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Thread: To move out, or not to move out.

  1. #1

    To move out, or not to move out.

    Hey guys. Sorry about creating probably a boring thread for you guys, but I didn't feel comfortable posting a thread like this on any other site or talking to anyone in person about this yet. All of you guys are always really friendly and say your thoughts straight up. I just thought I could get some opinions and advice from some more mature and older people than me on here.

    Anyway, I'm twenty years old and lived at home my whole life. I've been a pretty outgoing guy going to festivals, clubbing, travelling, I study as well (studying law, bit of light reading lol), hit the gym, had girlfriends etc. But recently I've been spending so much time on deciding whether it's time for me to move out or not. I don't mind living at home, but I would also like my own personal space and being much more dependent in life. I want to be able to make my own decisions, choose what I want to do, have no external pressures and instead learn to accept the consequences and blame myself when I do something wrong or something doesn't happen which I thought may have. I'd do my own grocery shopping, buy everything myself, organize my life myself etc and I feel that would be really beneficial for me.

    I've also been thinking that if I do move out, should I move out with some mates who are also keen, or get my own little place? Do people have different perspective/views on those who are moved out with mates as opposed to those who own their own place? I might just be overthinking it and I feel a lot more anxious and nervous for no reason at the moment, it couldn't be the Anavar surely. I mean I can share, sure, but I also like the idea of buying my own computer, my own tv, my own sound system etc but how do you do that with mates?

    I'm just really stuck here and I'm sorry to bore you guys with this crap but I just don't have any mature dudes I know who I can speak to about this stuff and get their opinions. And I don't really want to speak to my mates about it just yet either.
    Last edited by Doont-Hunter; 11-08-2012 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    Who you calling boys?

    20 years old. Enough said. Move out.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Who you calling boys?

    20 years old. Enough said. Move out.
    He is studying law, which can b a daunting task if having to work a full time job to support himself. I think he would b best suited to stay at home till he finishes his education, so he doesn't have any peripheral distractions outside of school.

  4. #4
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    if you can afford it, move.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who you calling boys?

    20 years old. Enough said. Move out.
    Yeah. I want to. But at the same time, man I dunno. A lot of people I know haven't even moved out yet, there only a handful that have. Could I still pass university if I move out or will I get distracted? Also, is moving out by yourself something you should do when your like older, and moving out with mates something you should do when younger? Do you have a preference?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    He is studying law, which can b a daunting task if having to work a full time job to support himself. I think he would b best suited to stay at home till he finishes his education, so he doesn't have any peripheral distractions outside of school.
    It's not easy I can tell you that. But I still want to be able to do the things I enjoy. I don't mind keeping busy, it keeps me active and means I don't become lazy etc. Although, I won't finish law until I'm twenty four or twenty five I'd say, dual degrees have that extra year unfortunately lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    if you can afford it, move.
    Yeah. I've got a job, but it will pretty much be covering phone, rent, car, groceries etc every week so I'd probably be only just making a profit lol. Really don't know what to do man.
    Last edited by Doont-Hunter; 11-08-2012 at 12:15 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter

    Yeah. I want to. But at the same time, man I dunno. A lot of people I know haven't even moved out yet, there only a handful that have. Could I still pass university if I move out or will I get distracted? Also, is moving out by yourself something you should do when your like older, and moving out with mates something you should do when younger? Do you have a preference?
    I moved out when I was 18 due to extenuating circumstances (kicked out lol). I went through college but it was hell. I went to school during the day and worked all night. My idea of fun was being able to watch sport center if I had the time. If u don't mind living at home and are indeed going through school and doing well then I say keep doing what you're doing. Even if u have a job right now and pay a few minor bills, it's different when you HAVE to have rent money, HAVE to have money for food and keep the lights on. It's more responsibility then you should take on. You shouldn't feel a burden if your trying to better your quality of life in the future. It's not like all u do is sit in the basement playing halo, eating Doritos and smoking pot.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Yeah. I want to. But at the same time, man I dunno. A lot of people I know haven't even moved out yet, there only a handful that have. Could I still pass university if I move out or will I get distracted? Also, is moving out by yourself something you should do when your like older, and moving out with mates something you should do when younger? Do you have a preference?
    Both my ex roommates are now attorneys. Incredibly responsible and successful attorneys. They did just fine on their own. I believe that you will grow stronger. As for roommates, I can't do it today, but back then it was great. We all had OK jobs and splitting the bills made it easy.

