Looking great man hopefully will look like yourself soon
busy at the moment will update soon when I have more time.
You guys just keep growing you set of cvnts
I feel small ( can you tell i'm depleted)
Thx DCI Hazard and Marcus. Better but still a lot of room for improvement.
You will know when I reach my goal. I will change my user name to :
Marcus the Second.
King of All.
Lol, I thinknwe all see the faults than the good parts which is annoying i suppose
yesterday legs:
Smith squats 245x6 dropped 205, 185
leg press 14 plates, dropped to 10 plates then 6 plates
extensions 205, 150, 90
curls new machine forget weights
seated calves....slow full rom, until I could barely...dropped once
Today was chest and abs
Incline db 85x7 dropped 60-40
Flat smith 225x6 dropped 185-135
straight set starting with decline hammer strength into incline hammer strength. no drops, 2 working sets
incline db flys 45x8 35-25
Hanging leg raise
bench knee raise (don't know name of these, sitting on edge knees to chest,)
side bends with a plate in one hand
Any changes anyone would make?
Lol cape...lost some strength with 2wks off and only eating soup. So slowly getting back into it. Month ago was getting 100 db on incline and 105 on flat...but still no where near u guys.
And hams and quads...gym was way the freaking busy. ..went to do stiff leg deads...every bar taken. Went to do laying curls even waited...machine taken...so only got thw one seated curls in.
Tonight was back. This was a seriously intense session, was amped before getting in there. Very humid tonight which made it even harder as it was very tough due to the humidity.
Started with T bar rows. Really love this exercise, slow and heavy tonight could feel the back muscles burn and rip as you pull the weight esp when doing it heavy. Pushed hard tonight did two heavy sets and two drops really was burning after it.
Bent over bb rows again heavy slow and control technique of feeling the weight again slowly rip the back apart, I could feel muscles being destroyed by the exercise.
Tensioned deads, this was great heaped the weight on tonight was feeling great but honestly this is unreal at really pulling all of your back together. Everyone should try these really really reccomend them.
Then cable d rows slow again and heavy.
And hypers just to strech out the back
Thank's KK the more I listen the more Ican feel my body grow. My back at the mo has been dead all evening after the gym so I know tomorrow will be a sore but worthwhile day
You guys are leaving me behind but don't think I am out of the game just yet my workouts are on a pullback at present but strength is very good and haven't dropped any during the prime. I have had to make some changes to the prime to help certain areas what needed addressing but at this stage I am down 6lbs in 3 weeks and that's on a load, Haven't lost any muscle from what I can see but the fullness isn't like my usual self may be I will try 2 day load see how far in cab stretch that.
Been very busy with allsorts of stuff going on but gym as been good, had a bad leg workout and couldn't handle the weight due to hamstring giving me shit, my age is really getting to me and I struggle keeping the pace and drive what I am use to.
Feel a bit pissed off about the depletion phase state because I am not reacting like I use to which is a right cvnt to deal with, my age is the problem and its gets me down, I just know I am going to injury myself seriously if I carry on pushing the boundaries into he pain zone what I adore. But I cant help the way I train its maintains my size which is coming down.
I do have some secret weapon up my sleeves which I implement but again I will be risking my health but I am close to do it....
why does size control use so much, I know I am not going be that 300lbs monster walking around like I wanted to but my mental state is so high but my body seems to let me down because I am old and things ache and hurt...
I need some tuna and eggs hungry like fuk now Mmmmmmmmmmm
Man, you are miles ahead of most of us half your age do don't be letting a small pull up in intensity take too much effect, I can imagine your pull up in strength would our extreme in weight so keep the head and destroy some weight like it was free.
Keep slipping old man and I'll be on ya.
Lol. Just kidding. You will probably loose more muscle in your life than I will ever have. Size is important for some reason. But only important for us. Nobody else wishes WE were bigger. Just us. Our own demons maybe. Idk. Just keep doing what you're doing.
Pm me your secret.
