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  1. #1
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    I absolutely hate going into gnc. I ran out of my carb drink and was in a pinch so I picked up some stuff there and I had the lil 160lb guy with 20% bf try and tell me what I needed (most expensive stuff on the shelf). Now I'm not a huge guy, 6' 220 13-15%bf but I have a pretty good physique and I'm just thinking to myself, how is this guy gonna even try and tell me what I need?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    lmao. Going to GNC to me is like taking a BMW to Firestone for repairs.

    We have a Texas based company called "Total Nutrition" - Let me tell you... the guys and girls that work their are SUPER knowledgeable and very fit. It's a shame that the smaller companies that pay attention to detail don't get as much recognition. GNC is merely a popular name. Like Radio Shack.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    lmao. Going to GNC to me is like taking a BMW to Firestone for repairs.

    We have a Texas based company called "Total Nutrition" - Let me tell you... the guys and girls that work their are SUPER knowledgeable and very fit. It's a shame that the smaller companies that pay attention to detail don't get as much recognition. GNC is merely a popular name. Like Radio Shack.
    Yeah I know, but there are no, I mean NO supplement stores in Odessa. I get my supps from a place called rocks in corpus. They get their own stuff made by manufactures and really works well, but like I said I was in a pinch. They're shipping me stuff to the hotel but won't b here for a couple days then this carb drink will probably go into a pile of other supps I bought and took about 3 servings out of lol

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    lmao. Going to GNC to me is like taking a BMW to Firestone for repairs.

    We have a Texas based company called "Total Nutrition" - Let me tell you... the guys and girls that work their are SUPER knowledgeable and very fit. It's a shame that the smaller companies that pay attention to detail don't get as much recognition. GNC is merely a popular name. Like Radio Shack.
    Results in Dallas was good. Helped that Atwood was part owner before he passed
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
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    I havent set foot in GNC since I was a teen. They are way overpriced and the staff is required to push products to you. If I am shopping in person I do Vitamin Shoppe as the staff simply asks if I need help, I say no, and they leave you alone. If you have a question they will answer it. Other than that I just shop online

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I havent set foot in GNC since I was a teen. They are way overpriced and the staff is required to push products to you. If I am shopping in person I do Vitamin Shoppe as the staff simply asks if I need help, I say no, and they leave you alone. If you have a question they will answer it. Other than that I just shop online
    The interesting part is that they only get commission by selling non-GNC products. They jack up the prices on BSN, ON, Sci-Fit, IDS, etc so it basically forces the customer to buy the less expensive GNC brand item, and the sales rep receives nothing in compensation.

  7. #7
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I used to really enjoy going into the chain stores and looking around like a kid in a candy shop but like Noles said they are required to upsell you so I rarely go in chains anymore.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I havent set foot in GNC since I was a teen. They are way overpriced and the staff is required to push products to you. If I am shopping in person I do Vitamin Shoppe as the staff simply asks if I need help, I say no, and they leave you alone. If you have a question they will answer it. Other than that I just shop online
    always check their website before you buy in the store. Its usually cheaper on their site then in their stores. I pull up their site on my phone and they will give you the internet site price. Its bs you have to do that but...
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
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    I have the same problem but mine is a 22 year old girl thats like 90 pounds and says she takes this and that and what im getting is not any good i need gnc products i wanna say leave me alone about my training but if you wanna hook up let me get your number lol.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I havent set foot in GNC since I was a teen. They are way overpriced and the staff is required to push products to you. If I am shopping in person I do Vitamin Shoppe as the staff simply asks if I need help, I say no, and they leave you alone. If you have a question they will answer it. Other than that I just shop online
    I went into a GNC several months ago since I needed some more shaker cups. Damn! Expensive! And it has a little hole on the other side for air. which means the little cap that covers up the air hole brokeoff easy, and now when i shake, it's a two hand operation since my finger needs to be over the airhole to prevent shit flying everywhere when i shake it

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I went into a GNC several months ago since I needed some more shaker cups. Damn! Expensive! And it has a little hole on the other side for air. which means the little cap that covers up the air hole brokeoff easy, and now when i shake, it's a two hand operation since my finger needs to be over the airhole to prevent shit flying everywhere when i shake it
    Just get the powders and make your own cups!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Just get the powders and make your own cups!
    sorry, i don't have an injection molding system at my house, so I need to buy someone elses plastic cups! =)

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    sorry, i don't have an injection molding system at my house, so I need to buy someone elses plastic cups! =)
    What?! I thought everyone had a plastic shaker bottle manufacturing operation in their garage?!

