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Thread: A pretty inspiring picture for you guys!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    A pretty inspiring picture for you guys!!!!!!!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	teroids.jpg 
Views:	779 
Size:	31.1 KB 
ID:	128806

    Just goes to show doesnt it

    I wont lie ive taken juice myself, just a few test cycles nd abit of anavar here nd there but this pic kinda makes me feel like i dont need to take anything anymore.

    If all the steroids in the world were wiped off the face of the planet we would really see who the real gods were!!!!

    10 years down the line and i expect most the bodybuilders out there would look average and only a small percentage would excel.

  2. #2
    No one actually looked like that in the 1700's. Sculpters created and used their imagination believe it or not. Look at the first bodybuilders in the early 1900's then tell me there were guys like that 200 years prior.
    Last edited by S&S_ShovelHead; 11-06-2012 at 10:06 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The only thing natural are plants.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Pectorial View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	teroids.jpg 
Views:	779 
Size:	31.1 KB 
ID:	128806

    didn't know they had camera's back then..
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pectorial View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	teroids.jpg 
Views:	779 
Size:	31.1 KB 
ID:	128806

    Just goes to show doesnt it

    I wont lie ive taken juice myself, just a few test cycles nd abit of anavar here nd there but this pic kinda makes me feel like i dont need to take anything anymore.

    If all the steroids in the world were wiped off the face of the planet we would really see who the real gods were!!!!

    10 years down the line and i expect most the bodybuilders out there would look average and only a small percentage would excel.

    Seriously, guy? These people did not look like this. Such an ignorant post.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wait a minute does that mean that there were no gargoyles?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Wait a minute does that mean that there were no gargoyles?
    No, there were definitely gargoyles. I've seen pictures of them.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    No one actually looked like that in the 1700's.
    This is a pretty ignorant post. Pretty sure people have been ripped as hell before the era of christ (BC). Do you honestly think BC warriors were tiny twigs with no muscle. Absolutely not. The first bodybuilders in the 1900s were exactly that. Did it ever occur to you that people before the 1900s were getting huge but didn't participate in the sport known as bodybuilding, because it didn't exist at that time... Herp, derp. Whatever makes you feel better about using gear, I guess.

  9. #9
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    I bet that guy did look like that, although he probbly had a very hard physical labor life that made him that way + genetics.... He looks about as big as you can naturally get on your own

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    This is a pretty ignorant post. Pretty sure people have been ripped as hell before the era of christ (BC). Do you honestly think BC warriors were tiny twigs with no muscle. Absolutely not. The first bodybuilders in the 1900s were exactly that. Did it ever occur to you that people before the 1900s were getting huge but didn't participate in the sport known as bodybuilding, because it didn't exist at that time... Herp, derp. Whatever makes you feel better about using gear, I guess.
    There is a difference between being ripped and having muscle. You can be ripped and weigh 120lbs.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    There is a difference between being ripped and having muscle. You can be ripped and weigh 120lbs.
    Excuse me, maybe I should have said big and ripped. It's idiotic to think people have only been big since the 1900s. People today still look like the picture the OP posted without using steroids.

  12. #12
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    While I can't say definitively because I wasnt there standing next to the Roman Gladiators but my guess is they did not have the knowledge to create the symetry that exists in the ops pic. Nor did they have an understanding of diet in the sense that this type of size could have been established or supported. Were they lean and ripped..yep. Why? Hard work and low cals.

