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Thread: why are?

  1. #1
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    why are?

    this post is not adout drugs. how do i change header ? sorry all.
    Last edited by AZGOLDSMEMBER86; 09-28-2012 at 01:57 PM.

  2. #2
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    ermm. not supposed to talk about drugs..

  3. #3
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    Last edited by austinite; 09-27-2012 at 07:57 PM.

  4. #4
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    mate. we don't talk abouut rec drugs here. please help me out and edit out the offensive words?

  5. #5
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    ahhh sorry. can a admin erase thread ?

  6. #6
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    Before he does, it's probably because all of the work they have to put in to obtain those drugs!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZGOLDSMEMBER86 View Post
    ahhh sorry. can a admin erase thread ?
    to edit the title, go to edit, then advanced edit, and then make the changes there in the title field.

    we don't talk about weed, sniffables, snortables, injectibles, or swallowables when it comes to rec drugs. I probably missed a few, like drops, vapors, patches, edibles etc. but you get the idea

  8. #8
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    aren't steroids rec drugs, unless doctor prescribed. i'm not a drug user and don't want to talk about them, but i was just wondering how it really differs when it comes down to it.. and no i'm not comparing heroin to steroids.

  9. #9
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    There's a difference between ripped and sick.. Would you consider a anorexic ripped or sick, same with a junkie that eats nothing and is always running from trouble

    What a strange question

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    to edit the title, go to edit, then advanced edit, and then make the changes there in the title field.

    we don't talk about weed, sniffables, snortables, injectibles, or swallowables when it comes to rec drugs. I probably missed a few, like drops, vapors, patches, edibles etc. but you get the idea

    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk View Post
    aren't steroids rec drugs, unless doctor prescribed. i'm not a drug user and don't want to talk about them, but i was just wondering how it really differs when it comes down to it.. and no i'm not comparing heroin to steroids.
    No, because steroids have a purpose within their use. Performance enhancement for an activity or sport, muscle growth, phsyique improvement. Can you use AAS recreationally? Yes, that's what we are all, recreational users of AAS. But recreational drugs refers to those types of drugs that people use for really no purpose at all - basically sit on a couch and experience some sort of unnatural eurphoric effect on the body. That's not very productive or purposeful in comparison to AAS use.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    There's a difference between ripped and sick.. Would you consider a anorexic ripped or sick, same with a junkie that eats nothing and is always running from trouble

    What a strange question
    Was thinking the same thing actually.

    And yeah I know there is a huge difference, I was just sayin

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk
    aren't steroids rec drugs, unless doctor prescribed. i'm not a drug user and don't want to talk about them, but i was just wondering how it really differs when it comes down to it.. and no i'm not comparing heroin to steroids.
    Yes but this is a steroid forum that also encourages a healthy lifestyle...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini


    No, because steroids have a purpose within their use. Performance enhancement for an activity or sport, muscle growth, phsyique improvement. Can you use AAS recreationally? Yes, that's what we are all, recreational users of AAS. But recreational drugs refers to those types of drugs that people use for really no purpose at all - basically sit on a couch and experience some sort of unnatural eurphoric effect on the body. That's not very productive or purposeful in comparison to AAS use.
    Some ppl use x to dance.....just sayin =p I am not condoning the use of recreational drugs and strongly believe they should not be discussed on a site that encourages a healthy lifestyle to a certain degree

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    SUPPOSITORIES!! MY FAVORITE!............No, because steroids have a purpose within their use. Performance enhancement for an activity or sport, muscle growth, phsyique improvement. Can you use AAS recreationally? Yes, that's what we are all, recreational users of AAS. But recreational drugs refers to those types of drugs that people use for really no purpose at all - basically sit on a couch and experience some sort of unnatural eurphoric effect on the body. That's not very productive or purposeful in comparison to AAS use.
    youve brought up a very good idea for an interesting debate. i would like to know other peoples opinions on this. i think ill go make a thread..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest

    Some ppl use x to dance.....just sayin =p I am not condoning the use of recreational drugs and strongly believe they should not be discussed on a site that encourages a healthy lifestyle to a certain degree
    ....and some provide medicinal benefit and improved quality of life for cancer patients or those with chronic pain (I'm not referring to E but I'm sure others know which substance I'm referring to).

