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  1. #8041
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    Couldn't have said it or expressed it better myself marcus and haz. I am in the same camp as ye I need the gym as a stress relieve and helps me relax with the added benefit of you gain size also

  2. #8042
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Do you work a lot?
    Normal 80-90 hours a week.

    Edit.. No wonder everyone was shocked haha.. This is in a bi-weekly period, not weekly.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 11-29-2013 at 06:52 PM.

  3. #8043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Normal 80-90 hours a week.
    fuking hell that's a lot

  4. #8044
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    Geeze Igi - that's a lot! I'm impressed you make it haooen and get your training done. A lot of folks would use that as an excuse to let it slide. I'm impressed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Normal 80-90 hours a week.

  5. #8045
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    HAPPEN, I meant to say.
    Quote Originally Posted by Giggle View Post
    Geeze Igi - that's a lot! I'm impressed you make it haooen and get your training done. A lot of folks would use that as an excuse to let it slide. I'm impressed!

  6. #8046
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    My advantage is, when I'm not traveling, I typically work from home. So I can eat well and slide out to train most days.

  7. #8047
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Starting a cycle with only 6 weeks off will have a negative effect on your recovery, because your cycling so close you will have to push the boundaries of your previous cycles to get the benefit and this will also have a negative effect on your recover. Going on cycle to soon also is a major problem don't get me wrong I fully understand the mental pressure believe me some of the stuff I did was stupid but normally doing things stupid with hormones normally always results in trt sooner that you should be in life so remember that.

    I would rather see you maintain your gains through hard training and excellent diet and have adequate time off then spring board into the new cycle, time off could be used for pre cycle priming but many just are so obsessed with ive got to get back on gear approach when its not needed. Sides will rise gains will slow and the mental battle just gets out of control, be careful and understand the risks involved.
    If I wait another 4-6 weeks on top of what I planned on I should be in the clear right? that would put me at 10-12 week recovery time with a 4 week pct.

  8. #8048
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    If I wait another 4-6 weeks on top of what I planned on I should be in the clear right? that would put me at 10-12 week recovery time with a 4 week pct.
    What's the hurry? How long was you on your last cycle for and how well did you recover?

  9. #8049
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What's the hurry? How long was you on your last cycle for and how well did you recover?
    I was on 12 weeks. I haven't had BW done yet to see where I am. Im sure I have not recovered yet by the way I feel especially in the gym now. I haven't finished pct yet im waiting to get BW after I complete that. Last time ichecked my BW on my last cycle it was 6 weeks after pct time and I recovered fine. My test wasn't high but it wasn't low either.

  10. #8050
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post

    I was on 12 weeks. I haven't had BW done yet to see where I am. Im sure I have not recovered yet by the way I feel especially in the gym now. I haven't finished pct yet im waiting to get BW after I complete that. Last time ichecked my BW on my last cycle it was 6 weeks after pct time and I recovered fine. My test wasn't high but it wasn't low either.
    Chad did you mention earlier that you are planning to do a show? Is that why you don't want to wait as long as usual?

  11. #8051
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well said Marcus ^^^!

    Getting in the zone is easy for me. I'm just angry all the time anyway so it's a real short leap....
    Lmao. I'm so glad I'm not alone in that. I'm always angry too.

  12. #8052
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Chad did you mention earlier that you are planning to do a show? Is that why you don't want to wait as long as usual?
    Yes that's why. I don't want to put it off too long its just that itch that we get to back on cycle.. in my head "i gotta get back on...i gotta get back on..." mentality. Marcus is right though. I am def. jeopardizing my health and future trt i know.

  13. #8053
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    It is. By the time I walk out both my towel and singlet are drenched in sweat lol.. and the same guys that were doing bicep curls when I walked in there, were still doing bicep curls when I left, without breaking a sweat lol..

