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Thread: I Hack for a living

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    I Hack for a living

    I mean it. I hack all types of people. I've been hired as a bounty hunter and sec analyst by the gov't, stock brokers, banks and other organizations to pen-test their own systems and hack competitors. I do what I love and love what I do. Kind of redundant but redundancy is good in Sec...

    So I'm posting here because I know a lot of people have an interest in this sort of work. Questions, offers/bargains and other types of discussion is what this thread is for...

    Also to see if we can breathe some life into this side of the forums .

    I am:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    troll and a bad one at that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    troll and a bad one at that
    No. You're dumb.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    troll and a bad one at that
    I don't think so bro. He's been very forthcoming about his personal issues, and he's also been very receptive to GD's advice in the HRT forums. I think he just wants to chat it up with other computer savy folks. This is just my opinion based on his previous activity.

    Having said that, 21yearsold, we have a no flame policy here. Bare that in mind next time you disagree with someones comment or opinion. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Shut up 21, you fix windows!

    Again, sheesh! This is too much! Please stop--------- uhg-

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    I don't think so bro. He's been very forthcoming about his personal issues, and he's also been very receptive to GD's advice in the HRT forums. I think he just wants to chat it up with other computer savy folks. This is just my opinion based on his previous activity.

    Having said that, 21yearsold, we have a no flame policy here. Bare that in mind next time you disagree with someones comment or opinion. Thanks.
    Will do thanks for the vouch .

    Shut up 21, you fix windows!

    Again, sheesh! This is too much! Please stop--------- uhg-
    I HATE WINDOWS! lulz...

    cisco=god's routers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    how can you get text messages that have been deleted from your IPhone back. Or are they gone..?

  8. #8
    troll. If not, prove it

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by ziggypiggy View Post
    troll. If not, prove it
    I believe him. Reading his other posts he seems knowledgeable.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    TROLLLLLLLLLLLLL anyone with that kind of knowledge would not be bragging.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Is there a reason everyone is calling out Troll? I don't see any reason myself. In fact, I was wondering how one might track down an ISP in the Ukraine?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Are you wanting to track the isp or just the ip info?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Oh here we go tech war via steroid forum. Lmao

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    lol no tech war......... plz no

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 21yearsold
    I mean it. I hack all types of people. I've been hired as a bounty hunter and sec analyst by the gov't, stock brokers, banks and other organizations to pen-test their own systems and hack competitors. I do what I love and love what I do. Kind of redundant but redundancy is good in Sec...

    So I'm posting here because I know a lot of people have an interest in this sort of work. Questions, offers/bargains and other types of discussion is what this thread is for...

    Also to see if we can breathe some life into this side of the forums .

    I am:

    Hack me loser...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I am going to go out on a limb and say you may possibly be the easiest person in the world for him to hack LOL I bet he is scanning for all Peter Jones in California this second.

  17. #17
    Really... PeterJones is a millionair in London... I am waiting...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Lol ^

  19. #19
    So mr hacker, you live in Texas, in Round Rock, your ISP is either or or (hope not they got bad reviews) Should I dig deeper? Or should you humble youself and stop the bullshit...

  20. #20
    512 the modulation of "sterio" equipment... You have no Cisco papers... Should I query the Cisco Certification records? For your area?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Uh oh looks like someone figured out how to use google

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    Uh oh looks like someone figured out how to use google
    BGP protocol, and yes google

  23. #23
    "the quieter u are the more u can listen" the slogan of backtrack. I come across perhaps arrogant, this I apologize for. It's just that when u dedicate 12+ years to networking, security, spend crazy amounts of money, the more u learn the more u become aware of the fact that u know so little. When a person shouts their mouths off as top guns, this is normally unjustified. There is always someone better than u, no matter how much experience & qualifications u have. Being humble is a character trait associated with those highly skilled. If u have the interest look up the history of "Kevin mitnick" checkout, google HOPE, heald at the pensivallia hotel in NY.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterJonesCA
    "the quieter u are the more u can listen" the slogan of backtrack. I come across perhaps arrogant, this I apologize for. It's just that when u dedicate 12+ years to networking, security, spend crazy amounts of money, the more u learn the more u become aware of the fact that u know so little. When a person shouts their mouths off as top guns, this is normally unjustified. There is always someone better than u, no matter how much experience & qualifications u have. Being humble is a character trait associated with those highly skilled. If u have the interest look up the history of "Kevin mitnick" checkout, google HOPE, heald at the pensivallia hotel in NY.
    I used to pick up every issue of 2600 I could find. Then money became an issue, and technology left me in the past.

