I killed legs today and didn't pre exhaust for once
Warmed up on leg extension
then went into hack squats and went for some serious weight, just went to failure and didn't use any other protocol. On my last set to failure my legs were shaking and had no spotter and it took all my strength to push myself up.
Then went into squatting - again went heavy because I felt good and my back was feeling strong, went heavier than I have been for a long time and push them out to failure - really please
db lunges -constant tension ones and collapsed on my last working set and drop the bell on the bridge of my foot, fuking hurt but not as much as the pain in my quads.
leg extension
2 sets to failure -
lying leg curls
2 sets to failure
seated calves raises
standing calf raises
Serious leg workout and my legs are on fire,![]()
I do a lot of stretching for my back while training and also my biceps, they say it weakens your lifts but not for me it makes that body part explode more in size, what ive done with stretching for my back is out of this world and my biceps well I stretch those fuker when I use to put large amounts of oil in them and that was extremely painful to the point of tears in my eyes but it was kind of nice feeling.
I never bounce just static stretching and really expand that muscle group I am training. I also do it on chest at various angles and some on my quads but not a lot. The biggest muscle groups I tend to do a lot is back and biceps. I also have a metal ball massager what is heavy which I use or I get my lady to stand on my with the heal of her foot and squeeze out the fibers and any knots
The gym was full today and many guys were watching me which made me feel good, I love it and I want so much to be bigger and shock everyone what size I have. Ive got the devil and angel thing happening again on my shoulders and its a constant battle but when I see guys talk about me or point at me it feeds the fire in me to a point I cant describe, well I could but you would think I was crazy. I think that's one of the reasons why I had such a productive workout today.
Great leg work out Marcus, always worried about dropping the weights on db lunges on your feet must have been interesting
Sounds nice and intense marcus.. you took your legs to war today.
You are crazy.. you're tapped in the head with multiple screws lose. Certifiably insane. We all strive to be as crazy as you one day. Until then, we follow in your footsteps.
I use straps to make sure that doesn't happen.
Good call igi, might use them myself
I do have a very serious side to me. Usually most of my day is very serious and stressful that's why I come here and have some fun. I would say I'm obsessive in the things I do and I was a little crazy when I was younger. I just love training and putting my body through hell and watch it grow.
Back/bis today
close grip pull downs, then t-bar heavy then drop set
Flat bench rows. Heavy 120s, drop set with slow reps, sqeezed at the top
Went to failure with straight bar pull downs
Hammer strength for warm up.
Single arm preacher curls heavy, with forced reps, then RP
Reverse ez bar curls
Seated incline DB curls. made this hurt
Forearm movements.. 30 mins cardio.
Pretty intense.. sweat like crazy. Took a little longer than I wanted to but still recovering from being sick I think.
216lbs todayAnother personal heaviest.
Good job igi sounds intense and fast
damn, despit being sick you gain a pound..wtf lol
Lol.. you noticed![]()
I barely ate anything Friday.. but made up for it yesterday and today
Agreed, it almost always is.Originally Posted by kelkel
I use to calculate my TDEE and then put together a daily meal plan with the correct marcos to suit what ever my goals were, I did this for years and I would weigh every single thing what went into my mouth and I actually wrote it down when on cycle to see what gave me the better bigger gains, yes I was slightly obsessed when younger I had my own business which gave me the free time, money and opportunities to push forward with bodybuilding, these days are so different but that's not the reason why things changed for me regarding my diet.
Year after year I would count every single calorie and change accordingly to which every goal I wanted to achieve. I met a guy who wont mention his name who started to show me how to train different, design stacks differently and also look at my diet in a whole different way, this guy was coached pro's and was very active in the UK on the underground scene. On the diet side of things he said I wasn't eating enough and my body was ready to explode if I fed it differently and didn't hold it back. I could see through my obsession calculating every calorie that i was gaining but also holding myself back. Oh no I am starting to waffle again but in all honestly if I just answered your two question without any explanation on the why's and don'ts it wouldn't serve any purpose so forgive me but I will expand on the questions you asked me to hopefully help you get a better understanding on what I do. Anyway I will just concentrate on the diet things I started to change for now and I started to follow what he told me, I started to eat a lot more and sometimes introduced the 24/7 feeding when on cycle this worked for me and my metabolism at the time and I would study my body how it changed with every aspect of bodybuilding diet, training, aas and I would change things up in which ever area what I needed to.
