Why's that? Too much scar tissue? LolOriginally Posted by Hazard
Tron - that's another good side tricep![]()
The oil doesn't push in at all and from the time the needle breaks the skin to the time it pulls out it feels like a hot poker is in my asscheek. It's an intense burning that doesn't go awayOriginally Posted by kelkel
I don't think they can help...... It's not a sphincter issue hahaOriginally Posted by kelkel
Back today,
Very strict form, heavy weight, used dropsetting as my tool and also push some nice boundaries. Back feels wide and very thick today
Low carb today but wasn't a problem for me,
Feeling good, slight ache in my delt right in my injury due to heavy shoulders yesterday but nothing to be concerned about![]()
Tonight was back and from kels advice last week I reduced back the exercises and did
Started with T bar rows two warm ups light weight then built weight up for the heaviest set then two drop sets by this stage the blood was flowing really well back was nice and warm and call for more weight.
Seated wide grip cable pulls same as above less the warm up sets
Close grip lat pull down super setted with the above
Then hammersmith light squeeze pull downs
Then db rows this was the best serious pull and pain on the back really immense
Then cable lat pulls
And to finish hypers.
Back feels thick and heavy now even 4 hrs after the gym loved it and the intensity was crazy
That still seems like a lot to me lolOriginally Posted by DCI
Thanks kk, if we had more people like yourself and marcus in the bb world who cut through all the bull shit that people make up, were ye give out genuine advice and experience for free to people who are willing to listen is a great thing
Regarding work, like the gym, I have a new found desire to destroy the competition it's mad really great to have that whole drive back again etc
Agree, keep reducing it DCI. Get your head out of the more is better philosophy. Next workout try something like this:
Bent over rows
Seated cable rows
Front pulldowns.
Heavy, fast and balls to the wall with drops and RP. Then honestly access how you feel as you recover and compare it to your last workout.
Last edited by kelkel; 09-17-2013 at 06:35 PM.
^^^^ thisOriginally Posted by kelkel
No more than 4 excercises imo...... Then every other week you have different shit to incorporate into your routine for variety
This was done in 45mins all of the above, the hypers are there more to strech the back at the end as it really has stopped my lower back killing meas I drive a lot so it kills my back.
But I will reduce it again and report back to ye lads, I am in no position to say other wise ye are all big mo fo's compared to me![]()
Will do, thanks kk
Who cares. Let 'em waste time with their bros in the gym. Idiots not taking advice from you. Lol!
Your last paragraph could also begin with...If you're old and not growing... It's been about 4 months since first watching those videos. You say give it 6-12 months. If done correctly, you'll see results a lot sooner. I'm in this 'til my old body tells me otherwise.
Im 6 months in and a completely changed man. Same for my training partner we are gaining and gaining its crazy, one this you have to go past that mental part were you head is screaming tonstop on many dropsets my mind has screamed at me stop stop this is too much and by pushing it on I got an extra 3 good reps and two assisted ones once you learn that you opening the gates to serious mass and slabs of muscle
Totally agree. At 52, I used to always worry about over-training. Ha....I was just going through the motions. I know at my age I need to be careful. Screw something up and you are screwed for a week or longer. I'm still careful, but really pushing it to my limit. Funny, I used to always get back aches. Since training like this-none in months.
Thanks bud...makin me blush over here!Originally Posted by marcus300
Are you priming?Originally Posted by marcus300
Read this on squatting deep. Funny as hell:
LIFT-RUN-BANG: The case for not squatting deep
That is funny.
Hey Marcus - I had a thought.
Since by your own admission you don't count calories, you just eat as you feel.
Do you monitor it during a prime? What counts as low or high carb? Or do you just severely avoid carbs on low days, and eat loads on a high day, without real regard for the amount?
P.s. when's the school of Marcus opening? I could use a week of your intensity!
In this thread or your prime thread?Originally Posted by marcus300
I don't really count calories now, I use to but after all these years I don't feel the need to do it anymore because I know what amounts I need to maintain look like. One of the things ive learnt over the years is when you get big and start carrying a lot of lbs in LBM you got to eat a lot to maintain. So I eat a hell of a lot and I don't believe in these new stupid calorie restricted diets what come along every few years, especially the ones what are touted by these skinny fuking so called diet gurus who wouldn't know how to maintain muscle tissue if their diet text book hit them in the face, i'm ranting now sorry about that.
