Anyone watch this? What do you think?
Anyone watch this? What do you think?
I am frustrated by it. I tuned in because it is J.J. Abrams, but it just hasn't captured my attention like Lost.
I keep hearing there will be an explanation of lost power that has been "approved" by a physicist, so I am waiting for that because it is supposed to come out this season. But I get frustrated by the perfect clothes and makeup of our heros and how they contrast with the other characters. I groaned out loud when they showed the slaves in dirty, ill fitting garments sweating while pulling that helicopter...and then saw the main character with perfect hair, perfect makeup, clean clothes and perfectly fitting bra (none of which I assume have been made in ten years).
I also don't understand why engineers have not put steam engines back into service. Or wind power. They are both physical power sources and require no electricity. And why can't they use those sources (along with magnets) to make electricity? Surely the flow of electrons hasn't stopped. There is no way magnetic fields have ceased to function.
If the militia has taken all the guns and ammo from all the citizens, how come they are using muzzle loaders? How come a hunting rifle is a prize worth risking multiple lives over if it only has 20 rounds of ammo? Who is making all these swords? Have they taught hundreds of people the old art of blacksmithing, but they can't get a handful of engineers to generate some form of power? The knowledge isn't gone...there are still libraries, or there were when the power went out.
I'm the same way. Why is the uncle, a murderous villian, taking orders and/or intimidated by his young neice?
why has the inprisoned brother, why all of a sudden is his asthma NOT more of a problem? asthma is stress related, after all.
they were using a coal fired boiler to power the train.
I like the idea of the show, and will probably continue to watch, but the realism seems to have been sanitized a bit more than it should have been
Its ok, I have the same ideas/questions you guy's are saying. I'm waiting for that "ah ha" moment. Some of it is just a little TOO dramatic. I liked when the idiot herion guy or whatever he was, gets shot and his goons just look up like "oh well" and just walk off lol
The main character (young girl) is useless.
The asthma has been bothering me too.
I had a mini celebration when they showed the train, because the first thing I said in episode one is, "man, everyone needs to get to the train museums and get those steam engines running." But then I became more frustrated because they have acknowledged that steam power works, but nobody else seems to be using it.
Everyone looks slightly rough, but is perfectly manicured. The blacksmiths who make all those swords must be cranking out thousands of razors and scissors as well. Where do they get all their hair care products? Or their flat and curling irons? They must get them hot in the fire?
I notice a LOT of chubby people in the market places despite there being little food available.
How come nobody shoots guns once a sword fight starts? Why is Monroe staying in a camp of tents when he has a mansion for that woman (and I assume there are other buildings since there is a park).
How come the power loss always spreads out from whoever we were watching? Did you ever notice that. It looks dramatic, but it implies they are the cause of the blackout in their area.
How come planes fell straight down?
Why did the woman with the computer connect with a modem? Are you telling me the switching stations and complex electronics that make the phone system work are operational? No way her pendant is providing power to the entire phone system so those two people could chat. And why did she have an ancient operating system? How would you even find a computer or discs with an old operating system like that? But, maybe this will be explained.
How come these people have been surviving in this world for 15 years but their survival instincts are so bad? Seriously, other than Miles, everyone is acting like the power went out yesterday. The main girl has lived almost her entire life in this world but doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
How come nobody is riding bikes????
How come there is no electricity, but there is still lightning in the atmosphere?
Where did all the minorities go?
Why don't chemical reactions work, as in batteries? An why can't you recharge the batteries with a solar charger? Electrons won't flow? Then how do our brains work?
Why can't they make ice cream without electricity?
With the loss of technology and medicine, the loss of high-volume factory farms and no distribution channels for food and other necessary items, I assume millions of people died. No mention of that in their history?
I have more, but now my brain hurts.
Sounds like a good show NOT to watch. I remember seeing the privies and had some of the same ideas and didn't want to get frustrated so I think I'm opting out.
My wife and I have been watching. She gave up on it and I'm close to doing the same. Acting is bad, story is flawed and frankly no longer interesting.
My main issue with the storyline:
The "Mother" of the main character has been held captive by the military leader for 15 years yet they are just now threatening to torture her to get information out of her about the blackout. I know we, the audience, are just now tuning in after 15 years of no electricity but do the producers think we are that dense. Why wait 15 years to ask a question? Did they just wake up and decide today's the day we torture her to learn what her husband was working on that may have led the blackout.
Surely someone else has noticed this, right?
I watched the first episode....fell asleep on the second....and never watched again
Stuff like that is unforgivable. There are so many different ways of generating power. If the ability to generate a electrical current is lost, how come they are not using the one of the oldest forms of technology, fire and steam? The basic premise of Thermodynamics is that energy is neither created or destroyed, it just takes a different form, so im not sure where they are going to come up with a reason why electrical fields no longer exist. I mean living things have electrical inputs in their bodies, how else do people have thoughts and all living things respond to things like pain which are electrical impulses sent from the brain to the nerve endings?
I haven't watched any of these, as far as Abrams goes, I think Lost was a one off smash hit. He's done some good films but I fear he is a victim of his own brilliance. Lost was SO GOOD, that it's the bar he has now set and it's going to be a long time before any series comes close to the level of Lost.
The only series i've enjoyed since the end of Lost to come out of America is probably The Walking Dead.
I took you seriously because my wife gives me a hard time for pointing out stupid stuff about science or cars in movies.
Yesterday we were watching We Bought a Zoo. I thought it would be awful, but we gave it a chance because it was directed by Cameron Crowe. Turns out it was not the stupid family comedy that I thought it was. Anyway, a family buys a sad old zoo and starts fixing it up. The guy runs out of money pretty quickly. In the mean time, there are these old cars that are used for set dressing. One is an old racer (from when drivers wore goggles) that just sits in the barn and the other is an old, beautiful, immaculate Ford flatbed. I mean frame-off restoration type beautiful.
Every time he talked about being broke I would wonder (aloud) why they didn't just sell those two cars.
I don't have the attention span to read the other posts, so if i'm being redundant, my apologies in advance.
I wanted to like this show SO badly. I'm a big JJ Abrams/Lost fan and figured anything he touches would be good. Not so for this one, for me. I can't stand the terrible acting. The plot is great and can go in so many directions, but the actors are too damn annoying and unbelievable. I cannot take any more 'witty banter' between the girl and the uncle. Any time a drama/serious show tries to introduce humor, it NEVER works. I hung in for 3 episodes... then gave up.
show sucks
the acting is terrible
another show trying to go the mysterious route like lost and will end up being cancelled
Yeah TR alternate oliva was so freaking hot!!
The vistors helped them and then they became their enemies over night. You didnt miss anything bc they never explained it.
I like it. But remember it's just a TV show so don't get all out of shape over some things not adding up. Heck, there aren't any gay characters on the show either but it is what it is. But then maybe the blonde boy captive will end up being gay.
I wanted to like Fringe but gave up after just a few episodes. I forgot about that show and was still giving Abrams credit for Lost as the last thing he did. Oops.
All the gays are gone after a huge social upheaval...that is a terrifying thought.
she looks a little freay
stick your finger in her butt freaky
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