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Thread: Colorado legalized marijuana??
11-07-2012, 02:18 PM #41
11-07-2012, 02:31 PM #42
good argument/rebuttals.
I'm all for the legalization of marijuana. medical and personal use - as long as the people who decide to use are doing so on free will. (no peer pressure, etc).
I have first hand seen the huge benefits of medical marijuana. A close friend of mine, her son was diagnosed with leukemia. The pills made him so sick, massacred his appetite, the steroid medications cause his hips to degenerate - which caused HUGE pain (just had double hip replacement at 18yrs old).
Nothing worked for him in pain management and support of appetite like marijuana did. nothing. the pills made him sick, his liver enzymes were so high when trying to manage the pain thru pharmaceuticals, they made him a zombie.
Then comes personal use. Marijuana is fine by me. I found that most AGAINST marijuana use also tied in "well, if that's legal, the next step is to make crack legal". I get the idea behind that, but I think people would go that route as it is, if weed was legal or not. (hope i worded that right).
Then there is gay marriage. Most people I have talked to who are against it often throw in "Well, then it should be legal to marry your dog too, or your toaster" (yes, I have heard that). What they fail to understand is - a dog and a toaster are not adults capable of giving valid consent in a loving relationship.
If 2 people are committed, want to be married, are of sound mind, are adults, then who cares?
nice to see lots of open minded people on here.
11-07-2012, 02:37 PM #43
totally agree. I'll even take it a step further.....
....what is so terribly wrong with what some of the mormons are doing with polygomy? Most are stand up loving families where everyone is in consent to the living arrangements. But the government steps in with it's infiinite wisdom, declares polygomy illegal, and makes criminals out of those living that lifestyle, sending some to jail, and in reality, taking parents away from children.
Someone please tell me what is so terrible with polygomy?
11-07-2012, 02:40 PM #44
if everyone is a consenting adult, no one is being abused (scared into believing they need to be there, pressure from the church or family), no one is being left out. It doesn't affect my gay marriage life one bit. I'm not FOR it (if that's the right way to put it), but - like you have said, if it works for them, so be it. If they arn't harming others, what they do in their own home as consenting adults - fine with me.
11-07-2012, 02:47 PM #45
Seems to me the reason the fed govt hasnt legalized mj is because there is no true way to test the last time you were smoking. Like the breathalizer test. If they could find a way to see if you were currently high then maybe they would pass it. IMO
11-07-2012, 02:50 PM #46
11-07-2012, 02:54 PM #47
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11-07-2012, 02:55 PM #48
Why does the church have such an issue with gay marrage? If they would all take their own advice and read their Bible they would know that God gave us all free will. I am against homosexuality but its your decision. I have my own sins and you have yours. In Gods eyes its all the same. And if you dont believe in God then what does it matter to you?
11-07-2012, 02:58 PM #49
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11-07-2012, 03:07 PM #50
Originally Posted by Bronzer
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
11-07-2012, 03:20 PM #51
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And when legalized, exactly the same number of people will smoke and not smoke. The puritans seem to think everyone will be high. They don't realize it's easy to get now. Booze is worse. Personally I quit both, but quitting weed was easier. By far.
11-07-2012, 03:50 PM #52
It's funny that ppl get excited for it. Just because it's legal doesn't mean your employer will allow it
11-07-2012, 03:53 PM #53
well, as they shouldn't (for going to work high, etc).
driving while under the influence of cannabis or alcohol should be treated the same.
11-07-2012, 03:53 PM #54
Originally Posted by Nicotine
11-07-2012, 04:00 PM #55
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11-07-2012, 04:09 PM #56
11-07-2012, 06:13 PM #57
11-07-2012, 06:20 PM #58
This is great news.
But i'm surprised Canada didn't do it before the States did!
11-07-2012, 06:26 PM #59
Not sure what you mean by "against"?
To me, it flat out doesn't matter. Not my orientation, but I would never presume to try and tell someone how to live their own life.
My ONLY concern with gay"ness"? and this is extremely selfish, but if my kids were gay, that would probably mean no biological grandkids for me. And I do crave having having biological grandkids someday. So I would prefer they not be gay if for that very reason.
However, I'd rather my kids be gay as opposed to being druggies or alchies, or criminals, wouldn't you?
11-07-2012, 06:29 PM #60
11-07-2012, 06:43 PM #61
By against I mean some chuurches dont want homosexuals in their church or they deliver a message that is sooooo bold that it will run them out of the church never to be seen again. Where is the glory to God then? I may get killed for this one but I dont think people are born gay. Sorry if I affend anyone I just believe its a behavior issue. I do think its wrong and its a sin but so is pride. I try not to push my beliefs on others but I will express them and have a conversation with someone. If they dont take the message then I can atleast say I tried but I dont want to push that person away either. Unless I feel their sin can harm me or my family.
11-07-2012, 06:44 PM #62
11-07-2012, 06:45 PM #63
11-07-2012, 07:25 PM #64
not long now until steroids are legal
11-07-2012, 08:03 PM #65
To those that say MJ is not a gateway drug... You guys are wrong
MJ is a gateway drug. But not in the scary sense that gets parroted. Its not gonna lead to heroin addiction or crazy stuff like that. But im my experience when you start with MJ you rarely stop there. You are usually more often to at least try a different drug as well. Wether its a one time thing or not is entirely up to the person.