    Can't wait for Monday, itching for the next assault
    Those guys must be in every gym. Crack me up. Why bother? Lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Thanks Marcus. I really must try this. I usually go to the gym with a calm and almost resigned mentality. I know it's going to be painful and I am thinking of how to accept the pain. Must try the aggressive method and see if I can push more weight with this.
    The next time you get pissed off and want to smash something or someone's face, go to the gym instead. See what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Your damned right everyone has a release lol. What defines you is how you handle your stress. Some people turn to drugs, some people sink themselves into work, some enjoy gardening and yard work..... We love lifting :-)

    I always feel good leaving the gym. It's a great stress reliever and confidence booster. Lots of people don't understand this lifestyle..... But we do and that's all that matters
    Great quote. Funny thing is I've never met anyone who has spent any serious time living this lifestyle, training hard, eating well, etc. who said 'That sucked. Not for me.' Didn't have the discipline to keep doing it? Yes. Lots. But saying they felt crappy and didn't see any reason to do it? No.

  14. #8054
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Come on guys lets discuss how you try and open up the zone,

    What do you do and does it come easy for you?
    Great write up marcus.

    I'm not an angry person in that I walk around pissed off all the time but I definitely have a short fuse. As I got older I learned through the years to control my temper. Without getting into a lot of detail and history I'll just say I've got a lot of training in methods of channeling that into positive outlets. The gym is one of those outlets. Alcohol was one when I was young and not the anger management Jedi I am today. There are healthy ways to direct that energy, and there are unhealthy ways

    It's not hard for me to flip the 'fight response' switch and direct that energy into my lifting. When it's time to turn it off, I have no problem doing that either. People have commented on me at the gym as 'like being a different person'. I totally understand what they mean.

    I wasn't always able to do that. It took years for me to learn how to control this. It's something my dad still hasn't learned. Probably why it is so important to me.
    Last edited by Java Man; 11-29-2013 at 05:32 PM.

  15. #8055
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Come on guys lets discuss how you try and open up the zone,

    What do you do and does it come easy for you?
    I walk in the gym knowing im the badest motherfvcker in there and the weights will get moved no matter what. I cant loose.

    Even though its fictional its a good mind set for me to have. The only time I have to stop and mentaly prepare for a set is if the weight is really heavy, sometimes it takes me a minute or two before I harness all that energy

  16. #8056
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    I walk in the gym knowing im the badest motherfvcker in there
    Me too. Then again, I train alone in my basement.
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  17. #8057
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Yes that's why. I don't want to put it off too long its just that itch that we get to back on cycle.. in my head "i gotta get back on...i gotta get back on..." mentality. Marcus is right though. I am def. jeopardizing my health and future trt i know.
    If you keep a good watch on your internal workings like cholesterol, hematocrit, hepatic, renal, prostate size/function, etc. and make sure you spend much more time at better than normal values than you do under stressed values youre doing all you can IMO. When working with contest prep and the timing that involves thrown into the cycle planning where health is concerned you have to just do your best with it. None of us here in this thread are suicidal or reckless with their health I hope.

    If you have made a choice that competing on a stage is what you want, I guess there will be times where you can't always do the wisest thing healthwise - times when the timing just doesn't allow it and to have a chance at winning the show you take a hit on the health side.

    That's my feeling on it.

    This is not the central forum, it's marcus's thread. My opinion might be completely offensive to him or others here. this is not the opinion of Marcus300™.

  18. #8058
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Normal 80-90 hours a week.
    That's insane!
    I've been off the past week. Back for three weeks, then three more weeks off. Rough life.

  19. #8059
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    My advantage is, when I'm not traveling, I typically work from home. So I can eat well and slide out to train most days.
    I've got the same situation. I work 45-50hrs in the office but another 20-30hrs from home. If I wasn't able to do that from home and set my own schedule on the extra hours, that work would not get done.

  20. #8060
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    Annihilated legs today. I almost enjoyed doing legs today Kel .

    Get me a wheelchair.