    But yeah they are expensive as all hell (gnc in general)...I was cussing the whole way there to my wife about it lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I went into a GNC several months ago since I needed some more shaker cups. Damn! Expensive! And it has a little hole on the other side for air. which means the little cap that covers up the air hole brokeoff easy, and now when i shake, it's a two hand operation since my finger needs to be over the airhole to prevent shit flying everywhere when i shake it

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    What?! I thought everyone had a plastic shaker bottle manufacturing operation in their garage?!

    But yeah they are expensive as all hell (gnc in general)...I was cussing the whole way there to my wife about it lol
    the funny (?) thing about GNC is that the kids they have running the place pretend to know their shit and give out advice, but usually their advice is based on driving up commissions.

    Just as it is wise to never take advice from your dealer....

    ...never take advice from the pimply kid running the counter at GNC!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    the funny (?) thing about GNC is that the kids they have running the place pretend to know their shit and give out advice, but usually their advice is based on driving up commissions.

    Just as it is wise to never take advice from your dealer....

    ...never take advice from the pimply kid running the counter at GNC!
    Yeah, I've told them...look at me and look in the mirror and tell me if I should take supplement advice from you? Lol he went back to eating his McDonald's cheeseburger lol I went in today cuz I was in a pinch and he was trying to sell me a carb drink that was like 89 bucks and had like 27g of sugar and was like 390 calories, I was like no thanks, got anything with maltodextrin, waxy maze, anything like that? He looked at me like I was speaking Greek...nvm I'll find what I need lol

  17. #17
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    We've got one in my shopping centre. I have NEVER bought anything from their, but I do like to poke my nose in and browse sometimes. I like the smell of supplements!!
    It always makes me chuckle when I see young kids in there buying their protein powder, listening to the advice if the untrained staff. "Wow, 1.5kg of protein for £60?? That's well cheap! That'll last me ages!"

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr
    We've got one in my shopping centre. I have NEVER bought anything from their, but I do like to poke my nose in and browse sometimes. I like the smell of supplements!!
    It always makes me chuckle when I see young kids in there buying their protein powder, listening to the advice if the untrained staff. "Wow, 1.5kg of protein for £60?? That's well cheap! That'll last me ages!"
    Ha I like the burst of scent you get when opening a bottle for the first time. But it's funny how a week later you cringe at the smell lol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    What?! I thought everyone had a plastic shaker bottle manufacturing operation in their garage?!

    But yeah they are expensive as all hell (gnc in general)...I was cussing the whole way there to my wife about it lol
    shaker cup? who the hell needs one of those? i just use one of the tupperware containers my food was in..

  20. #20
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    Eh Tron, the employees at GNC are required to "lead" you in to buying a bunch of shit you don't want. That's why they always ask you what multivitamin you're taking. They're required to sell both 15% of the people who come in there must leave with a multi vitamin. On top of that, they're also required to sell P3 items (which are always GNC labeled products but not necessarily everything GNC labeled) 40-60%. They do this by asking you "lifestyle" questions that enable them to just start placing shit that you don't want in your hands. Their philosophy here is you have to put it down in order to NOT buy it.

    They also just recite garbage that they read in the training module. Like for instance their wheyabolic 60 is going to increase your strength by 30%. Here is the sad part too, they don't even get commission on the crap they're trying to sell to you. The garbage they're trying to sell is stuff like Cellucor products, test boosters. They get like $17 for selling each large bottle of P6 and like $8 for selling you some A-HD (some garbage that Jay Cutler is pimping now). Their whole goal is not to lose their minimum wage job.

    Then on top of that they try to pimp their fvcking gold cards on you at $15 a pop. It's a sheer ploy to get you to shop there, and you're almost always going to miss gold card week, because who has time to keep track of that shit? And really most of the stuff they sell is pure shit anyways, do you really need 20% off on it? And on top of that, they're going to try to sell you some sugary chews they call an OMS (one more sale). They're like Starbursts only they taste like ass and half of them end up getting recalled.

    On top of all this, each sales associate is required to maintain an average UPT (unit per transaction) of around 4 and they need each sale to average atleast $40. That means they're going to try to "build" their sales on you and pimp you shit you don't want.

    And yeah you guys here look at that out of shape idiot trying to give you advice and kind of find it laughable, but the sad thing is there are tons of morons who go in to their stores who actually listen to their retarded advice. You know how many older men with prostate problems are allowing some high school drop out advise them to take Saw Palmetto or that fvcking Super Beta Prostate instead of going to a doctor and getting a real opinion? Or how many men go in there suffering from low testosterone, taking advice to buy some fvcking test booster rather than getting their andropause treated?

