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Thread: 47%

  1. #1
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    Business as usual yeah?


    What did you guys think about the 47% quote really?

    Here is the quote:
    "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney is shown saying in a video posted online by the magazine. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."

    "Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax," Romney said.

    Romney said his role "is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

    This is just my take below - I'm open to hear the other side of the argument.

    I am registered as a democrat but really see myself as an independent. I thought Romney's 47% quote was spot on. I have been a believer for a long time of opening your eyes and taking responsibility for your life, whether that means putting your drink or drug down or getting your fat ass to the gym or getting off the computer and into the real world to make a buck. There are too many people in this world who think they are a victim and need baby powder applied to their diaper rashed ass crack by the government or anyone who will listen. These are the idiots you will see buying dollar menu at mcdonalds day after day because they are busy smoking a pack a day and drinking a 6 pack every night.

    I've actually decided to not vote this election. I do not like either candidate enough to go do so. I do not feel a patriotic obligation - neither candidate is going to go out and do an impressive job in my opinion based on what I have seen. That said I do not feel Romney's quote would dissuade me from voting for him. In fact it makes me want to vote for him if anything. I just don't want to choose between the shiniest of two turds.

    If you guys want to give your opinions of Romney and Obama thats fine but what I'm really interested in is how a bunch of gym rats and weight lifters feel about the 47% quote! I feel everyone on here made a decision to take personal responsibility for the course of their lives, and wonder how that effects their perception of the statement Romney made.

  2. #2
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    I agree, it's probably pretty accurate if you count all the different means of being dependent on government.

    I work with a lady who just couldn't believe those statistics and she thinks almost no one would want to be on welfare or public assistance. After a long talk I convinced her she is only looking at it from her own personal view point and not having her eyes open to how a lot of other people are. I have her real world examples of people I know and another one of my co workers did the same. She then agreed it must only be her experience. Same with the obomacare issue. She has a spouse who is partially permanently disabled and is afraid of loosing healthcare for him at some point but has a hard time understanding that just wont happen unless we go to obamacare where they can just decide what is the best type of care he should have due to cost instead of what is best for him. Pain meds vs surgery or some type of PT due to cost.

    I know there are a LOT of professional welfare recipients out there and it really sucks. Some people just dont want to hear the truth and are offended by it. Just see what happens if you go up to someone who is 300+ lbs and tell them they are fat/obese. They will have a fit and give you all kinds of excuses or accuse you of being prejudice, racist or some other way to turn it around on you instead of just accepting the truth.

  3. #3
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    truth hurts

  4. #4
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    that is probably the same 47% that pay taxes every year!

  5. #5
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    I agree with your statement, not much else to say other than it should depend on ourselves to rise up to the challenge. Unfortunately Obama and many other democrats have too many policies in place that keep people down in that 47%, and take away incentives to rise above it. Not to mention making it harder for the middle class, and they basically want to increase people's dependency on government. That is my biggest problem with liberals.

    I'm not a huge Romney fan. But look at the biggest accomplishment Obama has, and that is passing the healthcare bill. Now you need to look at what that means, if Romney is elected, he'll get rid of that thing before further damage can be done. If Obama gets elected we are going to be suffering greatly, your vote and others is needed, I know you don't like Romney, and personally i would vote for someone like Gary Johnson, but at this point we need to fix this problem immediately. Plus Romney will be able to put incentives in place for entrepreneurship and encourage small business growth and from your opinions stated in here I would think that is something you could appreciate. If you wanted to start your own business, wouldn't you want the government to have policies in place that instead of make it nearly impossible to succeed or do you want your talents and abilities to be able to flourish and be able to create the masterpiece that is your business? Remember Obama said, "you didn't build that."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    I agree with your statement, not much else to say other than it should depend on ourselves to rise up to the challenge. Unfortunately Obama and many other democrats have too many policies in place that keep people down in that 47%, and take away incentives to rise above it. Not to mention making it harder for the middle class, and they basically want to increase people's dependency on government. That is my biggest problem with liberals.

    I'm not a huge Romney fan. But look at the biggest accomplishment Obama has, and that is passing the healthcare bill. Now you need to look at what that means, if Romney is elected, he'll get rid of that thing before further damage can be done. If Obama gets elected we are going to be suffering greatly, your vote and others is needed, I know you don't like Romney, and personally i would vote for someone like Gary Johnson, but at this point we need to fix this problem immediately. Plus Romney will be able to put incentives in place for entrepreneurship and encourage small business growth and from your opinions stated in here I would think that is something you could appreciate. If you wanted to start your own business, wouldn't you want the government to have policies in place that instead of make it nearly impossible to succeed or do you want your talents and abilities to be able to flourish and be able to create the masterpiece that is your business? Remember Obama said, "you didn't build that."
    This perfectly explains what is wrong with our nation. There was a time when people were ashamed to take government assistance. Now they may as well make it an olympic sport considering the way some people have perfected working the system.

