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  1. #81
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    I think copy pasted responses are not as good as being directed to a link, ALONG WITH some personal feed back and interaction. People will respond to a human who is willing to listen and interact. If we start to just copy paste answers or just paste a link under a post, you may as well give him the address to another website.

    Thats no bueno
    Agree. Give some useful info and direct the OP to a specific article/page/link.

    I've had great success redirecting kids to the nutrition forum. I wish it worked every time, but for every one, it's a win. Replying with reason doesn't always work, but in my experience you at least get them to ask different questions and have a real discussion. People who see a "SHOUTING" type reply will naturally become super defensive, which typically results in a nasty-Non-Search-Engine-Friendly thread.

  2. #82
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Agree. Give some useful info and direct the OP to a specific article/page/link.

    I've had great success redirecting kids to the nutrition forum. I wish it worked every time, but for every one, it's a win. Replying with reason doesn't always work, but in my experience you at least get them to ask different questions and have a real discussion. People who see a "SHOUTING" type reply will naturally become super defensive, which typically results in a nasty-Non-Search-Engine-Friendly thread.
    yeah, it needs somewhat of a personal touch, links and C&P are a tad too robotic

  3. #83
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    I think copy pasted responses are not as good as being directed to a link, ALONG WITH some personal feed back and interaction. People will respond to a human who is willing to listen and interact. If we start to just copy paste answers or just paste a link under a post, you may as well give him the address to another website.

    Thats no bueno

  4. #84
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I am glad you posted this Admin. I would like to say that these guys in this thread, and some others had helped me tremendously. Capebuffalo scolded me for a cycle I was running(Ihad started it before I found this site) and he let me have it. I thought he was being hateful, but when he said what he did, I did research tremendously. I stopped my cycle and educated. I am 30, so age was not the problem. I just didnt know any better. So I could have written him off as an A-hole(I did at first), but decided to learn. And upon further research, I realized that I was hurting myself and didnt even know it. So I attribute the "scolding" as something that was needed for me. I like to feel like I know what I am doing, and at that point in my life, I didnt know anything apparently. But because of him, I stuck around, learned, read, asked questions, and now feel that I know as much as many others on here. It has been a wonderful place for me to come and unwind after a long day at work. I like to post and give advice that I have experience on, but I dont just give advice. I just sit back with note pad in hand everyday, and take notes. I have a HUGE notebook full. I thank all of these guys, and I think their titles are WELL deserved. Now to get to work on mine!

  5. #85
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capetown View Post
    A lot of good points there. Just a couple of things that i disagree with. Not ever member has the number one answer to every question. I do believe that someone that may not have the complete answer but is trying to help with advice in the right direction should post away. There experience to have more in depth answers in the future are the responsibility of the senior members of the board. If a vet leaves a conversation because he is fed up with so many " cookie cutter" answers then it is their fault in the long run that more people arent becoming experienced members that people look forward to hearing from.
    As for the " u are too young" threads. Yes maybe sometimes they do have to many people pointing out the obvious. This is still better than a 20 year old be given advice that could harm him in the future. Maybe vets and senior staff should pay closer attention and have forms locked a little sooner when they start heading in this direction. Everyone agrees on the fact that we dont give advice under a certain age. Why isnt it controlled at the admin level?
    If any thread appears to be going in the wrong direction then any member can report that thread by hitting the report button, this alerts us to the thread and we can monitor it. I know that most of the staff members with powers try to limit locking, deleting and editing posts and threads as much as possible but will take the correct action if rules are broken...

    But please feel free to hit the report button, its monitored 24 hours a day and helps us to keep things running smooth....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    If any thread appears to be going in the wrong direction then any member can report that thread by hitting the report button, this alerts us to the thread and we can monitor it. I know that most of the staff members with powers try to limit locking, deleting and editing posts and threads as much as possible but will take the correct action if rules are broken...

    But please feel free to hit the report button, its monitored 24 hours a day and helps us to keep things running smooth....
    when someone clicks the report button, who sees it? vet? monitors? hof? or admin?

