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Thread: You know..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?

    You know..

    I know there are a lot of people out there with some stuff going on. I uh.. don't like talking about this stuff but I'm going to. This time. If you have an issue with drugs or alcohol, there are options out there. Your best bet is going to be AA or NA meetings imo. This means going to meetings with peoples who are f-d up. I never met people whos brain operated at my wavelength until I got into AA. I do want to plug a site this is a site I have been going to for years for dealing with alcohol it is Click on chat and you will talk to people some have webcam and all have seen a lot of stuff. You know maybe this doesn't help you or maybe this doesn't apply to you and I respect you. But if I could reach even one person in need I feel like this is worth it so sorry if this is taken the wrong way but just trying to do right. Im telling you right now though if you are "out there".. if you have trouble connecting with people.. this may be your best choice. If you talk to your own family and they just dont get it or understand where you have been and you have some issues this could be a place where you realize you aren't the only one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Maybe I'll grab a beer and check this out....?

    j/k mate. Kudos to you and your sobriety. Many don't make it that far. I'm glad you made it. The daily struggle must be difficult?

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
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    I wish my ex wife wasn't an alcoholic. She was perfect otherwise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    AA meetings are a great place to meet easy women. Just saying.

    CDP, how is the sobriety thing going for you? To me, it's been several years since I had a taste of alcohol and to be honest, I haven't missed it.

  5. #5
    I was never an alcoholic, but I gave up drinking all together last new years. Haven't touched a drop since. I was a long time stoner though, and I also gave that up (hopefully for good) about a month ago.

  6. #6
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    I was never an alcoholic, but I gave up drinking all together last new years. Haven't touched a drop since. I was a long time stoner though, and I also gave that up (hopefully for good) about a month ago.

  7. #7
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    It's all in your head. . If I can stop smoking, cut my drinking down to once a month and smoking w*^d to near never, anyone can.

    Just saying, I still know enough people saying then just can't quit smoking. . . . Whatever, just stop.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 10-31-2012 at 12:09 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    hahahaha. Dave Chappelle is awesome.
    I was smoking pot every day for 6 years though, I pretty much said screw it, I've been high long enough. The tipping point was puffy nipples, no way those would get better if I was still smoking like a broken muffler.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    hahahaha. Dave Chappelle is awesome.
    I was smoking pot every day for 6 years though, I pretty much said screw it, I've been high long enough. The tipping point was puffy nipples, no way those would get better if I was still smoking like a broken muffler.
    I used to do tons of drugs and drink. We're not allowed to talk about rec drugs on here, so I wont share my stories but they were the psychotic stories you hear about in documentary interviews or in movies gone wrong. Anyways, after my mother had a heart attack, it kind of put things in to perspective to me. I didn't want to be a junkie my whole life or get addicted (it's debatable if I were or wasn't) and I never enjoyed it either (the adventures I had on it were the fond memories). I really only did that stuff because I was in a lot of back pain, I wanted to be social or I was using drugs as a way of luring chicks in to my bed. It just grew in to me doing it all day every day. On top of that, I was stuck working at a shitty casino in North Vegas for crap money all because I couldn't pass a drug test. So I just was like "fvck this" and my drinking/drug days were over.

    Mind you I never experienced cravings or withdrawal, even for the oxycodone that I got prescribed to me for my back (I quit taking those too). I started taking training a lot more seriously though. So maybe I substituted one addiction for another?

  10. #10
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    It's all in your head. . If I can stop smoking, cut my drinking down to once a month and smoking w*^d to near never, anyone can.

    Just saying, I still know enough people saying then just can't quit smoking. . . . Whatever, just stop.
    Depends on the substance Im afraid. Sure, tobacco is difficult(I dip) and I love it. But heroin, cocaine, narcotics, and things of that nature are a different animal. Alcohol is one of the only substances that can actually kill you when withdrawling, and some benzos too. It isnt as pshycological as many think. It is physical, mental, and habit. The need to use in order to be normal. It isnt as easy as "just stop" for many and it can take years of trial and error to beat the addiction.

  11. #11
    Yet for some crazy reason it's still legal. It bewilders me that something as harmful as alcohol is legal and widely available, but much other safer things are not. One more reason to hate the government I guess.

  12. #12
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN
    Yet for some crazy reason it's still legal. It bewilders me that something as harmful as alcohol is legal and widely available, but much other safer things are not. One more reason to hate the government I guess.
    Public misconception plays a large role as well. I realize much of the misconception is propagated by government and public information (or lack there of). Just as most people are ignorant about the potential benefits of anabolic agents when used correctly and with discretion, many more are ignorant about certain other recreational compounds. Not that I am condoning the wide spread use of said recreational agents, but in some cases, the negative connotations are sometimes over blow.

    WRT to alcohol....there was a time when it was illegal. Similarly, some currently illegal substances were at one time approved forms of medical treatment (e.g. LSD25 was originally developed for inducing labor in women; a currently banned "white powder" was at one time prescribed for depression).