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    youve brought up a very good idea for an interesting debate. i would like to know other peoples opinions on this. i think ill go make a thread..
    There was a big thread on this last summer where I had a narrow-minded opinion (like always) and members admonished me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    youve brought up a very good idea for an interesting debate. i would like to know other peoples opinions on this. i think ill go make a thread..
    You're going to start a thread about things to shove up your butt?

    What are you thinking man!?!?!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    There was a big thread on this last summer where I had a narrow-minded opinion (like always) and members admonished me.
    really? why would you be admonished simply for being narrow minded?

    ill look for the thread..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    ....and some provide medicinal benefit and improved quality of life for cancer patients or those with chronic pain (I'm not referring to E but I'm sure others know which substance I'm referring to).
    I don't know if we're allowed to discuss that under the context of it being a pain reliever or aid in nausea. I think it'll have a knack of turning in to a stoner convention if it's discussed though

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    You're going to start a thread about things to shove up your butt?

    What are you thinking man!?!?!
    haha i didn't enlarge that word, Atomini did! lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    I don't know if we're allowed to discuss that under the context of it being a pain reliever or aid in nausea. I think it'll have a knack of turning in to a stoner convention if it's discussed though
    Send me an invite. Wouldn't want to miss that convention

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    haha i didn't enlarge that word, Atomini did! lol
    Oh sure, blame poor Atomini.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Send me an invite. Wouldn't want to miss that convention
    There really isn't much to talk about. I'm not part of that culture.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    There really isn't much to talk about. I'm not part of that culture.
    Me neither....cuz it's an stuff.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Me neither....cuz it's an stuff.
    Don't judge now. Putting things up your butt isn't necessarily wrong.

  26. #26
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    addicts 'ripped', ive heard it all now lol

  27. #27
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    at what point does marijuana stop being a rec drug?
    in many states you can apply and recieve a medical card, that allows you to purchase and grow it for medical benifits.
    i live in florida but am legal in colorado, i break no laws there.

    im not trying to argue here, but will there be a time it is allowed to be discussed here like steroids, as they are now only legal here with doctors orders.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN
    at what point does marijuana stop being a rec drug?
    in many states you can apply and recieve a medical card, that allows you to purchase and grow it for medical benifits.
    i live in florida but am legal in colorado, i break no laws there.

    im not trying to argue here, but will there be a time it is allowed to be discussed here like steroids, as they are now only legal here with doctors orders.
    i.m.o if you use it for rec purposes then it a rec drug, legal or illegal it dosnt matter

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    at what point does marijuana stop being a rec drug?
    in many states you can apply and recieve a medical card, that allows you to purchase and grow it for medical benifits.
    i live in florida but am legal in colorado, i break no laws there.

    im not trying to argue here, but will there be a time it is allowed to be discussed here like steroids, as they are now only legal here with doctors orders.

    marijuana will always be primarily a rec drug, even with an Rx. I know a half dozen with the card personally, and ALL have trumped up reasons just so they can smoke. People that do have a bona fide reason for smoking will probably not travel to our board.

    If you want to discuss rec drugs. fine. just not on THIS board.


  30. #30
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    was question...

    however, seeing how almost 99% of this board uses steroids as rec,not medical, i would hope u can see where my question was coming from.

  31. #31
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    I thought about this last night, but I was too tired to post by the time I thought of it, but we, as AAS users, defend the use of our drug just like any other junkie would. I think as soon as you partake, you automatically become bias and your opinion doesn't matter. Not to say that there aren't some really, really, informative and respectable members on here, don't get me wrong I'm just playing devil's advocate seeing as how I use too, but if you as a junkie why I'm sure he will give you some sort of well thought out answer.