  13. #13
    How can you say they didn't have the knowledge. You're dismissing them as stupid people who don't know anything. Hippocrates was the founder of modern medicine (and he lived from 460-370 BC), without him we wouldn't be where we are today. Yet you claim they didn't have knowledge about how the body works. Ignorance. It doesn't take much knowledge to understand you need to eat more to grow. It also doesn't take a genius to get big, I see big people who are stupid as hell everyday. You act like bodybuilding is rocket science, when in reality it's pretty simplistic compared to many, many other things.
    Last edited by ShredMN; 11-06-2012 at 11:04 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Excuse me, maybe I should have said big and ripped. It's idiotic to think people have only been big since the 1900s. People today still look like the picture the OP posted without using steroids.
    I've always been one to argue that the biggest factor in Bodybuilding in genetics. With that being said, I'm sure people ages ago were pretty damn big and lean naturally, and they passed those genetics on to some of those freaks we see today. However, It is unrealistic to think that guys in the centuries ago are comparable to guys now, I mean, how did they "train"? Push ups, sit ups, pull ups, curl logs of wood, squat tree trunks? Better than nothing, but guys this day and age have an unlimited amount of resources to get big.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    How can you say they didn't have the knowledge. You're dismissing them as stupid people who don't know anything. Hippocrates was the founder of modern medicine (and he lived from 460-370 BC), without him we wouldn't be where we are today. Yet you claim they didn't have knowledge about how the body works. Ignorance. It doesn't take much knowledge to understand you need to eat more to grow.
    Look at guys in the 1970s and 1980s knowledge vs the knowledge of today's guys. The INTERNET has made Bodybuilding or staying in shape much easier now than ever, there is a wealth of knowledge everywhere.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Look at guys in the 1970s and 1980s knowledge vs the knowledge of today's guys. The INTERNET has made Bodybuilding or staying in shape much easier now than ever, there is a wealth of knowledge everywhere.
    Todays guys are pumped full of steroids and artificial growth hormones. Of course they're going to be bigger. But the picture that the OP posted was of a reasonable sized human, and could easily be achieved at that time period.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Todays guys are pumped full of steroids and artificial growth hormones. Of course they're going to be bigger. But the picture that the OP posted was of a reasonable sized human, and could easily be achieved at that time period.
    Shred... I'm starting to honestly find you just argumentative, no matter. If you think the pic posted is a REASONABLE sized man your nuts! That guys is stage ready. If they were so knowledgable then, then why have most of the breakthroughs in BB come only since the early 1900's. Think about what your way these guys understood about diet and training to the extent we do now. If they did then we would have had the answers we are still coming up with ALONG time ago.!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Todays guys are pumped full of steroids and artificial growth hormones. Of course they're going to be bigger. But the picture that the OP posted was of a reasonable sized human, and could easily be achieved at that time period.
    Is this guy serious? Your posts in this thread are laughable.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Todays guys are pumped full of steroids and artificial growth hormones. Of course they're going to be bigger. But the picture that the OP posted was of a reasonable sized human, and could easily be achieved at that time period.
    LMFAO do you know how your posts look like?

    how old are you?

    you do have to be 18yrs old to be a member here

    You have a lot ot learn lol

  20. #20
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    I feel like an idiot for even getting involved in this thread. We are arguing about a carved statue physique from centuries ago vs. the physique of BBers today. This is beyond asinine.

  21. #21
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    did someone say titties?

  22. #22
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    Cut him some slack did no one see Conan the Barbarian?
    As a child he was chained to some type of I assume grinder. Day in day out he pushed that thing til he was the only one pushing it.
    When he gold sold to be a Gladiator he was huge. Not as big as the op pic but damn. And I'm sure his diet sucked as a slave.

  23. #23
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    Did you see that?

    I just saw a dragon!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Todays guys are pumped full of steroids and artificial growth hormones. Of course they're going to be bigger. But the picture that the OP posted was of a reasonable sized human, and could easily be achieved at that time period.

    I dont usually post on here since this site IMO has become over run with idiots recently but MY GOD this has to take the cake.... Easily achieved for that time period you say? That sculpture looks like a 240+ contest shape bodybuilder of today!

    People back then had no idea how the human body worked, let alone any knowledge of dieting

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Cut him some slack did no one see Conan the Barbarian?
    As a child he was chained to some type of I assume grinder. Day in day out he pushed that thing til he was the only one pushing it.
    When he gold sold to be a Gladiator he was huge. Not as big as the op pic but damn. And I'm sure his diet sucked as a slave.
    Are they re-doing that movie? Did I hear that right. Redoing Red Dawn as well! How dare they disgrace Swayze like that!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Are they re-doing that movie? Did I hear that right. Redoing Red Dawn as well! How dare they disgrace Swayze like that!
    You CANNOT remake an Arnold, Stallone, or Van Damme film and expect it to be good.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Are they re-doing that movie? Did I hear that right. Redoing Red Dawn as well! How dare they disgrace Swayze like that!
    A Point Break remake is in talks.

