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Nope, I wouldn't mind if a friend started sleeping with my ex-wife. Hopefully they will do better than she and I did. Yes, we split because we were incompatible. I should add that my way of looking at things is what allowed my ex-wife and I to stay friends after the divorce. Staying friends meant we both had to get over some jealousy when we started dating other people. But we are adults and we both ended up remarried to people that made us happier.
As far as relationships go, a friend dating your ex is nothing. Marrying a women with three kids and then being involved in a bitter, hateful custody battle with her ex-husband is a bad relationship position.
Being engaged to a woman who's mother looses a long battle with cancer, leaving the family broke, and needing to decide whether to follow her across the country or break up and stay where you are is a bad relationship position.
Being jealous because someone I know is banging an ex-girlfriend that I broke up with because she is crazy is NOT a serious problem. If I heard about it, I would call him and say, "be careful man, she is crazy."
You are right that a good friend should say something. But not saying something doesn't make them a bad friend. They are probably too afraid to say something.