  21. #8061
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Come on guys lets discuss how you try and open up the zone,

    What do you do and does it come easy for you?
    never really thought too much about this... usually before my working set i just take in a few deep breaths and apologize to my body for the pain that i am about to cause it lol...

    but trying to release built up anger/aggression inside of me sounds like a good plan (i usually just let sh!t build up until i explode in what i can only describe as 'uncontrollable rage', i've only ever felt like this twice in my life... the first time i ended up in jail..), that would definitely help me push more weight/reps.... some days i do go into the gym and just 'feel' strong...i don't know what i do differently on those days....

  22. #8062
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Yes that's why. I don't want to put it off too long its just that itch that we get to back on cycle.. in my head "i gotta get back on...i gotta get back on..." mentality. Marcus is right though. I am def. jeopardizing my health and future trt i know.
    Listnen to the guys chad. You are only setting yourself up to fail by jumping back on cycle. Im speaking from experience. Youve Made great gains and you look really good. Now its time to maintain the best you can. Why dont you do a pre cycle prime? Im doing it now with good results. Itl give you something to focus on and encourage a growth spurt when you go on cycle.
    Last edited by sawyer86; 11-29-2013 at 07:17 PM. Reason: spelling

  23. #8063
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    Quote Originally Posted by sawyer86 View Post
    Listnen to the guys chad. You are only setting yourself up to fail by jumping back on cycle. Im speaking from experience. Youve Made great gains and you look really good. Now its time to maintain the best you can. Why dont you do a pre cycle prime? Im doing it now with good results. Itl give you something to focus on and encourage a growth spurt when you go on cycle.
    Thank you Sawyer and thank you to everyone else. I have decided to wait until spring to cycle again. It is going to be a challenge mentally but I am up for it.

    Destroyed quads tonght. Im sick at my stomach sitting here feel horrible. 1 warm up with leg extensions. 4 sets squats ass to grass. 3 sets leg presses....they done me in. I pushed trough the barrier, if they don't respond to that then hell I don't know what will make them grow. Im calling it a night.

  24. #8064
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    Me too. Then again, I train alone in my basement.
    You are definetly the baddest guy in there

    That sht is hilarious lol

  25. #8065
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985

    Thank you Sawyer and thank you to everyone else. I have decided to wait until spring to cycle again. It is going to be a challenge mentally but I am up for it.

    Destroyed quads tonght. Im sick at my stomach sitting here feel horrible. 1 warm up with leg extensions. 4 sets squats ass to grass. 3 sets leg presses....they done me in. I pushed trough the barrier, if they don't respond to that then hell I don't know what will make them grow. Im calling it a night.
    Smart man on waiting.

    And you know you are working hard when you start puking.

    Just finished shoulders and arms and had a couple puke sessions (probably because im still digesting food from yeaterday)now about to stuff my face with sushi.
    Last edited by Mp859; 11-29-2013 at 07:59 PM.

  26. #8066
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Thank you Sawyer and thank you to everyone else. I have decided to wait until spring to cycle again. It is going to be a challenge mentally but I am up for it.

    Destroyed quads tonght. Im sick at my stomach sitting here feel horrible. 1 warm up with leg extensions. 4 sets squats ass to grass. 3 sets leg presses....they done me in. I pushed trough the barrier, if they don't respond to that then hell I don't know what will make them grow. Im calling it a night.
    Good and good.
    IDK how old you are chad I'm sure you've probably said before but I don't remember offhand. Health should never be less than #1 in priorities. I realize people who make their living off this sport have to do what they have to do but I doubt if any of them go into that career thinking they will live a normal life span. If you read the 2nd paragraph I wrote it has a bit of reverse psychology in it. True to a career bb perhaps but sounds absurd to anyone else.

  27. #8067
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Come on guys lets discuss how you try and open up the zone,

    What do you do and does it come easy for you?
    For me getting in "that" zone doesn't come all that easily. I'm generally laid back and internalize stress until I snap so for me it's not as simple as turning on a switch. It usually takes several warm up sets and a lot of focus and concentration til I'm mentally ready to really get after it.