  25. #25
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterJonesCA View Post
    "the quieter u are the more u can listen" the slogan of backtrack. I come across perhaps arrogant, this I apologize for. It's just that when u dedicate 12+ years to networking, security, spend crazy amounts of money, the more u learn the more u become aware of the fact that u know so little. When a person shouts their mouths off as top guns, this is normally unjustified. There is always someone better than u, no matter how much experience & qualifications u have. Being humble is a character trait associated with those highly skilled. If u have the interest look up the history of "Kevin mitnick" checkout, google HOPE, heald at the pensivallia hotel in NY.
    I agree with what you are saying. It is a little disturbing you feel the need to belittle those that you feel have skill sets beneath yours, as if doing so somehow enhances your self image. True, it may seem that OP came off a little cocky in his initial post, but I just chalked it up to a level of enthusiasm and wanting to contribute to the board in other ways.

    No harm, no foul.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Is there a reason everyone is calling out Troll? I don't see any reason myself. In fact, I was wondering how one might track down an ISP in the Ukraine?
    openly advertising your a criminal on a highly monitored forum, that not sound a little strange?

    mabey he is hoping for a few to fall in and WU money for his ''services''

    PeterJones found his ISP in seconds, anybody can do it, even I know how to use a VPN, TOR, I2p which would show my ISP in Russia for example, a hacker would prob use a proxy tunnel which I bet a large sum of money will not turn up in USA, if it did then chances are that it will eventually be traced back and a pointless exercise, see what I mean now?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    openly advertising your a criminal on a highly monitored forum, that not sound a little strange?

    mabey he is hoping for a few to fall in and WU money for his ''services''

    PeterJones found his ISP in seconds, anybody can do it, even I know how to use a VPN, TOR, I2p which would show my ISP in Russia for example, a hacker would prob use a proxy tunnel which I bet a large sum of money will not turn up in USA, if it did then chances are that it will eventually be traced back and a pointless exercise, see what I mean now?
    Maybe so.....

    ....I'm not a techie, and avoid trying to learn tech. I have buddies that are pretty good and always willing to help me out if/when I ask.

    20 years ago, I was a repo guy that also knew how to track em down when they were hiding. Worked in some pretty rough neighborhoods too. Never bothered with internet sleuthing.

    .... I guess your concern is that he is fishing for customers for an "off book" business? Now that I think about it, it does sound kinda dicey.

    Anyone else feel the same way?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    Maybe so.....

    ....I'm not a techie, and avoid trying to learn tech. I have buddies that are pretty good and always willing to help me out if/when I ask.

    20 years ago, I was a repo guy that also knew how to track em down when they were hiding. Worked in some pretty rough neighborhoods too. Never bothered with internet sleuthing.

    .... I guess your concern is that he is fishing for customers for an "off book" business? Now that I think about it, it does sound kinda dicey.

    Anyone else feel the same way?
    Hacking was always originally about the prestige and reputation. A, "look what I did", if you will. So maybe this guy is a "great" haxor ( pun intended), but I would imagine when you enter the white hat-grey hat area of the scene there are few places to brag on your accomplishments. Thus bringing him to an unrelated area to spout his great successes.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    openly advertising your a criminal on a highly monitored forum, that not sound a little strange?

    mabey he is hoping for a few to fall in and WU money for his ''services''

    PeterJones found his ISP in seconds, anybody can do it, even I know how to use a VPN, TOR, I2p which would show my ISP in Russia for example, a hacker would prob use a proxy tunnel which I bet a large sum of money will not turn up in USA, if it did then chances are that it will eventually be traced back and a pointless exercise, see what I mean now?

    Dan B, bro you need to re-read the op's first post. In no way did he make it seem his hacking was illegal. As a matter of fact he stated he is hired by local, and federal governments to track criminals.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterJonesCA View Post
    Hack me loser...
    Hey guy, whats ur problem, I think you need to pump your damn brakes and apologize to the op. In what way is he a loser?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley

    Dan B, bro you need to re-read the op's first post. In no way did he make it seem his hacking was illegal. As a matter of fact he stated he is hired by local, and federal governments to track criminals.
    Sorry mate, there is just too much nonsense written on the net & people taking it as truth. Seems u believe this guy has got these beginner level qualifications. None of which are security tracks by Cisco. In fact with what papers he claims to have, they are pre requisites for the beginner IINS network security track. And he works for government tracking criminals... You really believe that... That's a laugh.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Dan B, bro you need to re-read the op's first post. In no way did he make it seem his hacking was illegal. As a matter of fact he stated he is hired by local, and federal governments to track criminals.

