Thank you very much for the welcome!
I'm sure there's lots of good info here, but it's buried within 1034 pages at the moment, it would take a long time just to click through it, not least reading it.
But I'll open a random page now and then and see if I find some gold.
I would imagine going all out HIT for the entire workout, every workout, would wear me out to the point of needing a break quite fast.
It's one thing going HIT when training biceps triceps,
quite another to do it when training legs f.ex.
With my shoulder injury I've actually done stuff a little HIT'ier,
cause I've been using light weights inn all press excersizes.
(I don't think it really qualifies though)
But an example of a chest routine would be;
8-12 reps at decline benchpress (stopped regular and incline with bar)
but lifting so slow on the negative that I reached failure still.
having quite short breaks (aiming for 30sec but often somewhat more)
between sets.
Maybe do 1 or 2 more press excersizes, with dumbells, the same way.
Then do cable cross overs and up the reps, still trying to keep short breaks.
I found that with this approach I could exhaust my pecs without much strain.
But I wouldn't call it HIT, due to the fact that in some excersizes (like incline dumbbell press) I had to go so slow and light I didn't really reach failure.
(Or said more correct ; I didn't want to reach failure in those excersizes that could cause pain)
Now I'm thinking of doing some real HIT though,
as my shoulder seems better but I still don't want to use a lot of weight,
and shorter interval time would be one way to do this.
Any thoughts on this?