    I listen to music, not so much because it's motivating, which it is to a certain extent, but mostly to block out other distractions at the gym. Once I get focused and in my zone I really don't even hear the music anymore as it's just in the background and I'm hearing my breathing and me talking to myself in my head.

    I tend to use images that I concentrate on while lifting. I'll think of my pecs as being massive slabs of meat and the 150lb dumbells I'm pressing as little toys that are no match for me to press. I really picture the muscle group I'm working as being almost super hero like and the weight as insignificant and tiny.

    When the pain and burning sets in I imagine myself as a machine with no feeling so that what I feel ir think about the pain has no bearing on continuing. It's almost like I'm a robot and the emotional part of not being able to complete that last rep due to fear or pain goes right out the window. A machine would have no second guessing or reservations about completing the workout beyond failure so that's what I try to become. A simple machine with a task to complete and no emotion to second guess or doubt the ability or pain involved in completing what I've set out to do.

    I sound like a real head case lol. I guess I am but that's what keeps me sane, or close to it.

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  28. #8068
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    Branch Warren vid

  29. #8069
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    Damn that form though...

  30. #8070
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    For me getting in "that" zone doesn't come all that easily. I'm generally laid back and internalize stress until I snap so for me it's not as simple as turning on a switch. It usually takes several warm up sets and a lot of focus and concentration til I'm mentally ready to really get after it.

    I listen to music, not so much because it's motivating, which it is to a certain extent, but mostly to block out other distractions at the gym. Once I get focused and in my zone I really don't even hear the music anymore as it's just in the background and I'm hearing my breathing and me talking to myself in my head.

    I tend to use images that I concentrate on while lifting. I'll think of my pecs as being massive slabs of meat and the 150lb dumbells I'm pressing as little toys that are no match for me to press. I really picture the muscle group I'm working as being almost super hero like and the weight as insignificant and tiny.

    When the pain and burning sets in I imagine myself as a machine with no feeling so that what I feel ir think about the pain has no bearing on continuing. It's almost like I'm a robot and the emotional part of not being able to complete that last rep due to fear or pain goes right out the window. A machine would have no second guessing or reservations about completing the workout beyond failure so that's what I try to become. A simple machine with a task to complete and no emotion to second guess or doubt the ability or pain involved in completing what I've set out to do.

    I sound like a real head case lol. I guess I am but that's what keeps me sane, or close to it.
    Youre in good company sarge. No more head case than anyone else who loves this


  31. #8071
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Damn that form though...
    Go tell HIM that video! Make sure you get it on video!

  32. #8072
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    I thought the same thing though. The form looked very bouncy. He's doing something right

  33. #8073
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I thought the same thing though. The form looked very bouncy. He's doing something right
    Of corse he's going something right. Didn't you see his muscletech hat. GNC for me tomorrow!

  34. #8074
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Annihilated legs today. I almost enjoyed doing legs today Kel .

    Get me a wheelchair.

    When you can honestly remove that word, I'd do them with ya.
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  35. #8075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I sound like a real head case lol. .
    Not a bit Sgt, not a bit.
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  36. #8076
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    I was on 12 weeks. I haven't had BW done yet to see where I am. Im sure I have not recovered yet by the way I feel especially in the gym now. I haven't finished pct yet im waiting to get BW after I complete that. Last time ichecked my BW on my last cycle it was 6 weeks after pct time and I recovered fine. My test wasn't high but it wasn't low either.
    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Yes that's why. I don't want to put it off too long its just that itch that we get to back on cycle.. in my head "i gotta get back on...i gotta get back on..." mentality. Marcus is right though. I am def. jeopardizing my health and future trt i know.
    Get bloods taken 6 weeks after pct and see how you are,

    when is the contest and are you 100% sure your going to be doing it?

    How old are you?

    Would it bother you going on trt for life in the next year or two?

    I know how you feel and the mental battle what is going on inside your head, just way up the risks involved. You do know there is only way your natural test is going to go if your continue to go on cycle without adequate rest in between.

  37. #8077
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Great write up marcus.