I would advice everyone to calculated their TDEE and put together a daily meal plan with the correct marcos otherwise you have no idea what you putting inside yourself or what you need to adjust. But for me these days I don't calculate my TDEE or work out my marcos I know how much I need to eat to maintain just by looking at it and I know by understanding my body and watching it if I need to change things up, usually I will know within 2 weeks that I may be eating to much and I am adding bf or I am not eating enough but I don't yo yo I maintain because I know exactly what I need to eat. All these calculations what many advice by these beach bodybuilders who look like they have never lifted a weight in their lifes are just reading out of text books but our bodies are all different some guys may need far more than what their TDEE is telling them and other a lot less. Itsjust a rough guide you follow but the best guide to watch is your own body how it reacts over a set period of time. I always go with 2 weeks you know if your not eating enough or eating to much by knowing your own body and then you adjust the cals to suit by the response your body is giving you, learn your own body is my advice and watch it and adjust accordingly. I know Kel is exactly like me and doesn't count one single thing because he's been doing that long and knows his body inside out and doesn't need to know how may grams of pro are in 2 chicken breasts or how much carbs are in a handful of brown rice because he knows what his body needs just by learning from over the years.
Again, I am having another go at the beach bodybuilders who know fuk all who give advice here, when your a guy is carrying some serious muscle lets say something in the region of 220lbs+ - 260lbs+ it takes a hell of a lot of food to maintain this kind of size and structure this is what many of these diet beach guys don't understand because they carry 160-200lbs of shit and to maintain some serious muscle you got to eat a hell of a lot of food unless you have some unbelievable genetics and you can eat like a 200lbs man and carry extremes amounts of muscle. You got to eat all day long and clean to support this tissue and also build further tissue. Things changed for me once I started to eat serious and I mean I ate and ate all day long and sometime through the night and I didn't gain any fat, at one stage I was 6% bf at 245lbs and I looked like I was carved out of granite and the amount of food I was eating was gut wrenching thats because I knew my body and I knew what I had to do to maintain, build and lose bf while eating big, I've also been up to around the 270lb mark which isn't good for me.
When I had internet clients it would take me weeks to compile a proper eating plan and I would need daily/weekly feedback and photos of how they look at a certain amount of calories I've put them on, only after weeks I would know that this guy needs to eat a lot more or less or maybe just fine adjustments every week, but things cant be worked out by just your height, weight and bf it takes weeks to understanding your own body and then you work off that. Its fine as a guide like I've mentioned but watch and learn from your body it will tell you a lot of things no text book can.
My daily/weekly diet doesn't really change that much I usually stick to the same foods if you want an example what I had yesterday which wasn't much to be honest
M1 - shake consisting of - Whey pro, oats, banana, creatine, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries
M2- turkey mince balls with chilli's, onion and peppers on a bed of rice and some asparagus
M3 - shake -oats, whey and banana
M4- 7 eggs 4 yolks and potatoes with a sprinkle olive oil and curry powder on the potatoes before cooking them
M5 - 2 chicken breasts, salad, sweet chilli, garlic, peppers mixed with some rice
M6 - Tuna and 7 eggs mixed together with some mayo and some of my rice mixture
M7 - whey, peanut butter, and cottage cheese
I also snack on nuts throughout the day or make pro flapjacks with nuts. I will eat around 6-8 meals per day the amount of meals change for me depending what I am doing these days when I am working things can be very hard at times its impossible to suddenly stop and eat a meal so I do have shakes and I have a few of them because if I cant eat something because something is happening what is very important I will just drink a shake out of my bag and I am ready to go, sometimes even though its not ideal I will end up having 3-4 shakes due to what I had to do that day but when I have free time I will eat around 6-7 small meals throughout the day, if I go on cycle and I want to burst out of my skin I will eat or drink during the night and when I haven't ate that much that day I will eat during the night when I get up to to add further cals my body needs to maintain the tissue I've got.
When I am on cycle I will eat the same things as I normally do but more or bigger meals, I will add around another 500-1000 cals and adjust after 10-12 days, as my weight increases I will adjust the cals further upwards to 1500-2000cals and see what happens, it also depends on how much I want to gain and maintain because it all needs maintaining afterwards which again were many fail, so my daily meal plans of what I eat doesn't change just the amounts and more meals does on a bulk, but what I do is adjust around every 10-14 days to how my body is reacting, these days I put on bf easy than when I was younger so I do fine adjustments. I also cheat usually one day at the weekend were I will eat a ton of food which includes nothing what would aid maintaining my size/tissue but this kind of speeds my metabolism up and springs me into further growth or speeds up the cutting just depends how my glycogen levels are if I slightly depleted them during the week or not. I am not a robot anymore but I use to eat clean all the time no matter what everything what went into my mouth was to support or build new tissue. These days I do add sauces and add things to help me get down the amount of food I have to, all I will do is adjust cardio to suit.
My prime diet is worked off my maintenance diet, I use my prime to do many things I can adjust it to do a pre cycle prime or I can adjust it further to help cut bf while maintaining tissue. I love carb cycling and it also helps me to eat what every I like at certain times when I've depleted a little to much on purpose so I can binge. For a pre cycle prime its simple I will cut my carbs which are worked off my maintenance diet by 40% for 3 days and then do 1 day high carbs which would be 15% higher than my maintenance diet carbs, I will adjust thing over the next 7 days and extend the low carb days to 4 and to even 5 as time goes on depending on how many body is reacting. Pre cycle prime will last around 6 weeks - 8 weeks then spring board right into the building phase into the cycle, if your carb sensitive then reintroduce your carbs slowly over the first two weeks if your not hit them hard and grow.