But usually if you ask someone what the very first drug they ever tried was they will say pot. Then they went on to try a different one as well to see what that was like. Its not like you are gonna go get addicted or try the crazy stuff like heroin.
But I think its incredibly rare to ask most people what the first drug they ever tried would be like cocaine. From the people ive spoken with in my life they usually tried pot in high school first and then experimented with other stuff later.
11-07-2012, 08:07 PM #66
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Then I guess test is the "gateway drug" to Tren , lol.
I see where you are coming from. Everyone has smoked weed. Some stopped there, and some went on to stronger substances and built addictions. The same people that have addictions with Coke and Meth would have them anyway, even if weed never existed..
11-07-2012, 08:10 PM #67
I don't think one's orientation is a choice mate. Being gay is a hugely difficult thing to do in a society that really wants to crucify those that are not hetero. If it truely were a choice, I'm sure many gay people would have chosen otherwise and prevented much of the heartache that goes along with being gay. I used to see dudes get their asses kicked in highschool for being gay. If there was anyway out of it, they would have taken a different path. This one dude was extremely miserable, and eventually committed suicide over the issue. Don't you think that if it were a "choice" he would have chosen a path that was less painful?
Sorry mate. I totally disagree.
11-07-2012, 08:13 PM #68
11-07-2012, 08:16 PM #69
11-07-2012, 08:20 PM #70
11-07-2012, 08:59 PM #71
I don't think the drug is responsible for an individual looking for inebriation. Hell, when i was in the 9th grade, I sought it out. No one offered it to me. Was it MJ's fault? NO! Before that, I was experimenting with stuff i fouund in the medicine cabinet. And stuff I found in the liquor cabinet. Should I blame all these things, or should I look in the mirror and blame myself?
i thiink it is pretty clear who the responsible party here is. it was me. Not MJ. not the medicine cabinet. Not the liquor cabinet. So to call something a "gateway drug" is a copout and deflects what is really going on with the individual. Wouldn't you say?
11-07-2012, 09:03 PM #72
In some countries that do not have access to MJ, they go straight away to hash, or opium, or even heroin. I lived in afghanistan and know this to be true first hand. You don't need MJ to move on to other stuff. Really what is going on is as your confidence goes up, and your desire for inebriation goes up, you are more and more willing to go further.
I've known blokes to go straight from booze to powder. Never even touched MJ.
C'mon mates! Let's be real here. Don't blame a substance for a blokes bad behavior!!
11-07-2012, 09:10 PM #73
Im not saying the drug itself is responsible for addiction to other drugs.
But I do see the point made that you are open to try more drugs after having tried MJ.
But the same does go for alcohol.
I tend to find 2 classes of people.
Drug takers and non drug takers. You usually wont see most people say they stopped at MJ. They went on to experiment with other things.
The stupid part with the naysayers however is they say if MJ is around its automatically gonna cause people to get addicted to other things.
This of course if only with the kids. The laws they have in place with being over 21 means helps. People partaking in this dont have to worry about the experimental phases as that is usually only with the teenagers.
11-07-2012, 09:21 PM #74
11-07-2012, 09:21 PM #75
^ lmao!
11-07-2012, 09:44 PM #76
there are two kinds of alot of different types of people:
gamble aholics and non gamble aholics
liar aholics and non liar aholics
sex aholics and non sex aholics
blokes that name themselves after a font and those that do not
people that have problems will seek out those things that they crave and ultimately will lose control over those cravings.
is it wise to say that sex is a problem because sex aholics like to binge on it?
should we eliminate casinos because there are those that feel compelled to gamble? if we eliminate the casinos, then what next? eliminate all forms of competition like horse/dog racing? eliminate football?
let's be real clear here folks. every form of entertainment carries the risk of excess and even vice.
Yes, alchohol is entertainment (as i sit here and drink my beer) because it is social in nature and is pleasurable to most.
The real honest to god problem are those that feel they know better than you and i, and therefore try to control our behaviour through legislative bodies. (aka the government)
11-07-2012, 09:50 PM #77
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11-07-2012, 10:12 PM #78
11-07-2012, 11:11 PM #79
I was going to reply to him with a similar post.
I am a gay man. I can remember as a child knowing I was different - but had no label for it.
I've honestly have never had any sexual attraction to a female at any point.
Growing up and hiding it was horrible. Everywhere you turn you hear horrible jokes, harsh opinions, and even hate in the media. Everywhere I looked growing up hated me. So I "hid" it as a child/teen because I knew I was hated. I knew no one else and felt isolated. I hated who I was. I hated life.
Trust me. I can say honestly, if I could have just made a different choice and pursued a straight life, I definitely would have.
I couldn't do that to a woman or if I fathered kids, I'd be lying to them and then also harming them emotionally when everything fell apart down the road. Because it would have.
I also worry that how gays are portrayed in the media makes the majority of us look like deviants and Perverts or queens. (As they tend to do with many groups. Steroid users included)
I can respect his opinion that he doesn't agree with it. I just often find that most people's opinions are based on little to no real contact with someone like myself, and is from what the mainstream media throws out there.
11-07-2012, 11:35 PM #80
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