Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #51081
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    My step son has the same issue. No thyroid control with generics but responds great with name brand drugs.

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    I'm allergic to the non generics to. I have bottles of prescription thyroid med genetic and non genetic. Big Pharma Fillers

  2. #51082
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Morning AG, Cape, Song, Sfla, Odin, D Girly KJ

    Chest got beat up good though I only did 2 pressing movements and various cable flys... it feels good!
    10 minutes warmup in stair master
    1 hour weight class with cardio. (Reminded me of Shawn T with dumbbells. It was just what I needed. I've lost so much muscle tone , I'm mostly starting over. The instructor taught HIIT and kicked my derrière and I liked it. Lol.

  3. #51083
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    It always amazes me how many problems can stem from poor thyroid function.
    Thyroid hormones affect almost any cell in the body. But for some ppl there is a strong component represented by having a chronic, unrelenting inflammation going on in the body, as hypothyroidism and thyroiditis are different pathological entities. The autoimmune-mediated destruction of the gland will eventually result in hypothyroidism over time, but even with optimal treatment the thyroiditis might persists, and that's not good for the affected person functioning and wellbeing. I am one of those and what works for me in that context are anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil, last time I've run out of it it took only a couple of weeks for lymph nodes in the neck to swollen noticeably. In the AAS world, strong androgens like Tren seem to have some immune-modulating power so that to suppress the inflammation and better some of the markers.

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    She is incredibly stubborn at times, which is somewhat irritating.
    That's a feature of many ladies with untreated hypo...

    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    According to the mentioned, dr says yes to Hashi, thyroid and more. I haven't read the book just the intro.

    I have access to compounding pharmacy. My issue is difficult to find one Doctor Who will prescribe compound for both.
    There shouldn't be any need for Iodine in ppl taking exogenous thyroid hormones , especially if TSH is to be kept very low.

    Quote Originally Posted by AKD_FitChick View Post
    Awe! You are the guru! You know more about the thyroid then any one I have ever spoken too.

    Good to know on the iodine. I will not be taking that. Since finally I am running good.

    I have selenium too, but don't take it at dr request. Since my levels are good finally

    How is yours maintaining?
    While is true that Se is needed for T4-T3 conversion the supplements are more of a nice anti-oxidant supplement than anything, and that's why I take them really.

    I did a thyroid panel very recently and I'm doing fine - TSH is near zero, FT4 is low on range but that's my physiological level, FT4 scored on upper limit of range 2h after 10mcg T3 , but those are going to be significantly lower through the day as liothyronine half life is very short, so probably best course of action is to split dosage morning/evening, but I feel it's fine already this way. What concerns me though is persisting high white cell counts, with abs lymphocytes being a tad over range, that means probably the destructive autoimmune process is still going on internally.

    Pulled some further labs including IGF-1 and cortisol, let's see if my pituitary is failing me there, I need to run an MRI again (I have a small adenoma) because I have unexplainable and persisting high prolactin levels (just got on caber again today). Was expecting further drowsiness as I experienced the first time but my CNS must still remember how to handle it (or never re-adapted upon cessation).

  4. #51084
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    Quote Originally Posted by AKD_FitChick View Post
    Get her booty in the dr. I get seen and tested every 6-8 weeks.

