Great advise ragin. Milkey. Kelkel and Marcus. Thanks guys. will be working on peak on bi
Outer sweep on quad
Thickness on back
And continue with everything else as is.
And on goes the building process.
Thanks again guys.
Great advise ragin. Milkey. Kelkel and Marcus. Thanks guys. will be working on peak on bi
Outer sweep on quad
Thickness on back
And continue with everything else as is.
And on goes the building process.
Thanks again guys.
Don't know if it's the tren predesone or flowmax but appetite is not worth a damn this week. Damn prostate. That thing is a pain in my dick. LolOriginally Posted by marcus300
Night time eating!!!!! Hell ya Marcus!!!! My favorite way to bulk.... It really works... I drink a shit ton of water before bed and the first time I wake up "if bulking" I eat as much as possible. Then make a 60g whey shake with some oats for when I wake up again to pee.... I always wake up twice... When dieting I still use shakes in the night.. Really helps meOriginally Posted by marcus300
My last meal almost every night is a load of cottage cheese. Nice slow digesting protein.
Straight out of the tub or sometimes I mix it with natty pb.......Originally Posted by kronik420
Now that looks like the babies soiled diaper but tastes.......... Awful
12oz salmon and 8oz of asparagus right now. Tuna and CC before bed.Originally Posted by gearbox
Thanks for the unpleasant reminder!Originally Posted by gearbox
Ive done it many times, load up with water and when I get up to go to the toilet eat/shake. In my younger days when I was seriously bulking I would get up twice to feed. Ive found the added size from using 24/7 feeding far more substantial than a slow digesting protein before bed
Good morning oh wise and knowledgable guru Marcus
Yes I'm after something lol
I want big legs can u give me a really good leg w/out please but bear in mind the leg press at my gym only goes upto 400lb and I can press 380lb with one leg
Many thanx
Its hard training legs because its liek half your body all at once and it takes alot of strength and motivation to get through a proper legs workout. I can give you my leg workout at the moment but its all about making it intense and heavy enough to task your system to the max. When I say failure thats total muscular failure and not just stopping when it hurts, thats the difference. It takes alot of positive thinking to get through a legs workout so first thing is get youyr head around the damage and assult your going to be doing, no whimping out training legs is brutal.
I have lower back problems but I still manage to force my legs to failure and beyond, try something like this if you have the equipment
Hammer V squat machine - this machine takes all the pressure of my lower back and fully on my quads - (you can always use the leg press instead of this machine)
I do 3 warm up sets then one working set to failure,
2 forced reps, then I do a triple dropset
Squats or hack squats
2 working sets of 15 reps
leg extentions
2 working sets to failure, 2 forced, 2 negatives
lying leg curls
2 working sets to failure, 2 forced, 2 negatives
seated calf raises
2/3 working sets to failure
standing calf raises
2/3 working sets to failure
I also like to add lunges if possible on certain leg days and also stiff leg dead lifts
Concentrate on how you perform the movement and take yourself to complete failure then add in some forced, negatives or rest pause for taking yourself beyond failure
I can eat it plain no problem but my favorite is mixed with peaches.
Will often take a protein drink up and leave it on the nightstand for when I wake up in the night. Drink that instead of water. It's warm but who cares. I know it's working........then fart myself back to sleep....
Last edited by kelkel; 01-04-2013 at 08:57 AM.
Exactly!!! I never understand how ppl can say there bulking and can stop eating 2-4hrs before bed sleep for 8-9 hrs and then eat an hr after they wake up.. You can't spend half your day fasted and gain any weightOriginally Posted by marcus300
Well a cottage cheese and oats shake. Will be waiting for me tonight![]()
Warm, nice! I dislike cold cottage cheese, I always warm it first!Originally Posted by gearbox
I often add a sugar free crystal light packet to my cottage cheese.![]()
Hit legs today hard and intense,
2 working sets - Dropset v squat hammer
3 sets squats
3 sets leg extension plus forced
3 sets lying leg curls plus forced
3 sets standing calf raises
3 sets seated calf raises
Got legs tomorrow. Makes me want to go tonight.Originally Posted by marcus300
Bet you killed it.
You ever try a good ole 10 sets of ten squat 2 min rest in between. Start the first week about 20-40lbs lighter then you can do and ever 5-8 days repeat adding 10lbs. I do this program at least 2 times a year and always break through plateaus. I think many times our legs have the strength to perform the weight but we don't alway have the workout endurance to keep our strength going through our workouts ..Originally Posted by marcus300
Yes I have tried the 10 sets of squats but I have serious issues with my lower back so my aim isnt to get stronger on my legs but to increase the intensity instead. My legs are strong and if I push for futher strength I would have more issues with my lower back, i'm at my limit with squats so thats why I bring the intensity up and up in every workout. My legs size increases and thast the name of the game for me size.
In my younger day when I had no injuries, I would aim for strength on my legs on the leg press and squat, infact the whole gym use to stop and watch me whne I did legs because of thr weight I use to shift but training over 25 yrs the way I have does take it out of your lower back and I know my limit so intensity is the key with me on my legs which is all honesty is working great and still at my age size increases good. Are you have good results with the 10 set method ?