  28. #28
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    Nothing to add here that hasn't already been

  29. #29
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    Well just to throw in my two cents, I was a bodybuilding champion in the first world embryonic comp in utah(rus)! All natural guys, read and weep!!!!!!
    On a less serious note Lunk eluded to Gladiators and yeah they were deemed to be the big guys of their time. An interesting point here to make is that did you know that DNA tests etc have been carried out on gladiator remains and they have found that they were vegetarians? (I'm yawning already)!!!!!!! They really weren't big at all!!!!!!!

    Well, I gotta go and eat my two peanuts on rye bread cos that's all I need to grow!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    A Point Break remake is in talks.
    No way they could find an actor as BAD ad K Reeves to do that movie lol.

    At one time I heard they had chosen Reeves to do a remake of Billy Jack. (I cant see that homo saying "I'm going to take this foot and I'm going to kick that side of your face and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it")

  31. #31
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    Then why do drawings of the Olympic athletes look so small?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-695851540.jpg 
Views:	264 
Size:	173.1 KB 
ID:	128826

  32. #32
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I see the people who rack weights with a 5 lb then a 45 lb then two 25 lbs on the rack peg have made their way into the forum

  33. #33
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    Isn't that statue a depiction of what the artist interpreted a Greek/Roman god to look like?

    It's true that wealthy Greeks and Romans spent a fvckload of time in the gym, but they knew nothing about dieting. If you look at diets for the last 2000 years in want until rather recently where people ate a more protein rich diet. Back at the age of Christ, meat wasn't something you ate every day. It often entailed sacrificing an animal. That should indicate how rare/special protein was to their diets. Now how do you get yoked if you're not eating a lot of protein?

    On top of that, they didn't have cars or any of the conveniences we now have. They spent a lot more calories living every day life than we do now and believe it or not, most people were dirt poor and couldn't afford to eat like a bodybuilder.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    No way they could find an actor as BAD ad K Reeves to do that movie lol.

    At one time I heard they had chosen Reeves to do a remake of Billy Jack. (I cant see that homo saying "I'm going to take this foot and I'm going to kick that side of your face and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it")
    Ummmm I ummm am going to ummm take this bodacious foot and umm like kick like the umm side of umm your gnarly face blaa blaa blaa

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Ummmm I ummm am going to ummm take this bodacious foot and umm like kick like the umm side of umm your gnarly face blaa blaa blaa
    Does being able to quote that movie age me lol???

  36. #36
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    did someone say titties?
    Funniest line in the entire thread!

  37. #37
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    Did I just read this? I want my 5mins back.

    OP - lets set you a challenge to get that big on a flatbread / cheese diet, limit yourself to ~900 calories and go volunteer to be a labourer at quarry. You are only allowed to use bodyweight exercises and natural weights. So if you can find rocks or logs to lift, be my guest.
    Let the experiment begin.

    I'll subscribe to that log!!

  38. #38
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    If I'm the sculptor and stuck chiseling away at a ****ing rock for 5 years hell yeah dude will be swole. Too much work to produce a abercrombian.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    Excuse me, maybe I should have said big and ripped. It's idiotic to think people have only been big since the 1900s. People today still look like the picture the OP posted without using steroids.

    no they dont

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Did I just read this? I want my 5mins back.

    OP - lets set you a challenge to get that big on a flatbread / cheese diet, limit yourself to ~900 calories and go volunteer to be a labourer at quarry. You are only allowed to use bodyweight exercises and natural weights. So if you can find rocks or logs to lift, be my guest.
    You do realize there was a profession back in the day called blacksmithing, right. Whether or not they utilized it for building muscle is questionable, but still. Saying they only had rocks or logs to lift is dumb as hell, but even if it is dumb, it is weight, so what makes it different from a barbell or dumbell besides the form it takes. And where are you getting your facts for a 900 calorie a day diet, maybe a slave would eat that much, but the normal citizen couldn't even sustain life with that amount of food. People here seem to know everything and then call you a dumbass when you question them being a dumbass. Might as well change this forum to Anabolic Dumbasses. Ban me please, so I don't have to read this stupid shit anymore.

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