Yes, getting older sucks and I'm older than you. Improvise and adapt. When I was younger, competing, training each body part twice a week and going full bore 6 days in a row with one day off, my body could handle it. As I've aged I've realized how much more important rest and recovery is for the aging bodybuilder. It was hard initially to not be in the gym almost every day. But after time I realized I'm now fully rested for each and every workout and they are as productive as ever. I know many guys who have tried to maintain a young mans methods who are now just basically burnt out. Their desire and drive has left the building.
Maybe it's time to change your mindset just a little when it comes to rest. I think you'd be surprised how well you can do. I know for me I've been able to maintain far more than I thought at my age with very minimal AAS usage. I have no desire to ever go back to every day training. There's just so much more to life and so many other fun things to do! I know when I was younger I missed out on so much due to the things you have to do to be successful in this arena. I'm not complaining as there are great benefits to what we do as well, it's just an observation. Training less does not mean that you're less the bodybuilder. It just means your adapting and this will improve your longevity in the sport we all love. Hell, I want to be one of the best built old fvcks around and I know you do as well!
Listen to your body Marcus! Some minor changes could actually mean some renewed progress, both mentally and physically. Rant over.
Nice post Kel. But damn I'm not ready to be old yet. I guess 41 isn't that old but I feel it every morning getting out of bed. Throwing my feet over the side and sitting there stretching things out.
You have told me and I know you and Marcus are right but I having a hard time taking eod off. I'm working on it. You two are a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate your constant input. It's just I've really started training properly and I want to push. But not to the point of injury.
Outstanding post today fellas.
I'm huge on rest my friend, my workouts last 40 mins at the most, and over a period of 8-9 days I am normally having 4 days + off training so its not rest mate. What it is I beat myself up because i'm mentally very strong at pushing my body to its limit, its something what comes easy to me, I can really control my mind and inner voice, but you know what I mean when I say my body as changed so much over the last 12 months, what I do just gets harder and harder but my mental ability is still as strong as when I was in my 20's, this is what piss's me off. I am also priming which does make me angry from time to time on my last low carb day lol as you can tell but it does have its advantages in the gym lol..
Ive also adapted to my age by pre exhaust which seems to be my thing at the moment and I am also not as forceful in the gym due to yet again the prime, which is all a big build up for the serious assault I am going to give my body soon. Its just strange how you have to adapt to when my body tells me to, usually my body tells me to go further, push harder and break down some muscle tissue. These days it tells me take another rest day, ear more and lets make this workout last 30 mins this time lol
I love this game, I love my determination and I adore my mental ability, I just hate my joints and little bits what " hey this hurts lower the weight"
Always remember once you fatigue the body because you may be over training you cant push your body to true failure, you may think you are but its impossible to do. You have changed so much in the last 12 months don't have a stand still or a step backwards, train sensible and work with your body. Pullbacks are good I do them every 6-8 weeks roughly and it would be impossible for me to train any longer at the intensity and force I do if I didn't.
I thought you and Marcus where both T1000's lol
Exactly Kel, no matter what anybody is going through regarding training, diets or steroids we all have been there. God ive only just stopped looking in the mirror and thinking I am skinny and small and ive been training for 28 yrs. Us bodybuilders are fuked in the head we can see things other do, we a breed of our own and no matter what anybody is going through we all have been there.
Ive been like a machine over the years, so regimented in the things I do, so dedicated in my approach and also so fuking stupid with the things ive done but no matter what anybody feels or goes through your not on your own, trust me we have been there.
Yep, but I'll take this life style and all its issues over friends of mine who are my age and just disgusting, out of shape, drinking all the time, smoking and eating like shit. Yet they wonder why they can't get in shape with their little workouts. I'll take our warped mindset anytime.
Now, off to do legs cause god knows I need another vein down there. Think I'm skipping squats today or maybe do them last. One knee is slightly irritated for some damn reason. Always something hurting, it just rotates locations.....
It still staggers me how strong the human body is when you consider what you said above is the norm for everybody. I see people of my generation and their idea of a cooked dinner is, oven fries and breaded chicken with a tin of beans as vegtables and washed down with a soft drink and or beer.
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