There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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I feel like really fucking some people up at times, some I feel like duck taping their fucking heads up all the fucking lot of the fucking small heads, around and around and around until they are totally fucked up and then I would pin prick a hole just in one nostril and beat the fucking living day lights out of them, cunts some people are cunts do you know that. Some people are evil cunts what want hurting ducking taping up and torturing my way. Fuck me they no idea
whoooooooshow now I am in the mood for training
setting off wont be long
belt, straps and wrist supports to the ready and some fucking duck tape aswell just in case you never fucking know
Last edited by marcus300; 09-06-2016 at 01:35 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Back to work for me. Time to see what has been broken and needs replacement. I swear they can break stuff that I didn't even know we had.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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morning beasts! another crazy day ahead! lets roll!
Nah it's purely a CNS issue I think. Like too much of an anxiolityc effect. After experimenting with many substances I have only be able to reverse some of the sides by enhancing catecholamines (NE/DA, but mostly NE). These are excitatory neurotransmitters. I suspect some action of test or its metabolites (E2, DHT and the GABA allosteric agonist 3-alpha-diol) is at play here, but this is plainly anedoctal/speculatory. Sedatives for example work by enhancing inhibitor neurotransmission (GABA). I cannot even tolerate OTC relaxants without getting drowsy.
Of course thyroid function too has it's role in noradrenergic neurotransmission and correcting hypothyroidism also seemed enhance benefits while partially suppressing sides.
I'd never go without test, no matter how bad I feel. But reducing dosage or just going (low dose) HCG-only might be reasonable, with another compound providing an "edge" to relieve low t symptoms without absurd sides; anyway I will try every viable route to make standard TRT work before I jump on this.
About the propionate I can add the sides seem proportional to the ester release velocity, with gels being the worst. I was feeling substantially better on TU (nebid) than the TE I'm on now. Levels stability might also play a role there.
What's absolutely weird is the reaction I had with primo this summer. I had some amps sent to me as part of a promo, and I was curious if it added to the sides or not. I did feel more depressed, which I don't really mind as this gets better as time go by (happened every time with nebid) BUT, it did reverse the soft, loose muscle feeling and restored the ability to get pumps.
Sorry for going OT again.
I'm back will post up what happened
Funny story AG, I was on my way down to Key West from Orlando and we stop off at Key Largo for something to eat at this lovely small restaurant. There weren't many there just about 2 couples in which were American's. When we walked in everyone turned around and looked at us which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. Anyway the owner came over and took us to a beautiful table over looking the water, him and his wife were really nice and me coming from the UK they were very over friendly, asking me everything. I'm sat there with my vest on and my family and my mate who was a big fucker with his girl and they started chatting about how we train etc. They have very strong southern accents and they asked me were I was going, they were near enough sat with us all the fucking time while we were eating. You could say they were making feel welcome or you could say they were creepy, well you know how my mind works.
Anyway, I said we are going to Key West and going to find a hotel for the night and he said you have no chance of finding one at such short notice, down there you have to book and its full of strange people so be careful. I thought wtf in my head and said I will find somewhere to stay it will be fine, anyway he said in this deep southern accent " now don't y'all worry if you don't find anywhere, just drive back up here and you can all stay with me at my house in the back here" my friend and his girlfriend said woow that's nice and turns to me and said lets do that anyway because he was going to take us out on his boat. I saw fucking red lights and said no we will stay at Key West it will be fine. In the back of my head I could just see this cunt trying to us to his dungeon and stat playing with us and then dropping us over into the swamp, he reminded me something straight out of Deliverance the film. Now I could be mistaken and he was just a good guy but I left that place with the wheels spinning as fast as fuck saying that cunt wants twatting.
Good to see the sick bastard Macus is back and ready to train!
Great rest day and time to murder back & traps will be reporting back...
Have a kickass day all
Because I was feeling good and my rc felt better and my rnage of motion was like 100% better I thought I would really push into my old style of training but I thought I better not stay on it for that long so I decided to go with pre ex with SS. This would bring the time down drastically and wont keep the attack on my shoulders and chest to much but when I am in the zone it will be full bore.
Warmed up my rc's
Incline DB flyes - then SS straight into press
4 warm up sets - yes a lot but I really want to feel my groove and get things right as in the working weight I was going to go for,
2 working sets - on the flyes I was hitting 9-11 reps then in the press I was hitting 8 reps ish
Hammer strength vertical press, had a slight incline to the back rest, decided to do this one side at a time
2 feel sets
1 working to failure and then I hit 1 drop set, then straight into slight incline on a flat bench flyes for a few reps - opposite to pre ex here on this movement.
Cable flyes
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure plus one drop
Chest was pumped straight after the first movement, very fast and intense, only 30-45 seconds rest to keep the intensity up and the weights down to preserve my rc and not going for to much weight but it felt heavy and good due to the lack of rest and the pre ex with SS and then the opposite.
No issues at all with my rc, first time ever nothing held me back. No pain in any of the movements but did have to find my groove so the pressure came off the front shoulder head to more onto my upper chest.