    Again, I'm not comparing the drugs, just saying. And I'm not looking to talk about what we do consider as rec drugs, just making a further point to the one I made yesterday

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    was question...

    however, seeing how almost 99% of this board uses steroids as rec,not medical, i would hope u can see where my question was coming from.
    sorry mate. I think your logic fails. here is how i look at it.....

    recreational drug use is, and I will quote from Wiki, so you are not just hearing it from me

    Recreational drug use is the use of a drug with the intention of creating or enhancing recreational experience. Drugs commonly considered capable of recreational use include alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and drugs within the scope of the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Psychopharmacologist Ronald K. Siegel refers to intoxication as the "fourth drive", arguing that the human instinct to seek mind-altering substances (psychoactive drugs) has so much force and persistence that it functions like the human desire to satisfy hunger, thirst, and the need for shelter

    so, to sum it up, recreational drug use is described as partaking for the sole purpose of intoxication.

    Taking aas to improve one's body fails as a rec drug.

    You are confusing yourself.

    Rec drugs may or may not be illegal.

    Med drugs may or may not be illegal.

    Legality really has nothing to do with rec drugs.

    The "spirit" of the rule is as follows....

    Illegal + rec drug = do not discuss.

    Does this clear up the debate?

    Let me know

  33. #33
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    Yeah, it does. You keep shutting down my arguments all over the board hahaha

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk View Post
    Yeah, it does. You keep shutting down my arguments all over the board hahaha
    it's kind of what i do?

  35. #35
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    Haha nah it's cool, I'll have to come up with better ones!

  36. #36
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    not about a debate.
    i asked a question as to what point.

    and if u think most people take steroids to only improve their bodies then u are wrong. u are a very smart man, and know the emotional high and low steroids put u on. there is a high feeling when a cycle is started. that can be ur intoxication there.
    i get the rules, been around a long time, and wont break them, i was simply asking because soon my choice will be legal, and at that time will it be ok to discuss. or will it have to be legal in all states?
    was just question..

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    not about a debate.
    i asked a question as to what point.

    and if u think most people take steroids to only improve their bodies then u are wrong. u are a very smart man, and know the emotional high and low steroids put u on. there is a high feeling when a cycle is started. that can be ur intoxication there.
    i get the rules, been around a long time, and wont break them, i was simply asking because soon my choice will be legal, and at that time will it be ok to discuss. or will it have to be legal in all states?
    was just question..
    No there isn't. What a statement that is. I guarantee you not one person on this planet uses testosterone cypionate solely to obtain an emotional high when you can get 500x that 'emotional high' from things like amphetamines. Increases in testosterone improve overall sense of well being, yes, but there is no 'high' you get from a cycle. And if there is, it is guaranteed a placebo effect on the person claiming to experience it, and this is due to a combination of feeling stronger and bigger, and convincing oneself to be hyped up that they're 'on' something.

    Nobody injects testosterone to experience a high. That doesn't even exist. That claim is absurd.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Don't judge now. Putting things up your butt isn't necessarily wrong.
    exactly what were you and that young girl doing the other night?? lol

    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    was question...

    however, seeing how almost 99% of this board uses steroids as rec,not medical, i would hope u can see where my question was coming from.
    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    not about a debate.
    i asked a question as to what point.

    and if u think most people take steroids to only improve their bodies then u are wrong. u are a very smart man, and know the emotional high and low steroids put u on. there is a high feeling when a cycle is started. that can be ur intoxication there.
    i get the rules, been around a long time, and wont break them, i was simply asking because soon my choice will be legal, and at that time will it be ok to discuss. or will it have to be legal in all states?
    was just question..
    i absolutely 100% agree with JP. i know this subject and opinion is not going to go over very well with some of the member but this, inho, is absolutely the transparent truth. the feeling of euphoria IS the toxification. there is no denying this. yes, there are those that use AAS for physique and health purposes, but there just as many, if not more, that use for that "feeling" of being young and spry again.

    i was about to open a thread last night to debate this but Bronzer convinced me otherwise as his thread became convoluted with outrage and confusion.

  39. #39
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    ^^ not SOLELY but that overall feeling of youthful which is a residual effect of aas.

  40. #40
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    That 'feeling' of being young and spry and positive again is not a 'high'... its not the same thing...

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