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    LOL, it's go going to happen soon if I have to sedate her and drag her in. . I asked her to make her appointments for lab and PCP by the end of the week. From there we can get her back on track with her endo. He is the one that bought up the possibility of switching to a T3/T4 combo. He is Middle Eastern with a very thick accent that is hard to understand for the first few minutes of every conversation until my brain gets in gear. He is suppose to be very current and good. He got his degree in New Delhi, but did a residency @ Johns Hopkins, so we felt pretty good about him being her endo.
    The symptoms of being "down", unmotivated, weight gain are all there. Also, she is still very down from when we had to put our big boy down, so I'm really pushing her to get into her appointments. Even made a deal with her that she could start coming down to the shop with me when I lift and she could get her cardio in (I really prefer to lift alone, but in this case, I can make an exception).
    That's great that you have a compounding pharmacy that can whip up a custom blend and filler for you.
    Appreciate the input and support, Fitchick! I'll make sure I fulfill the role of the nagging husband.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  5. #51085
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    Got the truck washed; actually I hand washed it twice with absolutely no crazy shoulder pains. Decided to run down the road and fill up some gas cans with ethanol free gas and when I was loading the cans back up into the truck I just lifted them up over the tailgate and "Ouch"!!! Go figure, damned if I am sure what to do about it.
    Still hope to get the shoulder under the IR lamp for 20 minutes or so and then go work shoulders late tonight.
    Y'all have a nice lazy Sunday.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  6. #51086
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Understand that. Where I work is closing in a little over a year, but the overtime is still wide open for now. I'm already scheduled to work July 3rd and 4th which are holidays. Sometimes it seems like work has us on a hamster wheel, doesn't it?
    Rotator cuff had defo crossed my mind, I ruptured the bursa of the shoulder giving me grief about a decade ago, so I'm thinking the worst and guessing at a joint issue or the muscle and tendons of the cuff.
    However, when I got a deep tissue massage Friday, the young lady that I go to said she felt a good bit of scar tissue and probable adhesion in the anterior head and delt/pec tie in.
    Since scar tissue and adhesion can cause some pretty nasty pain and some weakness, I'm going to stop by a physical rehab place close to work and talk to them about scraping the area?
    The young lady I go for my deep tissue work has a friend that does a lot of IASTM and ASTYM work and she said if I stopped by she would have look at it. She did tell me that if it needed ASTYM, it would require sessions for 4-6 weeks, but she would squeeze me in for a test drive/initial session for free if she thought it would be effective.
    If that doesn't do it, then I'll ask my Dr. to send for imaging or if it would be effective I am sure she would write me an order for the treatment so I could use HSA $$ to pay for any of the costs my insurance doesn't cover.
    I'm sitting with an IR lamp focused on the area right now and it does give some relief. Wanted to lift this morning but I think IR lamp and some band work is going to be the plan this morning and then lift late tonight before work.
    I would avoid jumping into RC surgery until explore all options. Although a reputable surgeon would suggest the same.
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 06-25-2017 at 03:06 PM.

  7. #51087
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I would avoid jumping into RC surgery until explore all options. Although a reputable surgeon would suggest the same.
    Yes ma'am, that's my plan. Surgery would be a final resort. I'm hoping if the Graston muscle scraping is an option and doesn't improve it, then the ASTYM will. Absolutely last thing I want to do is get cut open again. Knowing my luck I would start throwing clots again and end up in a bind.
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  8. #51088
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    Morning All.

  9. #51089
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    Morning, gang!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #51090
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    Good morning everyone

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  11. #51091
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    Morning my friends!

  12. #51092
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    Good morning Marcus Cape Nach Ag D Clarky and the rest of you freeks!

  13. #51093
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    Man... woke up this am and some nerve is running from my neck to my lower back and it's radiating back and forth to each side... called a specialist in Reiki(energy and massage) hope I can get in asap... also was supposed to be leg day my quad feels great but the compression of my spine is what I'm worried about - I'm tighter than a banjo string and took a soma already I'm having a hard time relaxing my neck and back... any thoughts??

  14. #51094
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Man... woke up this am and some nerve is running from my neck to my lower back and it's radiating back and forth to each side... called a specialist in Reiki(energy and massage) hope I can get in asap... also was supposed to be leg day my quad feels great but the compression of my spine is what I'm worried about - I'm tighter than a banjo string and took a soma already I'm having a hard time relaxing my neck and back... any thoughts??
    If your lower back is geeked and won't release/quit locking up in a spasm, I would hold off on legs unless I stuck strictly with leg presses.
    If the Soma kicks in and it doesn't feel "wrong" stretch as much as you can, particularly the one where get down on the floor on hands and knees and arch your back like a cat. Try to really get a good stretch in your lower back. From there, I would put my feet at the base of the rack, grab the uprights down just above waist height, and then rock back on your heels as far as possible to get a good stretch in the middle of your back. If that feels ok, go with one handed pulls off of the uprights to really stretch the lats.
    If that helps and you decide to hit legs, it's always a good idea to follow Kel's protocol of doing some ab work. I've found that hitting abs before back or legs really helps me out.
    Hope some of that will get you by, Nach!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  15. #51095
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    If your lower back is geeked and won't release/quit locking up in a spasm, I would hold off on legs unless I stuck strictly with leg presses.
    If the Soma kicks in and it doesn't feel "wrong" stretch as much as you can, particularly the one where get down on the floor on hands and knees and arch your back like a cat. Try to really get a good stretch in your lower back. From there, I would put my feet at the base of the rack, grab the uprights down just above waist height, and then rock back on your heels as far as possible to get a good stretch in the middle of your back. If that feels ok, go with one handed pulls off of the uprights to really stretch the lats.
    If that helps and you decide to hit legs, it's always a good idea to follow Kel's protocol of doing some ab work. I've found that hitting abs before back or legs really helps me out.
    Hope some of that will get you by, Nach!
    Perfect that's exactly what I had in mind AG! Defo abs b4 hand I got away from that and can really feel it now as well... thx as always for the suggestions always appreciated