I know what to eat to maintain and I know what to eat to build, I never restrict calories to much, I attack cutting bf by cardio and carb cycling only, my priority is to maintain my muscle at all costs, I will not let it waste away like a lot of people seem to do and they end up in one of these circle were they are chasing size then cutting bf then chasing size. Ive been there and done it and I go through hell to build and keep my muscle so there isn't a chance of me burning it away with these stupid diets what are talked about all over the place.
During my prime I simple cut my carbs on the low days by 40% off my maintenance carbs, its a rough guide and I adjust daily. This is me because I am very in tune with my body when I advice other clients etc they work out the maintenance diet and work by numbers and adjust by how they feel and look. On the high day I add 15% onto my maintenance carb. I do up my pro on certain daysremember a pre cycle prime isn't really to cut bf even though this occurs its a process to open a growth window and create a very anabolic environment so you can springboard into a cycle, basically a rebound. I've written about it in my previous post to you.
I wouldn't advice anyone to do it by how they feel and look unless your very in tune with your body, normally I would advice you to establish a maintenance diet for at least 4-6 weeks then work the pre cycle prime off this by using a 40% low 15% high protocol, nothing is static and this is another reason why so many lose tissue because they stick to something like glue when you should adjust to how your body is reacting, we are not all the same. I've got a guy on 5 days low 1.5 days high and he is doing really well, were I have another guy at similar weight and LBM who is running 3 low 1 high protocol and getting the same results.
Priority, never do anything to drastic at the cost of muscle tissue. Do things slowly and confuse the body into using fat as fuel and slowly depleting the glycogen stores and then firing the metabolism by the high carb day.
On the first 3 day low carbs I could manage 3.5 days low and I extended it because I knew my body could take it before having a bigger reefed, I also didn't train for 4 days which help the stretching the low carb days to 3.5. The idea for me is to keep all my LBM while I deplete my glycogen store and refuel them while over the weeks the stores slowly deplete and confuse the body into this very excitable state were its hungry for growth.
My school of intensity lol is open all the time, this thread is full of motivation, dedication and showing members how I attack my training and in many threads how I train my mind set to train to failure and beyond.
Its 2 or 3 pages back but here is a copy of the thread Tron
Pre cycle prime
Goals for the prime are to stimulate a growth spurt by creating a very anabolic environment for muscle tissue to grow, I've started on a 3 to 1 then second week it will be a 4 to 1 then I will revaluate how i feel and look and adjust accordingly. With pre cycle primes its all about adjusting with how your body is reacting. You don't want to deplete to fast otherwise you will have muscle wastage so its a very delicate process and knowing your own body is a must and also adjusting weekly or even daily if required.
Like I've stated I have started with a 3 low 1 high protocol which is ran off my maintenance diet, the low days will be 40% less carbs then the one day high will be 15% higher than my maintenance carbs, so if you work it out its a slow process to confuse the body, on the second week I will increase the low days to 4 low to one day high and then this will be the time when i will look and adjust daily or every 7-8 days. Usually around the 3rd week the glycogen stores are depleting slowly which gets my muscle receptors very excitable and upgrade to be able to accept more glucose. This is the environment what i am looking for and normally I am around the 6-8 week mark were i will start planning the rebound to take full advantage of the growth spurt I've created. I will not do anything drastic or use some of the stupid diets methods I see people using, my goals are what i mentioned at the top of this thread with priority going to maintaining all muscle tissue. I would rather do 10 weeks PCP any day than 5 weeks worth at the cost of precious muscle tissue.
I will springboard out the prime into the short cycle and increase my calories to suit my bodies needs, I do have to be careful due to the loading growth phase because increasing cals to much will result in added water weight or bf. This is individual thing I've got clients who can take huge amounts of cals and others who have can slowly increase for 2 weeks while the body adjusts. I am somewhere in-between the both but growth comes on quick and everything gets fired into the muscles along side the increased androgens its a very anabolic environment with only one result......increased LBM.
The window doesn't last that long sometimes 3 weeks to 6 weeks is the normal and after this time there is other things you can do but again this is down to the person but many exciting things can be done to capture further gains. This type of cycling is really suited to the way i train because the amount of stress i put my body under plus the overload needed to force growth is something I can only take for around 6 weeks so this type of training is ideal before i need to pull back on the intensity, which works out just right for my future plans of adding further tissue.
