We should ask Zyzz. He would know.Originally Posted by SportbikerKid
.......oh wait....that's right. He's DEAD!!!!!
We should ask Zyzz. He would know.Originally Posted by SportbikerKid
.......oh wait....that's right. He's DEAD!!!!!
Really should be in the lounge. IMO
Some of the ppl that NEEDED to read this don't venture to the loungs...hence my decision to post it here!
I don't think Clen is that bad...not for everyone anyway. I can take 160mcg (I normally only go as high as 120) and not feel much although I know some people hit their limit at 60mcg. Yes, I also know that "feeling" is not a good gauge for effects, but I know my BPM is not massively elevated at that dose.
To be clear, I would never take 200mg.
hahaI kid I kid!
I agree. Too much god damn spoonfeeding answers to questions that people can easily:
A. Use the search function for
B. Do their OWN reading to figure out these answers in the Educational Threads section of the forum
C. Use common sense and basic logic to figure things out
Search function is a never ending battle. No one will use it because they want answers tailored to them specifically.
Well if your name was there, I know he was under the influence! Damn, just when I thought I was feeling some love.....back to feeling myself I guess!Originally Posted by Lunk1
Other than eating a kilo of tren a week, and injecting 300mgs of Clen and prop, do I have to train. How long b4 I am bigger than Arnold? Do I cut the fat off the Tren.
The world is full of very unintelligent people looking for quick fixes. I have only trained for 32 years, why am I strong?
I do not drink, smoke or use drugs, why am I healthy?
The FDA, AMA and everybody else with knowledge told the US Government to allow use. Why do a bunch of drunken, overweight politicians get to decide what is best for my body?
Why all the lies about steroids? You only need to look at testosterone and you will die from abuse. I think I am just a cynical old man!
I think it's important to remember that a lot of guys, even if they're a little experienced with gear will take the advice and word of strangers on a message board over anything else. You see it in countless threads on countless message boards every day. And every message board tends to develop its own way of thinking...it's very common to see various message boards preach different protocols and each one will claim their board is the best and the king of solid advice. Talk about creating confusion for a newbie and even some advanced guys. I would even go as far to say that a guy could actually research hormones, find articles on the subject and present them to a message board, and if they go against the grain of that particular message board he'll get hell for it...he'll be told he's not ready, to do more research, etc. That kind of thing drives me crazy!
I also think it's important to remember the point of a message board, to share ideas and opinions, and sure, to help guys out as best we can. If "do your own research" is the primary mantra, what's the point of a message board? All that leaves is a bazillion threads where people kiss each others nuts and say "way to go, sounds like you've done your research" or "you're not ready, go do more research." It's annoying IMO.
Ahhh Metel...one of my favorite masterbators (I mean debators sorry) lol.
I agree...I have checked out another board or 2 as of late and agree that there is a trend on each one. My issue isn't with the board as much as the over all lazyness of SOME of the guys (mostly younger) that will nearly REFUSE to do ANY research. I love this board because of the attitude over a few others I have seen. Almost everyone will bend over backwards to educate and assist new guys and more experienced guys.
How many times have you, yourself seen someone excersising more patience than most grown men can muster with their own kids in order to help some op learn to be safe. I am sure many have seen a few of the boards that could care less about if the OP screws up the cycle by having a bad diet or if they are running advanced stacks at 19 years old. There are truelly some big hearted guys on here that prove day in and day out that they really care about both the op's health as well as assuring the op has the most succesful cycle that they can.
Can many other boards boast that? Not that I have seen thus far. I personally believe the methods taught to us in grade school should apply to both AAS and to everyday life.
1) read it till you know it from memory
2) try to find the answer yourself and ask questions when you cannot find the answer
3) don't eat your bugers
4) if you bring treats..bring enough for everyone
My concern is that many (not every) guys show up with little to no knowledge. Want cycles spoon fed to them having no damn idea how these compounds can affect their lives positively or negatively with the ignorant and naive assumptions that slamming back a few pills or sticking needles into themselves will make them the next Mr. Olympia. I'm not expecting or asking these guys to go and write a dissertation on anabolic compounds or endocrinology but taking a little more responsibility and accountability for the drugs they are going to put into their bodies isn't too much to ask. What would it say about the integrity of this community if we didn't at least encourage a little self education!?! I agree, saying "piss off and go read some more" isn't the best approach either but I certainly don't advocate complete ignorance. I've seen new members ask some of the most basic questions - and yes, we all start off naive at some point so I'm not faulting someone for that - but the lazy ass attitude that some people display (i.e. "don't point me to a thread just give me an answer") is a damn cop out. You don't just walk up to the DMV and say "look, screw the written and practical exam, I'm ready to drive, now give me my license!!!" I realize a driver poses a risk to himself/herself and others, hence the need for education, but still, anyone wishing to put potentially dangerous compounds into their body should invest a little time in some education.Originally Posted by Metalject
Not everyone will agree with this stance. I won't fault you if you feel there is no need to brow beat someone for their lack of knowledge - but don't condemn others who take a different approach asking newcomers to help themselves a bit before we commit to helping them.
To each his own. I personally feel there will be greater success and fewer failures if a little time and education is part of the decision process.
Last edited by MuscleInk; 10-25-2012 at 08:38 PM.
What the hell was that book I read??? Had something in it about giving a man a fish or teaching a man to fish....what was that again? I remember it had alot of words in it and just a few things that could be applied to life. Hmmm...I will have to google it!
can somebody just tell me...I really dont want to look it up!!
My book had a lot of pictures and fewer words. I was told it was a real book with real pictures. I could be wrong. Can never get them picture things straight.Originally Posted by Lunk1
Oh I understand you buddy. I think some of the guys here need to read it. Heck, might should be bumped from time to time. New guys only come to this part of the forum. I know this because it is the only place I frequented when I joined. Of course, I only joined for the free bottle of steroids, ha ha ha.
Just for the record, I wasn't busting nuts over what you were saying Lunk and I understand what you're saying MuscleInk. Was simply sharing things that I think are important to remember. Nothing more. I don't have any problem with this board, and sure, there are some crappy boards out there, I agree.
As someone engaging himself into trying to educate himself in the proper use of aas and have lurked AT LEAST half a dozen boards over the past several months, IMO this board has the most SOUND knowledge of aas, and most regular members that are out to do nothing but give solid advice to (even seen arguments over if the advice was careless) noobs. If you just read what members have to say, all you have to do is cross reference it and find out that their advice is superior to other boards and learn other stuff in the process. Which is why I decided to actually become a member of this forum. And even as a "noob" I have seen an increase in "spoon feeding". I'd just like to say to the guys have bent over backwards to possibly save some kids life. Keep at it, you are all doing a bang up job! Fight the good fight!
The funny part is theres enough thousands of people coming on this site its reasonable to assume some people from your gym come on here. Then you stop and think who looks good enough they might be on the sauce and you can't think of anyone unless you go to a hardcore gym.
It's not just on this site. I'm active on a motorcycle forum and we get new, usually younger guys, coming on there asking the same basic questions over and over again. I really think it's a generational thing. Some of us remember actually having to go to the library to look something up and learn about it. Now-a-days you can blast a question to millions and get the "validation" you seek. I say validation because IMHO they aren't looking for answers they, have their mind set on something and want reassurance.
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