I sooo agree Kronik. That was my initial rection and take on what the subforum would be and was really looking forward to watching a hand full of younger members lead and mentor the new young members in a safe and healthy mannerOriginally Posted by kronik420;621***8
I know their are quite a few 25 and below's that have either followed sound advise, done great research or (unfortunatly) learned the hard way. I am hoping to see those guys be the leaders and role models in this new forum. Because I agree...kids do not always respond the best to parental figures but may listen to experienced peers! Keep up the good fight Kronik!!!
The only beneficial part of the sub forum is for people my age to relate to them. Kids are resilient, they aren't going to give a shit if some 40 year old is continuously hammering them urging them not to do it without any other options. People my age come in and tell them the risks. I make it evident it can jeopardize their future and how they're eventually going to want a wife and kid some day. That's what that sub forum is for. It's not for the 'blind to llead the blind', it's to inform them of the risks vs. benefits and let them decide. If they do decide to carry it out, there isn't a damn thing we can do other than give them information on how to run it the safest way possible.
I don't even pay attention to it so meh.
Wait so we "assume" that 18-15 year olds who can't find an educational stickies that would answer 90% of their questions are going to find a sub forum just for them, filled with other 18-25 year olds that can't find and read the stickies either?
i just looked an couldnt find the subforum where is it?
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