MAN>>> I thought it was fantastic! awesome effects and good story line.. much longer than the first one too...
Who was that actor that was built huge? the one who can turn himself into steel? HUGE MOFO
MAN>>> I thought it was fantastic! awesome effects and good story line.. much longer than the first one too...
Who was that actor that was built huge? the one who can turn himself into steel? HUGE MOFO
Love X men. Going to see it today. I know it will be great.
I saw the movie 2 days ago. It WAS WAY better than the 1st movie. Action sequences were non-stop and story line was a good lead in to the Phoenix saga.
The steel-man you reffer to is Pete Raspin AKA COLOSSUS he is a 6'5 actor that was perfect for the part. They dont show him next to the real X-man as he dwarfs them all!! He will play a bigger role in the next upcomming movie. Mystique is such a HOT puta!!! Storm is HOT, Jean is a hottie......Lady deathstrike was a Asian Bomshell!! They did good. Wish I coiuld have played an extra in this movie I would have loved it!
I will OWN this movie when it comes out!!!
X-man RULE!!!
Big R
hey Big R,
I agree.. everyone was hot in this pic.. the Asian bombshell your saying is KEYLLY HU... she was definitely beautiful.. but way dead now I think... they'd have to heat her head to extract the lead but dont think that will work. Do you really think Jean is dead? I dont think so... I bet she was able to contain the water around her...hmmmmmm.
I think Im gonna try to be HULK (maybe MINI HULK) for Halloween this year...hehe (currently in my 8th week bulking cycle... up 15lbs) now at 185lbs.. 17b 45c 31w 23.5q at 5'9"...
anyway.. last year I inherited from a coworker about 2500 comics... you name it..I got it.. wife told him either they go or she goes.. so he gave me lots... thought you might appreciate that story..
will post pics soon after cycle..
take care
Saw it last night. It was good. Didn't like the fact at the end that they showed the guys almost crying about three times, once would have been enough. Loved the opening sequence with the president.
Jean Grey is not dead.........What happened in the Comic story line is that in her valliant act of self-sacrifice to save all of the other X-men a being known as the Phoenix saves her life. At the end of the movie they show the water with a vague image of the Firery Phoenix bird traveling beneath it. She will reunite with the others with powers limited only by her imagination. Yeah, Colossus Rocks only Wolvie shut him down after he offered to help...DAM,
I wanted to see him in action! Nighcrawler also rocked in the opening attack on the PRES.
My comic collection is in the same neigborhood as your friends!
DAMM IT~~!! you guys need to stop giving away the movie!! by the end of this thread I will already know what is going to happen.![]()
abstrack, get to the theater man! it has been out 4 days now and if your a fan how can you not find the time. Just givin you a hard time. Wolverine is really ripped in the movie. I need to figure out what he does!
dammit, i knew i should have seen that instead of anger management, but i had to please the littlelady![]()
Fook it, If duty calls--- I will have to go alone!! I didnt even relize the movie was out already. I cant remeber the last time I even turned on the tv to watch something![]()
Originally posted by BIG R
Jean Grey is not dead.........What happened in the Comic story line is that in her valliant act of self-sacrifice to save all of the other X-men a being known as the Phoenix saves her life. At the end of the movie they show the water with a vague image of the Firery Phoenix bird traveling beneath it. R
Im so glad someone else saw that, I wanted to explain to my room mate that scene as we were walking out but think I lost some cool points with him, hes not quite the comic buff i guess. Ill be interested in who they bring in next and especially the first appearance of Phoenix
i saw that image in the water! i was wondering what the f*** that was!!but the movie was soooo tight!
Hell, your roomate is not COOL if he isnt cool with the X-men. Come on man it what you grew up reading. Your cool in my book! I think that reading comics helped me really get into BB'ing in the way that I wanted to look like a Super Hero.....
agreed....course the well endowed chicks in the spandex costumes didnt hurt either!
This movie was alot better then the first one...I only saw half of the first, but ill tell you the truth i didnt find it special alot.
THis one was alot more intense...and had some thrilling action scenes. I think it was great way of showing the minoraties in the world and how they shouldnt be discriminated...It was absolutely fantstic...
In this one they let Logan to go wild...not like in the first one, where he was all laid back, here he is like in the cartton...crazy mothafucka.
Is there X3 on the way???
By the way...Nothing will beat The Matrix 2 though...![]()
hold up !!!! i didnt see it yet
but did you say colosseus is in the movie??
thats my favorite x-man right there
just let me know one thing does he go all steel in the movie or juss see him as a regular guy.
I thought it was great!
yeah... he shows some steel... F*k*n awesome
i saw it last night, it was 10 times better than the first........ id go see it again today if i had the time.
Btw, the colossus dude is named Daniel Cudmore, and he doesnt look that huge in a dress shirt and off screen....BUT, he still had the best body by far in the movie![]()
one of the best movies i have ever seen! character development was fantastic. the matrix is prolly my all time favorite movie and i would have to say that after seein x2 i am not all that fired up to see matrix reloaded.
i thought xmen 1 was an great movie too
just got back,great movie.they showed the trailer to matrix and that looks even better.special effects are amazing these days.
Great movie, this was totaly nightcrawlers movie! One of my all time favs in the marvel world btw
To bad we didnt see more of the russianmaybe next movie huh?
I still think wolverine should be bigger and more cut...
Phoenix lives!
BigR i see your online so maybe you could help out bro, whos the girl that screams? I was thinking Banshee put then he has done a sex change...
Hey Palme.. you didnt get it? the girl who screams was Mariah Carey getting banged by all the XMEN. heheheheheheheheheh JK
Last edited by gym sweat; 05-06-2003 at 08:30 AM.
Originally posted by palme
BigR i see your online so maybe you could help out bro, whos the girl that screams? I was thinking Banshee put then he has done a sex change...
It's Banshee's daughter. Syrin.
Ohhh thx bro!Originally posted by Carlos_E
It's Banshee's daughter. Syrin.
Saw it the day it came out I thought it was great. Much better than the first one. Good story line great action and Spec. effects.. AAA
Last edited by BigTek; 04-24-2009 at 05:36 AM.
saw it this afternoon and i can say i was impressed...i think they definitely stretched out some parts that could have kept the movie goin faster had they been shorter, but all in all a good job. im definitely stoked about matrix reloaded however.
This guy is 6'8"! geez!
Im disapointed that Peter had such an american accent, we all know his a russian kamrat!
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