Big man you are a true inspiration writing this diary. I have really stepped up my intensity in the gym, and the day after doing back last week it felt like my skin was going to rip open!
Keep up the good work and thank you for the mental kick in the ass I needed
Legs feel numb today from my calfs to my glutes. I also was waking up during the night because of the strange feeling in my legs all night, you know that feeling of you caused some damagefeels really good. Lower back a bit sensitive but that due to my lower back problems but not bad seeing what kind of workout I had on my legs, back still in one piece.
Going to be doing delts soon, just feeding and preparing myself what I am going to put myself through
help me Mr Marcus sir please
my biceps are lagging (i thought it was all in my head, but have been told they need work lol, they are out of proportion with the rest of me), and i can't get the pump feeling to last any longer than 5 minutes.... by the time i get to the car park, it's gone
anyway this is my bicep workout (done on back/bicep day, after back) :
3 sets of straight bar curls to failure 8-10 reps, last set dropset to failure 6-8 reps
3 sets of dumbbell curls to failure 8-10 reps, last set double dropset to failure 6-8 reps each
3 sets of hanging concentration curls (btw thank you for this) to failure, last set triple dropset to failure 5-6 reps
1 set of negetives on the bicep machine, i use my body weight to bring the stack up, then just concentrate on the negetive part.. 6-8 reps
1-2 minutes rest between each set
soo, after each set (especially after the dropsets) i can feel my biceps burning.. but that feeling soon goes away, definitely gone by the time i get home...![]()
+ it's the only body part i have trouble with, everything else like legs, chest, back are sore for 3-5 days after i work them.. should i just train biceps ED or EOD??
i guess it would help if i was eating my bulking diet atm, but idk, my biceps have always been lagging, weather im bulking or cutting...
btw thanks for the night time eating tip will definitely be doing this next time i bulk up
Curls per marcus
^^ you got it lovbyts
If your not getting results from trianing them with back then I would hit them separately. Also if you can do 3 working sets to failure then last set dropset I would say your not really going to failure on the first 1-2 sets and your holding back for the last set. You may think you are going to failure but I doubt you really are because mentally you know you have another 2-3 sets left so you hold something back for those sets. I would fully warm up and then hit 1-2 working sets at the most and what I mean by working sets is all out, to complete failure and beyond. So lets say we will do 3 excersies straight bar curls or dumbell curls - incline dumbell curls and standing bent over concentration curls.
Once you have fully warmed up you hit your working sets which will be 1-2 depending on how you feel, sometimes I can do one other times I get get two out but never no more because it would be impossible for me to compelte another set due the what ive just put myself through, if I did or could I would over work the biceps and go backwards instead of forwards. Once you have hit failure and I mean complete muscular failure were another rep is impossible even if you had a gun to your head then you can either go with 2 forced reps, then 2 negatives.....or if you dont have a partner once you hit failure you dropset say your doing 60's you would drop to 50's to failure then drop to 40's to failure - that set is done them, its over.
Then you move onto the next which would be incline dumbell curls and do the exact as the above but without the warm up set, normally I would do one feel set and then get straight into my working sets, either failure,forced and negs or triple drop set. Then I would move onot the next which would be standing bent over concentraion curls and repeat. After that session I wont be able to touch the back of my head my arms are that pumped and full.
From the sounds of it I really dont think your training to failure and your holding back for you all out last set which in turn will waste alot of your power, strength and motivation to go to failure and beyond. You have to get your head around training in this way, its not easy and many cant or wont do it and its especially hard if you have a lagging bodypart but you have to get in the right state of mind. Failure means you cant lift another rep no matter what, there is absolutely no power left in them and even a half rep is out of the question, at this stage this is where you either get your partner to do 2 forced reps which will make you scream and put you in extreme pain, then you need to push past this into negative strength which is the only strength you have left, once muscular failure set in and you have gone past forced strength negative is the last kind you have, the pain is bad but you have to go to this place if you want to recruit ever fibre you have and force growth to take place
thank you, i appreciate the detail you go into, i don't read books, so your post's are the next best thing lol
tomorrow's back/bicep, will try incline dumbbell curls tomorrow, and limit to 1-2 working sets, with triple drop sets as i train solo..
might try a 5 day split this week:
Monday chest/tris
Tuesday back/bis
Wednesday shoulders/abs
Thursday legs
Friday tris/bis (this would be my added day, since i usually do just the mon-thurs split..)
thanks again
Marcus and Humanproject after reading your feeding at night. We Are dumb to think wee feed all day then sleep( fast) all night and it doesn't matter. Little things like that are over looked. Got 700 cals more between 2:30 and 5 this morning. Plan on that from here on out. Thanks guys. Glad your legs hurt Marcus.![]()
When I use to bulk to add serious size to my frame 24/7 feeding was normal for me especially when I started to get heavy and needed to push past a sticking point. Evenly split your calorie requirements over 24/7 plus add the right amounts of calories to push past your sticking point and it can easily be achieved. The only problem is never being hungry and alway being full but once you stretch the stomach its easy to cope with
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