    It makes me sick that the FDA allows these fvckers to operate.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 11-05-2012 at 07:07 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Eh Tron, the employees at GNC are required to "lead" you in to buying a bunch of shit you don't want. That's why they always ask you what multivitamin you're taking. They're required to sell both 15% of the people who come in there must leave with a multi vitamin. On top of that, they're also required to sell P3 items (which are always GNC labeled products but not necessarily everything GNC labeled) 40-60%. They do this by asking you "lifestyle" questions that enable them to just start placing shit that you don't want in your hands. Their philosophy here is you have to put it down in order to NOT buy it.

    They also just recite garbage that they read in the training module. Like for instance their wheyabolic 60 is going to increase your strength by 30%. Here is the sad part too, they don't even get commission on the crap they're trying to sell to you. The garbage they're trying to sell is stuff like Cellucor products, test boosters. They get like $17 for selling each large bottle of P6 and like $8 for selling you some A-HD (some garbage that Jay Cutler is pimping now). Their whole goal is not to lose their minimum wage job.

    Then on top of that they try to pimp their fvcking gold cards on you at $15 a pop. It's a sheer ploy to get you to shop there, and you're almost always going to miss gold card week, because who has time to keep track of that shit? And really most of the stuff they sell is pure shit anyways, do you really need 20% off on it? And on top of that, they're going to try to sell you some sugary chews they call an OMS (one more sale). They're like Starbursts only they taste like ass and half of them end up getting recalled.

    On top of all this, each sales associate is required to maintain an average UPT (unit per transaction) of around 4 and they need each sale to average atleast $40. That means they're going to try to "build" their sales on you and pimp you shit you don't want.

    And yeah you guys here look at that out of shape idiot trying to give you advice and kind of find it laughable, but the sad thing is there are tons of morons who go in to their stores who actually listen to their retarded advice. You know how many older men with prostate problems are allowing some high school drop out advise them to take Saw Palmetto or that fvcking Super Beta Prostate instead of going to a doctor and getting a real opinion? Or how many men go in there suffering from low testosterone, taking advice to buy some fvcking test booster rather than getting their andropause treated?

    It makes me sick that the FDA allows these fvckers to operate.
    Love it, very well said.

    I only go to GNC if its an emergency i.e. I run out of whey protein or something while waiting on my products to arrive from Amazon. There are adults there 5'6 110 pounds whose bodies resemble 12 year old girls telling me to invest in some shit called "Engorge" because I'm bulking to 200 telling me how it stores food in your muscles or some bullshit along those lines...I just laughed in his face and said I'm alright.

  22. #22
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    Last edited by Shsm; 11-05-2012 at 07:23 PM.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Just get the powders and make your own cups!
    Just use mason jars, plastic is bad for your health.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Love it, very well said.

    I only go to GNC if its an emergency i.e. I run out of whey protein or something while waiting on my products to arrive from Amazon. There are adults there 5'6 110 pounds whose bodies resemble 12 year old girls telling me to invest in some shit called "Engorge" because I'm bulking to 200 telling me how it stores food in your muscles or some bullshit...I just laughed in his face and said I'm alright.
    I honestly don't know if these fvcks even believe the bullshit they spew to the customers. I had some motherfvcker there before tell me that Arimatest added 50lbs to his squat in 30 days. At the time I had no idea that he made a $4 PM from that. You're better off going to Walmart for your emergency protein.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I honestly don't know if these fvcks even believe the bullshit they spew to the customers. I had some motherfvcker there before tell me that Arimatest added 50lbs to his squat in 30 days. At the time I had no idea that he made a $4 PM from that. You're better off going to Walmart for your emergency protein.
    they have some chocolate peanut butter protein that is awesome!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I honestly don't know if these fvcks even believe the bullshit they spew to the customers. I had some motherfvcker there before tell me that Arimatest added 50lbs to his squat in 30 days. At the time I had no idea that he made a $4 PM from that. You're better off going to Walmart for your emergency protein.
    Sad really, they take advantage of so many clueless customers...

    Walmart doesn't carry Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey, at least I couldn't find it if they do. The GNC I went to was selling a 1.9 pound tub of the shit for like $65 dollars which is 22 servings and the 3.5 pound tub for $115.00 dollars. It's $55 dollars for a 3.5 pound tub with 40 servings for me at Anazon with free shipping.

    I don't know if its true, but I heard when the have their 20% off sale at the first of every month for gold card members they jack up their prices.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    they have some chocolate peanut butter protein that is awesome!
    Yeah they do!

    Oh yeah, if you guys do want to shop at GNC anyways, they have a thing where they'll beat anybody's price by a buck (obviously for 3rd party shit). And if they try to build a sale or direct you to any shit you didn't specifically ask for, tell them really loudly so that the other people in the store hear you mention that you don't give a shit about the KPI (key product indicators) quotas and that any lip from them and you'll call the RSD. Even the manager there will back off of you then. Those guys get fired for just about anything so they don't want to piss off the regional guy.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Sad really, they take advantage of so many clueless customers...