    You can stay at home if you want, everyone and every family is different. Maybe I'm just old school, 18 years old and you were asked to move it, didn't have a choice.

  8. #8
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    lol im 24 and still live with my mum and sister (shes 21)

    have moved out before tho, and well long story short, didn't go so good, ended up in jail......

    wanna try moving out again next year..

  9. #9
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite

    Both my ex roommates are now attorneys. Incredibly responsible and successful attorneys. They did just fine on their own. I believe that you will grow stronger. As for roommates, I can't do it today, but back then it was great. We all had OK jobs and splitting the bills made it easy.

    You can stay at home if you want, everyone and every family is different. Maybe I'm just old school, 18 years old and you were asked to move it, didn't have a choice.
    Not saying its impossible, by no means, that's how I did it. But there were so many times I just wanted to give up, if I didn't have such an amazing gf(now wife) I probably would have. I just think that it would increase your chances of finishing with less responsibility. And if you and your family get along and there is an understanding that all parties accept then I think you should. But on the other hand, like Aus states, it does make u stronger internally. And no me, not aus or anyone on here can tell you what u need to do, it's your life and you should make that decision, we are just merely giving you a little light shed from our experiences. It's all up to you to succeed, u truly are the master of your own life. The only thing you can control in life is YOU.

  10. #10
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Not sure I have an opinion one way or the other. Its easier to fall into drugs and alcohol when you are on your own but you know human beings are different and those might not be problems for you. I read your post twice and to me it sounds like you are discontent and searching for something. You can spend your whole life just kind of dilly dallying and going through it the safe route. To live life with passion is the most rewarding thing a man can do and yet many men have trouble figuring out what their passion will be. Some people love to play guitar. Some people are into photography. Some people start or run a business. Some people their job is their life. Some people take the gym to an insane level. I would find something you like or have an interest in and latch on to it and make it your obsession for a while (after education of course). If you feel a void go and fill it whether its women or comrades or God you sometimes have to make a plan and go after those things. Sometimes people in this life will have some things go their way easily and its misleading to the rest of people. They are model handsome in the face and so never had a problem meeting women and making friends. Maybe they had a pretty cakewalk life so they never faced any challenges and the God thing was not complicated for them. Don't be afraid to work at something and improve on it because weak people tell you not to. In my personal life from immediate family to one of my friends to give one example I have been told that mowing the grass is a workout and they are not kidding when they tell you this. People who listen to the loser voice in their head they start believing it and after a while they give you loser advice and its not even because they hate you its because they have been listening to that dumb loser voice so long they actually believe what he's telling them instead of listening to the winner voice. So take care of business get your education and whatnot but then figure out what it is you want to do and don't let weak people tell you its a dumb idea because they think popping bon bons and watching daytime tv is perfectly normal. People constantly settle in this life constantly. Don't be that guy. Ask for more and go out and get more.

  11. #11
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    Business as usual yeah?
    You know what sucks is every time a new member makes some emo post I wonder if its razr. What did that guy do anyway did he con some people? I missed that whole drama.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    You know what sucks is every time a new member makes some emo post I wonder if its razr. What did that guy do anyway did he con some people? I missed that whole drama.
    I believe he gave out incorrect advice involving more complex compounds such as Insulin and constantly harassed some members via PM, but that isn't any of my business and your guess is as good as mine.

    Doont isn't Razor, I can assure you that, and I do in fact know who it is but I won't disclose it as I don't think he deserves to be banned as long as he's not trolling. I've exchanged a few PMs with him and he's a pretty cool guy, just needs to watch his behavior sometimes as do I lol.

  13. #13
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    There should be one factor determining if you should move out or not, and that is $.

    You say you are in school now. Are you taking out loans? Are your parents helping you? Are you paying off all of school through your current job?

