I hope this post makes its way back to that fat bitch
I hope this post makes its way back to that fat bitch
Tipping isn't that common in the UK. I mean, of my pizza order comes to £19, I'll sling him the £20. But it's because I don't want loose change, not because I'm tipping.
At restaurants I'll only tip if the meal was exceptional, or the waiter(ess) was outstanding. Otherwise. No tip. I suppose our minimum wage is different though, don't waitresses / delivery guys in the US kinda rely on the tips?
**Ive watched reservoir dogs too many times. All I have in my head now is that coffee shop scene!
"I'm not just gonna tip because society says I have to.."
It may be. Here in the states the fed minimum wage for servers is 2.13 I believe. Usually that's just enough to cover the taxes so the tips are what they rely on to survive.Originally Posted by krugerr
Our minimum wage is decided by age. Currently it's around £5.50 I believe. Or about $7.50/hr
lol our minimum wage for an adult over 21 years old is like over 500$ a week.
or you can just get on the dole (unemployment benefit) and get about 500$ a fortnight lol (and if your a single parent with more than say 2 kids, there's no need to work)
minimum wage should be abolished. same goes for fat bitches.
who cares, I mean the guy didn't take a dump and wipe it all over her door or anything.
That's what our minimum wage is regardless of age for non tipped jobsOriginally Posted by krugerr
But why is tipping the be al and end all in the states surely tipping is something you do when your impressed not because your expected to
Although I found in Mexico we tipped our waiter 20$ and he was like our shadow it was great lol
I don't think the delivery guy should have responded in that way but I think it was rude to order a pizza delivery and not have a tip.
I wonder if he would have done that if she was a hot chic with no spare change?
Must have been a Slow news day. Geez.
If you can't afford to do something then don't so it!!! It's as simple as that, get off your ass and do some cardio next time. He should've made it a white pizza!
Nice avi lolOriginally Posted by BlueWaffle21
I tip 20% here in Canada. Minimum wage is around 10$/hr.
a pizza was the last thing that mountain troll needed..
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If she knew she couldn't afford to tip why wouldn't she drive (or walk her fat ass for that matter and get some damn exercise) and get it herself. And she had the nerve to mention he should clean it up...she's just asking to get shanked...she cost the guy his job which thanks to people like her he was probably already struggling financially, and she wants the guy to come back??
I always tip huge, even if I didn't really like the server. If someones job relies on tips, you know how much you can brighten someone's day by leaving a nice one? If you can't afford to tip, don't go out or order in. Do the work yourself. Simple as that.
I agree if u cant afford the tip go pick it up. The guy probably lost money delivering to her by the time he paid for the gasOriginally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I love her stupid fvcking comment if you are going to get upset about that maybe you shouldn't deliver pizzas? Bltch you'd get upset if I called you a fatass maybe you shouldn't sit around all day.
The sad part is the video clip has enough information I could actually pull up her address and apartment number if I wanted to. Hopefully other people around the country don't figure that out or that fat bitch is going to get a bunch of ads for jenny craig in the mail at best and probably some pics of people pissing on the worst.
Funny that someone pissed on her doorstep and everyone is mad at her for being fat.
I tip my pizza guy well, especially in the winter.
There have been a couple of times in my life that I have found myself with no money and couldn't tip. I felt awful, but am grateful the person didn't feel that gave them license to piss on my door, or key my car. The worst was putting my car through valet at a hotel (to deliver something to a client, ironically), hitting the ATM to get money for the valet guy and finding out I had left my wallet at home. I had to get in my nice car (made me feel more like an ass) and stiff the valet. I told him I would be back, but you know he didn't believe me.
I only didn't tip once. Next day when I got paid I drove to the place and tipped the guy in the store. They need that money, and I find it hilarious she defends herself for being a retard.
I dunno Johnny I give you a pass on the valet. I just feel like if you don't have 2 or 3 bucks (I usually shoot for 5 bucks if order was over $20) you shouldn't order the pizza. Recently I had to call Triple A because my car battery had died. I didn't tip the guy but I literally had zero dollars in my wallet. I did not think this was asinine because I can't pick where and when my car is going to die.
whats wrong with people why would u not tip the pizza guy are people that cheap thats ridiculous i tip everyone and im far from rich what an asshole
If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't have a pizza delivered and you shouldn't go to a sit-down restaurant. I've never worked in the food service industry but it has to be tough.
I worked as a waiter during college. We got paid 2.13 an hour then had to pay tip-out at the end of the night. (3.5% sales) That is to pay for the host and bus boys salary.
I know exactly how the guy feels. It felt like she pissed on him by not tipping him after walking up to her doorsteep to deliver her dinner. So he returned the favor! I wouldn't do that but I understand why he did it.
What's a good, average tip though? I'm never too sure how much is a decent amount of money for someone like me who isn't rich but isn't poor?
15% is standard at restaurants. I tip 20% because its easy to calculate from my tab. Just tip 2$ for every 10$ of your tab. So if the bill is 40$ I tip 8$
Ive gotten tips as high as 150% because I was good at what I do. But I always tip at least 15% when I go out even if the service was bad.
Lol this may seem like a basic question, but what are the main places that you should tip at? Surely not just any restuarant? Like upper class restaurants you wouldn't need to tip would you because they would probably be paid better than most at other places? Or is it polite to tip at any restaurant? Any other places other than restaurants and people dropping off pizza's that you can think of?
Akl the restaurants they are paid they same. The nicer places u make more because of higher bills and tips.Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter
In miami they add 18% to ur bill for the tip everyplace
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Everyone has a hustle in ny. But the shit u learn there makes u king everypkace else.Originally Posted by Rwy
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Dude what we learn up here is a skill set some just do not understand. The street smarts and learning how to grind give you such an upper hand. I agree with you 100000%
all of my friends that left ny are killing it down south out west. I wanted to move down south but the summer was so awful up here it really has me thinking twice now
I was king in dallas. Nobody knew shit and i could read threw anyones bs hustle in a secondOriginally Posted by Rwy
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I pissed in a guys mailbox one time....... I was really drunk.
What about a pizza joint that charges to deliver?Originally Posted by frank13
So when i go to new york city in december do i have to tip? How do i do it. What if i go to that aircraft carrier museum? Or what if i buy some water from a street vendor? How do i do it? Or what if i go to a pub for a pint?
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