  13. #13
    Hahaha. "white powder" nice cover term.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN
    Hahaha. "white powder" nice cover term.

    Rules against discussions involving rec substances on the board.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I used to do tons of drugs and drink. We're not allowed to talk about rec drugs on here, so I wont share my stories but they were the psychotic stories you hear about in documentary interviews or in movies gone wrong. Anyways, after my mother had a heart attack, it kind of put things in to perspective to me. I didn't want to be a junkie my whole life or get addicted (it's debatable if I were or wasn't) and I never enjoyed it either (the adventures I had on it were the fond memories). I really only did that stuff because I was in a lot of back pain, I wanted to be social or I was using drugs as a way of luring chicks in to my bed. It just grew in to me doing it all day every day. On top of that, I was stuck working at a shitty casino in North Vegas for crap money all because I couldn't pass a drug test. So I just was like "fvck this" and my drinking/drug days were over.

    Mind you I never experienced cravings or withdrawal, even for the oxycodone that I got prescribed to me for my back (I quit taking those too). I started taking training a lot more seriously though. So maybe I substituted one addiction for another?
    honkey kong dont take this the wrong way and i debated on posting it but figd WTF. i guess when i was a newbie on here i mustve misinterpreted a post made by u but i thought u were gay?? (not that theres anything wrong with that)

  16. #16
    While AA may work for some, I believe it's a cult.
    ...and another vice.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2011
    AA did not work for me. God did.. it does work for some people though. IMO the lifestyle of a person going to AA is not one i wanted to have. constantly going to those meetings calling myself an alcoholic every day. no thanx..

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    honkey kong dont take this the wrong way and i debated on posting it but figd WTF. i guess when i was a newbie on here i mustve misinterpreted a post made by u but i thought u were gay?? (not that theres anything wrong with that)
    Sorry to disappoint you. But no, I'm a vagitarian. You know though, some of the personalities on this site have changed my view of gay people. I was kind of prejudiced before coming here, but I lead a sheltered life in that aspect. I think I knew of maybe a few gay people (that I knew were) and one of them was my best friend's mother (you have no idea how many times, I'd ask her if I could just watch her and her lesbian lover go at it). Anyways, the gay people on this site (not giving names) broke some of the stereotypes and they're alright dudes.

  19. #19
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    AA did not work for me. God did.. it does work for some people though. IMO the lifestyle of a person going to AA is not one i wanted to have. constantly going to those meetings calling myself an alcoholic every day. no thanx..
    If you're looking for a slutty girl to take home, AA is a great place to go. In fact, that's the main reason I think most people put up with calling themselves an alcoholic on a regular basis. I'm like thinking of going to a meeting right now and I don't have a problem hahaahha

  20. #20
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Sorry to disappoint you. But no, I'm a vagitarian. You know though, some of the personalities on this site have changed my view of gay people. I was kind of prejudiced before coming here, but I lead a sheltered life in that aspect. I think I knew of maybe a few gay people (that I knew were) and one of them was my best friend's mother (you have no idea how many times, I'd ask her if I could just watch her and her lesbian lover go at it). Anyways, the gay people on this site (not giving names) broke some of the stereotypes and they're alright dudes.
    yeh gay people are cool. i dont have a problem with them personally. back in the day i dated a stripper (dancer) for a couple years and we had some of the best times at the gay bar. it was a bit difft as i was the one getting the drinks bought for me! LOL..

    if u ever wanna know what its like to be a chick out at nite just go to a gay bar. (assuming ur attractive otherwise i suppose it doesnt matter)..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    yeh gay people are cool. i dont have a problem with them personally. back in the day i dated a stripper (dancer) for a couple years and we had some of the best times at the gay bar. it was a bit difft as i was the one getting the drinks bought for me! LOL..

    if u ever wanna know what its like to be a chick out at nite just go to a gay bar. (assuming ur attractive otherwise i suppose it doesnt matter)..
    You know you don't have to go to gay bars to get free drinks? Cougars a lot of times will buy the drinks. Some of them aren't bad looking either. Everybody at one point or another has had a Mrs. Robinson fetish. Not that I hang out in bars anymore at all. I actually hate hanging around drunk people. It sucks being the only one not sloshed. Drunk people are usually fvcking annoying if you're not drunk yourself.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    I never needed meetings or such.

    Just jail.

    Fixed my addiction right quick.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Jail made my addiction worse i wish they brought in gear instead of heroin. I finally was able to get away from things and that was with the help of lifting. I always have to watch out because i can turn gear into a addiction very quickly.

  24. #24
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    yeh i havent drank in over 4 yrs. never thought id be able to say that and for awhile never thought id need/want to.

    as far as jail fixn addiction i have a buddy who is in federal prison rite now as a result. he went in in '05 and wont get out until '15-17.. i hope when he gets out he doesnt go back!

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