Afternoon everyone, hope everyone is having a good safe wk end. Back is in bits the day, resting and eating. Bi is still sore so most likely a rest day the mora.
Afternoon everyone, hope everyone is having a good safe wk end. Back is in bits the day, resting and eating. Bi is still sore so most likely a rest day the mora.
Okay here goes! Critique away! I can handle it. Can I just say I love my belt!!!!
Total weight listed so Cape doesn't have to do math!! Wouldn't want to strain your brain [emoji12]
Leg press
Warm up - 270
Set 1 - 380lb 10 reps
Set 2 - 450lbs 5 reps clean
Drop - 360lb 9 reps
Knee sleeve on and still didn't push too much, knee is a weak spot due to dirt bike accident years ago.
Weighted steps up
50lbs - 12 each leg
50lbs - 10 each leg
70lbs - 6 each leg
Dead lift - now here is where I played, tested my body! I know way too many reps.
Warm - 70lbs
Set 1 - 85lb 10 reps
Set 2 - 95lb 10 reps
Set 3 - 115lb 8 reps (count this as first set)
Set 4 - 125lb 5 reps
Drop - 95lb 9 reps
Reverse Hack - sore by now but adrenaline kicking in, I swear I get high from lifting.
Set 1 - 110lb 9 rep
Set 2 - 140lb 5 rep
Drop - 120lb 8 rep
Leg curls -
set 1 - 100lb 9 reps
Set 2 - 120lbs 5 reps
Drop - 110lb 7 reps (struggled here)
Lying leg curl
Set 1 - 50lbs 10 reps
Set 2 - 65lbs 5 reps
I was done at this point on hamstrings
Hip raises
3 sets 70lb BB 15 reps each!!! Booty time.
Major abs today again!
I felt like I did well, could I have done more probably. What are all your thoughts?
Advice please!
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Last edited by AKD_FitChick; 04-09-2017 at 01:16 PM.
You killed it. If you know the reps were too high on deads you know what you have to do. Increase the weight. Lol
I wouldn't drop 90 lbs on the leg press for your drop set.
I think you did great. And legs that's a big hard group. You have figured it out quickly. Each day it will get better and better. Your mind will be stronger for it as well.
Awe, did I get a win finally?
You are absolutely correct on deads, I was testing my new belt. For sure next time, I will start at 115-125 I am sure and go higher for set 2. I just had done like 40 reps by that time lol!
Hear you on the leg press, will take your advice and go down 45 next. Just going to honor my knee. I know I can go more than 450, but that pesky knee tells me no sometimes. I sweet talk it first, but today he fought back![]()
Funny note: my BF said "babe it's not the girl that should be the meathead it's the guy". Ha ha ha! That made me laugh![]()
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Last edited by AKD_FitChick; 04-09-2017 at 02:10 PM.
What's up everyone.
Just got done with a quick weekend getaway.
Wife bought me concert tickets for vday. Then surprised me the day before we did a sound check and meet and greet before the concert.
Was an awesome weekend. And a quick test of Orlando with the boy. We go to Disney in two weeks lol.
Orlando is the happiest "worst " place on earth lol. But was good times.
Took 3 days off the gym. Gonna switch my routine up this week so hopefully see some new gains coming.
Here's a pic of the boy. We spent the whole day Saturday at the pool
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Hope everyone had a great weekend! Can't wait for my session tomorrow
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Didn't do Disney but we hit the down town area with all the restaurants. Forget what it's called. Freaking Friday night at almost 10. Every place had a 2 hour wait :/
Then the concert was at hard rock live in the front of universal. So also crazy.
I'm looking forward to him having a great first Disney trip. But I am gonna hate it at the same time lmao
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Gonna switch to shoulders . Usually back.
Old schedule
We'd- chest
Fri- shoulders
Sun- arms
Been doing this for 2-3 months now.
Gonna try this now
Mon- shoulders
Wed- back
Fri- chest
Sun- arms
Not big change, but any change helps.
And I know obviously no legs. But it's just not possible right now. Legs used to be my favorite body part to work. I did have some wheels on me before
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Funny, swimming with the boy this weekend. I thought swimming would be therapeutic if you would. But it put me through hell for a few hours. Could barely move afyer
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Morning fallas, GGR, FitChick. Hope everyone had a good wk end, rest day for me as this arm is still sore. Most likely back to it the mora, away to work catch up the night.
Morning people
Morning, everyone.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Morning to all.
Morning Big Man, AG, Cape, Clarky!
Let's do this... getting something to eat now gotta fuel up!
Good morning everyone.
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Machine Bench Press. Super w/ seated cable cross overs. 1 warm 2 working
Machine incline superset w/seated cable cross overs 2 working a lot of partials.
Machine decline. 2 working both double drop.
Was going to be a pull back day to cold or pollen. It wasn't. I killed it today.
Finally getting some size back on chest.
Good morning Marcus and the rest of you hitters.Bright sunny day out gotta love it!
Morning everyone. Horrible night sleep. Filled with pain ;/
But at work now. Can't wait for shoulders tonight!
Have a great day!!
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