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Thread: Drunk or sober did he really think this was going to end well for him....

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Fvck it.......cops are awesome!!!!
    JD, I understand your frustration. Keep in mind that there are nearly 800,000 police officers in the U.S if you include Federal LE. The percentage of these incidents that occure given that number and the number of incedents dealt with each year is pretty damn low. Like every race, color creed, religion and type of employment, there are a few bad ppl in them.

    I know a number of cops and most of them are hard working, stand up ppl who go to church, spend time with their families, volunteer in their communities and are just generaly good ppl. Then once a night for 8-12 hours they have to wear a 5-8 lbs bullit proof vest and a 10-15lbs duty belt full of weapons just to go serve and protect the same citizens that chastise them daily (until they need them). All for 40-70K a year!

    It's easy for you and I and everyone else to sit back and judge someone else especially when we were not there. Could this officer have handled things differently? Sure! He could have taken one less shot, he could have used a tazer, he could have not got in the drunks face, he coulda, coulda, coulda all day long. We have no idea what the officer was seeing at the moment or the threat that was percieved.

    I am not bashing you personaly JD but I have seen a number of posts were no matter the situation you voice a negetive opinion of LE. I have no doubt you have had 1 or more negetive experiences with LE. Keep in mind..1 bad egg or 1 bad incedent does NOT make them all rotten! I hope someday you have some positive experience and your perception of LE changes some. Thanks for the time!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    YUP...dude wanted a fight, dude got a fight!

    I bet Dbag thinks twice before running his pie hole to another cop!
    YEAH!! I agree! guy asked for it and got it lol.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    that guy will sue the shit out of the department and win.

    no reason to continue to bash his face with a metal rod....i agree he deserved a beating, but the puddle of blood tells me it was a little overboard.....

  4. #44
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    that's Philly baby

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    that guy will sue the shit out of the department and win.

    no reason to continue to bash his face with a metal rod....i agree he deserved a beating, but the puddle of blood tells me it was a little overboard.....
    I didnt see a puddle of blood...there was a large water puddle there but I saw NO blood. In fact the video does not even so conclusive evidence that the strikes were to the head of said Dbag! My gues is..paid administrative leave AKA: free vacation while investigation takes place and then natta! Thats they way it should be. Grown god damn men should not be allowed to punch fkn cops and to award this guy money or victimise him in any way just sends the same message that liberals have been sending for far to many years.

  6. #46
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    has nothing to do with liberals, which in itself is a mental disorder.

    the video def shows strikes to the head, what video are u watching.
    grown men are not allowed to punch cops, which he did not do, he slapped him. the man should of been arrested, as i said, im cool with him getting his ass handed to him, but to bang away at someones head, different story. there is a fine line that i feel this pig crossed.

    we all have our own views..

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    that guy will sue the shit out of the department and win.

    no reason to continue to bash his face with a metal rod....i agree he deserved a beating, but the puddle of blood tells me it was a little overboard.....
    No he won't. Just because you get the short end of the stick doesn't make you a victim.

  8. #48
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE

    This is why maybe you guys should not be LE officers. Getting into someones face and acting like this is just a way to prove you are the Alpha male, exerting power to make the other person submissive, a tactic that gets used in many situations it does not belong. This cop still kept an arms length away from him and was attempting to exercise caution, had one hand on him extended, still think he went a little overboard at the end. Not all cops are like that, and imo he should have started the situation different, if he had a real reason to subdue him than do it, taser him whatever, if he was going to arrest him for disorderly conduct than do it already. I think I'll send the video to a friend and ask him what he would do different.
    Yes, I agree....which is why I leave LE to the other males in my family! Lol

  9. #49
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    in todays times, yes it does.
    he will def. get some money for that....

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    No he won't. Just because you get the short end of the stick doesn't make you a victim.
    DSM..if you get the short end of the stick do you feel like a victim LMAO???

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    DSM..if you get the short end of the stick do you feel like a victim LMAO???
    Never mad, just disappointed.

  12. #52
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    ya'll know my normal opinion.. in this case with 2-3 large "security" to help.. that cop beat repeatedly the man with a steel pipe to subdue him..

    he needs to return to submission class..
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  13. #53
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    ^^^^ yep.

    RWY or whatever ..... your comments are, as usual, right in line with your flaming liberal IQ

    Lunk....I'm not frustrated at all, just don't agree with excess force from LE, that's all, nothing more nothing less.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    ya'll know my normal opinion.. in this case with 2-3 large "security" to help.. that cop beat repeatedly the man with a steel pipe to subdue him..

    he needs to return to submission class..
    If the cop would have used some bullshit Kung Fu/MMA move to subdue him to the ground and cuff him, the bearded guy would have gotten off with just a little scrape on his knees and a simple assault charge most likely...

    Is that type of punishment much of a deterrent for behavior like this again? No, not at all.

    Getting smashed with a pipe, tackled to the ground, and humiliated in front of 50 people or so would make me think twice about being a drunken asshole in public and putting my hands on a man with a badge.....

    That's just my two cents.

    Also, keep in mind that the cop most likely doesn't know these security men/bouncers at all. If he's getting manhandled on the ground, they may not step it at all. "We don't get paid enough for this shit" is a common phrase I've heard among most security guards/bouncers. If he had two other officers with him, I bet he would have handled the situation a little differently.
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 10-15-2012 at 11:46 PM. Reason: Typo

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    in todays times, yes it does.
    he will def. get some money for that....
    You have to keep in mind that the goal of policing is to "Adequately represent the law and community in which it polices and must serve for protection of life and the prevention of crime and disorder”. The bearded fellow was posing as a threat to his girlfriend, the officer, the bouncers, and everyone else in the public. If you read the caption above the video, it explains that he was spitting/throwing beer at random people, which sparked this whole incident.
    One thing that we all have to realize is that policing is the ONLY profession in America where someone is ALLOWED to use one level of force above the level of force being used against them, and it's equivalent to self-defense. Let me show you guys the five levels of force a police officer goes through (I know I’ve posted this in other threads…)

    1.) Verbal- (raising your voice, screaming, demanding a request)
    2.) Physical- (Pushing, Slamming, Grabbing, Wrestling)
    3.) Mechanical- (Baton Use, or flashlight usage)
    4.)Electronic- (Taser, Mace, Pepper Spray)
    5.) Deadly- (Firearm)

    Now there is also some exceptions where an officer can use two levels above force being used again them. For example: I (6'3" 275lbs) am running full speed at a 140lb female indicating that I am going to tackle/hit her, she would be justified by spraying me with mace or tasing me ( and she would PROBABLY be justified in shooting me)

    The bearded guy used physical force against the officer and he retaliated by using Mechanical force (one level above the level being used against him). The bearded guy was being belligerent and he took a baton to the face and still resisted. He was then slammed to the ground and nailed a few more times BECAUSE THE SUSPECT WAS STILL RESISTING. When the guy rolled over and covered his face, the officer gave him a lot of time to sit there (to make sure he was not seriously injured) and was then cuffed.

    I guarantee there will be no charges pressed or repercussions against the officer.

  16. #56
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    I love it. I have been on both sides.....

  17. #57
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  18. #58
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    The guy had it coming. You slap a cop you had better expect to wake up in some serious hurt. I dont blame the cop at all and it didnt look over the top to me.

  19. #59
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    I don't know what video some the complainers are watching. The guy slaps a cop who was trying to calm the situation. The cop takes him down, the guy clearly is fighting back on the ground. Who knows if he is armed...and the cop diligently puts a decisive end to the situation. Pretty simple.
    Last edited by DeniZen; 10-18-2012 at 06:35 PM.

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