    People have no idea how much student loans effect their bank account until they get that first bill. Trust me.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Not sure I have an opinion one way or the other. Its easier to fall into drugs and alcohol when you are on your own but you know human beings are different and those might not be problems for you. I read your post twice and to me it sounds like you are discontent and searching for something. You can spend your whole life just kind of dilly dallying and going through it the safe route. To live life with passion is the most rewarding thing a man can do and yet many men have trouble figuring out what their passion will be. Some people love to play guitar. Some people are into photography. Some people start or run a business. Some people their job is their life. Some people take the gym to an insane level. I would find something you like or have an interest in and latch on to it and make it your obsession for a while (after education of course). If you feel a void go and fill it whether its women or comrades or God you sometimes have to make a plan and go after those things. Sometimes people in this life will have some things go their way easily and its misleading to the rest of people. They are model handsome in the face and so never had a problem meeting women and making friends. Maybe they had a pretty cakewalk life so they never faced any challenges and the God thing was not complicated for them. Don't be afraid to work at something and improve on it because weak people tell you not to. In my personal life from immediate family to one of my friends to give one example I have been told that mowing the grass is a workout and they are not kidding when they tell you this. People who listen to the loser voice in their head they start believing it and after a while they give you loser advice and its not even because they hate you its because they have been listening to that dumb loser voice so long they actually believe what he's telling them instead of listening to the winner voice. So take care of business get your education and whatnot but then figure out what it is you want to do and don't let weak people tell you its a dumb idea because they think popping bon bons and watching daytime tv is perfectly normal. People constantly settle in this life constantly. Don't be that guy. Ask for more and go out and get more.
    Okay, this was BEYOND off topic, but none the less, still a great post

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer

    Okay, this was BEYOND off topic, but none the less, still a great post
    I think he started off on topic and went on a tangent in his head and just kept writing. I can relate...I do it ALL the time lol

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Both my ex roommates are now attorneys. Incredibly responsible and successful attorneys. They did just fine on their own. I believe that you will grow stronger. As for roommates, I can't do it today, but back then it was great. We all had OK jobs and splitting the bills made it easy.

    You can stay at home if you want, everyone and every family is different. Maybe I'm just old school, 18 years old and you were asked to move it, didn't have a choice.
    Thanks Austinite. I guess I have some tough decisions ahead. Just have to work out the positives and negatives of moving out and staying home I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Not saying its impossible, by no means, that's how I did it. But there were so many times I just wanted to give up, if I didn't have such an amazing gf(now wife) I probably would have. I just think that it would increase your chances of finishing with less responsibility. And if you and your family get along and there is an understanding that all parties accept then I think you should. But on the other hand, like Aus states, it does make u stronger internally. And no me, not aus or anyone on here can tell you what u need to do, it's your life and you should make that decision, we are just merely giving you a little light shed from our experiences. It's all up to you to succeed, u truly are the master of your own life. The only thing you can control in life is YOU.
    Thanks buddy. I really appreciate this post, it means a lot and it makes a lot of sense. I think it would make me a more adventurous person, someone who isn't afraid of failing and would instead pick themselves up if they did. I just not sure what to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Not sure I have an opinion one way or the other. Its easier to fall into drugs and alcohol when you are on your own but you know human beings are different and those might not be problems for you. I read your post twice and to me it sounds like you are discontent and searching for something. You can spend your whole life just kind of dilly dallying and going through it the safe route. To live life with passion is the most rewarding thing a man can do and yet many men have trouble figuring out what their passion will be. Some people love to play guitar. Some people are into photography. Some people start or run a business. Some people their job is their life. Some people take the gym to an insane level. I would find something you like or have an interest in and latch on to it and make it your obsession for a while (after education of course). If you feel a void go and fill it whether its women or comrades or God you sometimes have to make a plan and go after those things. Sometimes people in this life will have some things go their way easily and its misleading to the rest of people. They are model handsome in the face and so never had a problem meeting women and making friends. Maybe they had a pretty cakewalk life so they never faced any challenges and the God thing was not complicated for them. Don't be afraid to work at something and improve on it because weak people tell you not to. In my personal life from immediate family to one of my friends to give one example I have been told that mowing the grass is a workout and they are not kidding when they tell you this. People who listen to the loser voice in their head they start believing it and after a while they give you loser advice and its not even because they hate you its because they have been listening to that dumb loser voice so long they actually believe what he's telling them instead of listening to the winner voice. So take care of business get your education and whatnot but then figure out what it is you want to do and don't let weak people tell you its a dumb idea because they think popping bon bons and watching daytime tv is perfectly normal. People constantly settle in this life constantly. Don't be that guy. Ask for more and go out and get more.
    A lengthy read but one that makes sense and means a lot. Thanks man. A lot of people don't believe in me, even my family, so proving all of the doubters and haters wrong would feel incredible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    There should be one factor determining if you should move out or not, and that is $.

    You say you are in school now. Are you taking out loans? Are your parents helping you? Are you paying off all of school through your current job?