Training during pre cycle prime
It will the normal way i train because that's what built the muscle so it will keep the muscle but I do lower the intensity and slowly increase over the weeks ready for the attack. Some days I will train with all the failure protocol pushing to the max but it will depend on how i am feeling and how my priming is going, you just seem to know how your body will react and when the right time is to push and increase the intensity.
Body assessment
My body is thick heavy set with a wide waist and I tend to have big muscle bellies. I think my first few years power lifting set this foundation and also my HIT style produce some seriously thick muscle bellies. I've concentrated over the years on widening and thickening my lats which was done by some serious intense back training to help create the illusion of a smaller wasit,this is still an ongoing process. I also concentrate and focus on adding more size to my shoulders especially the lateral heads to increase the sense of width. I've also attacked the out sweep of the quads which really helped with making everything look proportional, infact at one stage the sweep really was over powering but now its all about maintaining the structure i have and hopefully adding a few lbs of LBM. Areas of concerns are the injury to my delt which is repairing fine and doesn't cause me any issues, I am using pre exhaust on chest and shoulder to help reduce my weight on pressing movements, this has been working really well. Lower back injury which occurred many years again due to the heavy dead lifting and squatting, only do light deads and squats now and use other movements to maintain and increase size in these areas. These are the main areas but at my age everything is a concern.
Training during cycle
Heavy intense training using failure protocols with the main goal of overloading the muscles in the shortest possible time, this will shock my body so it as no alternative but to grow to compensate the attack its under. I will be training the whole body once every 5-7 days with added rest days if need be, session not lasting more than 45mins. Priority will be taking my body to failure on the positive and negative parts of the lift with very intense strict controlled form. No need to list my workout its all over this thread and I think somewhere is my exact workout plan or something very similar. I am very strong on getting my mind set in the right direction for this kind of training. I contribute my training style to how well I maintain my muscle mass over the years. I've ranted it over and over again all over this thread in the early pages that my priority is to maintain my muscle tissue, I will not burn it away with one of these stupid diets or so called new systems. Muscle tissue is hard to build and I wont go around in circles building and losing tissue, its all about building and maintaining tissue.
Appreciate the insight there brother! I find it invaluable to learn about others techniques and strategies. Even if they don't directly benefit me, the more I learn, the more resources I have to draw on, should I ever decide I need changes!
Exactly listen and learn from many different people and use what works for you, its that's simple but one thing should be your priority and that's to maintain your muscle tissue at all cost while dieting and make sure you consume enough calories when trying to build and stimulate new growth.
Check out this seminar from the Shawn Ray Classic of the legends of bodybuilding talking about diets and calories, notice the different approaches from the top 3. Shawn Ray never counted cals buy Lee did..
Cheers brother, I'll watch it when I'm at a PC. I've got VIP tickets to next years bodyexpo, so I hope there are some good seminars going on!!Originally Posted by marcus300
Yesterday ok back day. Suffering some sinus problems.
Chamfered d-ring pull down 2 warm 2 work
Wide grip pull ups 2 working weighted
Bent over rows 2 working
Preacher curls 2 working. Just to tweak
Afterward had a delivery. 3 ft tall 4 ft wide 7 ft long. 8 doors each side. A real beast of a display case. Me on one end 2 guys on the other. Off the floor from a low squat position. Has anyone ever tried to do a 3 person synchronized squat? Interesting to say the least. Got it on the trailer and off. I got to back up all the way into the pro shop. Skipping the gym today. Shoulders tomorrow. Peace
Lol at the 3 person squat that was interesting to say the least. Good work out.
Tonight is shoulders my fav body part going to destroy it
Thanks Marcus. I wasn't looking forward to skimming through 912,389,031 pages of this thread to find it! Lol
It will b very useful to utilize this technique for me coming up
And I'm assuming this can b used as a fat loss strategy as well, I know it's not your primary goal, but I was thinking doing it in this sort of fashion and having a goal of about a pound a week loss. My reasoning is I want to do a pre-pre-contest where I get down to about 8-9%(from about 12 now) and see where I stand and then do a short burst cycle then go into maintenance and then precontest.
Last edited by Tron3219; 09-18-2013 at 07:35 AM.
Just wanted to thank you marcus for opening up my schedual. Befor I began to incorperate some of the theriores you talk about here HIT,taking negatives to failure and other things (Just begun to ues these things in trainnig) I could work out almost every other day. Now it takes me a good two, three days to recover. Gonna have change the way I rotate body parts.
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