Very productive, lasted around 30 mins
Yes If I were to go back to TU/Nebido I'd just tune the protocol by splitting the 1g dose into quarts every other week, and I'm sure it would have worked better than anything, but still far away from a complete resolution of symptoms (it did have its BAD sides too).
I'm running bloodwork this week, then decide from there.
I'm not sure about the etiology of low t. I had very low LH at the time of diagnosis (24 yo), and uncorrelated hypothyroidism.
I never did a cycle before, took prohormones, supplements or even a vitamin. I did a pituitary MRI imaging that showed a small microadenoma, too little to interfere with LH as adenoma are made of soft tissue, but could also be an hard cyst, different story then.
I had an history of weight loss (due to diet and training) prior to onset of symptoms, and this is rarely correlated with low unless extreme, but who knows, I'm bizarre after all. Losing weight might mess with the energy balance leptin-ghrelin subsystem in the hypothalmus, that partecipates in gonadotropins secretion and I read a research once about leptin infusions restoring normal GnRH activity. (although weight gain did not).
So duh, "idiopatic" low t.
Last edited by hammerheart; 09-06-2016 at 04:32 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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With that number of working sets, you really didn't take much time for breaks. Glad the RCs are feeling better. 1 more round of pull back lifts for me and then I'll be back to the full bore, balls to the wall HIT. Worked on breaking up my lifts so biceps and triceps are separate so it will be basically 6 different lifts and the 1 day of cardio/working on squats form/calves and slowly building up the weight on squats.
Looking forward to the cooler weather. I really like to superset flyes with presses and when it is cooler I can really push myself just about to the point of flaking out.It does cut back on the poundage for pressing, but we don't really play a numbers game anyway, right?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Did you find any fresh gimps to tape up, Marcus?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
I meant all sets mate, my break into sets including the feeler sets I reduce to a minimum. Just messing it up and changing it around while ki feel better, I'm not in full swing HIT by any means but its all about recovery for me at this stage and ive been feeling better with my rc so I thought I might aswell push it a little bit within reason, that's why I kept its very short but intense. I held up well and all the work went into the chest without any pain or discomfort in the shoulder
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
BahahahahaOriginally Posted by almostgone
HahaOriginally Posted by marcus300
It's gator season back home, so if anyone has someone that wants to disappear, I mean go hunting, let me know
Im on nebido and tren E and enjoying it.
The max I went on test was 750mg, 3 testoviron per week. Didnt feel good at all, lots bloating and inflammation, in fact reduced it after a fee weeks. Its like you want to lace your shoes and it get hard to reach cause your core is all swelled up?? Hard to explain.
Love deca and 250-500mg test, could be on that forever.
Tren ussually catchs up with me after 5-6 weeks, the first few weeks I dont really get bad sides, even at 700-800mg. Of course I dont know how underdosed it may be...
Only using 400mg tren E now, on a slow cut, on the 7 or 8th week, sides have been minimal. Of course sweat a bit more when training, bit of insomnia, kinda normal for me. Labs were quite good 2 weeks ago, and im actually thinking if I should prolong it a few more weeks as still recomping steadily.
So, I think im going to let the stronger compounds do the work while nebido takes care of the rest.
Ivd always ran my test higher than any thing I was running along side it... I like higher test but I love high Nandrolone too... I'm with you BB I can't do tren for more than 6-8wks without my appetite decreasing(too much) deca/NPP I can eat all day long and actually want to!
Ivd not tried running my test low and letting the other compounds win out right at the AR... What's your thoughts on this guys(everyone)?
Anything I would say about raising the prolactin would be just a guess... if I have to guess, very very minimally
Think you mean mg not mcg, heheh. There was guy here I think, doing 80 or 100mg a week of tren as part of his TRT protocol.
It should not affect you that much, but you need to test it yourself...
Fueling up for back and traps today... Can't wait...... As long as I can - I will Defo be ready to pus the weight - heavy hard and intense! Simple yet so very effective!
Did back the night guys, good session.
WG pd 1 working 1 drop
CG pd 1 working 1 drop
Seated row 1 working DD
T bar 1 working DD. **new weight**
Straight arm pd 1 working DD
Rack pulls 1 working DD
Done, great session but what a heat fvck me man.
Back this morning guys.
Standing pull downs.
Seated rows
One arm smith machine rows. (Loved these)
Then standard smith rows
High pully hammer strength
Wide grip pull downs
Straight arm pull downs - unilaterally w/cables - much better contraction for me
2warm ups high reps
3straight sets drop +RP
BB Bent over Rows
3warm ups 2 feelers(up to 10)
2heavy(6-8) added weight(275) 4 dropped 3x
Rev grip pulldowns needed to stretch out the lats
2w heavy(7/5) DD
Hammer strength rows(unilaterally)
2w heavy(7/5+) 2drops +RP
Long bar rows/supers with face pulls
3w each - higher end reps few RPs thrown in
DB Shrugs(hitting height) supers w/DB shrugs(emphasis on back of traps)
4working each
Trying to do more with less and seeing it workgreat session - I really tore the shit outta my back/lats/traps - Fuck Yeah MFers
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