  7. #7
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    i liked the part about the shiniest of 2 turds! LOL.. i dont have much faith in any politician to do what they say theyre gonna do.

  8. #8
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    Let's not forget that the Romney family were welfare recipients. Also, the 47% was a snapshot in time. Included in that number are military personal deployed overseas who are exempt from federal taxes, people who don't even earn enough money to pay federal taxes (but who are employed and still paying federal payroll taxes), the elderly, disabled, students, people who were employed in 2010 but not in 2011... you see how comments like that are so idiotic and insulting to hard working Americans? Don't rip on half the country because a tiny minority of people abuse the system.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE
    I agree with your statement, not much else to say other than it should depend on ourselves to rise up to the challenge. Unfortunately Obama and many other democrats have too many policies in place that keep people down in that 47%, and take away incentives to rise above it. Not to mention making it harder for the middle class, and they basically want to increase people's dependency on government. That is my biggest problem with liberals.

    I'm not a huge Romney fan. But look at the biggest accomplishment Obama has, and that is passing the healthcare bill. Now you need to look at what that means, if Romney is elected, he'll get rid of that thing before further damage can be done. If Obama gets elected we are going to be suffering greatly, your vote and others is needed, I know you don't like Romney, and personally i would vote for someone like Gary Johnson, but at this point we need to fix this problem immediately. Plus Romney will be able to put incentives in place for entrepreneurship and encourage small business growth and from your opinions stated in here I would think that is something you could appreciate. If you wanted to start your own business, wouldn't you want the government to have policies in place that instead of make it nearly impossible to succeed or do you want your talents and abilities to be able to flourish and be able to create the masterpiece that is your business? Remember Obama said, "you didn't build that."
    Very well said.

  10. #10
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    47% might be too conservative......we need help!!

  11. #11
    I'm voting for Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  12. #12
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    There's no shame in making a mistake........only in repeating it.

  13. #13
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    i'm pretty sure most of the military are voting R/R and those hard working Americans are figuring it out too...neither want to be in that 47% whether it was wrong to say or not...sure is a helluva lot better than saying the attack on 9-11 was due to a video

  14. #14
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    It was a pretty accurate statement IMO when referring to those who live by dependency in some form. However, I do think his overall comment about not worrying about those people meant he's simply not worrying about trying to get their vote...there's no point, they'd never vote for him regardless of what he did. I don't think this means he views these people as pathetic waste of space as many in the media implied.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    It was a pretty accurate statement IMO when referring to those who live by dependency in some form. However, I do think his overall comment about not worrying about those people meant he's simply not worrying about trying to get their vote...there's no point, they'd never vote for him regardless of what he did. I don't think this means he views these people as pathetic waste of space as many in the media implied.
    correct, and even the ones using the "47%" statement against him know it...but its good fodder to keep that 47% ...and spaghetti guy, your probably not alone

  16. #16
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    I hate Romney but that 47% comment took huge balls to say so Kudos.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Accurate statement. People often just can't handle directness. We need a change from the current course....just look at the current Libya scandal. It will be his watergate, but this time people died...

  18. #18
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    i do agree that there are professional well fair recipients. Technically there may be 47% who do not pay taxes. But i dont think half the country thinks they are victims or refuse to take care of themselves , thats the part the pissed me off the most

    and now to play devils advocate.
    How many people who posted in this thread bitching about obama are the 47%, people complaining how obomacare and his policies are keeping you down? isnt that being a victim? I cant succeed because there are to many regulations. He is going to raise taxes on the rich, even though most of us dont fall into that income range. Sounds like poor victims to me
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  19. #19
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    so the 47% "statement" really pissed you off? MORESO than the secretiveness of benghazi...47% actually PISSED you off?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i do agree that there are professional well fair recipients. Technically there may be 47% who do not pay taxes. But i dont think half the country thinks they are victims or refuse to take care of themselves , thats the part the pissed me off the most

    and now to play devils advocate.
    How many people who posted in this thread bitching about obama are the 47%, people complaining how obomacare and his policies are keeping you down? isnt that being a victim? I cant succeed because there are to many regulations. He is going to raise taxes on the rich, even though most of us dont fall into that income range. Sounds like poor victims to me
    Gixxer, this is the internet, everybody is making 6 figures or better on it. Fvcking eh!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I agree, it's probably pretty accurate if you count all the different means of being dependent on government.