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    when someone clicks the report button, who sees it? vet? monitors? hof? or admin?
    Admin and Hofers are sent a link to a reported thread or post....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #88
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I am glad you posted this Admin. I would like to say that these guys in this thread, and some others had helped me tremendously. Capebuffalo scolded me for a cycle I was running(Ihad started it before I found this site) and he let me have it. I thought he was being hateful, but when he said what he did, I did research tremendously. I stopped my cycle and educated. I am 30, so age was not the problem. I just didnt know any better. So I could have written him off as an A-hole(I did at first), but decided to learn. And upon further research, I realized that I was hurting myself and didnt even know it. So I attribute the "scolding" as something that was needed for me. I like to feel like I know what I am doing, and at that point in my life, I didnt know anything apparently. But because of him, I stuck around, learned, read, asked questions, and now feel that I know as much as many others on here. It has been a wonderful place for me to come and unwind after a long day at work. I like to post and give advice that I have experience on, but I dont just give advice. I just sit back with note pad in hand everyday, and take notes. I have a HUGE notebook full. I thank all of these guys, and I think their titles are WELL deserved. Now to get to work on mine!
    Damn it warmouth. You are going to have people thinking I care. Thank you for the kind words.

  9. #89
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    I just whore.

    Everything else doesnt matter.

    Bhaha. Just playing.

    I have gone through phases with this site.

    I loved it.

    I hated it.

    I dont mind it.

    I left for awhile because it was getting TOO immature.
    Too many members fighting or talking shit.
    Too many newbies asking the same question 10 times an hour.

    So I went away.

    I started coming back here recently since it has calmed down and gotten more mature.

    I think that with the availability of technology nowadays... that newbies can get any info they want, anytime.
    Cell phones, tablets, laptops, Ipods... they all access the net.
    Putting info within easy reach.

    So we still get a few basic annoying questions here and there.

    But overall newbies know how to look things up for themselves and research like they should.

    Making this site a bit less cluttered with boring old questions and leading to better discussions.

    I still keep my time in the Q&A limited due to the punks who ask for advice, then when given a serious and knowledgeable answer... choose to refute it or not listen at all.

  10. #90
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    If any thread appears to be going in the wrong direction then any member can report that thread by hitting the report button, this alerts us to the thread and we can monitor it. I know that most of the staff members with powers try to limit locking, deleting and editing posts and threads as much as possible but will take the correct action if rules are broken...

    But please feel free to hit the report button, its monitored 24 hours a day and helps us to keep things running smooth....
    Yes. I've reported threads and really in a matter of minutes it gets handled.

  11. #91
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    I have just asked the same question 5 times in a row this morning trying to open up a conversation.
    AQre you aware of the possible effects of doing steroids under the age of 25? If you don't I would like to tell you.


  12. #92
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I think things have calmed down a lot. There is a great new batch of guys that have come up lately that have provided solid advice and all get a long with one another. It is refreshing.

    I have been reading like I always do, but have posted less recently for two reasons:

    One, the group mentioned above are more knowledgable and get to threads before me. Oftentimes I will just agree to add consensus if I sense the OP isn't sure about the advice given.

    Two, I don't get involved with disagreements, trolls or ridiculous questions like I used to. I won't post six times in a thread arguing about youth usage (as just an example) - I will give my opinion once and that is all. I won't post to tell them that I won't give them advice...I will simply not give them advice. If they are already on cycle, I will make sure they have PCT and AI information for safety.

  13. #93
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
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    all i know is this fourm is the best ! wanna thank everyone here for all advice and honesty

  14. #94
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    I completely understand what you are saying lovbyts. There is only so much you can do at one time without wanting to hang yourself! Its NOT an easy deal to answer the same crap over and over and over... especially to some of the smart asses who come in with no respect. But, if everyone just does it in cycles, it will be a bit less taxing. Our reputation is "the unfriendly board" around other forums. I just wanted to see if we can try to do a better job with that reputation and maybe give a little more input to some of the young newbies.

    Asiandude... you have the right idea. 30-40 replies means one of two things; the kid has been run off by 20 members because he didnt use the search OR someone answered the question! haha That approach you have seems to be a good one for sure

    None-the-less, I appreciate ALL members who give back to the community and I love to watch how it evolves throughout the years. Ive seen many newbies become respected staff around here. Pretty cool to be a part of

    I probably fall into that category.

    I bumped an old thread I made about Dbol only earlier this year, few members thought I was smoking something strong I think!

  15. #95
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I probably fall into that category.

    I bumped an old thread I made about Dbol only earlier this year, few members thought I was smoking something strong I think!
    You were cause I think I got a contact high from you that day...

  16. #96
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You were cause I think I got a contact high from you that day...
    the operative word here is "contact" mate.

    so are you saying you were in "contact" with Swifto that day? =)

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