    I did reread it, it still sounds like bullshit and fishing to me, ''I hack for a living'' where did you learn that skillset? ''Open to offers''? possibly such as the literal thousands of scams if not more that happen daily online i.e send me money for x or y service, if you had a high level job with possible security clearance issues etc then would you broadcast it online on a highly monitored website with a USA based server and using a USA ISP? Im sure several members here are actually in security sensitive roles, but I am certain they take steps to avoid being tracked down in seconds and/or risking their career and safety depending on nature of their work, I also imagine a job of the level claimed by the OP would require some sort of ''confidentiality agreement'' which would include dont be a fool and run your mouth about working for government agencys the first chance you get

    Also now that Peterjones has rubbished his qualifications justs seems to back up my initial observation

    Basically he has broadcasted he can and does hack, to go a step futher into a darker world he has also basically inadvertently/indirectly implied that he has backdoors into very sensitive/valuable information, if you are smart enough to aquire a skillset like that then why be dumb enough to open yourself to the possible nightmare scenarios from people who may read this and then read between the lines and realise what they can do with the information he has access to, think about it
    Last edited by DanB; 12-29-2012 at 10:10 AM.

  33. #33
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    Either way, let's keep it respectful.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I agree with TR, All he did was state what he does. Whether its the truth or not is not for us to decide and attacking the guys credibility is very unprofessional.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 12-29-2012 at 03:15 PM.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by 21yearsold
    I mean it. I hack all types of people. I've been hired as a bounty hunter and sec analyst by the gov't, stock brokers, banks and other organizations to pen-test their own systems and hack competitors. I do what I love and love what I do. Kind of redundant but redundancy is good in Sec...

    So I'm posting here because I know a lot of people have an interest in this sort of work. Questions, offers/bargains and other types of discussion is what this thread is for...

    Also to see if we can breathe some life into this side of the forums .

    I am:

    If penetration testing is what u want to make a career of, you want to get CCNP SECURITY qualified. The CISSP u hold has greatly devalued over the last 5 years, reasons given is that the certification simply has not kept up with emerging technologies. The CCNP SECURITY course is recognized by the NSA. Cisco will not allow u to try for their CCNP SECURITY with ur current papers. U will need to qualify 1st passing the IINS, exam code 640-554. Once u have this you will need 4 professional level exams to pass. Each book builds on the previouse book so the order to take the 4 exams are. 642-637 SECURE, 642-618 FIREWALL, 642-648 VPN, 642-627 IPS. If u can achieve the CCNP SECURITY, and u chose to make an attempt at the CCIE 8 hour laboratory exam there are loads of learning resources & forums available through the Cisco learning network. Cisco only holds approximately 30% of the firewall market, the current leader is Checkpoint, however expect this to change over the next few years. Cisco's generation 2 ISR routers, ASA's & IPS/IDS devices are clearly an attempt to take a far bigger piece of the market from Checkpoint. The new Cisco ASDM version 8.3 and higher is just as user friendly & as powerful as Checkpoint.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Nerd rage

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    Nerd rage
    There is no rage or vindictiveness in that reply. A point in the right direction, he is young & seems a bit lost.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterJonesCA View Post
    If penetration testing is what u want to make a career of, you want to get CCNP SECURITY qualified. The CISSP u hold has greatly devalued over the last 5 years, reasons given is that the certification simply has not kept up with emerging technologies. The CCNP SECURITY course is recognized by the NSA. Cisco will not allow u to try for their CCNP SECURITY with ur current papers. U will need to qualify 1st passing the IINS, exam code 640-554. Once u have this you will need 4 professional level exams to pass. Each book builds on the previouse book so the order to take the 4 exams are. 642-637 SECURE, 642-618 FIREWALL, 642-648 VPN, 642-627 IPS. If u can achieve the CCNP SECURITY, and u chose to make an attempt at the CCIE 8 hour laboratory exam there are loads of learning resources & forums available through the Cisco learning network. Cisco only holds approximately 30% of the firewall market, the current leader is Checkpoint, however expect this to change over the next few years. Cisco's generation 2 ISR routers, ASA's & IPS/IDS devices are clearly an attempt to take a far bigger piece of the market from Checkpoint. The new Cisco ASDM version 8.3 and higher is just as user friendly & as powerful as Checkpoint.

    I think the board rules require us to post in the english language. Can you please translate this shlt for us non-tech guys?

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    boca raton
    Wow, I was about to get involved until I read peterjonesca's last def a tech guy and know how to wire shark and track an ip, but he just brought it to another level.
    I love talking tech but sometimes the upper tier advanced guru's just blow my mind. Haha

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    PJ is correct though.. with the op's papers if he can present them the gov does not pay the best (if he is the best) but with those papers it's easy to earn $120k yr employed..

    and people that are pen testers don't call themselves hackers..

    script kiddies call themselves hackers..

    Good points though on the current status of the certifications by PJ..

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