    I work with a lady who just couldn't believe those statistics and she thinks almost no one would want to be on welfare or public assistance. After a long talk I convinced her she is only looking at it from her own personal view point and not having her eyes open to how a lot of other people are. I have her real world examples of people I know and another one of my co workers did the same. She then agreed it must only be her experience. Same with the obomacare issue. She has a spouse who is partially permanently disabled and is afraid of loosing healthcare for him at some point but has a hard time understanding that just wont happen unless we go to obamacare where they can just decide what is the best type of care he should have due to cost instead of what is best for him. Pain meds vs surgery or some type of PT due to cost.

    I know there are a LOT of professional welfare recipients out there and it really sucks. Some people just dont want to hear the truth and are offended by it. Just see what happens if you go up to someone who is 300+ lbs and tell them they are fat/obese. They will have a fit and give you all kinds of excuses or accuse you of being prejudice, racist or some other way to turn it around on you instead of just accepting the truth.
    You also have to look at the perspective of the welfare recipients. It's easier and often times the better financial move to stay on welfare. What would put a welfare mother in a better financial situation? Working 40+ hours at a McJob and figuring out how to take care of the mistakes she's got at home? Or staying at home and collecting welfare, food stamps, free health care & subsidized housing?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    so the 47% "statement" really pissed you off? MORESO than the secretiveness of benghazi...47% actually PISSED you off?
    This is what im beginning to hate. What does Benghazi have to do with the 47% comment. If you agree with the comment or not thats fine. But it seems anytime something is brought up about Romney its not discussed or debated or defended. The response is change the subject and say but Obama did this. It sound like kids on a play ground. But Mom he hit me first.

    yes, they are still investigating Benghazi, the head of the CIA said they told the administration that they thought it was related to the video at first.
    Was there mistakes? Yes, Where they intentional? No. Is there a conspiracy, NO

    Like it or not your the 47% he is talking about too. Everyone wants to believe its someone else but it includes you. So yes, im more pissed that im personally insulted.
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 11-01-2012 at 09:18 AM.
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  23. #23
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    the two scenarios dont have anything to do with the other i just cant believe that anyone could be more pissed off at the 47% statement

    i wish he hadnt made that statement but only politically

    i cant be in the 47% because he has my vote

    he meant 47% are voting for the incumbent already

    i believe with his record as governor and business man those credentials gives him a chance to take over a failed record..there thats not pointing a finger....or is saying that i think obama failed is pointing a finger

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    the two scenarios dont have anything to do with the other i just cant believe that anyone could be more pissed off at the 47% statement

    i wish he hadnt made that statement but only politically

    i cant be in the 47% because he has my vote

    he meant 47% are voting for the incumbent already

    i believe with his record as governor and business man those credentials gives him a chance to take over a failed record..there thats not pointing a finger....or is saying that i think obama failed is pointing a finger
    the 47% wasnt only about people voting for the president. That was part of it. You cant pick and choose parts. 47% of the country thinks its victims? 47% fail to take responsibility for themselves? Really so half the country thinks its a victim and wont take care of themselves ?

    You believe his whole comment was correct?

    I know people that lived in Mass while he was gov. They hated him.
    Yes he was very successful in business. But the business model for most companies wasnt for growing a business. it was to get out of it what you can and bankrupt it. so yes he succeeded but that isnt experience to run a country

    Honestly i wish Chris Christie ran
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  25. #25
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    yes christie is a crowd favorite

    i think romney/ryan will do a much better job in 4 years and if not will be time to change again

  26. #26
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    Christie will run. 4 or 8 years. Depends who wins this time.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Christie will run. 4 or 8 years. Depends who wins this time.
    Really hope its 4 years.

    And i hope he stays the way he is and doesn't try and change to fit the base. That is his key to winning.

    I really dont get the hole trying to please the base. The base is going to vote for you not matter what., They arent going to vote for the other guy. So you jeapordize the independents ans swing states to make happy the states you are going to win anyway.
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  28. #28
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    47%, sure some of that 47% are victims, actually need help etc...a very small percentage. Others in that 47% are lazy, or have discovered they can make more money living off the government and so they has nothing to do with being a victim or incapable. There are all types of people who fit into this group, some do need help but no sane person can say that the majority of the people in this country that get some type of government assistance actually need it. Granted, they might technically need it based on their bank account, but if there's nothing actually wrong with you then you really don't need it.

    ....and I don't think most people who complain about Obama's policies actually consider themselves victims. I don't like what he's done but don't consider myself a victim. I don't like the fact that because I'm self-employed and I make just enough money that I pay almost 30% of my income in taxes and no one in their right mind would consider me rich. Am I a victim? No, I simply continue to do the best I can and hope for improvements in this insanely messed up system.

