Havnt used them honestly. I worked out at home almost all my life - never had chains or bands. I still don't use them even though I'm at a gym now.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Havnt used them honestly. I worked out at home almost all my life - never had chains or bands. I still don't use them even though I'm at a gym now.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
LmfaoOriginally Posted by Dpyle
Try them for squatting. We have chains in our gym very good for helping build strength as the weight is lowered for the squat so is the actual weight on the bar due to the chains being compressed but on the power positive part of the rep it gets heavier and helps you add weight without the risk of hurting yourself too easily I like them on squats esp gives a different feel to just a load of plates
I have been picturing you yelling at me with a gun in my face lately when I'm training because I train alone and youre always using the 'gun to your head' analogy. I've had a few guns in my face over the years and it's strangely not that scary. Its oddly calming, like 'ok this can go one of two ways, so here we go' but I'll tell you what... You don't have a head in my mental picture because I picture only what I've seen you post as av's and they don't have heads. Getting a gun in your face by a huge headless pissed off bodybuilder with shaking eyes is motivatinghaha.
Great work, your thicker, wider and bigger
What ever you have done over the last 12 months is working, just keep an eye on your development and if things stop or slow down adjust things up so you carry on gaining, just think if you carry on with this growth for another 2 years
Everybody is growing bigger and I am growing smallerfuk knew I should of kept this lot to myself
I really like training with a partner because I have an immense rush from forced and negatives reps. I think its because once your at true failure your partner can assist you with your last failure rep which really activate the tough 2b fibers and also there is no rest what so ever going from true positive failure into 2 forced reps which takes me to a whole different level regarding breaking down the muscle, at this stage your have gone broken down true positive failure then gone into the forced failure and the only strength left is negatives and without any rest you go straight into negatives. Negatives cause more muscle damage than concentric ( positive) part of training, eccentric training (negative) induces ruptures within the muscle fibers and is one of the main factors of DOMS. So by going to TRUE positive failure then going past this straight into forced failure and finish with negative failure you have recruited and destroyed the muscle fibers what produce the biggest gains.
This is only one way to push past failure, once you learn how to get to true failure but I really like forced and negatives they have done me proud. A word of warning though they can make you feel extremely sick and you don't have to set after set just one working set of these done properly and your done.
Last edited by marcus300; 09-25-2013 at 08:51 AM.
Marcus you made a post a couple weeks ago talking about battling through shoulder pain from pumps and it has helped me tremendously. In the past I would wait until the pump was full before doing the next set. Now I'm just gritting my teeth and going.. Focusing on form and the movement so to avoid any injury. Love it.
Have been following the HITT routine and feel absolutely great. I'm out of the gym a lot faster too! Switched up my split and movements as well. Feel like I've lost a % or two bf.. I'm a week post cycle so that may be it, but feeling lean and dominant in the gym.
Due to work i had to combine two workouts today, shoulders, triceps and biceps.
Still got rotator cuff injury so really carefull on shoulders warmed up a lot.
Side laterals
Front raises
Machine press
Straight bar push downs
Close grip bench press
Over head db extension
Ez bar curls
Incline db curls
Preacher curls
All done ro failure very pumped.
Tonight was chest:
Started with hammerstrength pressing kept the weight light again 3 sets of 12ish reps was very good to just push light weight and feel the contraction of the muscle. Got a brilliant pump on this and reallt nice not to be completely fatigued.
Moved onto incline db pressing. The same as above just sticking to the same weight and again just feeling the muscle work without overload was great again another nice pump from this.
Then we tried something diff for flies, one set of decline, one set of flat and incline, this was very good just as a mix to experiment with combinations back to back.
Then cardio again tonight only 10 mins as had to leave early
Found this great video of Yates being interviewed on youtube while watching other bb'ers videos. He comes across very well and speaks candidly about everything but he does control the interview. He touchs on the fact that he was machine like to win all the olympias and also speaks about many different things.
Something does tell me though he has mellowed quite a lot in his old age but def not a chap to fked with he is still super driven etc but I agree with his ideas re keep on training etc
Its very long but really worth the watch he speaks about training a lot and interesting about how he lists the priorities for bbing etc
First day with a training partner. First time ever with a training partner. We will see how it goes. hopefully I can explain failure to him. Don't fully know how to do it yet but get an idea of the principals. Gonna hit it in about an hour.