  16. #51096
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    If your lower back is geeked and won't release/quit locking up in a spasm, I would hold off on legs unless I stuck strictly with leg presses.
    If the Soma kicks in and it doesn't feel "wrong" stretch as much as you can, particularly the one where get down on the floor on hands and knees and arch your back like a cat. Try to really get a good stretch in your lower back. From there, I would put my feet at the base of the rack, grab the uprights down just above waist height, and then rock back on your heels as far as possible to get a good stretch in the middle of your back. If that feels ok, go with one handed pulls off of the uprights to really stretch the lats.
    If that helps and you decide to hit legs, it's always a good idea to follow Kel's protocol of doing some ab work. I've found that hitting abs before back or legs really helps me out.
    Hope some of that will get you by, Nach!
    I've had some lower back issues lately. Thought the same thing, I'll use leg press in lieu of squats to save my back. Didn't work out too well for me. Believe it or not, I could squat just fine but when I would unrack the weight on the LP machine, whoa! Tons of pressure and pain throughout my lumbar spine. Weird, I know.

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  17. #51097
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    I've had some lower back issues lately. Thought the same thing, I'll use leg press in lieu of squats to save my back. Didn't work out too well for me. Believe it or not, I could squat just fine but when I would unrack the weight on the LP machine, whoa! Tons of pressure and pain throughout my lumbar spine. Weird, I know.

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    Hmm, weird. Vertical leg press or angled leg press, OOS?
    On my angled leg press I always make sure I push myself back into the seat and backrest as much as I can before taking the weight off of the safeties.
    Haven't had access to a vertical leg press in ages since I have gotten in the habit of lifting in my shop, but when I did use one I loved it. However, I always had to tweak the position of my @ss/lower back relative to my foot position to find my "sweet spot". I got setup at an angle to the weights instead of being in position to drive squarely a few times and I would get some really funky pain in my hips and lower back. Quickly learned not to do that.
    On either one, don't go so low that your @ss is rounding up off of the seat or the pad.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  18. #51098
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Hmm, weird. Vertical leg press or angled leg press, OOS?
    On my angled leg press I always make sure I push myself back into the seat and backrest as much as I can before taking the weight off of the safeties.
    Haven't had access to a vertical leg press in ages since I have gotten in the habit of lifting in my shop, but when I did use one I loved it. However, I always had to tweak the position of my @ss/lower back relative to my foot position to find my "sweet spot". I got setup at an angle to the weights instead of being in position to drive squarely a few times and I would get some really funky pain in my hips and lower back. Quickly learned not to do that.
    On either one, don't go so low that your @ss is rounding up off of the seat or the pad.
    Angled press, AG. Like you, I always "lock" my @$$ and lower back into the seat of the machine before disengaging the safety catches. After reconsidering, probably not my lumbar spine, but my sacrum, left side. Went to the chiro Friday and he helped a lot, so going to follow up again this Friday. I really think my issue is my job. Got a "promotion" a couple years ago and now I'm a desk jockey whereas before I was able to get a really nice mix of sitting and also being up and moving. Standing takes so much pressure off my back, I'm seriously considering a standing desk. Have to remind myself to get up and walk every 30 mins or so. In fact.....