    Walmart doesn't carry Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey, at least I couldn't find it if they do. The GNC I went to was selling a 1.9 pound tub of the shit for like $65 dollars which is 22 servings and the 3.5 pound tub for $115.00 dollars. It's $55 dollars for a 3.5 pound tub with 40 servings for me at Anazon with free shipping.
    Just buy some cheap shit to tide you over until the ON stuff comes in the mail.

    By the way, have I mentioned that I hate GNC?
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 11-05-2012 at 07:35 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    Yeah they do!

    Oh yeah, if you guys do want to shop at GNC anyways, they have a thing where they'll beat anybody's price by a buck (obviously for 3rd party shit). And if they try to build a sale or direct you to any shit you didn't specifically ask for, tell them really loudly so that the other people in the store hear you mention that you don't give a shit about the KPI (key product indicators) quotas and that any lip from them and you'll call the RSD. Even the manager there will back off of you then. Those guys get fired for just about anything so they don't want to piss off the regional guy.
    You worked at GNC didn't you? Lol

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    they have some chocolate peanut butter protein that is awesome!
    And yes it is amazing! Lol I have some right now while I wait for my shipment to come in from down south

  31. #31
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    They carry the protein I use EAS. I called the company directly and since I had no retail location near me they let me have it wholesale if I get a case at a time and they listed my name as PT lol. $98 GNC $35 GNC!

  32. #32
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    As Noles said, the Vitamin Shoppe is where I go. They are very competitive with anyone on everything they sell....Thier shaker bottles are BPA free...and thier employees are not pushy but are happy to help and actuall know the products.

    I would rather miss a couple of days of PWO shakes than buy at GNC.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    You worked at GNC didn't you? Lol
    At one time, I did. I actually quit over those moral issues I mentioned. I mean, how do you sleep at night knowing you make your money by exploiting morons?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    At one time, I did. I actually quit over those moral issues I mentioned. I mean, how do you sleep at night knowing you make your money by exploiting morons?
    Oh no! You've been to the dark side :-P I know how hard it was to admit that, don't worry you're amongst friends lol

  35. #35
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    They just put in a supper supplement about 2 miles from me. The other one is probably close to 7 miles away. lol

  36. #36
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    Good info. I'm sticking with Amazon.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    They carry the protein I use EAS. I called the company directly and since I had no retail location near me they let me have it wholesale if I get a case at a time and they listed my name as PT lol. $98 GNC $35 GNC!
    Noted. I might try this tactic!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Oh no! You've been to the dark side :-P I know how hard it was to admit that, don't worry you're amongst friends lol
    Hard to admit?

    Oh yeah those retards at GNC are told to parrot that when you take that amplified mass XXX shake, it'll allow you to get the same workout from fewer sets. Like 3 sets + MASS XXX = 5 sets. Which is meant to imply to the customer that they don't have to workout as hard if they use THEIR products. Of course this is also a P3 item that they're required to sell to you rather than the ON products or even the muscle tech products. They tell you to tell the customers that their brand of protein is better than the gold standard.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 11-06-2012 at 06:40 AM.

  39. #39
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Oh yeah, if you guys do want to shop at GNC anyways, they have a thing where they'll beat anybody's price by a buck (obviously for 3rd party shit). And if they try to build a sale or direct you to any shit you didn't specifically ask for, tell them really loudly so that the other people in the store hear you mention that you don't give a shit about the KPI (key product indicators) quotas and that any lip from them and you'll call the RSD. Even the manager there will back off of you then. Those guys get fired for just about anything so they don't want to piss off the regional guy.
    I honestly feel a little bad for people who work there now. I had wanted to work there at one point but am glad I didn't. In fact what you have told me gives me even more reasons to not go in there. Many times I have wanted to go in and the magic spot for me was 20 bucks, maybe 40, and I could not get out the door for less than $50. Now I see this is the whole point of how they set it up. It feels like an elaborate con to f- the sales guy and the customer.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I honestly feel a little bad for people who work there now. I had wanted to work there at one point but am glad I didn't. In fact what you have told me gives me even more reasons to not go in there. Many times I have wanted to go in and the magic spot for me was 20 bucks, maybe 40, and I could not get out the door for less than $50. Now I see this is the whole point of how they set it up. It feels like an elaborate con to f- the sales guy and the customer.
    It's a huge con. You don't find too many people who know how their shit that work there very long. The only plus side to working there is they don't drug test so a lot of younger stoners can get jobs there.

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