Damn it. Hello my name is Cape and I am addicted to the gym.
Hello Cape.
I couldn't resist going in today. I'm taking the next 3 days off. Then try and start the eod schedule. I think it was worth it. My avi was after workout. I honestly think I'm mentally and physically addicted to working out. Lol
You have to make sure once you are struggling with a weight and it slows/stops your partner will assist you slightly so the weight keeps moving, make sure he doesn't take all the weight off you, only very slight so you are still moving but its extremely hard. This is the time when your type 2b fibers come into play and if you and your partner get to know each other it can be a great way to train. I really like forced reps and negatives but makes sure you have the forced reps under control before moving onto negatives. Also never think about the forced reps coming up just think about going to true positive failure so you cant do anymore then your partner will help you with a couple of forced reps, welcome to the pain zone
Let me know how you get on
I like this Kel. When I made my come back last year I was going all out. Good for a while then it got to the point 4-5 days in a row and I was out for two days. Had no energy left. I started no more than 3 or 2 in a row and felt much better. After this injury I'm going with every other day. My age is a factor...crazy mike
Legs -pre exhaust
Leg extension
3 warm up sets
1 working set to failure
lying leg curls
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure
Hack squats
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure + 2 forced
Leg press
2 working sets to failure
3 sets to failure
Was very strong on all my lifts even though I am fairly depleted, strength doing great and still pushing myself to failure juts not using any other protocols yet until my prime is over. Legs feel numb, slight ringing and deafness in the ears which is always a good sign for me on leg day.
Age definitely is a factor. Using rest to our advantage is what allows the older bodybuilder to continue to maintain and/or make progress into our older years. You just can't keep beating yourself into oblivion on a daily basis. Brief, intense workouts followed by proper nutrition and rest are critical to continued progress for us older guys, IMHO. It's not how long your in the gym, it's what you do while your there.
Marcus, did you decide on cycle?
Kel, did you decide to run a blast?
Agreed, I think he was spoofing a bit about him not wanting to be coperate etc but he is still pushing supps etc. But the training and diet advice is brilliant and certain aspects of the sport he spoke about were interesting. His other views not sure what to make of them
I am of two minds, I want to push some boundaries again but not sure if my body will take the pounding I will need to put it under. I've been training for 28 yrs and I ache all over but I love size and turning heads, then my other side tells me to slim down a bit and just maintain what I got.....I juggle between the two all the time
Just got back from the gym a little while ago. First time with a training partner. After briefly explaining what I was shooting for he was on board. It was mostly a feeling out process we did chest and arms. Once we got the feel and got some communication down it was a totally different experience. Pushing until you cant any more and having the other person slowly raise the bar so you have to keep pushing I don't think can be reproduced. Opened my eyes to a whole new world.
There has been a great amount of help given here by a lot of people. Watching capes progress, getting different ideas, and being willing to try a different way of doing something as all helped. I feel like a infant taking my first steps and I'm 34. Gotta have thick skin around here but if I listen it pays off. Thanks Marcus
That's it, you listen and learn and try different approaches and use what works for you, if HIT doesn't make you grow bigger thicker muscles change it to another routine but give it 3-6 months and understand what you got to do before giving up. There isn't one thing what suits us all you find out what works and adapt it to your needs.
We are a gentle bunch around here, no need for thick skin especially with all the pinning going on lol
LMFAO your trying to yank my chain Cape lol
Last edited by marcus300; 09-26-2013 at 09:59 AM.
No my friend I know where that chain has been. Won't touch that with a 2 foot pole.
Remember there may be some honesty in my comment. I'd like to find out. May not get to go pound for pound. But visually a lot can happen in a year.. If I don't go broke trying to feed myself. Lol
All in good fun big guy. Good motivation for me anyway.![]()
That's half the fuking battle feeding the machine, I eat big and lift big its hard work
On a sensible note, I can grow on a light cycle just by training and diet ive done it on just my trt so I know I can do it again, its the work schedule what would come in the way of any progression for me. But I would like to put on another 5-8 lbs of tissue and cut my bf down a few digits and that's means heavy cycling at my size but who knows I may just drop in a short burst and see what happens..![]()
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