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  19. #51099
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Angled press, AG. Like you, I always "lock" my @$$ and lower back into the seat of the machine before disengaging the safety catches. After reconsidering, probably not my lumbar spine, but my sacrum, left side. Went to the chiro Friday and he helped a lot, so going to follow up again this Friday. I really think my issue is my job. Got a "promotion" a couple years ago and now I'm a desk jockey whereas before I was able to get a really nice mix of sitting and also being up and moving. Standing takes so much pressure off my back, I'm seriously considering a standing desk. Have to remind myself to get up and walk every 30 mins or so. In fact.....

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    LOL, I know what you mean. I am generally up on my feet or out walking back and forth but when I have to spend more time than usual seated, my lower back raises mortal hell. Like you I try to remember to get up frequently to stir around a bit and will often find a out of the way corner in the shop and do some toe touches.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  20. #51100
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    Shit, waaay past time to crash. Took my truck in for some service work today and then had to hit the grocery for a few things.
    Pretty tired, so good night, gals and guys.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  21. #51101
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    Delts tri work - benching the other day I strained my good shoulder right in the front delt(hurts to the touch as well as raising it and the negative down) we'll see hi it goes

    -- smith MP - **PB** 295 for 7
    Pyramided up doing 10+ reps for 3 w/u as I added weight
    2w(295) 8 w/two forced reps/5 w/2 forced DD + burn out

    -- seated side laterals
    2w DD 8-12 rep range on working sets not drops

    -- rear delts lying 35* facing incline live these KEL!
    4w w/60s elbows flared pulling up & out 12+ w/20sec rest

    -- front delts - tea cups - raise w/a twist out(thumbs up) unilaterally
    3w no rest just arm to arm 12*

    My delts were smoked after this
    -- incline skull crushers s/s'd into CG press
    1w(145) 6-8 with forced reps then L shoulder was giving me grief so I lowered the weight and went for TUT 3w(90) 8-15 minimum rest like above

    - EZbar CG pushdowns
    1w drop x4 heavy then burn out

    - one arm rope ext's for lateral head
    3w no rest arm to arm - high reps(20+) with forced reps tohig rep range with opposite arm
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-26-2017 at 03:25 PM.

  22. #51102
    Join Date
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    What's up everyone !!

    Glad to see everyone popping in. I miss this place.

    Nach I can't believe u still get a session in after ur issues. Be careful my friend.

    Ag you are wealth of knowledge man. You know something about everything lol!

    So today was first of PT , well kinda, just wanted to do a evaluation today. And I liked he's reasoning. If we did any movements or exercise plus the the evaluation stuff we wouldn't know what I was hurting or stiff the next day from.

    This pt place is huge and a big company, but the therapist was very personable and knowledgeable. Says it's a common issue, and thinks he knows the issue. (Doesn't mean it can be fix but good start) he used some big words for me to remember but I'm gonna get the info on Wednesday my next visit. Seems promising.

    Anyways , decided to weigh myself the other day. I'm down almost 20#. But to be fair, I was on tren about 1.5-2 months before the surgery. But still, little depressing. I didn't eat the entire time in hospital, and for about the first week out.

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  23. #51103
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    How are you feeling tonight, Sfla?

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  24. #51104
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    How are you feeling tonight, Sfla?

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    Honestly OOS I feel good. I walk and do everyday things right now. I mean I'm still sore from surgery but that's all expected. The only problem for me now is sitting. I mean it seems small by saying that, but the pain I feel when say I take a 10-15 min car ride, is probably some of the worst pain I ever felt. Much worse then before surgery.

    It's weird to me , but I need this figured out. Wednesday I'm calling short term disability to extend 2 weeks maybe even 4. I can take up to 90 days. I have a 30 min drive to work. There is absolutely no way I can do that at this point. but PT sounds promising. Even though he did say it's basically hit or miss type of thing, but he sounds like he knows the issue.

    Thank you for asking.

    ( still in the mind frame of regretting the surgery, I mean I was in constant pain before, maybe 6-8 pain level, but if I need another surgery, or say they can't fix this, wtf am I gonna do?)

