JD, I understand your frustration. Keep in mind that there are nearly 800,000 police officers in the U.S if you include Federal LE. The percentage of these incidents that occure given that number and the number of incedents dealt with each year is pretty damn low. Like every race, color creed, religion and type of employment, there are a few bad ppl in them.
I know a number of cops and most of them are hard working, stand up ppl who go to church, spend time with their families, volunteer in their communities and are just generaly good ppl. Then once a night for 8-12 hours they have to wear a 5-8 lbs bullit proof vest and a 10-15lbs duty belt full of weapons just to go serve and protect the same citizens that chastise them daily (until they need them). All for 40-70K a year!
It's easy for you and I and everyone else to sit back and judge someone else especially when we were not there. Could this officer have handled things differently? Sure! He could have taken one less shot, he could have used a tazer, he could have not got in the drunks face, he coulda, coulda, coulda all day long. We have no idea what the officer was seeing at the moment or the threat that was percieved.
I am not bashing you personaly JD but I have seen a number of posts were no matter the situation you voice a negetive opinion of LE. I have no doubt you have had 1 or more negetive experiences with LE. Keep in mind..1 bad egg or 1 bad incedent does NOT make them all rotten! I hope someday you have some positive experience and your perception of LE changes some. Thanks for the time!