    People have no idea how much student loans effect their bank account until they get that first bill. Trust me.
    Yeah I'm at university. I'm not paying it up front and the parents aren't helping. I've taken out loans so I'll be paying it all off once I finish university. I'd probably have enough money to move out, but I'd be paying for quite a few other things to like my phone, car etc. It all adds up.

  17. #17
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    Let me break down my expenses for you
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 01-15-2013 at 11:59 PM.

  18. #18
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    Ive always liked the saying.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ive always liked the saying.
    I'm not a teenager hehe. But still, I might be over thinking all this. Seems like a pretty tough decision when it shouldn't be. If I can't decide on this, then it will be even harder to make more difficult life choices in the future. FML.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter

    I'm not a teenager hehe. But still, I might be over thinking all this. Seems like a pretty tough decision when it shouldn't be. If I can't decide on this, then it will be even harder to make more difficult life choices in the future. FML.
    Sounds like your not ready or you'd have ur bags packed already

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    I believe he gave out incorrect advice involving more complex compounds such as Insulin and constantly harassed some members via PM, but that isn't any of my business and your guess is as good as mine.

    Doont isn't Razor, I can assure you that, and I do in fact know who it is but I won't disclose it as I don't think he deserves to be banned as long as he's not trolling. I've exchanged a few PMs with him and he's a pretty cool guy, just needs to watch his behavior sometimes as do I lol.
    I'm sure he will appreciate you outing him as apparently someone who isnt supposed to be here
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Sounds like your not ready or you'd have ur bags packed already
    Well I mean I've given it thought it the past, but only briefly and not given it serious thought. Only recently I've been constantly and strongly considering it, but I'm just not sure. If I do move out, it would have to be before I go back to uni from the holidays early next year.

  23. #23
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    Moving out can be difficult it also depends on where you live. I live on long island there is no way atm that I could live on my own and afford. It isn't like texas where austinite is from where you easily live on your own with a part time job while going to school.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Moving out can be difficult it also depends on where you live. I live on long island there is no way atm that I could live on my own and afford. It isn't like texas where austinite is from where you easily live on your own with a part time job while going to school.
    Exactly - Jersey, Long Island, NYC, Staten Island, Philly - forget it.

    The cost of living is unreal.

  25. #25
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    My rent in Texas was 450 bucks and I spent maybe 200 a month on food, stuff is so cheap there it's insane.

  26. #26
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    Leykis 101 money mondays.

  27. #27
    Just a heads up to you all, I live in Australia. So just putting that out there lol.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    My rent in Texas was 450 bucks and I spent maybe 200 a month on food, stuff is so cheap there it's insane.
    yea we had a 2 bed, 2 bath town home with garage for under $1100 in Dallas

    in NJ my 1 bed 700 sqft place was $1400
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
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    i was back and forth all the way in to my early 20s i had plenty of money but really because bad credit i couldn't get a place movie out if u can u can bring home trashy woman and you dont have to feel weird when your mom see them leave in the morning

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    i was back and forth all the way in to my early 20s i had plenty of money but really because bad credit i couldn't get a place movie out if u can u can bring home trashy woman and you dont have to feel weird when your mom see them leave in the morning
    lol i didnt move out till i was 24. My parents had 2 homes so were gone from the one for about 6 months out of the year. So they liked having me there to take care of it and not to have to worry. Do you think my mom minded that my stripper gf moved in?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    lol i didnt move out till i was 24. My parents had 2 homes so were gone from the one for about 6 months out of the year. So they liked having me there to take care of it and not to have to worry. Do you think my mom minded that my stripper gf moved in?

    Were you up front about it or did you say she's a bartender or something as a cover up?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Were you up front about it or did you say she's a bartender or something as a cover up?
    Well she was a teacher when we meet that turned into a stripper. We said she worked in a bar. but im sure they knew from the outfits in my room or she would come out of the bathroom after washing them
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  33. #33
    Just another little heads up for everyone in here. I'm also considering going on an exchange program for university to possibly England or America. I think it would be a great experience and not many people my age really go out of their comfort zones to do something like that. I'm actually really excited by the idea of it, and it could be an awesome time.

    I'd probably come home a more confident, outgoing, adventurous and more mature person. I'm good at making friends etc, but I wouldn't know what to do about grocery shopping, which gym to go to, if I got a girlfriend etc so many complicated things could happen.

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