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  25. #51105
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    That sounds promising, Sfla. Especially if.your therapist has an idea of what the fix for this problem might be. Hang tough, man!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #51106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    What's up everyone !!

    Glad to see everyone popping in. I miss this place.

    Nach I can't believe u still get a session in after ur issues. Be careful my friend.

    Ag you are wealth of knowledge man. You know something about everything lol!

    So today was first of PT , well kinda, just wanted to do a evaluation today. And I liked he's reasoning. If we did any movements or exercise plus the the evaluation stuff we wouldn't know what I was hurting or stiff the next day from.

    This pt place is huge and a big company, but the therapist was very personable and knowledgeable. Says it's a common issue, and thinks he knows the issue. (Doesn't mean it can be fix but good start) he used some big words for me to remember but I'm gonna get the info on Wednesday my next visit. Seems promising.

    Anyways , decided to weigh myself the other day. I'm down almost 20#. But to be fair, I was on tren about 1.5-2 months before the surgery. But still, little depressing. I didn't eat the entire time in hospital, and for about the first week out.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	169767

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    Thanks, Sfla, but any good knowledge I have is based on a lifetime of mistakes.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  27. #51107
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    Morning fellas and ladies.

  28. #51108
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    Morning, Cape.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  29. #51109
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    Hope this works

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  30. #51110
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    Afternoon Marcus Nach Cape Ag Clarky D running late today just popped in for someone who don't work I don't have enough time to do everything But I don't care either!

  31. #51111
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Afternoon Marcus Nach Cape Ag Clarky D running late today just popped in for someone who don't work I don't have enough time to do everything But I don't care either!
    Hey you old coyote.

  32. #51112
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    Got called in early, but hopefully this will give me the weekend off. Should be back in the groove Weds..night.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  33. #51113
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    Morning Gang

  34. #51114
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    Good morning Marcus Cape Nach Ag Clarky D

  35. #51115
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    OK, time to get back in the groove tonight! Spent about 20 min. with my shoulder under the IR lamp and am headed to bed.
    Y'all have a good one!

    Edit: Spoke with Clarky earlier. He was getting ready to attack his arms but I think he nailed all of the stuff he had to do for work and he is done with it now!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  36. #51116
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    Legs today. But for some reason I thought yesterday was Wednesday and did them yesterday. I didn't realize it until almost done. What a tard.

    Extensions: 2 moderately heavy, high reps (bout 20)
    Squats: 1 heavy, felt good for about 12 ish reps. Racked it and quickly contemplated another set then said F it and dropped a plate and did about 10 more.
    That hurt.
    Smith static lunges: 2 heavy, 10-12 reps
    Seated curls: 2 sets, 12-15 reps. After these I realized it wasn't Wednesday. Duh.
    Calf crap.

    Anyway, Alzheimers aside it was a great workout. Feeling it today.
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  37. #51117
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Legs today. But for some reason I thought yesterday was Wednesday and did them yesterday. I didn't realize it until almost done. What a tard.

    Extensions: 2 moderately heavy, high reps (bout 20)
    Squats: 1 heavy, felt good for about 12 ish reps. Racked it and quickly contemplated another set then said F it and dropped a plate and did about 10 more.
    That hurt.
    Smith static lunges: 2 heavy, 10-12 reps
    Seated curls: 2 sets, 12-15 reps. After these I realized it wasn't Wednesday. Duh.
    Calf crap.

    Anyway, Alzheimers aside it was a great workout. Feeling it today.
    Heard lots of good things about Namzaric [emoji16]

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  38. #51118
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Heard lots of good things about Namzaric [emoji16]

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    Let me know how it works for you please.
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  39. #51119
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    Sep 2012
    ^^^ I'm feel like I'm old enough to be on it!

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  40. #51120
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi fellas/ladies, well am back hahaha. Will catch up with everything. AG has been keeping me up to date with most things.
    Hope all is well with everyone. I have still been training as hard as i can, my arm is still fucked still waiting on the physio app.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20170628_175017.jpg 
Views:	383 
Size:	737.7 KB 
ID:	169776

    Side way pic for kel he he.
    Last edited by clarky.; 06-28-2017 at 01:01 PM.

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