vs. a closed one and you will live a happier life.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I am an American and proud of it; I am a US Combat Veteran and proud of it. I am also a Muslim and proud of it, although not a very good one because I drink, curse and do many other things not allowed in Islam.

    Most of the words some of you say are really disturbing, I never come here and bash anyone for being Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Middle Eastern, American, European, Asian, African, Latin, Straight, Gay, Bisexual or anything that may categorize and individual or group. I keep that shlt to myself as most of you should. But in this case all of you are getting it wrong. Arabs arent doint this shlt, Africans are....

    Its amazing when something terrible happens how fast everyone is so quick to jump on the "Fvck those people" train and ride it till there is no more gas. Guys be more professional and curtious of others.

    ******ADMIN..........I seen a few weeks ago where a good member here made a honest joke about another member being gay and he was suspended for it. Why is there a double standard here? Im not asking you to suspend or ban anyone as I like most of these people, just draw a line.

    Guys Muslims didnt kill the US Ambassador to Libiya, those claiming to be Muslim did. Lets differentiate between posers and reality. Try to view everything with an open mind vs. a closed one and you will live a happier life.
    Maybe you can give us the Muslim perspective on that movie. Are you really that offended by it? Or can you see that film for what it is as just a retarded joke (I mean heavy on the retarded) and laugh a little at it? I really can't imagine anyone would care that much about such a shitty movie, but obviously I'm wrong.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Maybe you can give us the Muslim perspective on that movie. Are you really that offended by it? Or can you see that film for what it is as just a retarded joke (I mean heavy on the retarded) and laugh a little at it? I really can't imagine anyone would care that much about such a shitty movie, but obviously I'm wrong.
    Sad thing is none of those causing these riots have probably seen it, I know I havent and dont care to. I personally do not care what the film was about and I am in no way offended by it as its the filmakers constitutional right to make what he wants.

    We all see things differently even if we are looking at the same exact thing, so some who may have seen this video blew it out of proportion. For fvck sake its just a movie. Arent most all movies based on something? Look no one alive was living when the Prophet was around so no one can say what went on other than whats taught from books.

    I am more offended by the unprofessionalism and nonsense bashing of people in this forum more so than anything.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley

    Sad thing is none of those causing these riots have probably seen it, I know I havent and dont care to. I personally do not care what the film was about and I am in no way offended by it as its the filmakers constitutional right to make what he wants.

    We all see things differently even if we are looking at the same exact thing, so some who may have seen this video blew it out of proportion. For fvck sake its just a movie. Arent most all movies based on something? Look no one alive was living when the Prophet was around so no one can say what went on other than whats taught from books.

    I am more offended by the unprofessionalism and nonsense bashing of people in this forum more so than anything.
    Mauosley can you explain what it's like to be a proud American combat vet (to which I appreciate you for that) and fighting overseas(if you still are) and actually defending the US and being Muslim?

    Maybe my question is weird I just want a perspective from you on that issue. I have studied religious groups and Islam is one of them, from what I can gather Islam is not a hate group or bad thing. It seems to me most of the Muslim world is peaceful an only the extremist are the ones that make it seem radical.

    Just like the trashy white man living in a trailer with a commode for front steps gives every other race a position to call all people from the south cracked out rednecks. I am by no means a racist or a hater, I think people view others and other religions as crazy or radical when it doesn't agree with their point of view.

    The media shares only what it wants to share. We as free citizens have the right and should exercise that right to self educate ourselves. Not all Christians are bad, not all Muslims are bad, not all Buddhists so on and so forth. One or more bad apples always seem to RUIN the rest of the basket.

    Also I am by no means taking a side or defending anyone. I am simply giving a different perspective on the matter. I don't mean to offend or make anyone mad.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Guys Muslims didnt kill the US Ambassador to Libiya, those claiming to be Muslim did. Lets differentiate between posers and reality. Try to view everything with an open mind vs. a closed one and you will live a happier life.
    Im asking this as a serious question. Not attacking you
    But how are they not muslim? They say they are muslim so what makes them not muslim in your opinion
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #79
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    That's where I get lost too Gix, some say the Muslims did some say someone else did it. The Muslim brotherhood has taken credit for things that have been done. We aren't over there so we only put the prices together on what we hear/read.

  40. #80
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I am an American and proud of it; I am a US Combat Veteran and proud of it. I am also a Muslim and proud of it, although not a very good one because I drink, curse and do many other things not allowed in Islam.

    Most of the words some of you say are really disturbing, I never come here and bash anyone for being Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Middle Eastern, American, European, Asian, African, Latin, Straight, Gay, Bisexual or anything that may categorize and individual or group. I keep that shlt to myself as most of you should. But in this case all of you are getting it wrong. Arabs arent doint this shlt, Africans are....

    Its amazing when something terrible happens how fast everyone is so quick to jump on the "Fvck those people" train and ride it till there is no more gas. Guys be more professional and curtious of others.

    ******ADMIN..........I seen a few weeks ago where a good member here made a honest joke about another member being gay and he was suspended for it. Why is there a double standard here? Im not asking you to suspend or ban anyone as I like most of these people, just draw a line.

    Guys Muslims didnt kill the US Ambassador to Libiya, those claiming to be Muslim did. Lets differentiate between posers and reality. Try to view everything with an open mind vs. a closed one and you will live a happier life.
    Please educate us them. How are we to tell the difference between the two when both claim the right to allah?

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