    I'm not an angry person in that I walk around pissed off all the time but I definitely have a short fuse. As I got older I learned through the years to control my temper. Without getting into a lot of detail and history I'll just say I've got a lot of training in methods of channeling that into positive outlets. The gym is one of those outlets. Alcohol was one when I was young and not the anger management Jedi I am today. There are healthy ways to direct that energy, and there are unhealthy ways

    It's not hard for me to flip the 'fight response' switch and direct that energy into my lifting. When it's time to turn it off, I have no problem doing that either. People have commented on me at the gym as 'like being a different person'. I totally understand what they mean.

    I wasn't always able to do that. It took years for me to learn how to control this. It's something my dad still hasn't learned. Probably why it is so important to me.
    That's great to here and well done, its a big achievement

  38. #8078
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    I walk in the gym knowing im the badest motherfvcker in there and the weights will get moved no matter what. I cant loose.

    Even though its fictional its a good mind set for me to have. The only time I have to stop and mentaly prepare for a set is if the weight is really heavy, sometimes it takes me a minute or two before I harness all that energy
    Excellent lol, positive thinking and well done

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Me too. Then again, I train alone in my basement.
    Basement??? your odd

    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    never really thought too much about this... usually before my working set i just take in a few deep breaths and apologize to my body for the pain that i am about to cause it lol...

    but trying to release built up anger/aggression inside of me sounds like a good plan (i usually just let sh!t build up until i explode in what i can only describe as 'uncontrollable rage', i've only ever felt like this twice in my life... the first time i ended up in jail..), that would definitely help me push more weight/reps.... some days i do go into the gym and just 'feel' strong...i don't know what i do differently on those days....
    Ahhh your a great example of learning and releasing that inner anger what you have got inside. Try it next time and take yourself away into that exact same time were you lost control and feel the emotions flowing then try and transfer them into the working set. Once you have released the adrenalin you can take yourself out of that mind set and straight into the working set. Let me know how you get on

  39. #8079
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Thank you Sawyer and thank you to everyone else. I have decided to wait until spring to cycle again. It is going to be a challenge mentally but I am up for it.

    Destroyed quads tonght. Im sick at my stomach sitting here feel horrible. 1 warm up with leg extensions. 4 sets squats ass to grass. 3 sets leg presses....they done me in. I pushed trough the barrier, if they don't respond to that then hell I don't know what will make them grow. Im calling it a night.
    Wooow a total change around within a few posts well done but I know that devil on your shoulder will be tapping fuk out of you sooner enough but try and use this time to maintain and get ready for the next cycle, I know I push it but pls try priming it will shock you what its capable of doing

  40. #8080
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    For me getting in "that" zone doesn't come all that easily. I'm generally laid back and internalize stress until I snap so for me it's not as simple as turning on a switch. It usually takes several warm up sets and a lot of focus and concentration til I'm mentally ready to really get after it.

    I listen to music, not so much because it's motivating, which it is to a certain extent, but mostly to block out other distractions at the gym. Once I get focused and in my zone I really don't even hear the music anymore as it's just in the background and I'm hearing my breathing and me talking to myself in my head.

    I tend to use images that I concentrate on while lifting. I'll think of my pecs as being massive slabs of meat and the 150lb dumbells I'm pressing as little toys that are no match for me to press. I really picture the muscle group I'm working as being almost super hero like and the weight as insignificant and tiny.

    When the pain and burning sets in I imagine myself as a machine with no feeling so that what I feel ir think about the pain has no bearing on continuing. It's almost like I'm a robot and the emotional part of not being able to complete that last rep due to fear or pain goes right out the window. A machine would have no second guessing or reservations about completing the workout beyond failure so that's what I try to become. A simple machine with a task to complete and no emotion to second guess or doubt the ability or pain involved in completing what I've set out to do.

    I sound like a real head case lol. I guess I am but that's what keeps me sane, or close to it.
    I like your style sgt, you sound like you can tap into it without any issues that's great and I fully understand what your saying

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