If your wanting to cut bf I would us the prime/ carb cycling approach again but remember I don't recommend these calories restricted diets what reduce your bf at the cost of your precious muscle tissue you have gone through hell to build to just waste away, yet again these stupid beach bodybuilders who look like they have never lifted a weight in their life recommend and have no idea what they are talking about, you better not getting me on this one or all hell will break loose as the odd one you will knowbut when your big you got to eat big its that simple. You don't go straight into a calories restricted diet and increase your cardio and step into a t3/eca stack or clen all at once for gods sake its muscle tissue suicide. What you do is minor changes little things. Me personally don't even touch my cals all I do is increase my cardio slowly and watch my body change once it comes to a brIck wall with results I introduce or add something else like carb cycling but again slowly a bit of glycogen depletion and some reloads, then adjust as the body gets use to it. The body adapts to things all the time that's why you don't do everything all at once you do it slowly and add things over time. This is a huge mistake what more or less 90% of guys do build some muscle and then do a cut and drop your bf right down which is great but at the cost of precious muscle tissue what's one of the hardest things to build and maintain. The secret is to drop bf while maintaining huge amounts of muscle, that's why you see these beach bodybuilders who look like shit sprouting their mouths off sounding like they know everything what know fuk all and look like shit, do you really thing they want to look like they have never lifted a weight in their life's, hell no its because they cant build and save the muscle they are trapped in the dark ages and totally brain washed.
Sorry guys going off track but you get my point this is what I do and recommend all my clients to do and everyone who asks me for advice to do
Last edited by marcus300; 01-06-2014 at 01:17 PM.
Holy fck what a post marcus, you couldn't summise it better if you tried epic
Fvck the newspaper, that was all I needed for today. VERY interesting Marcus and really thank you for letting us into your head like that.
I have actually never done a true pre cycle prime, at least not the correct way as you outline in your wafflewill definitely be doing this for the next one.
Personally trying to stay 5-700 above TDEE which seems to be my sweet spot. I can do more but my bf% seems to increase more than desired.
Thanks again
#truthOriginally Posted by kelkel
Excellent post, Marcus!! Thanks for taking the time to write that up and for sharing the information. It answered my questions perfectly and is another bit of info I'm printing for reference.
Thanks again....Really great post!!
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Thanks guys, its gives you a outline what I use to do and do now. Its all about learning about yourself and putting things in place to improve your bf while maintaining your muscle tissue you have built. I could have carried on and on but I was waffling fast and furious on that one but glad you get the basic things I do.
My legs are in bits today, could hardly get in bed last night every time I lifted my leg up to get in it cramped. I did some damage go for the heavy weights to failure and they are sore all over, very tender to touch and a fair bit of pain which is good.
Whatever works right? For me it's an alternative to simply stave off boredom in my little dungeon. I do them every now and then.
Frequent giant set for me would be:
(after warm ups on all movements)
Vertical press
All done heavy to positive failure with no rest in between. Then repeat once. It'll hurt you as you well know. Take someone who's not used to doing this and put them through it hard and they'll lose their lunch. Quads get incredibly pumped doing this. Something like this may be good for some of the guys here occasionally as well. Shock the muscle a bit.
Marcus. Read your post on diet. Very nice indeed.
Any different advise for girly trying to cut to places the body doesn't specifically care to go? I noticed carb cycling. Anything else?
wow i just learned more in this thread alone than the past 45 minutes of searching through this board....thank you marcus300
Awesome bro. Stick around and hang out with us!Originally Posted by jr292
De load week this week: so all light weight and just highish reps to get a small amount of blood flow. Did chest it was nice, flat, incline, decline and flies.
Then cardio and home re feeding now
For BP benefit or just because? If for BP benefit was there any immediate difference?Originally Posted by Rusty11
Doc only orders complete bw once per year. He does the basics every 6 months. Anyway, he doubled my gel dose last year and when I had recent bw, hct was 54.5 and hgb was 18.3. I donated asap. Never donated before that time. Today, 2 months later, hemoglobin was at 15.8 and hct around 47. I was releived. Yes, bp was steadily going up. During the past two months, I lowered my daily t dose about 25% and cut out a lot of iron-rich foods. The hot phlebotomy tech stated that I should see a reduction in bp as my hct/hemoglobin decreases. It has been around 130-135/85. Some days, higher. Sorry for the looong answer.
Edit...didnt answer your question: Yes, I've experienced lower bp during this past month. Not much, but every bit helps.
Last edited by Rusty11; 01-06-2014 at 04:54 PM.
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