  29. #29
    Thought I'd share this article (there are many others on the same topic) for those voting for R/R

    Paul Ryan's favorite band is RATM. Ironic as hell, since he is the machine that they are raging against.

  30. #30
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    obummer is proposing a new cabinet and wants to hire an Economy Czar!

    i think we have enough Czars, who get paid by tax payer money!

  31. #31
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    so links posted r only for romney voters?


    and if i cared what mtv had to say i'd already have read it

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    so links posted r only for romney voters?


    and if i cared what mtv had to say i'd already have read it
    Is this better?
    how about this?
    or this?

  33. #33
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    seen just about all the propaganda on both sides....

    any thoughts of your own

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    47%, sure some of that 47% are victims, actually need help etc...a very small percentage. Others in that 47% are lazy, or have discovered they can make more money living off the government and so they has nothing to do with being a victim or incapable. There are all types of people who fit into this group, some do need help but no sane person can say that the majority of the people in this country that get some type of government assistance actually need it. Granted, they might technically need it based on their bank account, but if there's nothing actually wrong with you then you really don't need it.

    ....and I don't think most people who complain about Obama's policies actually consider themselves victims. I don't like what he's done but don't consider myself a victim. I don't like the fact that because I'm self-employed and I make just enough money that I pay almost 30% of my income in taxes and no one in their right mind would consider me rich. Am I a victim? No, I simply continue to do the best I can and hope for improvements in this insanely messed up system.
    and i dont own my own business and pay that in taxes. So whats your point? everyone would love to pay less. Who the hell wouldnt. I would like to pay less for my place, I would like to pay less for my cars. But they are what they are. Shit needs to be paid for. Everyone paying 10% in taxes isnt going to pay the bills.
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    the 47% wasnt only about people voting for the president. That was part of it. You cant pick and choose parts. 47% of the country thinks its victims? 47% fail to take responsibility for themselves? Really so half the country thinks its a victim and wont take care of themselves ?

    You believe his whole comment was correct?

    I know people that lived in Mass while he was gov. They hated him.
    Yes he was very successful in business. But the business model for most companies wasnt for growing a business. it was to get out of it what you can and bankrupt it. so yes he succeeded but that isnt experience to run a country

    Honestly i wish Chris Christie ran
    you are taking a few people that your know in the state that he was gov of and basing your opinion on that! Your smarter then that. The state was thriving, the schools for #1 in many categories and the unemployment rate was way down. He did everything right and you still are failing to give him credit. Obama did nothing to get into office and now he has made things worse (yes blame bush, like you democrates love to do)
    bush fault or not obama has made things worse and said he would improve things.
    what do you have to say for his apology tour? our president bowing before another country?

  36. #36
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    and for the record I am not happy with mitt, but if its him or obama its a clear cut choice for me.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    you are taking a few people that your know in the state that he was gov of and basing your opinion on that! Your smarter then that. The state was thriving, the schools for #1 in many categories and the unemployment rate was way down. He did everything right and you still are failing to give him credit. Obama did nothing to get into office and now he has made things worse (yes blame bush, like you democrates love to do)
    bush fault or not obama has made things worse and said he would improve things.
    what do you have to say for his apology tour? our president bowing before another country?
    Also look at the polls for Mass? Why is the state out of play for Romney if he did such a great job?
    actually im not a democrat. But if its Obama or the cast of clowns the Republican's ran this year its Obama.
    Yes he bowed. Thats standard culture. So have other presidents. So he should be offensive to a leader of another country?
    Not even going to comment on the apology tour. That has been discredited many times buy lots of people, except fox news.

    What about Romney complete lies, missleading comments. changing his stance every week.
    I dont like everything about Obama but i dont trust anything Romney says.

    I would rather a list of Republicans then Obama or Romney. Its just sad that the GOP base has gotten so crazy that any good candidate knows better not to run or cant pass the beginnings of the primaries
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  38. #38
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    Bloomberg just endorsed Obama.
    I would also like to see Bloomberg run. Doubt he ever will though
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    seen just about all the propaganda on both sides....

    any thoughts of your own
    Was just sharing something about paul ryan that I found hilarious. But my thoughts about the two main candidates, they're both garbage. But I honestly think Mitt rtard relies too much on his faith/religion and incorporates it into his politics. Religion has no place in politics, nor does it have any place anywhere in the world, in my opinion.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Was just sharing something about paul ryan that I found hilarious. But my thoughts about the two main candidates, they're both garbage. But I honestly think Mitt rtard relies too much on his faith/religion and incorporates it into his politics. Religion has no place in politics, nor does it have any place anywhere in the world, in my opinion.
    does that leave you not voting or voting 3rd party? either of those is the same

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